Title : 2636-2641: An Oops and a Thank You from Lincoln County Watch
link : 2636-2641: An Oops and a Thank You from Lincoln County Watch
2636-2641: An Oops and a Thank You from Lincoln County Watch
2636-2641: An Oops and a Thank You from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
I was really saddened to hear that Ron Gibson was involved with the new "Colorado Nine" --- and really happy to find out that he's not!
Apparently, Ron Gibson was being confused with another guy named Ron --- who does live in Oregon. So Ron Gibson contacted me yesterday and said, hey, no, not me. I am making the effort to declare my status. I'm an American.
That's the key. Being an American.
When all this began, the pundits said, "You have to show us that you have "a presence" of at least 35 people in a majority of at least 37 states before we will take you seriously."
We have populated all fifty states and have properly declared State Assemblies in all fifty states in less than a year without any outside help or special funding.
Once Americans are clued in and motivated, things happen.
Astounded, now the international community is trying to move the goalposts.
Instead of a modest showing of hands to prove that actual Americans still exist, they now want us to demonstrate that at least half of the population is "on our side".
Well, there really isn't a side to this. You're either an American or you're not.
And our government is a republican government, not a democracy, so we are not under any obligation to have (or show) any 51% majority (that's the Other Guys who bought into that) but it tickles my fancy anyway.
In its entire history, the British Territorial Government, operating the famous "democracy" that we have all heard about, has never been able to get a popular majority mandate. Ever.
I think that we, the actual government of, for, and by the People of this country, can demonstrate an overwhelming majority. Once everyone wakes up and sees the choices, it will be a no-brainer.
Peace or war? Uh....
Wealth or poverty? Dunno....
Sound money or fiat? Ah....
Health or disease? Well....
Credit or debt? Uh....
Freedom or liberty? Well, ah.....
Self-governance or foreign oppression? Uh, uh....
Can you sort your way through this list and pick the right answers? Are you an American or some sort of "US Citizen"?
There was a time, a century and a half ago, when certain groups of people didn't have a choice--- but you do. All of you. Black and white, rich and poor. You can all come home now.
Welcome home, Ron Gibson!
There are many people who are sitting on their rumps, "sheltering in place", vaguely wondering when and if someone is going to come save them and make sense of their lives for them.
They don't yet understand that they have to be their own answer and take their own action. They haven't sorted through their list of choices.
But when they do, even the dumbest stump among us is going to make the right choices. So, come on!
We don't have to come up with a majority mandate, because we are not a democracy and never have been, but I'll give you odds that once people wake up and see their choices, we'll have a majority without breaking a sweat.
Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is to wake up your friends and neighbors and show them what the choices are. Then ask them --- are you an American? And if necessary, nod their heads for them.
Yes, I am an American. I am a Californian. I'm a Minnesotan.... I'm a New Yorker.... I'm a Virginian.... and the list goes on.
Thank you, all of you, who have answered the call to come home. Thank you, all of you, who continue to work as volunteers in this mighty effort. Thank you, all those who have contributed your money and your prayers. We continue to need both. We are on the Final Lap of many projects.
Our Land Recording System is now live and the blockchain is activated. This service means that you will never again have to argue with obstructive clerks or pay exorbitant fees. No more courthouse vigils to make sure that your land patents and other public notices are secure. It means that you have a safe place to record --- not register --- the names and birthdays and lineage of your children.
The volunteers who made this possible are Americans. Go figure.
The fastest way to get funds to us is still via PayPal at: avannavon@gmail.com. Donations of other kinds can be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
I know that a lot of you are scared and out of work and everything else, but the answer to this entire situation is staring you in the face: your own government. And it needs your support.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
Another News Flash --
By Anna Von Reitz
We have 185,000 Municipal corporations operating in our States and all of them are here illegally and in violation of The Constitution of the United States.
And both the Popes and the British Monarchs knew this and allowed and promoted it anyway.
Now that all the deceits and frauds and cover-ups have been dragged out into the light ----and justice and correction is being demanded by the American States and People--- what is their reply?
After milking and bilking our country for a 150 years, after using our men and women as cheap mercenaries and gun fodder, after stealing our natural resources to enrich themselves for over 150 years----- they are funding a fake insurrection and trying to pretend that this uproar is being spontaneously created by black people in America.
How convenient.
They blame it on their victims.
