Title : 1511-1513: For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked from Lincoln County Watch
link : 1511-1513: For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked from Lincoln County Watch
1511-1513: For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked from Lincoln County Watch
Monday, January 21, 2019
1511-1513: For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
There are many people out there milling around, most of them are well-intentioned and some think they have "the" answer. Some are Disinformation Agents as described in "7 Discipline".
I started life as a mathematician and for me, the numbers have to add up and the logic has to follow through and each quantity has to --- at least eventually --- be known.
The simple facts are these: (1) our actual government ---which we are owed--- is not fully operational; (2) it is not functioning as it should because it was never fully restored after the Civil War; (3) we have not restored it, because we were not informed that it needed to be restored---certain parties profited themselves by keeping that obscured; (4) now that we have a grasp of the actual situation, we have the means to restore the government we are owed in our hands and all we need to do, is do it.
Nobody can complain about us taking care of our own business, and there are a great many people worldwide who will feel relieved and reassured that the people of this country finally woke up and are taking control again.
Thomas Deegan and those trying to organize the Oregon State Assembly have gone off the trolley and are advocating a "tear it down to the ground and start over" idea---an insurrectionist anarchist answer---at the same time they are trying to present themselves as the Oregon State Assembly.
Think about this.
How can you pretend to be a member of a State that you are bent on destroying?
Do the words, "shoot yourself in the foot" come to mind? They should.
Thomas Deegan spent two years in jail for trespassing against the Territorial State of West Virginia. He is lucky he didn't get 38 years like Bruce Doucette in Colorado, who basically did the same thing ---- all of them against my advice.
Thomas's theories have been tested -- repeatedly -- and they always have the same result. The patriots espousing these ideas go to jail and the government putting them in jail is not one bit affected or changed for the better.
So. Use your common sense. If you want to change the way things are run around here, you have to do the work of self-governance and assemble your State Jural Assemblies. Act in your unincorporated capacity, take care of business, and tell your employees what you want them to do.
In a similar vein, there are all sorts of Petitions and Arbitrations and other actions being pursued by well-meaning people and groups who are attempting to "move" Congress and/or use principles of law to ensure their immunity.
The Territorial Congress already agreed that you are immune by passing the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act in 1976. And the Municipal Congress has nothing to say about your immunity, because you are already the "authorized person" associated with all your ACCOUNTS.
Again --- think about this.
When you petition a foreign court or a foreign government, you are handing your authority over to them and subjecting yourself to their jurisdiction.
If you are acting as an American, why would you petition the British Monarch about issues that you yourself are supposed to control?
We don't petition their government, which is merely under contract to provide services to our own. We operate our own government and tell them how we want the service they provide to be run.
Do you petition your groundskeeper to mow your lawn, or do you tell him how to mow it?
Get your heads screwed on, organize your State Jural Assembly, and tell your Territorial employees what you want done and how you want it done.
Then restore your Federal State of State and use it to direct the course of your State's international business affairs --- as the Founders intended, instead of abdicating that responsibility and letting the British Monarch and their Territorial Officers act "for" you.
Arbitration of these matters is bound to more or less fail, because the first default is on our side, not the side of either the Territorial or Municipal Governments. We haven't done our part. We haven't assembled our State Jural Assemblies in 150 years. We haven't reconstructed our Federal States of States.
They, the Territorial and Municipal Governments have been left without instructions---hence the claim of a perpetual "State of Emergency".
We have to get busy and give them instructions or the "State of Emergency" continues.
As an additional point on their side of the issue---we already have remedy.
There is nothing stopping us from assembling our State Jural Assemblies, restoring the Federal States of States, and going forward-----nothing but our own ignorance about our own government. And sloth, of course.
On an individual basis there is nothing stopping us from moving our Names and ACCOUNTS back to the land and soil jurisdiction of the States, either. Doing so instantly provides immunity from further presumption against us by either the Territorial or Municipal Governments.
As irritating as it may be in view of the abuses that have gone on, we have always had remedy in our hands and under our control.
This does not mean that we have not been defrauded and suffered Breach of Trust and been the victims of many crimes, because we have, but we must exercise our remedies first before addressing all of that.
Which means --- record your decision as the rightful "Authorized Person" to leave Territorial and Municipal Jurisdiction and to return your Good Name and ESTATE back to the land and soil jurisdiction of your State.
