Title : Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
link : Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
Dear AoA Readers,
I recently had the privilege and pleasure of attending and speaking at Weston A. Price Foundation's 17th Annual Wise Traditions Conference in Alabama (Nov. 10th-14th, 2016).
Topics covered at this year's conference ran the gamut from Characteristics of Healthy Diets, to Teaming with Nature for Chemical-Free Yards and Nutrient-Dense Vegetables, to Our Seniors: Dumping Ground for Drugs?, to Mercury Amalgam
Detoxification, to Restoring the Family Farm, to...an all-day Vaccination Track with 4 speakers!
In addition to amazing, information-packed lectures about health and nutrition...and we are not talking about the FDA/CDC/AAP/AMA's means of achieving health (!), or the FDA/USDA's recommendations for nutrition (!)...there were numerous exhibitors selling everything from kombucha to supplements to alpaca blankets. And the food was incredible...all WAPF-style...at a hotel, no less! Numerous farmers and companies donated organic, nutrient-dense foods, which WAPF members helped hotel chefs and kitchen staff to prepare the WAPF way. Let me just say, we ate well!
I spoke on Sunday morning from 9:00-10:20 am. The title of my presentation was Vaccines: What Is
Below are the video link for and the transcript of my presentation. My hope is that for anyone who watches and/or reads my presentation, it will be the end of vaccinations for them and their children. For any doctors, nurses, or pharmacists who watch and/or read my presentation, I hope it will mark the end of their recommending and/or administering vaccines ever again. For any legislators who watch and/or read my presentation, I hope it will be the impetus which compels them to initiate legislation to ban vaccine mandates in their states, or at the federal level, and to initiate legislation for an immediate moratorium on all vaccinations for all people since not one should ever have been approved or marketed.
I hope you will share my presentation with others. You might just save a child, and his/her family, from a lifetime of suffering and premature death.
Laura Hayes
Mother of Vaccine-Injured Children
On a mission to end the Vaccine Holocaust
WAPF Conference, 11-13-16
Good morning, my name is Laura Hayes, I am from N CA, and I want to thank you all for making the choice to come to the Vaccination track this morning! The title of my talk is “Vaccines: What Is There to Be ‘Pro’ About?”, of which you will receive a copy after my presentation. I am excited for the opportunity to talk to you about the dangers, inefficacies, and lack of need for vaccines; about the corruption that underlies them from manufacture to mandate, and beyond; and about the urgent need to put an immediate end to this vaccine insanity that has swept our nation resulting in an unprecedented loss of our most basic fundamental human right…the right to determine that which we allow, or don’t allow, into our own bodies, and those of our children.
Think about that…if we don’t have the most basic of rights, those of self-autonomy and bodily integrity, and the right to protect our children from known harm, what meaningful rights do we have?
And let us not forget that the hallmark of ethical medicine is that of prior, completely voluntary, and fully informed consent. The U.S. has agreed to uphold and abide by this standard of ethical medicine on numerous occasions, beginning in 1947 with the signing of The Nuremberg Code. This international code of ethics was the result of the world becoming aware of atrocious medical experiments performed on human beings during WWII without their consent, and often without their knowledge. To ensure that such crimes against humanity would never occur again, the Nuremberg Code was written and it states that “the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” Additional, similar codes of ethics have been signed since then by the U.S., most recently including The Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights at the UNESCO Convention in 2005, which states in Article 6 under the section titled Consent:
Any preventive (which by definition includes vaccines), diagnostic, and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free, and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.
In Article 3 of this same Declaration it states:
The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.
Vaccine mandates, in and of themselves, with or without exemptions, are in complete violation of the Nuremberg Code and other international codes of ethics, as is any form of mandated medicine.
For those of us in CA, MS, and WV, this hallmark of ethical medicine is no longer being heeded at any level and the aforementioned agreements to which the U.S is a signer are currently being violated. Your state could be next.
Today, I would like to begin by reassuring you that you do not need to be a PhD chemist or biologist, or a medical doctor, or some type of genius to understand that what is going on with vaccines is not scientific, is not proven, is not safe, is not working as claimed, is not ethical, and is not wise. All that is truly needed is a basic level of common sense, parental instincts that have not been demeaned, grossly manipulated, and obliterated by doctors and others, and the willingness and ears to hear the truth.
Part of that truth involves challenging the notion that it is desirable for humans to be infection-free. The immune system, like our muscles and our brains, needs to be challenged to become stronger and more efficient. However, the challenges must occur via natural means, not via artificial and damaging means. The current and unnatural goal of eliminating temporary, acute, immune-system-building infections has led to the development of permanent, chronic, immune-system-destroying diseases. So we must ask ourselves, do we want the former or the latter?
We must also ask ourselves, what benefits are we forever forfeiting when we interfere via vaccination in an attempt to try to avoid contracting infections naturally? To list but a few, one is forfeiting: permanent lifetime immunity; the future ability for females to pass on immunity to their baby both in the womb and via breastfeeding; contracting these illnesses during childhood, when they are mostly benign, and instead contracting them during adulthood, when they are far more serious; protection against and avoidance of many types of cancer, both during childhood and later on in adulthood; and, perhaps most importantly, the purity of one’s immune system, which can never be restored. Wow, that is quite a list of health benefits one forfeits when one chooses to vaccinate.
We must be aware that we have been taught to fear infections for which there is a vaccine. Due to this erroneous teaching, one might call it brainwashing, the majority of Americans is now suffering from lifelong, debilitating diseases which manifest as chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, and premature deaths.
I also want to challenge the notion that vaccinations equal immunization. Not true at all, and that is why you will never hear me call vaccinations “immunizations”, because they are not. Vaccine “efficacy” is allowed to be determined by the presence of titers post-vaccination in small numbers of study subjects. Titers are concentrations of antibodies. However, the presence of elevated vaccine-induced titers does not mean a person is now immune from that which he was vaccinated against, it simply means his blood has been purposefully and artificially tainted by a vaccine. In reality, people with low to zero titers for a certain infection can remain uninfected when exposed to that illness, and conversely, people with extremely high titers for a certain infection can contract the illness when exposed. Therefore, the presence of vaccine-induced titers offers no proof of vaccine efficacy…yet, it continues to be used as proof of efficacy…and vaccine recipients continue to be duped…and poisoned.
Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, there has been no research comparing vaccine-induced titers to titers acquired via natural means, such as through breastmilk and/or through exposure to natural infection. Such a comparison study is required before claims of any kind can be made about vaccine-induced titers.
If any of you sitting here today is still comfortable with the notion of vaccines and with the practice of vaccinating, I anticipate that you will be very uncomfortable with both by the end of my presentation…at least, that is my hope!
Here are a few questions I’d like to begin with in an effort to dispel the myths that vaccines are safe, effective, properly licensed, and properly monitored post-marketing:
To assist in ensuring the public’s compliance with ever-increasing vaccine recommendations and mandates, the vaccine profiteers will create one “outbreak”, and/or one “pandemic”, after another…be it the swine flu, the H1N1 flu, Ebola, measles, Zika, or whatever name they want the disease to be called for which they want to contrive and instill great fear in the public. And mainstream media, which benefits exceptionally well from all of Pharma’s advertising dollars, to the tune of 70% of their entire advertising income in non-election years, will be all too happy to get the word out via newscasts, commercials, magazine ads, billboards, etc. Pharmacies and grocery stores, now part of the vaccine profiteers club, will jump on the fear-of-contagion bandwagon, too, and assault you with endless posters inside and outside their establishments, encouraging all customers to roll up their sleeves for the latest vaccine or latest booster recommendation, perhaps even offering an enticing 20% off your bill at checkout if you succumb. From personal experience, I can tell you that 20% off your shopping bill that day will in no way compensate for the tens, more likely hundreds, of thousands of dollars you will be left paying, out of pocket, when vaccine injuries begin to manifest themselves. And that whopping out of pocket dollar amount does not take into account the personal and emotional costs of the life-altering impacts that occur post vaccine-induced injury and death, nor the incalculable individual and family suffering that often ensue.
As I mentioned earlier, only a basic level of common sense is needed to see through the blatant lies told in the endless vaccine propaganda. There are scores of different vaccines used day in and day out, on the healthy and the sick, on those too young to have a known health status, and on those being admitted to and discharged from hospitals, with no difference in doses, no assessment for need, and without proper and ample consideration of timing and risks based on weight, age, health history, family health history, and current health status. These scores of vaccines are given in countless combinations, to every age group from fetuses to the very elderly…and we are supposed to believe that all of these vaccines are safe for all people in endless combinations at all times?! That is what we are told, that is what we are expected to trust in and believe, without questioning, complaint, or refusal. Vaccine recipients are treated as identical in all aspects, entered into a one-size-fits-all lifetime medical procedures program. To what other medicine do we ascribe such ridiculous logic? None!
I recently wrote an article titled Vaccines: Elimination Mandatory!, and I wanted to talk to you today about why I contend that the complete elimination of vaccines at this point in time is the only sufficient and ethical course of action based on the facts which I am now going to share with you.
Vaccines are medical procedures that never should have been approved. Here’s why:
Furthermore, whistleblowers have come forth from both industry and government agencies confessing that vaccine safety and efficacy data are fraudulent…that inconvenient and undeniable truths are suppressed, omitted, and destroyed…lest public confidence in vaccines, billions in profits, and trillions that would need to be paid out in compensation, be threatened. Notes from secretly-held meetings reveal similar illegal and unethical behavior by doctors, government regulators, and pharmaceutical company executives.
Yet, these medical procedures, not properly tested, improperly declared safe, known to contain toxic and neurotoxic ingredients, and barbaric as they are, have not only been approved, they have been mandated. That is corruption and insanity at its worst. It is evil, and it is destroying the majority of our citizenry.
Since our government regulators have failed to require or ensure vaccine safety, it must be assumed, and can be shown, that not one single vaccine is safe or advisable. Therefore:
What is required is an immediate moratorium on all vaccinations, for all people.
That is what should have happened in 1986, versus Congress passing an Act indemnifying all who make and administer vaccines, at a point in time when vaccines were maiming and killing thousands.
Not demanding an immediate moratorium on vaccinations is no different than accepting any of the following scenarios:
To review, we have now disproven the endless claims that vaccines are safe and effective; we have exposed the complete lack of proper vaccine testing and post-marketing surveillance; and we have covered many reasons why vaccines should never have come to market, and therefore, should be eliminated immediately.
I now want to take some time to review vaccine ingredients. I will start by saying that if I were to put the ingredients I am about to describe in a baby bottle and then feed them to your baby, you would have me arrested, or you might consider taking me out yourself! Furthermore, if I were to inject one or more vaccines into an orange, I am betting that you would refuse to eat it. Yet, when someone in a white coat enters the exam room, parents allow these heinous ingredients, made in heinous ways and in heinous conditions, to be injected into their babies and children! And to make this happen, babies and children must be manhandled, physically restrained, and held down while they are painfully stabbed with up to 8 needles.This is barbaric! That is why I mentioned at the beginning of my talk that in addition to common sense, what is needed to see this barbaric, dangerous, and dare I say insane practice for what it is are parental instincts that have not been demeaned, grossly manipulated, and obliterated by doctors, nurses, and others.