They blame the phony "insurrection" on paid rioters and use this as an excuse to invade our country, but the truth is inevitable --- and known.
There are 185,000 illegally constructed Municipal corporations that need to be liquidated or otherwise returned to proper management in this country. This is true and it will remain true no matter what.
No matter how they kick and scream, the facts are the facts.
The Municipalities and Boroughs and UN Corp holdings are all here illegally and they all need to be returned to The United States of America ---- our unincorporated Federation of States, as part of the recompense owed.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
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Good Cop, Bad Cop
By Anna Von Reitz
Along with being taught to lie, the private corporate security forces play games. Lots of them. One of those games is "Good Cop, Bad Cop".
In one variation of this game, both partners wear the same uniform, but one pretends to be sympathetic, and the other pretends to be a real bad hombre. The "good cop" plays for trust and wheedles and tries to gain favors from the victim. The "bad cop" threatens and intimidates.
It's just the carrot and the stick applied to people instead of donkeys.
In another variation of the game, the "good cop" wears a different uniform, perhaps a plain clothes uniform, perhaps pretending to be of a higher rank or from a different agency. The "good cop" again plays the sympathetic role and appears to be able to protect the victim from the "bad cop" --- in exchange for information or confession or permission to search or whatever else they are after.
Sad to say, by their own misguided training programs, these men and women are rendered Bad Cops, because a dishonest cop who coerces and lies and misleads is a dishonest cop---- and who needs more hypocrites and more Players?
The world has more than enough of both.
There are, of course, exceptions --- people who actually have moral fiber, people who joined the police forces for noble reasons, and who are good men and women. Unfortunately, they are placed into an environment that requires a daily internecine battle with scags --- not only with criminals on the street, but criminals within their own ranks.
And worse than that, they have to put up with worthless, evil politicians misdirecting them and giving them absurd, criminal orders, or leaving them "stood down" so they can't do the jobs that we hired them all to do.
What was that job? ---- For the politicians and their corporations and their "private security forces"? To protect us.
That's right. The only reason for a government to exist, and they are failing to provide the one critical thing that a government is hired to provide. They lost their way. Forgot who they work for. Got fooled by the middlemen.
And here they are, great lumps who can't figure out who actually pays their paychecks. Or the reason they were hired.
Remind them.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
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Antifa is a False Flag -- A Message for Pope Francis
By Anna Von Reitz
The airwaves are a-blaze with warnings --- large shipments of automatic weapons delivered to Antifa in Portland and elsewhere, Mexican armored vehicles and drug cartels massed on our Southern border, etc.
If Antifa is used as the "cause" of the nastiness, it can't be called a "Civil War" and the Pope and his henchmen can't be blamed for what comes after.
So they think. They will be blamed. They will pay for their sins. And not just by dying in the flesh.
For men who are so deceitful and who have so much practice in diabolical reasoning, they really aren't at all creative. They are trying to pull here what they pull in Banana Republics all over the world to create a change of government --- and merely to save their own necks.
But it isn't going to work this time.
This time, Gideon's Army is present.
This time, the lies are all known.
Ask yourselves how, despite the CIA, the DIA, DARPA, the National Laboratories, NSA, Homeland Security, DHS, FBI, and Lord only knows how many other "security agencies" ----- that large quantities of weapons could be delivered to Antifa in Portland or anywhere else in this country without those shipments being stopped?
Of course, it is an Inside Job. Of course, it is being expedited, planned, and carried out by the joint efforts of both the Municipal and Territorial Subcontractors that don't even have any right to be on our soil apart from their "service obligations".
Of course, the Pope is sitting there like a spider in his web, doing nothing but promote the situation and planning to create enough of a mess to validate the bloodbath they are promoting as cover for their own guilt.
But this time we know who and what the Enemy is. This time the facts are exposed and the perpetrators are known and they will not escape the fury of the Primal Creator.
A different kind of VAXX is coming for them. Poetic justice.
Of course, "the" UN, like "the" US is nothing but a front for corporations "acting as" governments.
You see, they really aren't very bright. They find one trick pony and ride it until it drops.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
News Flash --- from 1907
By Anna Von Reitz
I am forever amazed by the way the enemies of all free people everywhere bury news and burn books, which amounts to my appreciation for how circumscribed, controlled, gutless, and generally incompetent journalists and the defenders of public --- as in "publicly funded" --- education actually are.
