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Each of these subjects deserves its own article. Bill Gates would require a library
of thick volumes. I don't have the time to write separate pieces, since I'm also busy with other research on the fake pandemic.
So I'll hit the highlights.
BILL GATES: Here, from FAIR, the long-standing media-watch group, is a September 4, 2016, article, "This Guardian piece touting Bill Gates' education investment brought to you by Bill Gates." It adds a layer of explanation about Gates' Death Star:
"The Gates Foundation gives grants in the hundreds of thousands and often millions to such media organizations as NBCUniversal, Al Jazeera, BBC, Viacom (CBS) and Participant Media (the producer of pro-charter school documentary Waiting for Superman). Both Gates and the Gates Foundation are sizable shareholders in Comcast, which is the primary investor in Buzzfeed and Vox, as well the parent corporation of MSNBC and NBC News---the latter of which teamed up with Gates and other noted education experts like Exxon and University of Phoenix Online for the week-long charter school commercial 'Education Week'."
"In 2009, the New York Times reported that the Gates Foundation was partnering with media companies to write and shape stories to 'embed' messages in primetime dramas:"
"'It [the Gates Foundation] is less well known as a behind-the-scenes influencer of public attitudes toward these issues by helping to shape story lines and insert messages into popular entertainment like the television shows ER, Law & Order: SVU and Private Practice. The foundation's messages on HIV prevention, surgical safety AND THE SPREAD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES have found their way into these shows." [CAPS are mine]
"His enormous wealth and the reach of media parent corporations seem to exempt Gates from routine disclosure requirements. He was offered up as an education expert in the pro-charter Waiting for Superman, without any mention of the fact that he donated at least $2 million to the film and had a media partnership with its distributor, Viacom. He is given softball interviews in Comcast-backed Vox without disclosure that he's a major Comcast investor. Because his stake in media companies is laundered enough times, it's assumed not to merit mention."
"In the case of the Guardian, Gates effectively owns an entire vertical, so when one of his investments is written up, one doesn't notice the conflict of interest---like a fish doesn't notice water. Because his influence is everywhere, it appears to be nowhere."
HR6666: This aptly numbered bill is moving forward in the US House Energy and Commerce Committee. Titled TRACE, "Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone," it officially embeds the snitch culture---with benefits for new agents of the State:
"To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes."
"The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts..."
HR6666 funds this enterprise to the tune of "$100,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; and such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal year 2021 and any subsequent fiscal year during which the emergency period continues."
Why don't they simply advertise: "Have you always wanted to run around like a little fascist, targeting the unwary, the sheep, the outliers, the rebels, the dissenters? Here's your chance. The State will pay you to do it. Who knows? Maybe the government will design a uniform for you, embroidered with the logo of a skull or a virus with spikes."
REMDESIVIR: This is the Fauci COVID drug. He wants the antiviral to hit the market yesterday. At the Alliance for Human Research and Protection (ahrp[dot]org), an article points to the fraud:
"Fauci's Promotional Hype Catapults Gilead's Remdesivir": "[On 4/29], Gilead [the manufacturer of remdesivir] issued a press release announcing that it 'was aware of positive data emerging from [a] National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) study'." [Gilead provided assistance on study design and conduct to NIAID.]
"Based on the 'positive data' from the NIAID study, the Food and Drug Administration approved emergency use of remdesivir against COVID-19 on May 1."
"...Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the President's Coronavirus Task Force, and heads the NIAID, since 1984, has a vested interest in remdesivir. He sponsored the [NIAID] clinical trial whose detailed results have not been peer-reviewed. What's more, [on May 1] HE declared the tenuous results to be 'highly significant,' and pronounced remdesivir to be the new 'standard of care.'"
"Dr. Fauci made the promotional pronouncement while sitting on a couch in the White House, without providing a detailed news release; without a briefing at a medical meeting or in a scientific journal - as is the norm and practice, to allow scientists and researchers to review the data."
"What Dr. Fauci failed to disclose to the public in his promotional pronouncement was that the [list of] primary outcomes [measures for success or failure] of the [NAID] study [NCT04280705] were changed on April 16, 2020. Changes in the Primary Outcome are posted on Clinical"
"Changing primary outcomes [measures] after a study has commenced is considered dubious and suspicious."
"Reuters News reported that highly respected prominent leaders in the medical community - such as Steven Nissen, MD, the chief academic officer at the Cleveland Clinic and Eric Topol, MD, director and founder of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California - were unimpressed by remdesivir's tentative, modest benefit at best."
"...the NIAID-Gilead study results have not been published in peer-reviewed literature - nor have details of the findings been disclosed. However, they were publicly promoted by the head of the federal agency that conducted the study, from the White House. What better free advertisement?"
So...take this admittedly toxic drug. Convincing data? No need. Just trust Fauci. Like other drugs of its type, remdesivir inhibits the machinery of cell-reproduction in the body.
DEATHS IN ITALY: I have reported on this con in the past. Italy's own National Institute of Health has been combing through the records of patients who have died. Their average age? 79.5. And the overwhelming percentage of these people were already suffering from multiple, long-term, serious health conditions---and had certainly been treated with a number of toxic medical drugs. Claiming their deaths stemmed from the purported COVID-19 virus would be absurd.
Add to these facts the horrendous air pollution in areas of Northern Italy. Toxic air can easily explain the lung conditions attributed to the virus.
In recent years, the annual number of flu cases in Italy averages roughly five million. It's a simple matter to label some of these people COVID-19.
I've also indicated that vaccination campaigns could account for destruction of health in Northern Italy. I have a few possible clues in that regard.
Colorado Naturopathic Doctor, Michael Murray writes: "Could a new flu vaccine be partly responsible for the COVID-19 mortality rate in Italy?...My colleague, Dr. Alex Vazquez, provided me with a valuable insight. In September 2019, Italy rolled out an entirely new type of influenza vaccine. This vaccine called VIQCC is different than others. Most available influenza vaccines are produced in embryonated chicken eggs. VIQCC, however, is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs and has more of a 'boost' to the immune system as a result. VIQCC also contains four types of viruses - 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses..."
Well-known Italian writer, Br. Alexis Bugnolo, states: "Italians are still trying to understand why Bergamo, of all the cities of Italy, is the epicenter of the Coronavirus epidemic..."
"One factor may be that the city was vaccinated en mass not once, but twice, in the 2 months preceding the Coronavirus outbreak in the city."
In the fall [2019], according to records 141,000 doses of vaccine against the winter flu were administered by the local health board. Of those, 129,000 were Italians over 65 years of age. Of those, 129,000, 70% had grave heart problems."
"Then, again, in December, from the 24th through to January, there was a mass vaccination program against Hepatitis-C of 21,331 citizens of Bergamo. And in the surrounding province, another 12,000 citizens."
At doctorsinitaly[dot]com: "In September 2019 was made available for the first time in Italy a 'cell-based' flu shot, called VIQCC or QIVc, that is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs."
"VIQCC is a quadrivalent flu vaccine that contains 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses. It is approved for people ages 9 and older."
ANY vaccines given to people whose immune systems are already weakened---such as the elderly and infirm---are automatically dangerous and life-threatening at a high level. Two vaccines within the space of a few months, one of which has added new viral material and/or a variety of new cellular and genetic debris---plus the usual toxic chemicals---and you have a potential recipe for disaster. |
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