Title : 1464-1466: Basic Misunderstanding from Lincoln County Watch
link : 1464-1466: Basic Misunderstanding from Lincoln County Watch
1464-1466: Basic Misunderstanding from Lincoln County Watch
Thursday, January 3, 2019
1464-1466: Basic Misunderstanding from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
The People (as opposed to "the Persons") do not "petition" their subcontractors (the "US" in all forms).
The Right to Petition refers to the right of the people to address their own government without interference by the foreign contractors, but at no time does it suggest that we subject ourselves by petitioning any FOREIGN government.
Our government is meant to control and direct THEIR government, but so long as we sit around and LET them run rampant, they do.
Instead of petitioning those meant to be your servants, get on your feet, correct your political status records, assemble your State Jural Assemblies, and TELL them what to do.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Notice and Demand X Three
By Anna Von Reitz
The would-be assassins of President Trump were part of an elite Marine Guard unit that apparently went Rogue and was being paid to do this as mercenaries hired by the FBI.
The FBI along with other well-known alphabet soup agencies (including BLM) is owned and operated by a for-profit corporation calling itself the "GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES". We can see by the manner in which the name of this organization is styled that it is a Municipal United States corporation and one of those being liquidated for criminal activity as a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC.
Now the interesting question is --- who are the members of the Board and Shareholders and Comptrollers of this entity doing business as the "GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES"?
We know that they were directly involved in the murder of American State Citizens including the travesties at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and more recently, the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum. We know that they have been orchestrating the activities of both the FBI and BLM, so that there was a conflict of interest inherent in the FBI's actions from the start of the occupation of the wildlife refuge in Oregon.
It would seem that identification and arrest of these criminals and the shutting down of their corporations for criminal activity should be Job One --- except that they are already in liquidation as municipal franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. and don't have a contract and are supposed to be shut down entirely for a period of 90 days.
Does this mean that the perpetrators get away with everything? Just do another "Presto-Change-O!" --- alter the spelling or order or style of their corporate name and keep right on skating?
I don't think so.
Pope Francis? This is your baileywick. You ordered the liquidation of the UNITED STATES, INC. --- thank you, very much --- and now may we impose on your good graces to take a further administrative action along with the members of the Curia?
We would like those individuals responsible for the mismanagement of the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES to be identified and permanently denied the privilege of creating, operating, shareholding, or profiting in any manner from any incorporated entity again.
Otherwise, all we accomplish is a diabolical "Revolving Door" operation, in which the same criminals choose a new name, re-incorporate under a different banner, and go right on acting as protected criminals.
The privilege --- as privilege it is --- to form a corporation and profit from corporations should be universally denied to felons who have committed crimes of state, murder, kidnapping, and genocide.
While we are at it, we would also like to request the permanent liquidation and return of the assets of the NORTHERN TRUST organization which has been running both the IRS and the Bar Associations. This, too, has been a source of abject mis-administration and criminality and the individuals responsible need to be identified and denied all commercial privileges going forward.
One of the delightful parts of the English language is the realm of Collective Nouns ---- words used to describe a group, as opposed to individuals. Thus we have a "herd" of cattle, an "ascension" of larks, a "piddle" of puppies, a "murder" of crows, and a "gaggle" of geese.
I am unaware of any official Collective Noun applying to the species of "middle men", but I submit the suggestion that they henceforth be known as a "plague" of middle men, and identified as a group opposed to life on this planet and accordingly slated for eradication.
We are living in a world in which organizations created for the "public good" have forgotten their obligations to the public they are supposed to serve and from which they ultimately, albeit through a string of middle men, receive their own sustenance.
A final word on the attempted assassination of President Trump--- it is no mistake that this was promoted via members of the Marine Corps. Like the US Navy, the Marine Corps was born in a state of protracted conflict of interest, compromised by a command structure ultimately controlled by the British Monarchs and not (except while in home ports) controlled by the American Government at all.