It is important to mention that even though you wouldn’t allow me to put vaccines or vaccine ingredients into your baby’s bottle, your baby would actually have a much better chance of clearing the toxic and inflammatory ingredients in vaccines if they ingested them, versus having them injected directly into their muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat. But due to the fact that vaccines are injected, the first parts of our incredible, God-given immune system are completely bypassed, specifically, our respiratory and digestive tracts. As a result, vaccine ingredients are deposited into a closed system where they find their way into the brain, organs, bones, tissues, and bloodstream, where they will do nothing but poison, inflame, and cause harm. To make matters worse, vaccination is a one-way street…once you allow vaccines in, you can’t get them back out…or deactivate them.
Now, to review vaccine ingredients, I am going to pose some more questions to you.
What would you say if you walked by the window to my house, peered in, and saw my husband and me holding down our tiny baby on the dining room table, then roughly jabbing and injecting it multiple times with toxic cocktails and true witches’ brews of ingredients…all while our baby, or child of any age, screamed bloody murder, trying to escape our grip and savagery? I imagine you would whip out your cell phone, call the police, then try to barge into our home to stop the abuse! How is what I just described any different than what goes on every minute of every day in doctors’ offices and hospitals in our country and across the world? To be very clear, it isn’t.
To state it very plainly, vaccination is child abuse in the form of medical assault and battery. With regard to adults, when vaccination is carried out against one’s will or wishes, say for school admittance, job requirements, elder care and housing, or military admission, or when carried out with one who is hesitant, or with one who is unsuccessful in resisting and refusing, it also meets the legal definition for assault and battery. We must begin to label these vaccine atrocities for what they are: blatant and inexcusable child abuse; medical assault and battery; and when death is the result for the vaccine recipient, involuntary manslaughter. These vaccine-induced injuries, illnesses, and deaths are iatrogenic in nature, meaning they are caused by doctors and nurses. Vaccinations are crimes against humanity, and there is no time to mince words about this fact.
Let’s now move on to vaccine package inserts, which are rarely, if ever, read by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, parents, or vaccine recipients. In the packet you will receive after my presentation, you will find a link that will take you to all vaccine package inserts. I am going to read portions of just one package insert for you, but I do hope you will make the time to read at least a few vaccine package inserts for yourself. A few is all it will take to make you realize that these products should never have been licensed, much less be mandated.
I am going to focus on Merck’s Recombivax HB, a vaccine for hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended to be given to all newborns in the U.S. within hours of being born. In the state of NY, it is mandated to be given to newborns whose mothers test positive for Hepatitis B, unless the mother knows she can utilize a religious exemption to refuse it. It is only advised against for premature babies weighing less than 4.4 lbs. Hepatitis B is a disease that is contracted sexually and via the sharing of needles by drug users. If a mother has hepatitis B, she can pass it on to her baby. Despite the fact that the vast majority of newborns in the U.S. is at zero risk for contracting hepatitis B, the vaccine is recommended and/or mandated for all. Right there, you know something very wrong is transpiring…and that something is others’ wealth being prioritized over your baby’s health.
When you look at the pre-licensure trials for this vaccine for infants and children, you will notice that there were no controls, only vaccinated subjects. A mere 147 subjects were studied, which included only healthy infants and children, from infants up to age 10. I have to wonder how many of those were of an age group that couldn’t talk and were unable to describe their symptoms? The insert does not say. You will notice that study subjects were followed for a mere 5 days post-vaccination. Does that sound like a reasonable, safe, or sufficient amount of time to you? Such a severely-limited timeframe doesn’t even correspond with the Vaccine Injury Table used by the VICP, in which it is acknowledged that many vaccine injuries, including death, may take up to a week, a month, and up to 6 months post-vaccination to manifest. And of course some vaccine injuries, such as what doctors choose to call “Autism” versus the catastrophic vaccine injury that it is, may take even longer to fully manifest and be diagnosed. Thus, the 5-day time period used to monitor and assess study subjects is in no way sufficient or ethical…and it shouldn’t be allowed by government regulators.
Here are symptoms reported during the clinical trial, i.e. within the first 5 days post-vaccination: irritability, fever, diarrhea, fatigue/weakness, diminished appetite, and rhinitis (irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose). Would you wish even one of those on a newborn?
Perhaps much more importantly, however, are the adverse reactions that have been reported post-marketing, meaning after the vaccine was licensed and in use. I will be redefining some of the medical terms in layperson’s terms so you will have a better understanding of the horrors being reported after being vaccinated with Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine.
Immune System Disorders: hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions (severe, potentially life-threatening, allergic reactions that can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you’re allergic to), bronchospasm (spasm of bronchial smooth muscle producing narrowing of the bronchi, causing difficulty in breathing which can be mild to severe), and urticaria (a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction) within first few hours after vaccination; an apparent hypersensitivity syndrome (serum-like-sickness) of delayed onset, days to weeks after vaccination, including arthralgia/arthritis (joint pain/joint inflammation), fever, and dermatologic reactions such as urticaria, erythema multiforme (a type of hypersensitivity skin condition), ecchymoses (a discoloration of the skin caused by bleeding underneath), and erythema nodosum (skin inflammation in the fatty layer of skin which results in reddish, painful, tender lumps); autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus (a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs; inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems, including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs), erythematous (redness of the skin or mucous membranes caused by dilation and congestion of the capillaries), lupus-like syndrome, vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), and polyarteritis nodosa (a serious blood vessel disease in which the small and medium-sized arteries become swollen and damaged).
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Elevation of liver enzymes (indicating damage to the cells of or inflammation in your liver); constipation (which can result in inability to clear toxins and pain).
Nervous System Disorders: Guillain Barre syndrome (a condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves, considered a medical emergency, and can result in paralysis); multiple sclerosis (a demyelinating disease; it is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body); exacerbation of MS; myelitis including transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord which can result in permanent paralysis); seizure; febrile seizure; peripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nerves which causes weakness, numbness, and pain in hands and feet) including Bell’s Palsy (damage to the facial nerve that causes one side of the face to droop); radiculopathy (a condition due to a compressed nerve in the spine that can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness along the course of the nerve); herpes zoster (shingles); migraine, muscle weakness; hypesthesia (a diminished capacity for physical sensation, especially the skin); encephalitis (brain inflammation).
Skin and Subcutaneous Disorders: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a life-threatening skin condition); alopecia (hair loss); petechiae (red and purple spots caused by bleeding into the skin); eczema (itchy, red, and dry skin caused by inflammation).
By the way, the two worst things for a developing infant are toxicity and inflammation, both of which vaccines are expert at causing.
Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders: arthritis; pain in extremity.
Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders: increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (results from inflammation in the body); thrombocytopenia (a deficiency of platelets in the blood, causing bleeding into the tissues, bruising, and slow blood clotting after injury).
Psychiatric Disorders: Irritability, agitation, somnolence (extreme sleepiness).
Eye Disorders: Optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve); tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears, often with hearing loss); conjunctivitis (inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and the inner eyelid, also known as pink eye); visual disturbances; uveitis (inflammation of middle layer of the eye).
In other words, problems that can impact your baby’s ability to see and hear well, thus impacting and obstructing their proper development.
Cardiac Disorders: Syncope (fainting); tachycardia (abnormal rapid heart rate unrelated to level of activity).
What is missing from this list is the Death category. How many of the aforementioned vaccine-induced injuries resulted in death? Not surprisingly, that category is noticeably and wrongfully absent.
For any of you here today who allowed this vaccine for your child, were you told about all of these potential side effects your child might experience, and possibly have to live with for the rest of their life? Were you told that there was no control group used when studying its effects in those aged 0 up to 10 years? Were you told that only 147 subjects in this age group were studied during clinical trials? Were you told the post-vaccination surveillance time period was only 5 days? Were you even told how your child could contract hepatitis B, and the extreme unlikelihood that that would happen during their infancy, toddlerhood, and childhood? If not, was your doctor practicing ethical medicine? Should he be liability-free when administering this vaccine to his patients? If he weren’t liability-free, would he be administering it?
I am going to close by telling you the story of our middle child, Ryan, now 22 years old. Ryan was born a healthy baby with an Apgar score of 9. I had a natural childbirth with him, receiving no medications during labor or delivery. Immediately after birth, he was given a vitamin K shot, which might have contained aluminum. I do not know if the particular brand he received contained aluminum, as some do, because I was not told, and I did not know to ask…or to refuse the procedure…for which there was no evidence he needed. He was also given antibiotic eye drops, which I have since come to find out used to be given only to babies whose mothers had gonorrhea. Now they are given to all newborns in the hospital, whether or not the mother has gonorrhea…which I did not. Again, another needless medical intervention for my newborn son. Both the vitamin K shot and the antibiotic eye drops were given as “routine standard of care”, as though they came with no risk, without any assessment for need, and without asking permission of me or my husband. To the best of my knowledge, he did not receive the hepatitis B vaccine in the hospital.
When he was 2 months old, I dutifully took him in for his 2-month “well baby” appointment. Looking back, with hindsight being 20/20, he would never be well again after that first of many vaccine poisonings. Up until that 2-month appointment, Ryan was a typical and normally-developing baby. He nursed well, slept often, and cried when hungry, tired, upon awakening, or needing to be changed. After that appointment, at which he received the whole cell DPT vaccine, the oral polio vaccine, and the Hib vaccine, together containing a total of 50 mcg of mercury, Ryan stopped crying…and I mean completely. I still remember the very next day thinking, my, this is odd, Ryan hasn’t cried at all today…and the lack of crying continued…the next time I remember him crying was when he accidentally crashed his head into a table when a toddler.
I should mention that I received absolutely no information at that appointment about the vaccines Ryan was given. There was absolutely no informed consent given to me, or received by the doctor from me. There was no thorough discussion, or discussion of any kind, regarding the adverse reactions that could very well occur from the vaccines given, which included polio itself since he was given the live-virus polio vaccine, seizures, brain swelling, brain damage, SIDS, to name but a very few of the many possible adverse reactions. Also absent was a thorough discussion of family medical history, which would have included many contraindications to vaccination for our children. Rather, when I walked in the exam room, a silver tray held the vaccines Ryan was to receive that day. Without so much as telling me which vaccines Ryan was getting, the nurse weighed him, measured him, gave him a total of 5 vaccines, wrote down on his brand new “record of immunizations” card the vaccines she had given him, handed it to me, and left the room. I did not receive the vaccine package inserts, as I would have for any other drug Ryan would receive. I did not receive a vaccine booklet detailing all of the childhood vaccines as federal law required at the time, nor even a sheet of paper about the vaccines Ryan had just been given. Approximately 15 minutes later is when the doctor actually came in, without so much as a word about the vaccines Ryan had just received. This scene would repeat itself at every one of Ryan’s “well-baby” appointments for the next 2 years of his life…from which Ryan would leave sicker, more delayed, and developing more odd behaviors every single time.
