Title : 1405-1410: The Saga of the Philippine Gold from Lincoln County Watch
link : 1405-1410: The Saga of the Philippine Gold from Lincoln County Watch
1405-1410: The Saga of the Philippine Gold from Lincoln County Watch
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
1405-1410: The Saga of the Philippine Gold from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
What happened is that "The United States of America, Incorporated" was preparing to go bankrupt circa 1907, and using our money as investment capital, they bought the land mass of the Philippine Islands from Spain. We have all the paperwork on that. So, then, the U.S. Army which was made
responsible for the safe-keeping of our money as of 1863, began preparing a place to stash gold (that should have been in Fort Knox) in the Philippines --- bear in mind that this is all gold belonging to the American States and People.
responsible for the safe-keeping of our money as of 1863, began preparing a place to stash gold (that should have been in Fort Knox) in the Philippines --- bear in mind that this is all gold belonging to the American States and People.
They were hiding it to keep Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Scottish corporation dba "The United States of America, Inc." (wink, wink) from trying to seize upon it, which is good, but since this was all very secret and hush-hush for obvious reasons, it also meant that fewer and fewer people knew what happened to our gold and that also meant that the temptations for fraud and theft proliferated.
One of the first acts of the 73rd Congress in 1934 was to establish a "totally independent government" for the Philippines. They did that so that the Philippine Government (which they still de facto controlled because of the land ownership already in place) could act as Trustee over our gold reserves stored over there and our gold would again be protected from claims from Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Roman Catholic Delaware corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc.
Everything that has happened since, the Japanese discovery and looting of the horde in WWII, the role of the Marcos regime---all that involvement of the Philippines in monitoring and holding and guarding our gold stems directly from the fact that "we" bought the land mass of the Philippines from Spain and the U.S. Army used locations in the Philippines to store our gold.
So, yes, we know that the American States' gold is cashiered in the Philippines and has been for over a hundred years. And yes, it is provably ours.
As for it supposed to be used for "philanthropic" purposes, nobody with authority to decide that has ever weighed in on the matter. The U.S. Army can't do it without our consent and the Government of the Philippines can't either, because they are merely trustees and we did not appoint any Committee of 300, any Tri-Lateral Commission, or any Bilderburgers to mess with it, either.
The gold needs to be returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated] first and foremost for the needs of the States and People to underwrite our own gold-backed currency and to pay off any actual debts that we may owe. After that, we can talk about philanthropic purposes for our own people and the rest of the world.
Americans are generous and practical people. We want to see everyone safe, fat, and happy--- or as the Bible put it, each with their own vineyard and fig tree and abundant peace. Now that the odious Doctrines of Destiny, Discovery, and Scarcity have been overturned and the Saturnine Brotherhood has been removed from power, there is really no reason that we can't all have abundance and peace.
That is certainly what I wish for and what all right-thinking people want. Please let our friends in the Philippines know that the actual, factual American Government is still alive and kicking, a bit battered around the ears and kept in the dark by those who owed us better service, but still here, still functioning, still populating this country and still standing as sovereign States of the Union Federation.
We would very much like to meet with them and sort this whole Mess out at the earliest opportunity, because it just delays things and makes everything more difficult when the actual Powerholders are not at the table. Thank you for helping to get this message out.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
A Fundamental Understanding
By Anna Von Reitz
When any -- ANY -- incorporated entity attacks an unincorporated entity, a crime occurs.
Pure and simple.
When the "United States,Inc." attacked the Confederate States of States, they also damaged the actual States and People. Thus, a crime occurred.
Thereafter, the Vermin responsible (mostly Railroad Barons) bankrupted the "United States, Inc." so they wouldn't have to pay for all the damage they caused, and together with dishonest politicians and bankers, fronted the Scottish impostor doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated".
More crimes perpetuated by incorporated entities against unincorporated entities occurred--- fraud, usurpation, breach of trust, etc., etc.,----all criminal activities carried out by incorporated entities against unincorporated entities.
The Pope as Trustee of the Air Jurisdiction and the Roman Curia should have stepped in immediately and liquidated the offending corporations, but they didn't. Instead, they acted in Breach of Trust and profited from these immoral and criminal organizations.