This is why Marine Recruits have traditionally (but perhaps no longer?) been obliged to shout, "I am an American!" every day of Boot Camp, to impress this fact upon them forever afterward, and to hopefully command their understanding of where their loyalties ultimately lie --- with the American States and People, not with the "US" corporations like the "FBI" doing business under deceptive names.
Pope Francis, now that the municipal corporations no longer have a contract, nor, for that matter, any legal right to exist, we, the lawful Head of State and Government owed to The United States of America [Unincorporated] claim their assets and direct their personnel to disband, cease and desist operations.
We deny them any use of our Delegated Powers to re-organize, re-name, or re-shuffle their assets to Successor organizations, and deny them any option to resurrect their criminal enterprises via the abuse of our Delegated Powers. We seize upon their names, trademarks, copyrights, and all other assets material and immaterial in the name of their Priority Creditors, the American States and People doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated]. We, the lawful government of this country, deny them any right, privilege, or honor to create, operate, share-hold, or profit from any incorporated entity and call upon you and the Roman Curia to enforce our determination and this declaration of Notice and Demand, repeated here three times to include all jurisdictions and to dispel and liquidate all these criminal incorporated entities and to bar any further participation of the responsible parties in commercial privileges. [1X]
We deny them any use of our Delegated Powers to re-organize, re-name, or re-shuffle their assets to Successor organizations, and deny them any option to resurrect their criminal enterprises via the abuse of our Delegated Powers. We seize upon their names, trademarks, copyrights, and all other assets material and immaterial in the name of their Priority Creditors, the American States and People doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated]. We, the lawful government of this country, deny them any right, privilege, or honor to create, operate, share-hold, or profit from any incorporated entity and call upon you and the Roman Curia to enforce our determination and this declaration of Notice and Demand, repeated here three times to include all jurisdictions and to dispel and liquidate all these criminal incorporated entities and to bar any further participation of the responsible parties in commercial privileges. [2X]
We deny them any use of our Delegated Powers to re-organize, re-name, or re-shuffle their assets to Successor organizations, and deny them any option to resurrect their criminal enterprises via the abuse of our Delegated Powers. We seize upon their names, trademarks, copyrights, and all other assets material and immaterial in the name of their Priority Creditors, the American States and People doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated]. We, the lawful government of this country, deny them any right, privilege, or honor to create, operate, share-hold, or profit from any incorporated entity and call upon you and the Roman Curia to enforce our determination and this declaration of Notice and Demand, repeated here three times to include all jurisdictions and to dispel and liquidate all these criminal incorporated entities and to bar any further participation of the responsible parties in commercial privileges. [3X]
Most sincerely,
James Clinton
Anna Maria
c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska
(907) 250-5087
dba The United States of America [Unincorporated]
Monetary Education For Millennials, and everyone else also
Found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVZdSJ6zENI
Crisis coming in dollar bubble. You are better off seeing this and doing something now while you can. Will gold go to $10,000 per ounce? If so what will silver do? At today's ratio of gold to silver, which is 82 to 1, silver would be worth $121.95 per ounce overnight.
Have you got any better answers, or better information than what he presents here? I don't!
We have been helping people for years and trying to get our own family ready, because this is coming and we would rather be ready, and not need it, than be caught short and lose everything.
There are many ways to get silver. We have been doing this for 12 years now.
This man and his company used all their algorithms and personal experience and expertise to reach the same conclusions we did over 25 years ago that there is a tremendous crash of fiat currencies coming like a freight train going down a 20% grade at a hundred miles per hour with a thousand freight cars behind it. It's absolutely unstoppable.
Or just call me to order at 406 889 3183 8AM to 8PM weekdays. pstramer@gmail.com
Paul Stramer
The Kingdom of the Dead
By Anna Von Reitz
People ask me--- what are we to do?
First, realize that our Enemies are Liars. They worship the Father of all Lies, all Errors, all Delusions.
Second, realize that they operate by pretending to be us. They just ram around taking up fake personas, pretending to be Catholics, pretending to be Muslims, pretending --- even --- to be Patriots. Or Republicans. Or Democrats.