Sign the Act of Expatriation from these "presumed" foreign political statuses, re-convey your Trade Name back to permanent domicile on the land and soil of your State, then move all the derivative NAMES back to permanent domicile on the land and soil of your State, too. This process is like re-flagging a ship and moves your "vessels" back to America and back under American Common Law.
Instant immunity, no questions asked.
This is necessary because your Mother was deceived and coerced and mistakenly identified you as a British Territorial Citizen when you were a baby. That is the fact.
Now, as an adult, you have been told about this circumstance.
It is your responsibility to correct the records and declare yourself an American, if, as is to be supposed in most cases, you would rather enjoy your assets and freedom and benefit from the guarantees provided by all the treaties and constitutional agreements---than be counted as a pauper and treated as a debt slave of a British Territorial corporation.
The same is true of the State Jural Assemblies --- the States own and are supposed to control all the Federal "State of State" organizations for their benefit, but as we didn't step forward and reorganize and "reconstruct" the Federal States of States after the Civil War, that part and function of our actual government ran amok.
Neither the Territorial nor the Municipal Governments are supposed to be running "State of State" organizations at all.
There is nothing stopping us from finishing the reconstruction of our Federal States of States, taking them out of mothballs, and returning them to full operation --- nothing but our own ignorance. Again.
So, no Petitions to members of the Territorial or Municipal Congresses are appropriate (it would be appropriate if we had an actual Federal Continental Congress present to address, but we do not at this time) and no Arbitration of these matters is advised because the default is on our side of the line.
Any knowledgeable Arbitration expert is going to look at this and say--- "Well, this appears to be a situation in which you were identified as a British Territorial United States Citizen as a baby, and you have voluntarily remained in that status ever since, so what are you complaining about?"
You can be anywhere you want to be. You can live in Scotland or you can live France. You can live on the sea or in a houseboat on the Mississippi or you can choose to live on land.
FDR arbitrarily declared that all Americans were to be "presumed" to be out on the sea on holiday, acting in the capacity of British Territorial United States Citizens, and donating all their assets as chattel backing the debts of the local Territorial State of State franchise of the bankrupt Roman Catholic Church non-profit corporation known as the "United States of America, Inc."
It's up to you to declare it bunko and make your other choices known. If you don't want to live on a wrecked boat drifting around out in the middle of the ocean, by all means, forget the Roman holiday and come back home. Ditto the "offer" of British Territorial Citizenship.
It is also up to you to operate your own government and to do so according to the rules your ancestors established until this entire country is awake and organized and educated enough to make other choices.
Finally, there is confusion about what "states" we are talking about. Some people have erroneously identified the Municipal STATE as one and the same as the PEOPLE without realizing that neither have anything to do with us.
The Municipal United States Government runs on the basis of accounts, as in bank accounts. All the various NAMES you see are bank accounts belonging to either incorporated or unincorporated entities.
For example:
"JAMES ALLEN JOHNSON" is a Municipal ESTATE trust bank account belonging to the British Territorial United States Citizen "James Allen Johnson", a franchise of the British Territorial State of Ohio, or, depending on your choice of political status, it can also be interpreted as an ESTATE bank account belonging to the American Tradesman "James Allen Johnson".
"JAMES A. JOHNSON" is a Municipal PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY bank account that belongs to British Territorial United States Citizen "James A. Johnson" or, depending on your choice of political status, it can also be interpreted as an ACCOUNT belonging to the American "James A. Johnson".
These ACCOUNTS are all "under your name" and you are supposed to know how to operate them, but the Trustees and perpetrators of this whole identity theft and credit fraud scheme neglected to tell you a word about it, much less how to operate these ACCOUNTS.
Nonetheless, bank accounts are what they are, and obviously, a bank ACCOUNT cannot actually own land and PEOPLE cannot actually represent people, either.
So "PEOPLE owns STATE owns LAND" means "Account # 1092-79991-1 owns Account # 51-456902-001 owns Account # 57757779-1-8985030." And there is absolutely no indication in any of that about who owns "PEOPLE"---or at least, pretends to.
These are issues that Donald Trump needs to sort out.
