Title : 1565-1568: For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Lincoln County Watch
link : 1565-1568: For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Lincoln County Watch
1565-1568: For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Lincoln County Watch
Monday, February 11, 2019
1565-1568: For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
In our discussion of the American Government that we are heir to, we identified three "unions" of various kinds of "states" that existed long prior to the creation of the Federal Government.
They were and are:
The United States -- a union of soil jurisdiction "landed (e)states" formed by the former colonies via Unanimous Declaration issued July 1, 1776, published July 4, 1776. This is our "national jurisdiction". Each state has defined geographical boundaries.
The United States of America - a federation of Land Jurisdiction States formed September 9, 1776 for the purpose of joint operations in international jurisdiction, including the international land and sea jurisdictions. This is our international jurisdiction. Each State has defined geographical boundaries.
The States of America -- a confederation of inchoate "States of States" formed under The Articles of Confederation, March 1, 1781, for the purpose of conducting the business of the States in global commercial jurisdiction. These "Federal States of States" have no defined geographical boundaries and exist only on paper. (These are the "Missing" Federal States of States.)
Please note --- all this is our American Government, which existed prior to and which created the Federal Government as an "instrumentality" to provide services to the States and People of this country.
Let's look briefly at our "national jurisdiction" --- the soil jurisdiction of each state in The United States.
Imagine the familiar outline of your State of the Union. Got it?
Now pretend you are slicing it like a layer cake horizontally, taking the top six inches of the soil off. It has the same outline and shape, but not much depth.
This is your state's national soil jurisdiction.
We call all the rest underneath the soil "the land". The land is also shaped exactly like the outline of your State of the Union, but it is a much thicker layer, miles deep, and it forms your State's international land jurisdiction.
Together we call this "the land and soil" of your State of the Union. The two jurisdictions -- the national soil jurisdiction state and the international Land Jurisdiction State -- are both geographically defined and both work together hand in glove.
So, what does the "national" soil jurisdiction of your State do and how does it operate?
The first thing it does is guarantee local control.
This is the level of the "state republics" and "republican states" guaranteed by the constitutional contracts.
The soil level states are seldom referenced in print, but when they are, they appear in all small letters: maine, virginia, florida, etc. These are the member states of The United States.
When we are born we all enter the world via the soil jurisdiction of our state, and are in the political status of a "man of the soil" known as "jus soli" or a "state national".
This determines our basic nationality. We are, for example, "virginians" and because we are "virginians" we are also considered "Virginians". This in turn identifies us as "Americans" for international purposes.
When we are born, we are not "citizens" of anything.
Being a "citizen" implies an obligation to serve a government. It is patently ridiculous to claim that a newborn baby has an obligation to serve any government, nonetheless, certain disreputable governmental services corporations have made exactly such claims against babies born in America for several generations. This is part of what we need to address.
It is the "jus soli" status of the baby that leads to the political status at the State level of State National. Neither one have any obligation to serve any government at all; they are required to obey the Public Law and keep the peace and other than that, they are free as birds.
The basic dictum of the national soil jurisdiction is, "Harm none and be harmed none."
Likewise, the republic states and their state republics are seldom referenced in print and even more seldom are they officially populated and used to conduct business --- but they can be. This results in a quorum of state nationals opting to act as state citizens, and invoking the national soil jurisdiction of their State of the Union to conduct national-level business.
For these purposes, Texas is a nation. Pennsylvania is a nation.
The soil jurisdiction also includes surface water, so each state republic also has a republic of state attached to it, and for business purposes, you have "The Texas Republic" operating the soil jurisdiction of Texas and "The Republic of Texas" operating the surface water jurisdiction of Texas.
All of these entities are unincorporated and operate as unincorporated businesses.
They are owned and operated by the people who are native to Texas and those who have been "naturalized".
Naturalization at the State level is a process of having a home inside the borders of the State for at least a year and a day, without committing any felonies or taking public assistance, and firmly declaring on the public record your desire and intention (after meeting the basic requirements) to make that State your permanent home.