At 4 months old, Ryan received the DPT, oral polio, and Hib vaccines, again, which meant another 50 mcg of mercury. After this appointment, looking back at video footage, he was getting harder, instead of easier, to engage. Ryan was still not crying to get his needs met at this time, and would lie silently in his crib when put down, even if not tired, and when awake after a nap, until someone came to get him. He was an exceedingly quiet baby. And I just thought, oh, he’s so good!
At 6 months old, Ryan received the DPT and Hib vaccines, another 50 mcg of mercury. After this appointment, 2 very strange things began to happen. Ryan’s breath began to smell odd, a chemical smell of sorts…alcohol? ammonia?…which I now know was indicative of a serious yeast overgrowth problem in his gut. He also began to laugh hysterically in the middle of the night in his crib for no apparent reason. My husband and I would hustle into his room when we heard this, and there he would lie, staring up at the ceiling, with nothing on it, laughing hysterically, not even acknowledging that we had come into the room. Not knowing what to make of it, we told ourselves that he was just a very happy baby.
At 9 months old, Ryan received a hepatitis B vaccine containing another 12.5 mcg of mercury. When I mentioned to the doctor at this appointment that Ryan’s breath had a strange odor to it, which I could only compare to an alcohol-like smell at the time, she asked me, and I quote, “Is he getting into your alcohol supply?” Ryan was only crawling at the time, would not have been able to open a wine bottle or beer can, of which we rarely had any around, and which would have been kept in the refrigerator or behind a closed door in our pantry. I remember being astounded at such an inane question. She did not even bend over to smell Ryan’s breath. Instead of taking my concerns seriously, she attacked my mothering. This would not be the last time that happened.
At 12 months old, Ryan received a TB test and another hepatitis B vaccine, adding another 12.5 mcg of mercury to his load. After this appointment, Ryan stopped responding to his name, and his eye contact began to disappear. He began to stop looking up when his dad came home from work, and instead preferred to watch Wee Sing videos, mesmerized by them…as he still is today at age 22. He never did point or follow a point, both skills that occur naturally by age one…and the lack of such innately-wired skills was to become a red flag trademark of what was to become the Autism Epidemic.
At 15 months old, Ryan received his first MMR vaccine and another Hib vaccine, adding another 25 mcg of mercury to his small body, along with 3 live viruses that would later be discovered to wreak immense havoc in the young children receiving them in unison. After this appointment, Ryan’s babbling, which wasn’t that frequent to begin with, began to disappear, and he was losing the ability to imitate sounds we’d make for him to repeat. It was around this time that Ryan began to open and close doors, drawers, and cabinets repetitively, and play with the same hammer and ball toy over and over again. He also began spinning in circles at times, unresponsive to his name, and to requests to stop, or to come here…obliviously spinning in his own little world.
At 18 months old, Ryan received another DPT, another oral polio, and another Hep B vaccine, for a total of 37.5 more mcg of mercury, and for a grand total of 237.5 mcg of mercury in an 18-month timeframe for a tiny baby. This round of vaccines nearly killed him. We went home, and he became lethargic, feverish, and completely out of it. I put him in his crib, and for the next 10-plus days, he was like a limp, lifeless rag doll…uninterested in eating, drinking, waking up, or doing anything. His lethargy continued, and he slept many, many hours per day.
I called the doctor that same day, very worried about my baby. I did not get past the receptionist. She told me that his reaction was perfectly normal, and not to worry. I called every business day for 10 consecutive days, and never got past the receptionist. On the 10th day, the receptionist literally yelled at me and said, “Mrs. Hayes, please stop calling this office. Anything that happens in the first 2 weeks after a vaccination is considered a normal vaccine reaction. Do not call this office again until day 15!” Again, I was not put through to the doctor, nor did I receive a call back from the doctor despite calling so many days in a row.
Looking back, Ryan was no doubt suffering from vaccine-induced encephalitis which led to vaccine-induced encephalopathy, i.e. brain inflammation leading to permanent brain damage. When one reads the Vaccine Injury Table for vaccine-induced encephalopathy, it perfectly mirrors the symptoms of what doctors like to call “Autism”, purposefully misnamed to cast blame away from themselves and from vaccines. Vaccine-induced encephalopathy and “autism” are one and the same in Ryan’s case, and in many other cases with which I am familiar, too.
After this set of vaccinations at 18 months, Ryan’s vocalizations became near nil, with his only remaining verbal imitation being “ba ba ba”, and only after numerous requests to imitate us. His obsession with videos increased, and he learned how to hit the eject button endlessly, putting the same video in and out until stopped. His visual and depth perceptions were not normal. He would often watch his videos from an upside down or bent sideways position. At the park, I could not get to him quickly enough after helping him down the slide before he would walk smack into a metal bridge that led back to the slide. He did not learn from this painful experience, as he would walk right back into the same metal bridge again the next time, resulting in a huge lump on his forehead, from which he never cried. Additionally, we had to hold Ryan’s hand when walking until he was 4 years old because he would trip and fall when making transitions from one surface to another, such as grass to cement…and he would not break his fall…but would instead land on his forehead.
Mercury poisoning affects both visual and depth perception, and Ryan was experiencing that in spades…we just didn’t know it at the time. No one had ever mentioned that there was mercury in the vaccines he had received…not to mention levels of mercury that at just his 2-month “well-baby” appointment alone were 125 times in excess of the EPA-declared “safe” amount…not that there is a “safe” amount of mercury for any human, much less for one in the prime of their brain, nervous, and immune system development. Furthermore, that EPA-declared “safe” amount is for ingested methylmercury, not for the injected ethylmercury used in vaccines, for which studies have suggested the “safe” amount should be much lower than for methylmercury…meaning that Ryan, and millions of other children at their 2-month appointments, received 500 times the supposed “safe” level of mercury! 500 times! That is CRIMINAL! No wonder he went silent after his first set of vaccines at 2 months…he had been gravely poisoned, and the poisoning would continue at regular intervals throughout the first 2 years of his life, without my husband or me having a clue.
I have since looked at his medical records from that time period. There is no record of my calling multiple times over the course of 10 consecutive days to report how my child was non-responsive and suffering post-vaccination, nor is there a record of their telling me not to worry and that anything that happens in the first 2 weeks after vaccination is considered normal.
“Speech delay”, however, was written on the record at Ryan’s 18-month appointment. I expressed concern to the doctor at that appointment that Ryan wasn’t speaking any words, and compared to his older sister at that age, there was a huge difference. She looked at me and asked me, a stay-at-home mother whose precocious and extremely verbal 3 year-old daughter was sitting right next to me, “Do you ever sit on the ground and play with him?” Yet again, instead of listening to my concerns, she chose to attack my mothering. I replied that, yes, I played with him, read to him, talked to him, sang to him, and interacted with him all day long, as did his sister and his father, yet he was not talking.
She did some type of receptive test with him that day, too…things like asking him to walk across the room, walk on his tiptoes, and a couple other things I can’t remember. He was unable to do anything she asked, including acknowledging that he was being spoken to by her. She looked at me, and this time asked, “Is he always this naughty?” Instead of realizing that we had a toddler who had no receptive language and no understanding that he was even being addressed, she attacked him this time, and indirectly, my mothering again. I replied, “Ryan is never naughty. If anything, we are concerned that he is too good.” She had no response to that, and apparently, only thought to write “speech delay” on his chart that day.
At 24 months of age, Ryan received the new Varivax vaccine, for chicken pox. This was despite the fact that he was taking the antibiotic Septra at the time for an ear infection, and his records show that he was prescribed another round of Septra shortly thereafter, for either the same, or yet another, ear infection. Vaccines are not to be given when a child is sick, yet, Ryan’s doctor gave him a live-virus vaccine! The package insert for Varivax clearly states under “Contraindications” for vaccination “any febrile illness or active infection”. I still was not connecting the dots between Ryan’s vaccines and his subsequent regression and development of odd behaviors after every set of vaccines. However, by that time, without any help from her, I had figured out that Ryan had what was being called “autism”. Perhaps internally, I was beginning to suspect vaccines had something to do with his diagnosis and problems. Remember, this was still before vaccines were the huge public controversy they are today, and before the internet. I remember telling her I didn’t think I wanted the chicken pox vaccine for him, and she said, after I had told her my suspicion that Ryan had autism (he had not been formally diagnosed yet, we were waiting to see a pediatric neurologist), “Well, if he has autism, you don’t want him getting chicken pox.” I succumbed to that lousy argument of hers, and once again, without informed consent, and against the contraindications warning on the package insert which I was not told about, I allowed him to get that vaccine, too. Total silence from Ryan was the result. There was no more babbling or repeating any sounds whatsoever. Just complete and utter silence.
That would be his last vaccine. However, the regression would continue, in earnest, thanks to the 237.5 mcg of mercury he received, not to mention aluminum, for which I do not know the amounts…in addition to formaldehyde, other known allergens and carcinogens, cells and DNA fragments from both humans and animals, viruses and retroviruses of both human and animal origin, and who really knows what all he was shot up with. To this day, he tests toxic for a number of heavy metals, and the mercury is so deeply embedded in his brain, bones, tissues, and organs, it can’t be properly measured. He tests positive for antibodies to myelin basic protein, meaning his body attacks the sheaths that are supposed to cover every nerve cell in his body, rendering them unable to communicate properly. He tests allergic to many foods and is on a restricted diet. I could go on.
I have spent the last 2 decades of my life running an ABA program for Ryan, who requires a most-precise method of teaching for even the most basic of concepts, and then thousands of trials to learn something, and thousands more trials to retain and generalize it. He also sees a doctor who treats the vaccine-injured, for which we must fly to another state. That is despite my husband and I being co-founders of the MIND Institute at UC Davis, which is 30 minutes from our house. MIND has been a huge disappointment and has chosen to ignore and deny the unmistakable role that vaccines have played in the vaccine-induced autism epidemic that has been plaguing our country for more than 25 years.
At 6’4” tall and 180 lbs., Ryan is a boy in a man’s body, with a functioning level of a 4 or 5 year old. He is fully dependent on others and must be supervised and cared for around the clock, without pause. He did not complete high school or go to college. He does not have a driver’s license, and never will. He is not capable of living independently, or earning a living, or even holding down a menial, part-time job. He will not get married or have children. As a matter of fact, he will never even go out on a first date. He was robbed of ever living a typical and independent life because he was poisoned and disabled by vaccines beginning in 1994 and continuing through 1996.