The rest of us have our own hash to settle --- beginning with declaring our political status as American State Nationals and explicitly moving our Name and our ACCOUNTS back home to the land and soil jurisdiction of our State, and following up with joining our State Jural Assembly.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Why I Use the Description, "Our Father"
By Anna Von Reitz
Why I Use the Description, "Our Father"
---instead of "God" or "Jehovah" or "Yahavah" or "Anisoph" or "Source" or all the other 72 descriptive names in the Bible:
It's because the entire message of Jesus was about being part of the One Life that is the source of all life, including ours --- and being part of the family.
He tried his best to explain it as being like a grapevine, with his Father being the root, and him being a fruitful branch, and we being the grapes, all part of the same plant, all sustained by the same sap, all inter-related and part of each other.
Like your parents are forever a part of you.
And that's why I use the phrase "Our Father" --- because the True and Living God is part of us and we are part of him, in exactly the same sense.
For All The Jural Assemblies -8 A Nation of Bastards?
By Anna Von Reitz
I have briefly and simply explained the three basic jurisdictions of law many times before and it was outlined in our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", too.
We live our lives in the Jurisdiction of the Air, before returning whence we came, to the Jurisdiction of the Land and Soil (Earth). In between, our feet tread upon either the land or the sea, which is our choice. It is that choice that concerns us when we are talking about the secular government and the forms of law we encounter day to day--- but in order to clear the air:
The law of the Jurisdiction of the Air is divided into ecclesiastical law and canon law, which can loosely be defined as the law for the people who make up the body of the Church (ecclesiastical) and the law for the churchmen and clergy (canon). This in turn relatively reflects the same kind of formula difference as one finds between the Public Law which everyone is supposed to obey and the Private law of the Federal Code, for example
Ecclesiastical Law is formed of doctrines that are spelled out in the form of Accords and Concords and Creeds and all sorts of Writs and Edicts, while Canon Law is neatly numbered (though voluminous like the Federal Code) and stipulates all the do's and don'ts and rights and obligations and duties of priests and lesser clerics and administrators.
Thus there is a Third Jurisdiction and two more mighty sets of laws and a Christian Assembly that has nothing to do with a secular State Jural Assembly; and, there is a "Divine Government" established by "Assemblies of Believers" known as "Congregations" within a church, but that is not the kind of assembly that we are talking about when we are discussing the American Government (Land) vs. U.S. Government (Sea) and State Jural Assemblies.
Some people are getting this all balled up and confused and someone has to take the initiative to say-- whoa!
If you want to argue how many angels can sit on the head of a pin this is not the forum to do that and the State Jural Assemblies are no place to have those kinds of religious discussions. We all have cause to know that although most of our Forefathers were Christian they did not create a Theocracy, nor, for that matter, did they create a Democracy. They instead negotiated for each state to enjoy a "republican form of government" where the power remained solidly based on unincorporated institutions and the free will of the people living on the land and soil of each geographically defined "State".
So the job of the State Jural Assemblies is to organize and re-populate the land and soil jurisdiction of each of the American States, and then, to finish the "reconstruction" the Federal States of States, so that our Government is restored to its intended form and fully functional.
That is a big enough job without any religious controversies blurring the lines and making a difficult job even more complex and dragging in issues that have nothing to do with our Secular Government then or now.
Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church did poke its nose in and get involved in the Great Fraud in 1925, when it incorporated a non-profit corporation doing business as "the" United States of America (Inc.) in the State of Delaware and continued the same basic scheme as the Scottish Government promoted in 1868 when it created "The United States of America" Incorporated---- naming a corporation after our unincorporated Federation of States and letting confusion and deceitfully similar names promote identity theft, hypothecation of debt, and all the rest of it.
This created a situation where the Holy See had a Territorial Corporation dba "the" United States of America, Inc., and various Municipal Corporations doing business as the MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and the MUNICIPALITY OF WASHINGTON, DC, and the UNITED STATES and so on --- and the Holy See and its Secular Administration run by the Office of the Roman Pontiff -- saw fit to bring along many antiquated and evil practices that it had practiced in Europe for centuries.
These included the Doctrine of Scarcity, the Doctrine of Bastardy, and the practice of Bono Vacantia among other destructive instruments designed to denigrate and invalidate other Christian denominations as well as all other religious faiths--- and fleece the populace blind in the name of Jesus.