Same thing with the British Monarchs that were supposedly acting as our Trustees on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" ---- they should have been riding herd on the Scottish Government and should have prevented any member of the United Kingdom Government from preying upon us, and instead, they acted in Breach of Trust and profited from these immoral and criminal organizations.
Now we have the French-Belgian-Swiss rot-mongers fronting other incorporated entities (US ARMY, USAF, US NAVY for example) making attacks on living people and actual land masses using incorporated entities as "fronts".
At each and every time that this happens, these corporations are functioning as criminal organizations and are subject to immediate liquidation.
The Law is: any incorporated entity that does anything unlawful against an unincorporated (sovereign) entity is guilty of crime and subject to immediate liquidation.
That's why we are still standing and they are not.
Please note that the saying, "The meek will inherit the Earth." may also be interpreted as, "The Miq will inherit the Earth."
The Miq is the ancient Moral Code of Commercial Law. If that Moral Code is followed, all these corporations that have done these evil things must be liquidated and their assets must returned to the people and countries they have harmed.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Day Six Disaster Update
By Anna Von Reitz
I will make this short and sweet.
Everything is returning to normal. We have, all together as a group, sustained about $40,000.00 worth of damage and various physical injuries that are not life-threatening and on the way to healing. We continue to need donations to make everyone whole and continue our current operations.
The "weird tsunami" has petered out and downgraded over the course of the night from a fifty foot wall of water to a twenty foot "high storm surge" which may cause some damage to the docks and similar facilities, but doesn't pose any very great danger to life or hard to replace or repair infrastructure.
We have chucked the family china and crystal into the dustbins and shuffled large amounts of "broken everything" out to the curb. It's odd looking at the empty shelves and cupboards and facing Christmas Dinner using paper plates.
So much for GHW's "kinder and gentler" world--- a world in which everything would be taken from the Americans, even our Good Names and our national borders.
Next time you hear the awful statistics about families and lives decimated by the Opium Drug Epidemic, you know who to thank.
I am still acting as Pay Mistress. My PayPal is: avannavon@gmail.com. Donations can also be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
"To Live, and Not Die"
By Anna Von Reitz
I have a friend who has for many years struggled to build a functional, practical Utopian community grid--- to find ways for people to trade without usury, to live without pollution, to have local control, to have clean food and water, to contribute to the rest of the world --- all the things that have to happen if our race is to endure upon the Earth.
Today, he called to tell me about all the support he has found for his efforts and the progress he has made. It was a little like talking to John Galt. He is building his "Gulch", but it is a hideaway meant for all humanity. A little phrase he used caught my attention: "To Live, and Not Die".
Our Creator has urged us to make a choice and to choose life, to live and not die. That choice is clearly set before each one of us, and in front of us all, but we don't think about it much.
Do we choose life and take the actions necessary to preserve life, or do we choose death for ourselves and our planet?
Peace is necessary for life --- our lives and other's lives, too.
We have by the Grace of the True Lord of Heaven been given marvelous technological superiority, overwhelming power and protection. But this was given to us so that we can freely choose life. And peace. It was given to us because our hearts and minds are open books and He knows that we will faithfully prefer and choose life for this planet and everyone on it.
It is only with great sadness that we announce that any further deployment of weapons of war against American soil by any party will result in the full force of their intended strike being reflected directly back at them.
In other words, while we will not take aggressive action to harm anyone ourselves, any action against us or our country will result in the strike being literally returned to the senders--- reflected right back at them.
In this way, those who choose war and death will be destroyed with pinpoint accuracy and will receive back exactly what they chose.
It has been confirmed that yes, the strike on Big Lake, Alaska, that resulted in the 7.0 earthquake, was done by the US NAVY and USAF acting under the instructions of Russell-J:Gould and other complicit former Americans pretending to be "White Hats" and instead being set up as scapegoats.
No actual White Hat attacks his own soil and his own people.
And it is apparent that Russell has been hired to in his words, "perform" these functions for the French-Belgian-Swiss cabal.
For some months, Russell has been facing financial dire straits and no doubt that that circumstance and promises of quick political power seduced him and others into these acts of violence and has left them open to charges of treason.