In the old days this was done by taking out three small ads in the local papers over a period of 90 days, and there is still no obstruction to doing this now. In this way, a guy from Florida can adopt Texas as his home, for example, or a "U.S. Citizen" born in Croatia or Washington, DC, can become a Minnesotan.
Obviously, the soil is like the skin on a body. By owning and controlling the skin, the local people retain the vast majority of the power of government if they act in their proper capacity and organize to do so. Everyone is standing on the soil, so the power of arrest basically belongs to the soil jurisdiction and the republican state authorities and their county/County Sheriffs.
However, operating the Soil and Land jurisdictions of our States of the Union requires us to forswear and expatriate from any other citizenship, including any federal citizenship.
Most Americans do not realize that they have been kidnapped on paper into a foreign jurisdiction and misidentified as either "United States Citizens" or "Citizens of the United States" or "US CITIZENS" almost from birth, a circumstance that keeps us from actually owning land and controlling our own assets.
In fact, most States of the Union became severely de-populated prior to this current effort, simply because people didn't realize that they were the victims of unconscionable contracting activities by their own employees.
Coming home to the "land and soil" of your State means that you are eligible to inherit all that you have been deprived of, that you come under the Public Law, instead of any private "Statutory Law", that you can exercise local control of your land and surface water resources, and that you can operate your "republican states" ---that is, the national soil jurisdiction of your State of the Union, again.
So long as you see the advantage of doing so and educate yourselves and declare your birthright political status--- and work with others of like-mind to restore the "land and soil" jurisdiction government owed to this country--- there isn't a power on Earth than can stop you from inheriting and controlling what is rightfully yours.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
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By Their Works
By Anna Von Reitz
I have always preferred to think of myself as a "Christian", a member of the Universal Church, and have always regarded doctrinal and denominational differences as big question marks.
There may indeed be only one correct doctrine in the end, but just as easily there might be no correct doctrine ever created by man. The same goes for denominations. So far as I know, God did not come down to Earth and declare a schism between Catholics and Methodists and Baptists and Mennonites and Baptists and.... men and their differing opinions did all that.
Judging from the number of times the Disciples had to be directly corrected, and even with the help of the Holy Spirit ---accounting for our egos, bad hearing, temptations, and other faults--- I don't put my faith in doctrines promulgated by men.
This is why I have an inclusive and broad view of religion. So long as people are trying to live honorable and peaceful lives, taking care of each other and their families and communities, I tend to call that "good". Live and let live.
We will all get our corrections when the time comes.
But when "Christians" harbor organized crime within their Church and benefit from it....
When they act as Trustees in Gross Breach of Trust with respect to entire countries and billions of people suffer....
When they take crimes and sins like pedophilia and make them into sacraments....
When there is no end to this relativism and wishy-washy spineless lack of basic ethics and honesty....
When they twist any reasonable plausible recognizable definition of "Christianity" into something else....
Then I protest -- because they are not just giving themselves a bad name, they are disgracing all those who answer to the name "Christian".
And they are disgracing Christ.
If a Christian will not stand up for the memory of Yeshuah and his Teaching and his Living Spirit, who will?
I have been polite. I have been patient. I have been supportive of Church reform all across the board.
I have often stood in the gap and defended people who are trying to do the right thing though their sins be as scarlet and also defended the millions of completely innocent Christians who are being disgraced and misrepresented.
Yes, I have called forth the Loyal Angels of the Living God and I am not ever going to be wishy-washy about that. Nor will I apologize.
Being a Christian is not a "relative thing" subject to "interpretation" via some kind of "fluid definition" that suddenly includes cannibalism and the rape of little children. No.
That's not "Christianity" you feckless, shameless Liars.
That's Satanism, and by your works you shall be known.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
For All The State Jural Assemblies - 25 State Electors, State Nationals, and State Citizens
By Anna Von Reitz
Okay, let's try it again:
State Nationals = everyone born within the physical geographical borders of a State. A National has no particular duty to serve the State other than to obey the Public Law (Non-Statutory Law) and keep the peace.
State Citizens = those State Nationals who additionally choose to serve the State Government in some capacity, such as Jurors, Militia Members, elected officials, or hired officers.
State Electors = those State Nationals who own land in the State and meet other requirements such as legal age, etc., to participate in State Elections.