So although our American Government is and always was thoroughly and determinedly secular in nature and though the Separation of Church and State was very well settled and established in this country prior to 1925, the increasing role of the Roman Catholic Church as a "governmental services provider" thoroughly polluted the administration of both Territorial and Municipal Government Services with religious dogma and prejudice that has contributed mightily to the fraud and abuse that has occurred in our country.
The Order of the Templars came back from the Crusades "infected" with a brand of Gnosticism born of exposure to the more ancient cults of Baal from Babylon and Sumeria, and Osiris from Egypt. The Pope and King Philip of France had also borrowed a great deal of money from the Templars, and were hard up against having to pay them back. So they used the religious differences as an excuse to suppress, murder, and confiscate the property of the Templars.
That is what ultimately created two portions of our modern dilemma --- the first being the suppression of the Templars and their beliefs, resulting in Freemasonry and other less savory Secret Societies, and the second being the start of a loathsome habit of the Holy See and its Collaborators of borrowing huge amounts of money from people and then killing off their Priority Creditors.
You can see this most grossly in the Second World War wherein the Holy See and Hitler borrowed huge amounts of money from Jews living in Germany and Eastern Europe, and then, when it was time to pay back the debt, exterminated their Priority Creditors instead. The Municipal corporations under the control of the Holy See and their principal subcontractors --- the Alphabet Soup Agencies --- were being fully prepared and weaponized to carry out exactly this same maneuver in America, complete with FEMA concentration camps.
This behavior cannot be seen as anything related to religious differences or any misunderstood loyalty to the teachings of Yeshuah. It is criminal behavior --- theft, murder, and piracy--- motivated by greed and blamed on the victims in every instance since the suppression of the Templars.
The Church attempted to excuse this by adopting what can only be described as doctrinal schizophrenia --- preaching the Gospel under the sacred Office of the Pope, and allowing this filthy, violent, horrifying behavior under the Office of the Roman Pontiff. And selling it all under the Church's storefront.
The recent maneuvers have not stopped the problem. The Office of the Roman Pontiff was closed down in 2011, but the "new" Holy Roman Empire started up on its heels and took over the same old function --- the Gold, Order, and Dominion function of secretive violence, war-mongering, theft, deceit and criminal brutality. Gold, Order, and Dominion = GOD, and their KINGDOM OF GOD, which is not our Kingdom of Heaven, and not allied with any teaching of Yeshuah.
It is also clear that after bankrupting and liquidating the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC. and granting the perpetrators undeserved bankruptcy protection, the Holy See and its property managers at the Vatican fully intend to simply boot up another deceitfully named Municipal Corporation and reward the criminal members of the Municipal United States "Congress".
That is, after all this, after all the exposure of their misdeeds and criminality, they have learned nothing. They have not turned away from their sins. They have not repented one bit. They have simply coiled around and shed their skin and think that they are going to go right on with business as usual.
My Mother had a good answer for snakes. It's called a garden hoe.
In making these observations it gives me no pleasure to report, nor does the rest of the story, which Kurt Kallenbach explains exhaustively in his publications and on his website, www.kurtisrichardkallenbach.xyz .
The research that Kurt and his team have undertaken coincides, underlines, explains additional --- especially theological --- history, that only concerns us in that it explains the origins of the ignorant and superstitious practices that have ultimately been elevated to excuse gross crimes against each and every one of us.
Very briefly, clerics at the time of Thomas Aquinas could not explain the nature of the afterbirth that accompanied each child into the world. So they deemed it a live born "human person" that mysteriously died upon entering this world.
We have caught hospital personnel and have hospital records detailing how the afterbirth is seized upon and kept without the knowledge or consent of the Mother or Father, how it is named using our Given Name--purportedly "donated" by the Mother, and how this is used as an excuse to steal and replicate our identity, to create an "infant decedent estate" named after us, and ultimately, to even steal our DNA.
As bizarre as this is, it is true. This has been going on non-stop in Maternity Wards for years and the identity of the Mothers as married women has been being obscured because the Catholic Church refuses to recognize any marriage not given their stamp of approval. Thus, according to them, we are all "bastards" --- unclaimed waifs, wards of the State of State, unclaimed property.
One wonders whatever excuse these unrepentant Middlemen can make in view of their sins, for standing as Gatekeepers between the True God and his Children, and as Judges over the rest of us, when they cannot observe the least bit of common decency.