As all my readers know, I started my life as a mathematician. So when David-Wynn:Miller and Russell-J:Gould showed up claiming that they had "discovered" (actually re-discovered the old Parthian grammar) the "mathematical interface" with language and grammar, it intrigued me.
Being a mathematician I didn't bother to study the grammar which is merely the supposed result of the mathematics. I studied the mathematics and found it to be deeply flawed.
In other words, the whole reason we are being sold on using PARSE -- that it is "mathematically correct" ---- is wrong, and provably so, without breaking much of a sweat.
This, then, undercuts the entire supposed validity and “correctness” of PARSE and also, together with the fact that PARSE is not the official language of this country, destroys all claims that the Constitutions are void because they didn’t follow PARSE SYNTAX.
I meant to discuss this finding with Russell at a later date and to further explore the idea of improving communication using mathematical principles---which isn't a bad idea. Now it appears we won't have the opportunity to sit down over a friendly cup of coffee and do that.
It's important for everyone to understand that the "Federal Government" operates entirely under “delegated power” with respect to us and has no power of its own. It’s simply a subcontractor obligated to provide the enumerated services expressed as “Powers”. Period.
It is also a matter of international law that our States, not any “State of State”, holds the actual power.
As a result, nothing that has happened to any of the Federal, Territorial, or Municipal Branches can affect us, beyond obligating us to either: (a) hire new subcontractors or (b) do the work ourselves.
No corporation or individual acting as a franchisee or originator of a corporation can claim to own our flag, our Post Office, or much of anything else that ultimately belongs to a sovereign state. Such a premise would argue that corporations created by men are “equal to or greater than” the people creating those corporations.
By Maxim of Law, the creation is never greater than the creator.
Whatever he might say about the importance of what happened in 1999, Russell-J:Gould is in the same basic position as Keith Livingway with respect to his claims to “own” the Title IV Flag and other property. Unless he returns all claim of ownership back to the States and People, he is, like Livingway, simply a later pirate in possession of stolen goods.
Livingway claims to “own” The United States of America because he went to a Naval Yard Sale and bought an original copy of The Articles of Confederation, and similar assertions, but what he in fact acquired was the detritus of a bankrupted Scottish Corporation that had infringed on our copyrights and was in possession of our property via fraud.
Russell-J:Gould is claiming to “own” the Title IV Flag defined by another usurping foreign corporation, the Roman Catholic version doing business as “the United States of America”, which was bankrupted in 1933 and came out of bankruptcy in 1999, when Russell, like Livingway, came forward and claimed it. However, just like Livingway, he is in possession of our stolen property.
First pirate: the Scottish “ringer” doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” – property picked up out of bankruptcy by Keith Livingway.
Second pirate, the Roman Catholic Delaware corporation doing business as “the” United States of America, Incorporated – property --including the Title IV Flag used by that corporation, picked up by Russell-J:Gould.
Same schtick, same logic, same circumstance.
In both cases, these men are in receipt of stolen property belonging to The United States of America [Unincorporated], our States, and our People.
When I talked to Russell last year he seemed to clearly comprehend the necessity of returning the so-called Title IV Flag and all other property rightfully belonging to this country to its lawful government.
Apparently, he (a) lied through his teeth or (b) never actually and clearly understood the facts and the law.
In any event, if he has in fact collaborated with the French-Belgian-Swiss Cabal and fired weapons against American soil and caused millions of dollars-worth of damage to Alaska and its people, he must be considered a traitor and a violent traitor, too, together with all the men with him. They are responsible for the death of two innocent Alaskans.
I very much suspect that they have all been set up as Fall Guys as part of a US ARMY PsyOp and I am grieved for them and for us all.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Before Anyone Misunderstands or Misinterprets....
By Anna Von Reitz
My support for Russell-J:Gould to someday become President of a restored Federal Government does not imply lack of support for our current President or lack of sympathy for his very substantial burden.
We, as a country, have a lot of homework to do, and at the same time, bear many responsibilities with regard to the rest of the world. This makes this an extremely challenging time in history.
Let's begin with what I mean by a "restored" Federal Government and what the Federal Government is supposed to be.