You can be either: (1) a State National or (2) a State Citizen.
Being a State National or a State Citizen does not necessarily mean that you qualify to be a State Elector. You can be part of the State Jural Assembly and serve as a Juror without being a State Elector. You can be elected to a Public Office, such as Sheriff, without being able to vote for yourself.
This is because of the pesky issue of letting non-landowners vote on questions that only affect landowners, and therefore the requirement that State Electors be landowners.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Answers to Common Questions and Misconceptions for the Jural Assemblies
By Anna Von Reitz
1. Misconception Number One: that colored people and women are not welcome to join State Jural Assemblies.
This idea derives from the fact that to be on safe ground legally and lawfully, the State Jural Assemblies need to go back and pick up where at least some of them left off -- in 1860. They need to re-establish a Quorum of Jurors qualified by 1860 standards, and that Quorum then needs to update the membership rules to officially include people of color and women.
Please note that in the days of slavery there were both white and colored slaves in this country, and "indentured servants" too --- none of whom could act as State Electors.
The real qualifier was land ownership and neither slaves nor indentured servants could own land, hence, could not act as Electors.
However, both black men and Native men who were Free and who owned land in a State, could act as State Jural Assembly Members and still can.
The important idea behind all this was that nobody not tied to the State by commitment to the Land of that State should have a voice in the affairs of that State.
If you think about this, it is a reasonable requirement: otherwise, people passing through the State could cast votes with no skin in the game. They could, with a large enough population of transients (known as "residents"), dictate to and obligate those people who are actually committed to living in and building their businesses in that State.
We see some attempt at this with the current Border Crisis, where people foreign to the State and with no actual material commitment to say, California, are influencing public policy and helping themselves to public assistance and dictating elections --- all with no substantial actual and material commitment to California.
This is why our States all require Electors to hold only one citizenship --- State Citizenship. They also require State Citizens to be landowners. Color requirements as such, don't actually exist in the American States and never did, except in limited portions of the Deep South.
The more potent issue in 1860 and today is the capacity in which we are acting.
The affect of having the Territorial Congress arbitrarily "confer" citizenships on people and then claiming that they are acting as "persons" via a process of undisclosed enfranchisement, has established a situation in which average Americans are now almost uniformly "presumed" to be in the condition of either indentured servitude to the Queen, or slaves owned by the Municipal United States Government, or both.
It isn't until we take action to Expatriate from any such presumed federal citizenship that we can actually own land in fact, and therefore qualify as State Citizens and as State Electors.
The question of the landownership requirement continues to be contentious. It has been argued in some States that our bodies are made of "dust" and "to dust returneth", and therefore all men and women are "landowners". This may serve the esoteric point, but doesn't answer the actual dilemma posed by non-landowners voting on issues that don't impact them, but which do impose increased tax burdens on landowners.
Women in Europe and America were able to own land and had been able to own land for centuries prior to 1860, so landownership was not the crux of the matter for women. It was more the prevailing idea that women were gentle and needed at home, ill-suited to the hurly-burly of politics and demands of public office, that kept them from being included in Jural Assemblies.
Now that two World Wars and the Civil War itself have convinced us otherwise, women have claimed (and earned) equal rights, and merely updating the old State Jural Assembly rules suffices.
It's a small burden to find 30 free men above the age of 21 who are claiming their birthright political status and who are land owners, to hold the first quorum meeting for each State Jural Assembly, but it is one that assures that the further actions of the Assemblies going forward are properly sanctioned and brought up to date.
And in no case does any of this prevent anyone at any time from: (1) expatriating from federal citizenship status, (2) participating in the State Jural Assembly organizational activities and meetings, (3) making sure that their Assembly is fully staffed, fully informed, and on firm ground going forward.
2. Misconception Number 2: that people have to give up things like Social Security payments or medical coverage owed to them by Federal Government agencies, if they reclaim their birthright political status.
Most Americans never knowingly left their birthright political status. This was merely a self-interested legal presumption being misapplied to millions of people based on equally self-interested falsification of registration documents and improper demands that we "apply" for Social Security, "register" to vote in what appeared to be public elections, and so on.