If they weren't all of the above and more, we wouldn't have this situation in this country or anywhere else in the world. The Fourth Estate is more like the Fourth Little Whorehouse in Texas and the Educators stand in sore need to be educated, with or without public funding.
Case in point: there are no "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" and there haven't been since 1907.
Lawfully, the only Municipal citizenry there is or has ever been, consists of the Municipal elements of the Federal Civil Service and their dependents, members of the Congress, and those born in the Municipality of Washington, DC.
In 1868, a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, infringed upon our Good Name and trademarks and deliberately sought to confuse itself with our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
As part and parcel of this fraud scheme, they published a new "constitution" and called it "The Constitution of the United States of America" --- which should have been called "The Constitution of the United States of America, Incorporated".
This promoted confusion between their corporate "constitution" and the actual Territorial Constitution (1789).
One must realize that the word "constitution" is a generic term for an agreement involving debt.
The debt related to the actual Territorial Constitution of 1789 is the debt owed by the States for services provided by the Territorial subcontractors.
The debt related to the phony 1868 look-alike "constitution" amounted to war reparations owed to the Territorial Government and its Northern business partners by the Southerners and the Municipal citizens that sided with the South.
The 1789 Constitution is a trust indenture, a treaty, and a service contract between Principals implementing the terms of the treaties ending The War of Independence.
The 1868 "Constitution" is a deceptive Articles of Incorporation for a British-based commercial corporation intent on collecting war reparations.
The perpetrators promptly created new By-Laws to their foreign charter, misrepresented these corporate By-Laws as "Amendments" and passed the 14th Amendment.
We have since proven that no such Amendment, or any Amendment after the 13th, was ratified by the actual States of the Union.
The 14th Amendment conferred Municipal citizenship on freed black plantation slaves and other "colored persons" without their knowledge or consent and made them liable for the war reparations.
In other words, the vermin freed the plantation slaves with one hand, and enslaved them again with the other. They abolished private slave ownership at the same time they institutionalized public slave ownership.
They transferred this very valuable "human commodity" to their own benefit and taxed these innocent people and seized their estates and private assets-- including the value of their labor-- as collateral backing their own debts. Over time, they schemed to do the same thing to all of us.
They re-defined the meaning of "colored person" to include "people of color" in the same sense as "color of law" --- that is, "persons" in other words, and redefined "person" to mean "corporation", and embraced the concept of "White Negroes", too, in their effort to enslave living people and to seize upon their assets as collateral backing government debts.
No more vile, lawless, unconscionable, or venal scheme has ever been hatched.
But in 1906-07 the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt, taking it's corporate charter, the phony "constitution", and its "Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States" with it.
Now, it's all over except the Fat Lady singing. There is no "Fourteenth Amendment" pertaining to any American and never has been. No Sixteenth Amendment, either.
The entire set up was a confidence racket and fraud scheme, and the nastiness promoted by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration as The New Deal was even worse and more insidious.
Officially, the New Deal only applied to Municipal Civil Servants --- a tiny number of people, but by skillful word-smithing and deliberate omissions and disinformation campaigns, FDR was able to make false commercial claims of ownership against the American people and enabled to "take title" to vast amounts of American resources. Take a close look at the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the suffering it inflicted.
They think they are going to get away with it, again, too. This is the source of the orders that American farmers received this spring, telling them to destroy their crops in the field.
The Vermin now imagine that they are going to "re-up" their false claims of ownership against Americans by buying "donated" DNA (see Larry Fink's efforts to buy Ancestry.com) and by injecting patented RNA vaccines "mandated" by the Municipal Government (but only applicable to actual Municipal citizens) -- which will change the victim's natural DNA matrix and create a "new" product owned by the patent holders.
LOL. So they say.
Larry Fink needs a court order dissolving Black Rock, Inc. for crimes against humanity, and Bill Gates needs the same done to him.
All those who continue to promote slavery of any kind in a world where slavery has been officially abolished since 1926 need their rumps cut off and handed to them.
And all the numbnutz local honchos who think that they have the authority to impose or presume "Municipal citizenship" upon anyone or to mandate vaccinations or force medical procedures or mask mandates on Americans need to know otherwise.
They need to get the news circa 1907: there are no "Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States" to presume upon.