To date, there has been no admittance by his pediatrician or government officials about what was done to him. No government agent has followed up on his vaccine injuries so the same thing won’t happen to other children. Rather, he is one of the unacknowledged, uncounted, uncompensated, ignored, discounted, and publicly-denied victims who make up the ever-increasing epidemic of vaccine-injured persons.
There is indeed an urgent public health crisis sweeping our country and it is not measles, mumps, or chicken pox. It is Vaccine Injury. That is the raging public health crisis facing us today. Vaccine injury is real, and it isn’t rare. Due to an across-the-board denial of this public health crisis, vaccines are now the leading cause of coincidences in the world.
However, hopefully you have now figured out that the chronic illnesses and devastating disabilities facing our children, many of whom are young adults now, are not coincidences. Neither are the lives that have been lost to SIDS, SBS, and other vaccine injuries that resulted in premature deaths. They were caused by vaccines, and this vaccine devastation and carnage must be stopped immediately. We cannot in good conscience allow there to be even one more vaccine victim.
Please join me in spreading the truth about the dangers, inefficacies, and lack of need for vaccines, and the truth about the vast corruption and deception that underlie vaccines from manufacture to mandate, and beyond. Please join me in working to not only ban vaccine mandates, but to ban vaccines themselves, as they never should have come to market. Please join me in working to repeal the 1986 NCVIA, which wrongfully removed liability from its rightful owners, and please join me to overturn the 1905 Jacobson vs. MA decision, which is often cited as justification for vaccine mandates, even though the 1947 Nuremberg Code should have made that decision null and void, forever. Your voice and your activism matter. Together, we must reach the tipping point to end this vaccine madness in order to protect the health of our children, people of all ages, and the future of our country.
Remember, when it comes to vaccines, there is nothing to be “pro” about.
Thank you.
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And let us not forget that the hallmark of ethical medicine is that of prior, completely voluntary, and fully informed consent. The U.S. has agreed to uphold and abide by this standard of ethical medicine on numerous occasions, beginning in 1947 with the signing of The Nuremberg Code. This international code of ethics was the result of the world becoming aware of atrocious medical experiments performed on human beings during WWII without their consent, and often without their knowledge. To ensure that such crimes against humanity would never occur again, the Nuremberg Code was written and it states that “the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” Additional, similar codes of ethics have been signed since then by the U.S., most recently including The Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights at the UNESCO Convention in 2005, which states in Article 6 under the section titled Consent:
Any preventive (which by definition includes vaccines), diagnostic, and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free, and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.
In Article 3 of this same Declaration it states:
The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.
Vaccine mandates, in and of themselves, with or without exemptions, are in complete violation of the Nuremberg Code and other international codes of ethics, as is any form of mandated medicine.
For those of us in CA, MS, and WV, this hallmark of ethical medicine is no longer being heeded at any level and the aforementioned agreements to which the U.S is a signer are currently being violated. Your state could be next.
Today, I would like to begin by reassuring you that you do not need to be a PhD chemist or biologist, or a medical doctor, or some type of genius to understand that what is going on with vaccines is not scientific, is not proven, is not safe, is not working as claimed, is not ethical, and is not wise. All that is truly needed is a basic level of common sense, parental instincts that have not been demeaned, grossly manipulated, and obliterated by doctors and others, and the willingness and ears to hear the truth.
Part of that truth involves challenging the notion that it is desirable for humans to be infection-free. The immune system, like our muscles and our brains, needs to be challenged to become stronger and more efficient. However, the challenges must occur via natural means, not via artificial and damaging means. The current and unnatural goal of eliminating temporary, acute, immune-system-building infections has led to the development of permanent, chronic, immune-system-destroying diseases. So we must ask ourselves, do we want the former or the latter?
We must also ask ourselves, what benefits are we forever forfeiting when we interfere via vaccination in an attempt to try to avoid contracting infections naturally? To list but a few, one is forfeiting: permanent lifetime immunity; the future ability for females to pass on immunity to their baby both in the womb and via breastfeeding; contracting these illnesses during childhood, when they are mostly benign, and instead contracting them during adulthood, when they are far more serious; protection against and avoidance of many types of cancer, both during childhood and later on in adulthood; and, perhaps most importantly, the purity of one’s immune system, which can never be restored. Wow, that is quite a list of health benefits one forfeits when one chooses to vaccinate.
We must be aware that we have been taught to fear infections for which there is a vaccine. Due to this erroneous teaching, one might call it brainwashing, the majority of Americans is now suffering from lifelong, debilitating diseases which manifest as chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, and premature deaths.
I also want to challenge the notion that vaccinations equal immunization. Not true at all, and that is why you will never hear me call vaccinations “immunizations”, because they are not. Vaccine “efficacy” is allowed to be determined by the presence of titers post-vaccination in small numbers of study subjects. Titers are concentrations of antibodies. However, the presence of elevated vaccine-induced titers does not mean a person is now immune from that which he was vaccinated against, it simply means his blood has been purposefully and artificially tainted by a vaccine. In reality, people with low to zero titers for a certain infection can remain uninfected when exposed to that illness, and conversely, people with extremely high titers for a certain infection can contract the illness when exposed. Therefore, the presence of vaccine-induced titers offers no proof of vaccine efficacy…yet, it continues to be used as proof of efficacy…and vaccine recipients continue to be duped…and poisoned.
Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, there has been no research comparing vaccine-induced titers to titers acquired via natural means, such as through breastmilk and/or through exposure to natural infection. Such a comparison study is required before claims of any kind can be made about vaccine-induced titers.
If any of you sitting here today is still comfortable with the notion of vaccines and with the practice of vaccinating, I anticipate that you will be very uncomfortable with both by the end of my presentation…at least, that is my hope!
Here are a few questions I’d like to begin with in an effort to dispel the myths that vaccines are safe, effective, properly licensed, and properly monitored post-marketing:
- How can vaccines be both safe, as touted by doctors, government regulators, and the media, and unavoidably unsafe, meaning inherently dangerous, as declared by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011? Both statements cannot be true.
- If vaccines are safe, why then do we have the1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the Vaccine Injury Table, and lengthy sections on each and every vaccine package insert detailing adverse events, including death, that have resulted from those very vaccines? If vaccines are safe, then why do this Act of Congress, this reporting system, this compensation program, and these warning lists exist?
- If the FDA and CDC readily admit that only 1-10% of adverse drug reactions, including those for vaccines, is ever reported, yet over $3.5 billion has been paid out to date for vaccine injuries and vaccine fatalities, from a program that the vast majority of our doctors and citizenry is unaware of, and from a program in which less than 1/3 of vaccine injury and vaccine fatality cases is actually compensated, then how can it be said that vaccines are safe? In other words, with 90+ percent of vaccine-induced injuries and deaths going unreported, with most people completely unaware of being able to file a claim with the VICP, or finding out about the VICP after the brief 3-year statute of limitations for filing a claim has passed, and with the VICP being a government-run-and-rigged kangaroo court in which discovery is not allowed, the more than $3.5 billion in payouts is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to what should have been paid out to date for vaccine-induced injuries and deaths!
- If vaccines are safe, why are parents worldwide using every alternative media source possible to tell their tragic stories of what happened to their children, and/or themselves, post-vaccination? Mainstream media refuses to cover these extremely prevalent stories, but that has not stopped parents, and others, from getting the word out. The stories are endless, they are tragic, and they did not need to happen. My guess is that Del Bigtree will be sharing some stories from being on the road with the VaXxed Team when he speaks this afternoon, and I will share my son’s story later in my presentation.
- If vaccines are safe, why did the U.S. Congress remove liability from those who make and administer vaccines in 1986? For those who are not familiar with the 1986 NCVIA passed by Congress, it came about as a result of vaccine-making pharmaceutical companies being sued time and again for their dangerous and deadly vaccine products. Losing costly lawsuits for their vaccine products was not good for PR or for the bottom line. As a result, they and their well-paid lobbyists whined to and pleaded with Congress to shield them from liability for their vaccine products, claiming vaccines were needed to ensure public health. Unbelievably, at the very time when Congress should have ordered an immediate moratorium on all vaccines to get to the bottom of why so many children, and people of all ages, were being injured and killed by vaccines, they instead indemnified those who were making and administering the dangerous and deadly vaccines. Insane! Unethical! So very wrong! Not surprisingly, with no liability to worry about, leaving them with zero incentive and zero accountability to make safe vaccine products, vaccine makers began churning out new vaccines, and within just a few short years, our nation’s vaccine schedule for children nearly tripled! Tragically, my 3 children were born just after this tripling occurred, in 1992, 1994, and 1996.
- If vaccines work, why are those who choose to vaccinate concerned about and fearful of those who choose not to vaccinate? Those who vaccinate should feel oh so protected, and if they don’t, then at some level, they know they have been duped into allowing faulty products to be injected into their children and/or themselves. Here’s another way to look at it: how is my taking a medicine going to make your medicine more effective? Answer: it isn’t.
- If vaccines work, why in nearly every “outbreak” of pertussis, measles, and mumps in our country has the majority, if not a full 100%, of those infected been vaccinated? That should not be the case if vaccines work as claimed, and it makes null and void the theory of vaccine-induced herd immunity.
- If vaccines work, why are booster shots needed, and continually added to the CDC’s recommended schedule? Booster shots are proof of vaccine failure. They are proof that vaccines don’t provide lifetime, or even lengthy, immunity. They are proof that vaccines are not effective for all, if any, or for any known or proven amount of time. And once again, the ridiculous yet oft-touted claim of vaccine-induced herd immunity is blown to bits by the continual addition of and need for booster shots.
- If vaccines work, why are 5 DTaP vaccines needed by age 5, with another TDaP at age 12, and additional TDaPs every 10 years? And why do those following that intense vaccination schedule still contract, harbor, and spread pertussis? That is proof that vaccines don’t work, and that the powers that be know it.
- If vaccines are safe and effective, why do those who have received live-virus vaccines, such as the chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, shingles, nasal flu, rotavirus, yellow fever, and possibly other vaccines, shed and spread the diseases for which they were vaccinated to others, for up to 6 weeks, perhaps for much longer? And since viral shedding by vaccine recipients of live-virus vaccines is a known and documented fact, why then are recipients of live-virus vaccines not required to self-quarantine, at home, until blood, saliva, and urine tests conclusively confirm that they are no longer capable of shedding and spreading the diseases for which they were vaccinated?
- If vaccines are safe and effective, why do the vaccinated often contract the diseases for which they were vaccinated? One of my favorite examples of this is to read the list of adverse reactions on the flu vaccine package insert. Virtually ALL the symptoms of the flu are listed right there, in plain print, under adverse reactions!
