By Jon Rappoport
Whenever a breakthrough occurs for the individual, there is a stepping back, a retrenching, a delay, an attempt to reset the clock and push the breakthrough away. This delay tactic can last a week, a month, or, historically, a hundred years.
We are in the middle of such a delay, after serial revelations that erupted in the latter part of the 19th century.
Individual artists (and a few philosophers) became aware that: imagination gives birth to ideas that in turn shape personal reality.
Therefore, reality is very elastic and changeable.
America---and indeed, the world---stood on the brink of a great internal revolution.
The creative IS the spiritual.
America's love affair with the idea of individuals reinventing themselves was about more than immigrants "becoming American." It was about imagination as the core of transforming self and future.
Such a radical realization was too much for many people to absorb, so a backing away occurred. The wave was stilled for a hundred years or so---but now it is beginning to move again.
The attempt to take over America, by Globalist forces, on a behalf of a controlled world order, is really an attempt to quell the individual creative force. That is the secret inside the master plan. And that Globalist effort is in trouble. More and more people are realizing it is a massive fraud based on instituting an imprisoned Collectivist Hive Mind.
Whereas the promise of America was always the intensely creative individual. And what does he do? He takes frozen realities and injects life into them so they move and shed their encrusted energies.
He rejects all formulas that instruct people about how they must live their lives and guard their words and fit in.
On a spiritual level, America was and is about transformation of energy into greater living shapes and forms and flows, through imagination.
It is about building a new and higher "plane of experience," so to speak.
The fact that this aim has been sidelined and throttled to a significant degree doesn't change one iota of America's destiny. It's still there, and the individual is the core.
He is the shaper.
Yes, you could say "America was made" for many criminal undertakings, but the other side of the coin is the most powerful: America is the house of the individual soul and that soul is creative.
That soul is an artist of reality.
Dawn of a new day.
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