To them, it is all just a matter of playing a part, like an actor plays a part.
Third, realize that they have little or no conscience. They are motivated by the most base kinds of needs and wants --- sex, food, ego. When you look at all their crimes it is apparent that a base and mindless kind of selfishness permeates their every move and motive like a bad smell.
The "bad smell" attribute of all their works and ways is understandable in part, because these people are, in a sense, dead.
Their souls are dead, so they are rotting from the inside out.
The presence of our Creator, His Life extended to us all, withdraws from them and leaves them in a queer muddle of existence. Their bodies function, their mouths speak -- but only to spew lies and snide ego-driven comments -- like what you see on television every day among "news commentators".
Since when did we ever need "news commentators"? --that is, politically motivated editorialists to tell us what to think? As I recall, the only need a sane society has is for "news reporters", not "opinion makers". Left alone to use our own minds, we can all form our opinions very well.
But we are not living in a sane society. We are living in a modern-day repeat of the Babylonian and Sumerian Abomination, "as in the days of Noah".
Not only are these people Liars and devotees of all things fraudulent, deceitful, illusory, and dishonest, they are also devotees of all things that are unreal, fictional, "made up".
They love names and labels and use these as "handles" --- literally --- to grab and steal and attempt to alter identities and realities.
I have spent an inordinate amount of time teaching you all how they have made up and used "styles" of your own name to defraud you, but the same and worse has happened to whole countries.
Ask yourself--- when did "Gaul" become "France"? When did "England" become "Great Britain"? Observe how they have endeavored to change "The United States of America" into "the United States"?
They have used this same device to "re-brand" and "re-define" you from being a living man with rights and protections, to being a dead thing --- a corporation franchise that can be murdered and pillaged and plundered at will.
They have killed you on paper and probated your estate while you were still an infant in your cradle. And they think it is all a fine joke--- and will think so, until we prosecute them as the criminals they are.
Things are looking bad for Scotland, very bad, indeed. It was a Scottish corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated" that kicked off the Great Fraud against America. It was Scotland where the Templars fled after King Philip got wise to them in France. And now, it's the Scottish Rite Temple Master of Rosalyn calling for "Ordo ab Chao", ordering all the 33rd Degree Freemasonic "Brothers" to wage war to "restore order" when their own Overlords, the British Guilds, have been so uniquely responsible for the Disorder we are facing.
It's like the left hand of a monster declaring "war" against the right hand of the same Beast, all for show, all for the purposes of blame. They are at it again, playing their endless game of pretend, pretend, pretend, and it is truly as if they don't realize the difference between fiction and fact.
People ask me--- why is Donald Trump having such a hard time?
First, Donald Trump is an outsider to all this craziness. He is "Nouveau Riche", he actually has Jewish people in his family, he doesn't get the joke when certain Catholic priests declare that the wine in their communion cup is transmuted into the actual blood of Christ.
Drinking blood? Where have we heard that before?
Second, Donald Trump is surrounded by and dealing with gangs on every side: political gangs, professional gangs, gangs even in the military. These gangs are a logical result of the corruption of governments worldwide by corporate interests and by the secretive "redefinition" of actual national governments as incorporated "territorial" and "municipal" governments.
Third, Donald Trump has had to go through a very onerous and dangerous process of testing "his spirits" even among those closest to him to try to discern who is telling the truth, who is compromised, who is corrupt, who is a viable ally --- and who is a deceitful enemy in ally clothing.
All this sorting and sieving is accompanied by loads of gross dis-information and propaganda and outright lies that are being pumped at Trump from every side, but--- like me, God blessed Donald Trump with a Shinola Sensor, so while it may take him a little time to cut through all that mustard, he is actually getting down to the ham and roast beef in record time.
Last week I forwarded his Tweet about shutting down the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has been operating without a contract since 2009 and should have been shut down a decade ago, but they were allowed to continue merrily taxing the American people on one hand and counterfeiting "US Dollars" on the other.
What else do you call it when an unauthorized person or group prints money?
So, not only is the Federal Reserve being shut down, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that various parties will be prosecuted for these crimes.