Come to that, there was no actual Fourteenth Amendment. And no authority for any Municipal Government to operate outside the one mile square apportioned to the Municipal Government in the District of Columbia. Ever.
So, now it's time to dump all of this on Pope's lap, or maybe over his head.
He owns/controls the Municipal Government directly. He owns/controls the Territorial Government indirectly. It's time his position was fully exposed to the light of day and that he is held accountable for promoting any misadministration or violence on our shores.
The Pope has the right to liquidate any corporation on Earth, because all corporations have been defined and created by the Roman Curia.
It's time that we rack 'em and stack 'em.
It's time to put an end to the corporations that have been complicit in these outrageous schemes to "own" DNA and make claims to own living people as a result of things like genetic additives to vaccines and seizure of "donated" genetic materials.
If we let this go on, we'll have thieves haunting public bathrooms and stealing used nose rags--- then claiming to own the people that "donated" the nose rags. It has to be stopped and it has to be stopped now.
It's time to make an example of Black Rock, Inc., and Bill Gates, and Wellcome Trust and the Councils of Government and WHO and the CDC and NIH--- and if the Pope and the Roman Curia won't do their job, it's time that all the rest of us did it "for" them, just like they did all this "for" us and in our names.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
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Down the Middle
By Anna Von Reitz
Reports are pouring in from all over the country concerning both Federal and "State of State" organizations being split in two ---- in other words, for example, there are now two (2) versions of "FBI" visible, and two versions of "California Health and Human Services", etc., etc.
This should not unduly surprise my regular Readers. They already know that there are two Federal Subcontractors, one Territorial and one Municipal, and that for years it has been their practice to operate in tandem.
There is in fact already such a separation in place --- only now it is becoming more noticeable.
The Municipal entity has been operating as the FBI, while the Territorial sister has been operating as the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
The Municipal version has been operating as the IRS, and the Territorial version of the same thing has been operating as the Internal Revenue Service.
After decades of this cozy arrangement, the subcontractors are more officially splitting the sheets and making this obvious enough so that average Americans are seeing it for themselves.
While this may seem confusing at first, it is actually easier if you know which subcontractor you are dealing with.
As Americans dealing with the Territorial Government, the only contract that applies is The Constitution of the United States of America.
When you deal with the Municipal Government, your only contract is The Constitution of the United States.
And that's it.
That is, generally speaking, all you need to know and "all she wrote".
Unless you are actually involved in the interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of firearms, alcohol, or tobacco, which are constitutionally regulated by the District Government -- i.e., Territorial Government, Americans are exempt from foreign law.
Read the Constitutions. Both of them.
See Amendment XI and realize that codes, statutes, ordinances, mandates, executive orders, and agency regulations apply only to corporations and corporate officials/officers and are "foreign law" by definition.
These forms of law apply to commercial corporations (Municipal), trading companies (Territorial), Public Employees --elected, appointed, and for-hire. They also apply to direct dependents of Public Employees, Wards of the State, people receiving unearned Public Benefits (welfare), new immigrants who seek political asylum, and the population of the Insular States, District of Columbia, and the Municipality of Washington, DC.
They do not generally apply to rank and file Americans, but have been misapplied to Americans in the absence of civilian courts.
Our actual government is not always in Session, and was not in Session for several decades, leading to the presumption that our government was "missing", "in abeyance" or "in interregnum".
However, the actual government of the American States and People has been called into Session and the fifty State Assemblies are now present and accounted for.
This, then, puts an end to speculation about our political status, the law we stand under, and any presumptions ---legal or otherwise--- that have been made by foreign Principals about our Government.
It also signals changes in the operations of our federal subcontractors, which have been operating in an outrageous and criminal manner in the absence of oversight and direct supervision.
Put bluntly --- while the cat is away, the mice can play. The cat is back.
And none too pleased to find things in this condition of abject confusion, lawlessness, and disarray.
The splitting of the Federal functions is a preparation --- not for Civil War, which has been strictly forbidden on our shores --- but for restoration of sane and limited government.
If you have not already done so, go to:
If you are a natural-born American or a legal immigrant, you are eligible to reclaim your birthright and/or adopted political status as an American owed all the constitutional guarantees.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
Thus Article 2636-2641: An Oops and a Thank You from Lincoln County Watch
That's an article 2636-2641: An Oops and a Thank You from Lincoln County Watch This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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