- If vaccines are safe and effective, why are those who have received the DTaP and TDaP vaccines able to harbor pertussis in their throats after encountering pertussis post-vaccination, enabling them to infect others while remaining asymptomatic…which is extremely dangerous as neither they nor those with whom they come in contact are aware that they are contagious? This fact blows the vaccine profiteers’ theory of “cocooning a newborn” right out of the water. In actuality, those vaccinated with pertussis-containing vaccines pose a real threat to infants, the immune-compromised, and the elderly. To make matters worse, those vaccinated with pertussis-containing vaccines are more susceptible to the rarer and more virulent strains of pertussis against which vaccines offer no protection…and those more virulent and dangerous strains are the very ones they might be spreading to unsuspecting others.
- If vaccines are safe and effective, why the refusal to do a comparison study between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to determine which group fares better both health- and development-wise, in both the short- and long-term? Without such a comparison study, absolutely no safety, efficacy, or necessity claims about vaccines can be made.
- If vaccines are supposed to be monitored post-licensure and post-marketing, why are multivalent vaccines allowed? A multivalent vaccine is a vaccine that contains more than 1 vaccine, up to 6, given via a single shot. And why is more than one vaccine, be it monovalent or multivalent, allowed to be given at a time? With such careless and reckless practices the norm, how can it ever be determined which vaccine might be problematic for a recipient if more than one is administered at once? Answer: It can’t be, and that is why it is allowed. Such practices are an excellent way to muddy the waters and keep inconvenient and horrendous truths that the vaccine profiteers don’t want you to know from being exposed. Additionally, the average parent’s warning bells sound more and more loudly with each subsequent painful jab to their precious child. Thus, the idea was hatched to cram as many vaccines into one syringe as possible to make the barbaric practice of vaccination less repugnant for the parent, and to make unpleasant and tragic results more difficult to pinpoint back to a particular vaccine.
- If vaccines are supposed to be monitored post-licensure and post-marketing, why are batch lots of vaccines allowed to be separated when shipped, unlike any other drug? If lots are separated, how can it be quickly determined when there is a problematic “hot lot” so that an immediate warning and recall can be issued? A “hot lot” refers to a lot that is causing more adverse events and deaths than usual. Answer: With lots separated, hot lots can’t be quickly identified and recalled, and that is done on purpose. In the late 1970s, vaccine maker Wyeth appears to have developed a plan to evade hot-lot accusations. Why? Because in 1979, 11 babies died within 8 days of a DPT shot. Nine of them had been vaccinated with the same lot of pertussis vaccine, Wyeth #64201. Five died within 24 hours, 4 from the same lot. The following is from a Wyeth Internal Correspondence dated 8-27-79: “After the reporting of SIDS cases in TN, we discussed the merits of limiting distribution of a large number of vials from a single lot to a single state, county, or city health department and obtained agreement from senior management staff to proceed with such a plan.” I have a friend and colleague who for years worked in the pharmacy at a hospital. She confirmed that the only drug that is shipped in separated lots is vaccines. That is unconscionable, not to mention highly dangerous.
- If vaccines are safe and effective, why the special status for them? Not only are they the only drug for which the makers and those who administer them shielded from liability, not only are they the only drug shipped in separated lots, but they are the only drug for which it is not required that the package insert be given. Why would that be, unless the vaccine profiteers don’t want people seeing the horrific truths contained within those vaccine package inserts? Today, all that is required to be given is a CDC-produced, very brief Vaccine Information Sheet, known as a VIS. VISs are not at all an accurate reflection of the many and real, known and unknown, risks of the drugs about to be administered.
- If vaccines are supposed to be monitored post-licensure and post-marketing, why aren’t there billboards everywhere, and posters in every doctor’s office, hospital, and pharmacy, with information about VAERS and the VICP? Surely our government regulatory agencies, so concerned about our health, would want us to know how and where to alert them about problems with vaccines, right? Why does the majority of doctors not know about VAERS or the VICP? Why are they not required to report any and all adverse events, including death, after administering vaccinations? Why are they not required to inform parents and all vaccine recipients about VAERS and the VICP? Why are they loathe to properly inform about, recognize, acknowledge, admit, report, and treat vaccine-induced injuries and deaths? Why after someone is vaccine injured or vaccine killed is there absolutely no follow up from any government agency to determine what happened so that it can be prevented in the future? Answer: The complete and utter lack of monitoring vaccines post-licensure and post-marketing is purposeful. It is intentional. Our government regulatory agencies, in tight cahoots with pharmaceutical companies and their paid lobbyists, and with the willing compliance of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and their associated trade industry groups, choose to turn a blind eye to vaccine-induced injuries and deaths. They choose to keep well hidden the vaccine adverse events reporting system and the vaccine injury and death compensation program. These various entities, groups, and individuals are complicit in refusing to seek out, become informed about, acknowledge, admit, or allow anything that will undermine the public’s trust in vaccines and jeopardize the vaccine profits from which they all profit handsomely, to the tune of billions of dollars per year.
To assist in ensuring the public’s compliance with ever-increasing vaccine recommendations and mandates, the vaccine profiteers will create one “outbreak”, and/or one “pandemic”, after another…be it the swine flu, the H1N1 flu, Ebola, measles, Zika, or whatever name they want the disease to be called for which they want to contrive and instill great fear in the public. And mainstream media, which benefits exceptionally well from all of Pharma’s advertising dollars, to the tune of 70% of their entire advertising income in non-election years, will be all too happy to get the word out via newscasts, commercials, magazine ads, billboards, etc. Pharmacies and grocery stores, now part of the vaccine profiteers club, will jump on the fear-of-contagion bandwagon, too, and assault you with endless posters inside and outside their establishments, encouraging all customers to roll up their sleeves for the latest vaccine or latest booster recommendation, perhaps even offering an enticing 20% off your bill at checkout if you succumb. From personal experience, I can tell you that 20% off your shopping bill that day will in no way compensate for the tens, more likely hundreds, of thousands of dollars you will be left paying, out of pocket, when vaccine injuries begin to manifest themselves. And that whopping out of pocket dollar amount does not take into account the personal and emotional costs of the life-altering impacts that occur post vaccine-induced injury and death, nor the incalculable individual and family suffering that often ensue.
As I mentioned earlier, only a basic level of common sense is needed to see through the blatant lies told in the endless vaccine propaganda. There are scores of different vaccines used day in and day out, on the healthy and the sick, on those too young to have a known health status, and on those being admitted to and discharged from hospitals, with no difference in doses, no assessment for need, and without proper and ample consideration of timing and risks based on weight, age, health history, family health history, and current health status. These scores of vaccines are given in countless combinations, to every age group from fetuses to the very elderly…and we are supposed to believe that all of these vaccines are safe for all people in endless combinations at all times?! That is what we are told, that is what we are expected to trust in and believe, without questioning, complaint, or refusal. Vaccine recipients are treated as identical in all aspects, entered into a one-size-fits-all lifetime medical procedures program. To what other medicine do we ascribe such ridiculous logic? None!
I recently wrote an article titled Vaccines: Elimination Mandatory!, and I wanted to talk to you today about why I contend that the complete elimination of vaccines at this point in time is the only sufficient and ethical course of action based on the facts which I am now going to share with you.
Vaccines are medical procedures that never should have been approved. Here’s why:
- Not one vaccine has ever been tested according to the scientific gold standard, that of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Yes, you heard that correctly, not one.
- The myriad combinations in which vaccines are administered have never been tested, either. For an infant at a “catch up” appointment, meaning they missed a “well-baby” appointment at which vaccines would have been administered, that can mean receiving up to 13 vaccines containing 13 different viral and bacterial infections, at once, injected via 8 separate needles. That is the equivalent of taking up to 13 medications at once whose interactions have never been studied. To make matters even more serious, the number 13 does not include the many other ingredients that accompany and worsen the effects of being injected with 13 viral and bacterial infections, ingredients such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, anti-freeze, phenol, MSG, polysorbate 80, Triton X-100 detergent, food proteins, animal viruses and retroviruses, fetal tissue from aborted human babies, and more. The number 13 also does not include ingredients that are not required to be listed on the label, but which are permitted under the cover of “trade secrets”. Undisclosed ingredients being injected into our children? Unacceptable, unethical, and terribly dangerous. Ask yourself, would you want your baby contracting multiple illnesses, up to 13, at once? Would you want your baby contracting multiple illnesses at once while also being poisoned at the same time? If you are following the CDC’s recommended schedule, you are allowing that.
- Many vaccines contain mercury in the form of thimerosal. Thimerosal was patented in 1928, and has been used ever since, despite it being tested on humans only once, in 1929…a test in which all 22 subjects died within 2 days of receiving the thimerosal. Mercury is a known toxin and neurotoxin, with no safe amount for a human. It can kill when applied externally. With vaccines, it is injected internally. Claims that mercury has been removed from vaccines given to children are false.
- Many vaccines contain ingredients that have never been clinically approved by the FDA. Defying common sense and violating basic safety and ethics standards, the FDA approves vaccines that contain never-proven-safe and known-to-be-dangerous ingredients. For example, there are two forms of aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines, aluminum hydroxyphosphate salt and aluminum oxyhydroxide salt. Neither has been clinically approved by the FDA, both are known toxins and neurotoxins, yet both are in vaccines approved by the FDA. These are but two examples, there are more.
- Aluminum, used in the majority of today’s vaccines, is an undisputed toxin and neurotoxin. Its toxicity has been known for some 90 years. The two aluminum adjuvants mentioned above are used in vaccines for the express purpose of inducing toxicity. Permitting the use of aluminum in vaccines is akin to permitting lead paint in government approved toys and teething rings. Aluminum, like mercury, is also a known teratogen, an agent or factor that causes malformation of an embryo. Permitting its use in vaccines for pregnant women is akin to permitting that which causes spontaneous abortion and/or deformity of the fetus…thalidomide comes to mind. Yesterday, Dr. Stephanie Seneff discussed the possible role of TDaP and DTP vaccines, both of which contain aluminum, and both of which were recently recommended to be given to pregnant women in Brazil, as possible causes for the rise in cases of microcephaly there. Microcephaly is abnormal smallness of the head, a congenital condition, associated with incomplete brain development.
- Aluminum adjuvants (not clinically approved and used to induce toxicity), monovalent and/or multivalent vaccines (improperly approved and containing unapproved ingredients, including those used to induce toxicity, and containing ingredients known to be toxic and neurotoxic), or a combination thereof are used as the controls in vaccine safety trials. A control is supposed to be a placebo, an inert substance which doesn’t cause harm or therapeutic effect. Neither an aluminum adjuvant nor a vaccine, nor a combination thereof, qualifies as a placebo, therefore, no valid safety claims can be made for any vaccine.