That's why I told everyone to batten down the hatches and take those disaster preparations seriously: food, water, heat, some cash and barter items, medications, pet food.... all the things you need so that you can stay home if need be.
If the word out of Washington this week is true, a gang of 50 Federal Reserve Operatives embedded in the Treasury Department tried to pull a New Year's Eve Putsch, one that would have resulted in stealing another five trillion dollars from the American States and People and resulted in another catastrophic Depression.
Why 50? Odd number of co-conspirators, don't you think? Unless there was one for every State of the Union manning a bank terminal and trying to work the same sleight of hand at the same time.
Luckily for us and everyone else who enjoys eating, they were caught in the act and whisked away to join their friends at Gitmo, and despite the obvious disarray and silence of the so-called "News" Media, the word is on the street.
The IMF just clobbered the Federal Reserve.
Now who is going to clobber the IMF?
As I have so often observed, in the Kingdom of the Dead, there are no good choices, just lesser or less flagrant and irresponsible evils. This is primarily because corporations are not held accountable and those running corporations are not held accountable.
The Roman Curia is supposed to rule over their creations --- trusts, foundations, C-Corps, S-Corps, LLCs and so on --- and is obligated to liquidate any corporation that is caught engaged in unlawful activity, but as you can now perceive, quite a number of Satanists pretending to be Catholics have infiltrated the Church and the Curia neglected its duty. As a result, entire countries have been run by incorporated crime syndicates in an interlocking trust directorate affecting every country on Earth.
Now, to their credit the Curia has weighed in and liquidated a great many municipal corporations involved in criminal activities. This includes the UNITED STATES, INC. which has been subjected to Chapter 7, Involuntary Bankruptcy. They are now in the process of "vacating" the premises and have to shut down and leave DC for 90 days.
How long do you think the "government shut down" is going to go on, if the members of Congress have anything to say about it?
90 days.
The problem with all of this is, that until the people running these lawless corporations are brought to justice and punished by losing their unjust enrichment and paying damages and never having the privilege of forming, owning, operating, or profiting from a corporation again --- the same Bad Actors just flip around slap a new name on their shingle, and keep on skating.
I have already observed two good examples of this --- the Tavistock Institute has renamed its American branch the "A.K. Rice Institute" and the infamous mercenary operation known as "Blackwater" has re-branded itself as the "Academi".
This re-shuffling and re-branding and re-naming is also apparent in the grocery stores --- old brands and labels you recognize are disappearing and new ones are taking their place --- albeit at much higher prices.
Rapid inflation and devaluation is underway, with a cup of yogurt that cost $1.09 last week now costing $1.89 and a loaf of bread that was $3.99 now costing $6.97. But you will have to observe these things for yourself on your own grocery shelves, because the "News" Media isn't really about news.
I was at the grocery store in Big Lake, Alaska, within an hour of reading Trump's Tweet about closing the Federal Reserve, filling my cart with last minute supplies. I heard a young couple behind me arguing over the prices and obviously in distress over a $.30 price per can increase of beans.
They were already on the ragged edge and she was saying to him, "We have to cook the dried ones. We can't afford these. My babies have got to eat."
And he was saying, "I don't know what we are going to do, then--- you know how much it costs for heat and electricity."
There, in that little microcosm, is The Problem. While some crime syndicates have helped themselves to trillions of dollars worth of credit and assets, billions of people have been reduced step-by-step to a choice between food and heat in the winter.
Mr. Trump, please arrest everyone involved in the Federal Reserve and its operations, including its owners and share holders and affiliates. Nationalize their holdings and return the value of their liquidated assets to the States and People who have been ruthlessly victimized by these Vermin for over a hundred years. It's time.
And don't think that the IMF is a bit better.
Make sure that no young couple has to choose between beans and heat, by returning to them what should never have been stolen from them.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Thus Article 1464-1466: Basic Misunderstanding from Lincoln County Watch
That's an article 1464-1466: Basic Misunderstanding from Lincoln County Watch This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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