There are supposed to be three branches of the Federal Government, and those branches are not "executive, legislative, and judicial" like you were taught in public school.
Those branches are supposed to be Federal, Territorial, and Municipal.
Nobody taught you that because the "Federal" part of the "Federal Government" has been usurped upon since 1868.
Our system is supposed to have States that hold the supreme power in international jurisdiction overall --- and those States then delegate a portion of their empowerment in the international jurisdiction of the sea to the Federal Government which is supposed to operate Federal States of States.
Alabama is supposed to be operating a Federal State of State called "The State of Alabama", but that Federal State of State was never reconstructed after the Civil War.
Instead, the Territorial Branch of the Federal Government usurped the position of the Federal Government and substituted Territorial States of State instead.
Instead of "The State of Alabama" they began operating as the Territorial "State of Alabama" and nobody but the lawyers were the wiser.
So, in order for our Federal Government as a whole to ever function as it should, those original Federal States of States have to be restored and in some cases, created for the first time ever.
Now a lot of people have asked me about this situation and wanted to know-- What's a Territorial State?
The key thing to know about Territorial States is that they are allowed to exist on a temporary basis by the Northwest Ordinance, which is one of the Four Organic Laws at the foundations of our government.
The problem is that these Territorial States have been in existence and usurping upon the responsibilities and empowerments of the intended Federal Branch of the Federal Government for 150 years.
Not exactly "temporary" even in the life span of a nation.
As new states were added to the Union, a Territorial State would be formed and organized into counties and populated and geographic boundaries would be surveyed and established and roads and post offices and bridges and other very basic infrastructure would be constructed.
Then, when enough people had "populated" the new State, its Statehood would be declared and voted upon and confirmed by the people living there, and then also confirmed by the Congress. The new State is then enrolled as a State of the Federal Union and entitled to operate a Federal State of State, too.
At that point, the Territorial State is supposed to recede and operate in the background, to serve its other designated and delegated functions.
That's the way it's supposed to work, with the Territorial State functioning as a temporary and purely transitional political entity on the way to full Statehood.
Since 1868, however, that simple "temporary" duty has been used as a means to bypass and usurp upon both the actual States and the Federal States of States.
(1) So, we have called the actual States to Assemble: Maine, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin.....and all those Jural Assemblies are forming....
(2) And this is the prelude to restoring: The State of Maine, The State of Florida, The State of Ohio, The State of Wisconsin....
(3) And that in turn is the prelude to convening a Continental Congress of eligible Fiduciary Deputies from each of the States to officially enroll all the other States that have been formed since 1860: Wyoming, Utah, Nevada....
(4) Which is the prelude to creating for the first time ever: the Federal States of: The State of Wyoming, The State of Utah, The State of Nevada.....
(5) All of which is the prelude to forming a new Confederacy of Federal States of States to do the functions delegated to our Federal Government.
This is a lot of work and education to be done, with many fearful obstacles and opportunities to run off track or be commandeered or otherwise interfered with, but it is nonetheless what is required to restore our government as it was meant to be, and that is the First Step toward decisions about changing that government.
It has to be restored and then reformed, in that order, to make the whole transition both lawful and legal.
In the meantime, everyone has been running about like the proverbial headless chickens thinking that there would be no government in place and nobody in charge and no way to control the situation once the Territorial and Municipal Corporations were bankrupted.
That is not true.
The actual, factual States of the Union remain, and they are the Principals that delegated the powers to the Federal Government and its Branches in the first place.
We have acknowledged and accepted the return of the Delegated Powers due to the incapacity in bankruptcy of the Territorial and Municipal Branches of the Federal Government and also due to the moth-balled status of the Federal Branch of the Federal Government.
As the original Delegators, our States and our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated], are able to function and exercise our own powers quite apart from any "Federal Government" or branch thereof.
We have invited Mr. Trump to step out of the Hot Seat, so to speak, and have bonded the actual Public Office of The President of The United States of America for him, if he should choose to step down from the lesser offices and administer the "Federal Government" via trusted subordinates.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Thus Article 1405-1410: The Saga of the Philippine Gold from Lincoln County Watch
That's an article 1405-1410: The Saga of the Philippine Gold from Lincoln County Watch This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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