- Vaccine making pharmaceutical companies are permitted by the FDA to do their own safety testing, with no oversight and no verification from a financially independent entity. As mentioned in the point above, they do not use placebos for controls. Nevertheless, when they say that the trial vaccine proved to be no more dangerous or deadly than the aluminum adjuvant, or other vaccine, or combination thereof, against which it was tested, they declare it safe. Is that how you want medical procedures for your children being declared safe? The FDA and CDC accept this current method of testing. They also accept that vaccines are not tested for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or impairment of fertility.
- And the real kicker, as I mentioned earlier, which bears repeating…there has never been a comparison study of the unvaccinated versus the vaccinated. That is because the vaccine profiteers know that the health, development, fertility, and longevity of the completely unvaccinated are far superior to that of the vaccinated. As a result of that knowledge, they have managed to keep that study from being done for more than seven decades. Without such a comparison study, absolutely no safety, efficacy, or necessity claims about vaccines can be made.
Furthermore, whistleblowers have come forth from both industry and government agencies confessing that vaccine safety and efficacy data are fraudulent…that inconvenient and undeniable truths are suppressed, omitted, and destroyed…lest public confidence in vaccines, billions in profits, and trillions that would need to be paid out in compensation, be threatened. Notes from secretly-held meetings reveal similar illegal and unethical behavior by doctors, government regulators, and pharmaceutical company executives.
Yet, these medical procedures, not properly tested, improperly declared safe, known to contain toxic and neurotoxic ingredients, and barbaric as they are, have not only been approved, they have been mandated. That is corruption and insanity at its worst. It is evil, and it is destroying the majority of our citizenry.
Since our government regulators have failed to require or ensure vaccine safety, it must be assumed, and can be shown, that not one single vaccine is safe or advisable. Therefore:
What is required is an immediate moratorium on all vaccinations, for all people.
That is what should have happened in 1986, versus Congress passing an Act indemnifying all who make and administer vaccines, at a point in time when vaccines were maiming and killing thousands.
Not demanding an immediate moratorium on vaccinations is no different than accepting any of the following scenarios:
- We know that a particular brand of car has a history of blowing up, harming and killing people, but government regulators say it can stay on the market…and our Congress will indemnify the makers and sellers of that car so victims cannot sue.
- We know that a particular brand of crib is causing thousands of babies to become trapped between the bars, leading to serious injuries and death, but government regulators say it can stay on the market…and our Congress will indemnify the makers and sellers of that crib so parents cannot sue.
- We know that a particular brand of canola oil is making people violently ill, causing permanent brain damage, causing immune and nervous system damage, causing severe GI issues, and in some cases killing people, but government regulators say it can stay on the market…and our Congress will indemnify the makers and sellers of that canola oil so that those who consume it cannot sue.
- We know that a particular medication has a history of inducing heart attacks, strokes, and aneurysms, resulting in disability, mental incapacitation, paralysis, and death, but government regulators say it can stay on the the market…and our Congress will indemnify those who make and administer that medication so that its recipients cannot sue.
To review, we have now disproven the endless claims that vaccines are safe and effective; we have exposed the complete lack of proper vaccine testing and post-marketing surveillance; and we have covered many reasons why vaccines should never have come to market, and therefore, should be eliminated immediately.
I now want to take some time to review vaccine ingredients. I will start by saying that if I were to put the ingredients I am about to describe in a baby bottle and then feed them to your baby, you would have me arrested, or you might consider taking me out yourself! Furthermore, if I were to inject one or more vaccines into an orange, I am betting that you would refuse to eat it. Yet, when someone in a white coat enters the exam room, parents allow these heinous ingredients, made in heinous ways and in heinous conditions, to be injected into their babies and children! And to make this happen, babies and children must be manhandled, physically restrained, and held down while they are painfully stabbed with up to 8 needles.This is barbaric! That is why I mentioned at the beginning of my talk that in addition to common sense, what is needed to see this barbaric, dangerous, and dare I say insane practice for what it is are parental instincts that have not been demeaned, grossly manipulated, and obliterated by doctors, nurses, and others.
It is important to mention that even though you wouldn’t allow me to put vaccines or vaccine ingredients into your baby’s bottle, your baby would actually have a much better chance of clearing the toxic and inflammatory ingredients in vaccines if they ingested them, versus having them injected directly into their muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat. But due to the fact that vaccines are injected, the first parts of our incredible, God-given immune system are completely bypassed, specifically, our respiratory and digestive tracts. As a result, vaccine ingredients are deposited into a closed system where they find their way into the brain, organs, bones, tissues, and bloodstream, where they will do nothing but poison, inflame, and cause harm. To make matters worse, vaccination is a one-way street…once you allow vaccines in, you can’t get them back out…or deactivate them.
Now, to review vaccine ingredients, I am going to pose some more questions to you.
- Would you allow lead to be injected into your child? Of course not, you know that would cause brain damage, not to mention other problems. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject mercury and aluminum into their children, both of which are severely neurotoxic (mercury many more times so than lead…and yes, mercury is still in vaccines given to infants and children, in addition to those given to pregnant women). To make matters worse, mercury and aluminum are synergistically neurotoxic, meaning that when they are given together, as is often done during vaccination, their individual toxicity is made far worse by the presence of the other, many times worse. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of children in our country with brain damage, which manifests as: speech and language disorders, including complete lack of speech; attention, learning, and behavior disorders; social skills deficits; seizure disorders; OCD; extreme anxiety disorders; sensory processing disorders; tics; and of course, Autism. Coincidence?
- Would you allow something that could cause cancer, say asbestos, to be injected into your child? Of course not, you know that cancer is often akin to a death sentence, if not the first go-round, then the times that often follow. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject formaldehyde, phenol, and MSG into their children, all of which are known carcinogens. To boot, recent tests have revealed the presence of glyphosate, one of the active and toxic ingredients in Round Up and other herbicides, in a number of vaccines, including very high levels of glyphosate in the MMR vaccine. Glyphosate is a highly-suspected carcinogen, shown to cause massive tumors in rats fed food laced with it. It is synergistically toxic when paired with aluminum, an ingredient found in the majority of today’s vaccines. It’s no wonder pharmaceutical companies don’t test to see whether or not their vaccine products cause cancer, they already know the answer. Instead, they simply write “not tested for carcinogenicity” on their package inserts, and our unethical government regulators let them get away with that. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of children in our country with leukemia, lymphoma, and other cancers. Coincidence?
- Would you allow something that could cause life-threatening auto-immune diseases, something like aluminum, to be injected into your child? Of course not. You know that auto-immune diseases are progressive and lead to premature death. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject not only aluminum, but also mercury, polysorbate 80, retroviruses from pigs, mice, monkeys, and other animals, DNA fragments from other humans, specifically from aborted fetuses, and from various animals, and laboratory-created live and killed viruses and retroviruses from both humans and animals, all of which are known to cause auto-immune diseases. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of children in our country with Type 1 diabetes, asthma, Crohn’s disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, demyelination, ulcerative colitis, and many more auto-immune diseases. Coincidence?
- Would you allow something that could cause life-altering and life-threatening asthma and allergies to be injected into your child? Of course not. You know that both asthma and allergies severely restrict a child’s life in many ways and that both can result in death. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject food proteins (which the blood is incapable of breaking down into amino acids, resulting in inflammation), antibiotics such as neomycin, polymyxin B, gentamicin, and streptomycin, and toxic chemicals at the same time as adjuvants (e.g. aluminum), which are designed to artificially overstimulate the immune system, resulting in the chronic and sometimes fatal conditions of asthma and allergies. Additionally, new studies regarding what is called “molecular mimicry” continue to emerge, demonstrating that when protein fragments in vaccine antigens match protein fragments of proteins in the body, it sets the stage for allergies and other autoimmune problems. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of children in our country with asthma, life-threatening peanut allergies, numerous types of food allergies and food intolerances, and numerous types of environmental allergies. Coincidence?
- Would you allow something that could cause infertility, such as nonstick chemicals and solvents, to be injected into your child? Of course not. You know that you would never want to destroy your child’s future reproductive capabilities. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject their children with polysorbate 80, known to adversely affect fertility. And who knows what propylene glycol (antifreeze), Triton X100 (detergent), aluminum, mercury, foreign DNA fragments, and the myriad other vaccine ingredients do to one’s future reproductive ability, especially when injected in conjunction with polysorbate 80. We know that the HPV vaccine has caused Primary Ovarian Failure (which is premature menopause) and amenorrhea (the prolonged cessation of a female’s menstrual cycle) in girls and young women, rendering them infertile, and possibly sterile for life. We know that tetanus vaccines given to girls and women in Kenya were laced with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), rendering them sterile. How? Administering HCG via vaccination stimulates the production of antibodies to HCG, and these antibodies then cause the woman’s body to reject embryos, effectively sterilizing her. Such an HCG-laced tetanus vaccine is in actuality a contraception vaccine. Do you think any of these Kenyan women was told that prior to vaccination? To add to the evilness and deception, the Kenyan women were given a 5-dose tetanus program spread over a number of years, versus the 2-3 dose norm. Clearly, those vaccines were being used for induced sterility and birth control without the girls’ and women’s knowledge or consent. Does any parent or vaccine recipient really know what is in the vaccines being injected into their child or themselves? It’s no wonder pharmaceutical companies don’t test to see whether or not their vaccine products cause infertility, they already know the answer. Instead, they simply write “not tested for impairment of fertility” on their package inserts, and our unethical government regulators let them get away with that. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of couples struggling with infertility issues. Coincidence?
- Would you allow something that could kill your baby to be injected into your otherwise healthy child? Of course not! Mothers would lay down their lives for their children, they don’t purposefully put them in harm’s way. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject their children with more and more vaccines, not knowing that each and every one carries the risk of death, even more so when combined, as they most often are. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of babies who are dying before their 1st birthday in the U.S., including many of “SIDS” and “SBS” (the labels that unethical doctors and unethical medical examiners use for vaccine-induced deaths instead of calling them what they are…i.e. vaccine-induced deaths). Coincidence?
What would you say if you walked by the window to my house, peered in, and saw my husband and me holding down our tiny baby on the dining room table, then roughly jabbing and injecting it multiple times with toxic cocktails and true witches’ brews of ingredients…all while our baby, or child of any age, screamed bloody murder, trying to escape our grip and savagery? I imagine you would whip out your cell phone, call the police, then try to barge into our home to stop the abuse! How is what I just described any different than what goes on every minute of every day in doctors’ offices and hospitals in our country and across the world? To be very clear, it isn’t.
To state it very plainly, vaccination is child abuse in the form of medical assault and battery. With regard to adults, when vaccination is carried out against one’s will or wishes, say for school admittance, job requirements, elder care and housing, or military admission, or when carried out with one who is hesitant, or with one who is unsuccessful in resisting and refusing, it also meets the legal definition for assault and battery. We must begin to label these vaccine atrocities for what they are: blatant and inexcusable child abuse; medical assault and battery; and when death is the result for the vaccine recipient, involuntary manslaughter. These vaccine-induced injuries, illnesses, and deaths are iatrogenic in nature, meaning they are caused by doctors and nurses. Vaccinations are crimes against humanity, and there is no time to mince words about this fact.