I am sure that the vast majority of Catholics reading this short summation will be horrified and disbelieving, but these bizarre claims and practices are fully and exhaustively proven and documented and they all amount to nothing but a very large pile of lies, half-truths, fantasies, superstitions, and most all --- excuses for crime.
As a result, yes, Campers, we find it necessary to even go back and claim our DNA, via a Paramount Claim to our essence from the moment of our conception and the formation of a zygote.
They stole your Given Name and identity. They stole your Earthly estate. They even stole your DNA. All in the "Name of God" and "Jesus Christ", of course.
Repentance must come to this Church --- true, lasting, and strictly enforced repentance, because until it does, nobody and nothing on Earth will be safe.
It literally is like nursing a nest of vipers, as their confessions and contrition appear to last all of five minutes before they go do the same evils again and indulge themselves in more lies and half-truths and obfuscations.
Even though our State Jural Assemblies have nothing to do with Congregational Assemblies, and our Courts do not address ecclesiastical or canon law, we do address probate of our estates and our property interests and our intellectual property rights and our private assets ---- all of which have been deplorably abused by these hypocrites on a worldwide scale.
Thus it is, that while the British Monarch is responsible for the abuses practiced upon us in the international jurisdiction of the sea, the Pope is responsible for the abuses in the global jurisdiction of the air, and both of them must be held accountable for this state of affairs.
There is a backdoor where religious controversy enters in, though it is not a part of our American Government, and is in fact a source of gross criminal behavior on the part of subcontractors run by the Holy See and its Vatican property managers.
As we wake up and get started with the vast house-cleaning and restoration work set before us, it is only rational that all Catholics worldwide object to these gross criminal practices and refuse to support their continuance, the lies against the Mothers and their rights, the lies against the babies and theft of their DNA, their Good Names, and their estates --- all of this ancient, superstitious evil used to excuse criminal activity must stop and it must stop now. It has no validity in fact and certainly has no place in the modern world.
Our State Jural Assemblies have the power and must demand the repeal of Federal Code Title 37, conscripting our doctors, nurses, dentists and other health care personnel into the "US" military as "Uniformed Officers" and end the extortionate use of professional licensing to compel them to participate in these bizarre practices and clandestine registrations of afterbirths "as" live born Americans festooned with our Given Names and used to substitute "for" us so as to steal our identities almost from the moment of our birth.
We must all, worldwide, expose these evils and those who practice them inside and outside the Roman Catholic Church.
We must demand that the unrepentant Roman Curia suspend all privileges of incorporation to the members and administrators and Board of Directors of the Municipal United States Congress and not reward these Vermin with any further opportunity to create, organize, operate, direct, share-hold, or benefit from any incorporated entity whatsoever.
They must not be allowed to come back through the door, unroll a new Municipal Charter, and continue on. They must be stopped and they must be punished.
Any attempt to just hand-off the nastiness of the Office of the Roman Pontiff and its profits to a new gang of criminals operating as the "Holy Roman Empire" needs to be stopped in its tracks, too.
We are not a "nation of bastards" and neither are the people of the many other nations of the world which have been denigrated and dis-served in the same way, using the same venal practices, the same archaic and evil excuses.
The State Jural Assemblies are therefore reminded that these are not religious issues from the standpoint of the American Government, but they are issues of property crime, false claims in commerce, fraud, conspiracy, unlawful conversion, identity theft, inland piracy, personage, Breach of Trust, copyright infringement, mis-characterization, credit and insurance fraud, bankruptcy fraud, securities fraud, extortion, racketeering, money laundering, kidnapping, treaty violations, and numerous other kinds of crime.
If the Catholics don't voluntarily and honestly clean up their own Church, monitor its behavior, and control its business affairs, it is inevitable that the rest of us will have to expose and embarrass them until they do. It is also apparent that Catholic owned and operated corporations, like British owned and operated corporations, have embezzled vast amounts of money and resources out of the American States and People and as a reward, have prepared to murder us, their Priority Creditors.
This continued lunatic behavior cannot be tolerated in the modern world, and should rightfully be known and addressed by the State Jural Assemblies going forward----but not as a religious issue--- as a criminal and economic issue.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Thus Article 1511-1513: For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked from Lincoln County Watch
That's an article 1511-1513: For All The Jural Assemblies - 9 Grand Theories and "Responses" Debunked from Lincoln County Watch This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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