"If someone has been living in a hole a hundred miles deep for a very long time, and you begin telling him about the sky and clouds and brilliant open space, you're going to encounter some resistance." (From my notes on The Matrix
First of all, as you know, my blog was taken down several weeks ago by WordPress, with no warning or explanation.
We still have no communication from the WP censors. We're in the process of restoring the blog. Much work has been done. We're in the middle of resolving an unexpected snag. Hopefully, that resolution will come soon. Meanwhile, my email list of subscribers has expanded tremendously. This list of people receives all my new articles. Thank you all for your support. People can get on the email list by going to NoMoreFakeNews.com. The sign-up box is in the upper left corner of the home page.
Recently, I've written a number of articles about "reality construction," in light of the creative power of the individual. I've presented a radical explanation of that power to invent new realities. The word "radical" comes from the Latin, meaning "root." And that's where I'm focusing---on the root of imagination and inventive capacity of the individual.
There is no doubt that the creative power of individuals on planet Earth has been diluted, by choice, and by "noise," to an astonishing degree. Therefore, presenting information on how high that power actually goes will be met with skepticism by some individuals. So be it. I've never been in the business of watering down my work in order to "reach more people." I could have pursued a dozen different careers as a mainstream writer over the years, if watering-down was my method and my way. It never has been. I've always pushed things to the limit, and beyond. Now more than ever, I'm pulling out all the stops.
Over the years, decades, and centuries, Reality has been characterized and capsulized in many ways---and with many metaphors---by thinkers, writers, philosophers, scientists, and artists.
For example, Reality is: the universe; the space-time continuum; an all-enveloping religious story; a code inscribed on a two-dimensional surface; a solidified thought-form; a computer-generated simulation; a spiritual labyrinth; a product of evolution; an accidental bio-chemical event; a ceaseless flow of energy particles obeying unchanging physical laws; an expression of Nature.
I often use the word "machine" when I want to emphasize interlocking parts. The key factor: each part seems to confer legitimate status on all other parts. Reality tends to be built in that fashion.
Space and time, such as we experience and describe them, legitimize each other. Sub-atomic particles at great distances from each other respond similarly when one particle receives a stimulus.
Virtually all of physics searches for relationships between various aspects of Universe. These connections buttress the notion of completeness, unity, and oneness, which are taken to mean: THIS IS REALITY. This Reality is final. Reality IS. There is no other Reality. So we are led to believe.
But many machines of different sizes can be designed and built, from the very tiny to the very large. If you, wearing blinders, were guided through a museum containing machines from many eras, but only shown one of them---and then if an astounding amount of Story about the One and Only Machine were drummed into your head, over a long period of time, you might begin to believe you were in the presence of all-encompassing Reality.
Such is the case with the universe we live in. "THIS IS IT. THERE IS NO OTHER IT."
Furthermore, the stories we are told about universe assure us that it was built through some awesome power of creation, IN WHICH WE PLAY NO PART.
The implication? Our creative power, as individuals, must be a mere speck in the nature of things. We are just passive residents in reality.
The truth is far different.
There is no limit to the creative power of the individual. And as I've remarked and explained on several occasions, the one culture and tradition which acknowledged this and did something about it was the ancient pocket of Tibet.
There, through the teaching of itinerant outsiders from India, exercises were presented, whose purpose was proving, through first-hand experience, that the universe can be understood as a product of mind---and at a certain level, the individual can make radical changes in Reality, via direct thought, without the use of material scientific technology.
These Tibetan teaching schools, scattered here and here, existed apart from the self-appointed local priesthood.
"Legitimate status" of THE ONE AND ONLY REALITY=imposing external repressive control over individuals. If that status were rejected, the whole shooting match called Life would take on a very different coloration. Much freer.
Bring two profoundly fake elements into collaboration: the illusion of permanence of Reality, and the propagandized REDUCTION of creative power of the individual, and you have a creative and spiritual Alcatraz.
Reduction of power is the key.
This is accomplished through self-censoring, when all is said and done.
How do you get around that?
First, you recognize that this reality (universe) was invented as a design structure, a work of art. Second, as an artist, in the broadest sense of that word, you invent other realities with such profusion that you become aware of having that power.
This was the objective of the early Tibetan exercise called "deity visualization." See John Blofeld,
The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet.
Comprehending and experiencing the creative power you have is also the objective of my collection,
Exit From The Matrix, which contains dozens of imagination exercises which I developed.
Think of a new building built on an empty lot. Do you say the building carved up already existing space, or it established new spaces that weren't there before?
The rationalist would say the former. The artist might say the latter.
There is certainly a predisposition to consider space is unchanging. That's a conviction. As in "convict."
Most ORGANIZED religion exists to: bolster the idea that space is unchanging; diminish the idea of individual creative power; and fortify the idea that this universe is precious and sacred and holy---rather than one work of art among many, many, many works of art...
To continue to explore the ideas in this article at a much deeper level, and find exercises which can enhance your core creative power, see the description of my
Exit From The Matrix collection at NoMoreFakeNews.com, and consider ordering it.
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