Let’s now move on to vaccine package inserts, which are rarely, if ever, read by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, parents, or vaccine recipients. In the packet you will receive after my presentation, you will find a link that will take you to all vaccine package inserts. I am going to read portions of just one package insert for you, but I do hope you will make the time to read at least a few vaccine package inserts for yourself. A few is all it will take to make you realize that these products should never have been licensed, much less be mandated.
I am going to focus on Merck’s Recombivax HB, a vaccine for hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended to be given to all newborns in the U.S. within hours of being born. In the state of NY, it is mandated to be given to newborns whose mothers test positive for Hepatitis B, unless the mother knows she can utilize a religious exemption to refuse it. It is only advised against for premature babies weighing less than 4.4 lbs. Hepatitis B is a disease that is contracted sexually and via the sharing of needles by drug users. If a mother has hepatitis B, she can pass it on to her baby. Despite the fact that the vast majority of newborns in the U.S. is at zero risk for contracting hepatitis B, the vaccine is recommended and/or mandated for all. Right there, you know something very wrong is transpiring…and that something is others’ wealth being prioritized over your baby’s health.
When you look at the pre-licensure trials for this vaccine for infants and children, you will notice that there were no controls, only vaccinated subjects. A mere 147 subjects were studied, which included only healthy infants and children, from infants up to age 10. I have to wonder how many of those were of an age group that couldn’t talk and were unable to describe their symptoms? The insert does not say. You will notice that study subjects were followed for a mere 5 days post-vaccination. Does that sound like a reasonable, safe, or sufficient amount of time to you? Such a severely-limited timeframe doesn’t even correspond with the Vaccine Injury Table used by the VICP, in which it is acknowledged that many vaccine injuries, including death, may take up to a week, a month, and up to 6 months post-vaccination to manifest. And of course some vaccine injuries, such as what doctors choose to call “Autism” versus the catastrophic vaccine injury that it is, may take even longer to fully manifest and be diagnosed. Thus, the 5-day time period used to monitor and assess study subjects is in no way sufficient or ethical…and it shouldn’t be allowed by government regulators.
Here are symptoms reported during the clinical trial, i.e. within the first 5 days post-vaccination: irritability, fever, diarrhea, fatigue/weakness, diminished appetite, and rhinitis (irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose). Would you wish even one of those on a newborn?
Perhaps much more importantly, however, are the adverse reactions that have been reported post-marketing, meaning after the vaccine was licensed and in use. I will be redefining some of the medical terms in layperson’s terms so you will have a better understanding of the horrors being reported after being vaccinated with Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine.
Immune System Disorders: hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions (severe, potentially life-threatening, allergic reactions that can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you’re allergic to), bronchospasm (spasm of bronchial smooth muscle producing narrowing of the bronchi, causing difficulty in breathing which can be mild to severe), and urticaria (a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction) within first few hours after vaccination; an apparent hypersensitivity syndrome (serum-like-sickness) of delayed onset, days to weeks after vaccination, including arthralgia/arthritis (joint pain/joint inflammation), fever, and dermatologic reactions such as urticaria, erythema multiforme (a type of hypersensitivity skin condition), ecchymoses (a discoloration of the skin caused by bleeding underneath), and erythema nodosum (skin inflammation in the fatty layer of skin which results in reddish, painful, tender lumps); autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus (a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs; inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems, including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs), erythematous (redness of the skin or mucous membranes caused by dilation and congestion of the capillaries), lupus-like syndrome, vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), and polyarteritis nodosa (a serious blood vessel disease in which the small and medium-sized arteries become swollen and damaged).
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Elevation of liver enzymes (indicating damage to the cells of or inflammation in your liver); constipation (which can result in inability to clear toxins and pain).
Nervous System Disorders: Guillain Barre syndrome (a condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves, considered a medical emergency, and can result in paralysis); multiple sclerosis (a demyelinating disease; it is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body); exacerbation of MS; myelitis including transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord which can result in permanent paralysis); seizure; febrile seizure; peripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nerves which causes weakness, numbness, and pain in hands and feet) including Bell’s Palsy (damage to the facial nerve that causes one side of the face to droop); radiculopathy (a condition due to a compressed nerve in the spine that can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness along the course of the nerve); herpes zoster (shingles); migraine, muscle weakness; hypesthesia (a diminished capacity for physical sensation, especially the skin); encephalitis (brain inflammation).
Skin and Subcutaneous Disorders: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a life-threatening skin condition); alopecia (hair loss); petechiae (red and purple spots caused by bleeding into the skin); eczema (itchy, red, and dry skin caused by inflammation).
By the way, the two worst things for a developing infant are toxicity and inflammation, both of which vaccines are expert at causing.
Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders: arthritis; pain in extremity.
Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders: increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (results from inflammation in the body); thrombocytopenia (a deficiency of platelets in the blood, causing bleeding into the tissues, bruising, and slow blood clotting after injury).
Psychiatric Disorders: Irritability, agitation, somnolence (extreme sleepiness).
Eye Disorders: Optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve); tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears, often with hearing loss); conjunctivitis (inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and the inner eyelid, also known as pink eye); visual disturbances; uveitis (inflammation of middle layer of the eye).
In other words, problems that can impact your baby’s ability to see and hear well, thus impacting and obstructing their proper development.
Cardiac Disorders: Syncope (fainting); tachycardia (abnormal rapid heart rate unrelated to level of activity).
What is missing from this list is the Death category. How many of the aforementioned vaccine-induced injuries resulted in death? Not surprisingly, that category is noticeably and wrongfully absent.
For any of you here today who allowed this vaccine for your child, were you told about all of these potential side effects your child might experience, and possibly have to live with for the rest of their life? Were you told that there was no control group used when studying its effects in those aged 0 up to 10 years? Were you told that only 147 subjects in this age group were studied during clinical trials? Were you told the post-vaccination surveillance time period was only 5 days? Were you even told how your child could contract hepatitis B, and the extreme unlikelihood that that would happen during their infancy, toddlerhood, and childhood? If not, was your doctor practicing ethical medicine? Should he be liability-free when administering this vaccine to his patients? If he weren’t liability-free, would he be administering it?
I am going to close by telling you the story of our middle child, Ryan, now 22 years old. Ryan was born a healthy baby with an Apgar score of 9. I had a natural childbirth with him, receiving no medications during labor or delivery. Immediately after birth, he was given a vitamin K shot, which might have contained aluminum. I do not know if the particular brand he received contained aluminum, as some do, because I was not told, and I did not know to ask…or to refuse the procedure…for which there was no evidence he needed. He was also given antibiotic eye drops, which I have since come to find out used to be given only to babies whose mothers had gonorrhea. Now they are given to all newborns in the hospital, whether or not the mother has gonorrhea…which I did not. Again, another needless medical intervention for my newborn son. Both the vitamin K shot and the antibiotic eye drops were given as “routine standard of care”, as though they came with no risk, without any assessment for need, and without asking permission of me or my husband. To the best of my knowledge, he did not receive the hepatitis B vaccine in the hospital.
When he was 2 months old, I dutifully took him in for his 2-month “well baby” appointment. Looking back, with hindsight being 20/20, he would never be well again after that first of many vaccine poisonings. Up until that 2-month appointment, Ryan was a typical and normally-developing baby. He nursed well, slept often, and cried when hungry, tired, upon awakening, or needing to be changed. After that appointment, at which he received the whole cell DPT vaccine, the oral polio vaccine, and the Hib vaccine, together containing a total of 50 mcg of mercury, Ryan stopped crying…and I mean completely. I still remember the very next day thinking, my, this is odd, Ryan hasn’t cried at all today…and the lack of crying continued…the next time I remember him crying was when he accidentally crashed his head into a table when a toddler.
I should mention that I received absolutely no information at that appointment about the vaccines Ryan was given. There was absolutely no informed consent given to me, or received by the doctor from me. There was no thorough discussion, or discussion of any kind, regarding the adverse reactions that could very well occur from the vaccines given, which included polio itself since he was given the live-virus polio vaccine, seizures, brain swelling, brain damage, SIDS, to name but a very few of the many possible adverse reactions. Also absent was a thorough discussion of family medical history, which would have included many contraindications to vaccination for our children. Rather, when I walked in the exam room, a silver tray held the vaccines Ryan was to receive that day. Without so much as telling me which vaccines Ryan was getting, the nurse weighed him, measured him, gave him a total of 5 vaccines, wrote down on his brand new “record of immunizations” card the vaccines she had given him, handed it to me, and left the room. I did not receive the vaccine package inserts, as I would have for any other drug Ryan would receive. I did not receive a vaccine booklet detailing all of the childhood vaccines as federal law required at the time, nor even a sheet of paper about the vaccines Ryan had just been given. Approximately 15 minutes later is when the doctor actually came in, without so much as a word about the vaccines Ryan had just received. This scene would repeat itself at every one of Ryan’s “well-baby” appointments for the next 2 years of his life…from which Ryan would leave sicker, more delayed, and developing more odd behaviors every single time.
At 4 months old, Ryan received the DPT, oral polio, and Hib vaccines, again, which meant another 50 mcg of mercury. After this appointment, looking back at video footage, he was getting harder, instead of easier, to engage. Ryan was still not crying to get his needs met at this time, and would lie silently in his crib when put down, even if not tired, and when awake after a nap, until someone came to get him. He was an exceedingly quiet baby. And I just thought, oh, he’s so good!
At 6 months old, Ryan received the DPT and Hib vaccines, another 50 mcg of mercury. After this appointment, 2 very strange things began to happen. Ryan’s breath began to smell odd, a chemical smell of sorts…alcohol? ammonia?…which I now know was indicative of a serious yeast overgrowth problem in his gut. He also began to laugh hysterically in the middle of the night in his crib for no apparent reason. My husband and I would hustle into his room when we heard this, and there he would lie, staring up at the ceiling, with nothing on it, laughing hysterically, not even acknowledging that we had come into the room. Not knowing what to make of it, we told ourselves that he was just a very happy baby.
At 9 months old, Ryan received a hepatitis B vaccine containing another 12.5 mcg of mercury. When I mentioned to the doctor at this appointment that Ryan’s breath had a strange odor to it, which I could only compare to an alcohol-like smell at the time, she asked me, and I quote, “Is he getting into your alcohol supply?” Ryan was only crawling at the time, would not have been able to open a wine bottle or beer can, of which we rarely had any around, and which would have been kept in the refrigerator or behind a closed door in our pantry. I remember being astounded at such an inane question. She did not even bend over to smell Ryan’s breath. Instead of taking my concerns seriously, she attacked my mothering. This would not be the last time that happened.