Having to take action to rebut this legal presumption is anti-intuitive to most people and the resulting confusion is paralyzing, especially when they assume that they will lose pension dividends and health care and other things of value that they are owed.
Fortunately, the only thing we lose is the ability to vote in private elections hosted by foreign corporations, which is quickly made up for, as we hold our own public elections, instead.
Once we return our Given Names (also known as Trade Names) to the land and soil jurisdiction of our States of the Union, we are no longer in La-La-Land, and we can no longer be "presumed" to be in the Queen's service or the Pope's.
All the franchises they have "gifted" us with are similarly under new ownership--- American ownership, not "U.S. Citizen" ownership.
The only impact this has is that both the Queen and the Pope and all their employees are now obligated to obey the Constitutions and the Public Law of this country again, with respect to you and your assets.
The magic words are: "I accept all gifts and waive all benefits."
"Benefits" are gifts that come with strings attached-- unseen, unstipulated, undisclosed contracts and conditions that you are "presumed" to know and accept when you accept "benefits".
Thus, when they mischaracterize Social Security Earned Dividends that you and your employers paid for as "benefits" they are claiming that you are acting in the capacity of a "U.S. Citizen" or "Citizen of the United States" --- and moreover, that you are a Federal Citizen in receipt of welfare.
Now, there are many people receiving "benefits" from the Social Security Administration as public assistance that they never earned. Some never contributed a dime and are receiving thousands of dollars in medical care and support payments every month.
Those of us who unknowingly signed up for Social Security and vested in this program meant for Federal Employees are not in receipt of "benefits". Anything we get back is an "earned dividend". The import difference is that "benefits" can be discontinued at whim, whereas "earned dividends" owed to former employees have to be paid.
The situation is analogous to going to work for a foreign corporation in a foreign country. While you are in that foreign country, you obey its laws. You also obey the internal "laws" of the corporation you work for.
When you quit or retire and return home -- what happens?
You are no longer living under the laws of that foreign country, and are back living under the laws of your own country. That's for starters.
The corporation you worked for still owes you every bit of your pension plan.
That includes medical services (not benefits) and monthly dividend payments (not benefits).
It's the same way with Social Security and Medicare. They still owe you every jot, and they owe it to you as "earned dividends and services", not as "benefits".
Similarly, the franchises and ACCOUNTS held in YOUR NAME and created "for" you have been mischaracterized as belonging to "U.S. Citizens" and/or "Citizens of the United States".
These franchises and ACCOUNTS are toxic to you until you return home to the land and soil of your State of the Union via expatriation from any Federal Citizenship, and claim ownership of them as an American State National or American State Citizen.
It's the difference between "benefits" and "earned dividends" again.
As a "U.S. Citizen" or "Citizen of the United States" you are obligated to pay all the bills related to these franchises and ACCOUNTS created in YOUR NAME, but as an American State National or an American State Citizen, you are the inheritor of the assets and credits owed to these accounts.
Suffice it to say that as long as you cling to your identity as a "U.S. Citizen" or "Citizen of the United States", you are a Pauper by definition, obligated to function under foreign law, obligated to obey foreign corporation policies, obligated to pay for every whim of the British Territorial Congress--- but when you reclaim your birthright political status, you are owed the return of everything that is rightfully yours.
Your Trustees, the British Monarch and the Pope, have to act as your Trustees again ---and return your "borrowed" property, plus interest, leases, fees, etc.
So, you lose absolutely nothing of any importance when you return to your birthright political status, and you regain all that was stolen and commandeered, including your Constitutional guarantees.
As you will be conducting your own elections and dealing with your own issues and taking control of your own purse strings, you will not need to overly concern yourself with the circus in Washington, DC, and you will have no reason or desire to participate in their political parties.
The world will come back into focus and the tail will stop wagging the dog once enough people understand the circumstance and take the necessary action -- (1) reclaim your birthright political status; (2) join your State Jural Assembly and boot it up.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Thus Article 1565-1568: For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Lincoln County Watch
That's an article 1565-1568: For All The State Jural Assemblies - 26 The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Lincoln County Watch This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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