At 12 months old, Ryan received a TB test and another hepatitis B vaccine, adding another 12.5 mcg of mercury to his load. After this appointment, Ryan stopped responding to his name, and his eye contact began to disappear. He began to stop looking up when his dad came home from work, and instead preferred to watch Wee Sing videos, mesmerized by them…as he still is today at age 22. He never did point or follow a point, both skills that occur naturally by age one…and the lack of such innately-wired skills was to become a red flag trademark of what was to become the Autism Epidemic.
At 15 months old, Ryan received his first MMR vaccine and another Hib vaccine, adding another 25 mcg of mercury to his small body, along with 3 live viruses that would later be discovered to wreak immense havoc in the young children receiving them in unison. After this appointment, Ryan’s babbling, which wasn’t that frequent to begin with, began to disappear, and he was losing the ability to imitate sounds we’d make for him to repeat. It was around this time that Ryan began to open and close doors, drawers, and cabinets repetitively, and play with the same hammer and ball toy over and over again. He also began spinning in circles at times, unresponsive to his name, and to requests to stop, or to come here…obliviously spinning in his own little world.
At 18 months old, Ryan received another DPT, another oral polio, and another Hep B vaccine, for a total of 37.5 more mcg of mercury, and for a grand total of 237.5 mcg of mercury in an 18-month timeframe for a tiny baby. This round of vaccines nearly killed him. We went home, and he became lethargic, feverish, and completely out of it. I put him in his crib, and for the next 10-plus days, he was like a limp, lifeless rag doll…uninterested in eating, drinking, waking up, or doing anything. His lethargy continued, and he slept many, many hours per day.
I called the doctor that same day, very worried about my baby. I did not get past the receptionist. She told me that his reaction was perfectly normal, and not to worry. I called every business day for 10 consecutive days, and never got past the receptionist. On the 10th day, the receptionist literally yelled at me and said, “Mrs. Hayes, please stop calling this office. Anything that happens in the first 2 weeks after a vaccination is considered a normal vaccine reaction. Do not call this office again until day 15!” Again, I was not put through to the doctor, nor did I receive a call back from the doctor despite calling so many days in a row.
Looking back, Ryan was no doubt suffering from vaccine-induced encephalitis which led to vaccine-induced encephalopathy, i.e. brain inflammation leading to permanent brain damage. When one reads the Vaccine Injury Table for vaccine-induced encephalopathy, it perfectly mirrors the symptoms of what doctors like to call “Autism”, purposefully misnamed to cast blame away from themselves and from vaccines. Vaccine-induced encephalopathy and “autism” are one and the same in Ryan’s case, and in many other cases with which I am familiar, too.
After this set of vaccinations at 18 months, Ryan’s vocalizations became near nil, with his only remaining verbal imitation being “ba ba ba”, and only after numerous requests to imitate us. His obsession with videos increased, and he learned how to hit the eject button endlessly, putting the same video in and out until stopped. His visual and depth perceptions were not normal. He would often watch his videos from an upside down or bent sideways position. At the park, I could not get to him quickly enough after helping him down the slide before he would walk smack into a metal bridge that led back to the slide. He did not learn from this painful experience, as he would walk right back into the same metal bridge again the next time, resulting in a huge lump on his forehead, from which he never cried. Additionally, we had to hold Ryan’s hand when walking until he was 4 years old because he would trip and fall when making transitions from one surface to another, such as grass to cement…and he would not break his fall…but would instead land on his forehead.
Mercury poisoning affects both visual and depth perception, and Ryan was experiencing that in spades…we just didn’t know it at the time. No one had ever mentioned that there was mercury in the vaccines he had received…not to mention levels of mercury that at just his 2-month “well-baby” appointment alone were 125 times in excess of the EPA-declared “safe” amount…not that there is a “safe” amount of mercury for any human, much less for one in the prime of their brain, nervous, and immune system development. Furthermore, that EPA-declared “safe” amount is for ingested methylmercury, not for the injected ethylmercury used in vaccines, for which studies have suggested the “safe” amount should be much lower than for methylmercury…meaning that Ryan, and millions of other children at their 2-month appointments, received 500 times the supposed “safe” level of mercury! 500 times! That is CRIMINAL! No wonder he went silent after his first set of vaccines at 2 months…he had been gravely poisoned, and the poisoning would continue at regular intervals throughout the first 2 years of his life, without my husband or me having a clue.
I have since looked at his medical records from that time period. There is no record of my calling multiple times over the course of 10 consecutive days to report how my child was non-responsive and suffering post-vaccination, nor is there a record of their telling me not to worry and that anything that happens in the first 2 weeks after vaccination is considered normal.
“Speech delay”, however, was written on the record at Ryan’s 18-month appointment. I expressed concern to the doctor at that appointment that Ryan wasn’t speaking any words, and compared to his older sister at that age, there was a huge difference. She looked at me and asked me, a stay-at-home mother whose precocious and extremely verbal 3 year-old daughter was sitting right next to me, “Do you ever sit on the ground and play with him?” Yet again, instead of listening to my concerns, she chose to attack my mothering. I replied that, yes, I played with him, read to him, talked to him, sang to him, and interacted with him all day long, as did his sister and his father, yet he was not talking.
She did some type of receptive test with him that day, too…things like asking him to walk across the room, walk on his tiptoes, and a couple other things I can’t remember. He was unable to do anything she asked, including acknowledging that he was being spoken to by her. She looked at me, and this time asked, “Is he always this naughty?” Instead of realizing that we had a toddler who had no receptive language and no understanding that he was even being addressed, she attacked him this time, and indirectly, my mothering again. I replied, “Ryan is never naughty. If anything, we are concerned that he is too good.” She had no response to that, and apparently, only thought to write “speech delay” on his chart that day.
At 24 months of age, Ryan received the new Varivax vaccine, for chicken pox. This was despite the fact that he was taking the antibiotic Septra at the time for an ear infection, and his records show that he was prescribed another round of Septra shortly thereafter, for either the same, or yet another, ear infection. Vaccines are not to be given when a child is sick, yet, Ryan’s doctor gave him a live-virus vaccine! The package insert for Varivax clearly states under “Contraindications” for vaccination “any febrile illness or active infection”. I still was not connecting the dots between Ryan’s vaccines and his subsequent regression and development of odd behaviors after every set of vaccines. However, by that time, without any help from her, I had figured out that Ryan had what was being called “autism”. Perhaps internally, I was beginning to suspect vaccines had something to do with his diagnosis and problems. Remember, this was still before vaccines were the huge public controversy they are today, and before the internet. I remember telling her I didn’t think I wanted the chicken pox vaccine for him, and she said, after I had told her my suspicion that Ryan had autism (he had not been formally diagnosed yet, we were waiting to see a pediatric neurologist), “Well, if he has autism, you don’t want him getting chicken pox.” I succumbed to that lousy argument of hers, and once again, without informed consent, and against the contraindications warning on the package insert which I was not told about, I allowed him to get that vaccine, too. Total silence from Ryan was the result. There was no more babbling or repeating any sounds whatsoever. Just complete and utter silence.
That would be his last vaccine. However, the regression would continue, in earnest, thanks to the 237.5 mcg of mercury he received, not to mention aluminum, for which I do not know the amounts…in addition to formaldehyde, other known allergens and carcinogens, cells and DNA fragments from both humans and animals, viruses and retroviruses of both human and animal origin, and who really knows what all he was shot up with. To this day, he tests toxic for a number of heavy metals, and the mercury is so deeply embedded in his brain, bones, tissues, and organs, it can’t be properly measured. He tests positive for antibodies to myelin basic protein, meaning his body attacks the sheaths that are supposed to cover every nerve cell in his body, rendering them unable to communicate properly. He tests allergic to many foods and is on a restricted diet. I could go on.
I have spent the last 2 decades of my life running an ABA program for Ryan, who requires a most-precise method of teaching for even the most basic of concepts, and then thousands of trials to learn something, and thousands more trials to retain and generalize it. He also sees a doctor who treats the vaccine-injured, for which we must fly to another state. That is despite my husband and I being co-founders of the MIND Institute at UC Davis, which is 30 minutes from our house. MIND has been a huge disappointment and has chosen to ignore and deny the unmistakable role that vaccines have played in the vaccine-induced autism epidemic that has been plaguing our country for more than 25 years.
At 6’4” tall and 180 lbs., Ryan is a boy in a man’s body, with a functioning level of a 4 or 5 year old. He is fully dependent on others and must be supervised and cared for around the clock, without pause. He did not complete high school or go to college. He does not have a driver’s license, and never will. He is not capable of living independently, or earning a living, or even holding down a menial, part-time job. He will not get married or have children. As a matter of fact, he will never even go out on a first date. He was robbed of ever living a typical and independent life because he was poisoned and disabled by vaccines beginning in 1994 and continuing through 1996.
To date, there has been no admittance by his pediatrician or government officials about what was done to him. No government agent has followed up on his vaccine injuries so the same thing won’t happen to other children. Rather, he is one of the unacknowledged, uncounted, uncompensated, ignored, discounted, and publicly-denied victims who make up the ever-increasing epidemic of vaccine-injured persons.
There is indeed an urgent public health crisis sweeping our country and it is not measles, mumps, or chicken pox. It is Vaccine Injury. That is the raging public health crisis facing us today. Vaccine injury is real, and it isn’t rare. Due to an across-the-board denial of this public health crisis, vaccines are now the leading cause of coincidences in the world.
However, hopefully you have now figured out that the chronic illnesses and devastating disabilities facing our children, many of whom are young adults now, are not coincidences. Neither are the lives that have been lost to SIDS, SBS, and other vaccine injuries that resulted in premature deaths. They were caused by vaccines, and this vaccine devastation and carnage must be stopped immediately. We cannot in good conscience allow there to be even one more vaccine victim.
Please join me in spreading the truth about the dangers, inefficacies, and lack of need for vaccines, and the truth about the vast corruption and deception that underlie vaccines from manufacture to mandate, and beyond. Please join me in working to not only ban vaccine mandates, but to ban vaccines themselves, as they never should have come to market. Please join me in working to repeal the 1986 NCVIA, which wrongfully removed liability from its rightful owners, and please join me to overturn the 1905 Jacobson vs. MA decision, which is often cited as justification for vaccine mandates, even though the 1947 Nuremberg Code should have made that decision null and void, forever. Your voice and your activism matter. Together, we must reach the tipping point to end this vaccine madness in order to protect the health of our children, people of all ages, and the future of our country.
Remember, when it comes to vaccines, there is nothing to be “pro” about.
Thank you.
Helpful links and resources:
- Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights at the UNESCO Convention in 2005 : http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=31058&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
- The vaccinated can harbor and spread pertussis: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/2/787 and http://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2015/09/14/the-ugly-untold-truth-about-the-pertussis-vaccine/ and http://vaxtruth.org/2015/01/pertussis/
- The vaccinated can shed and spread the diseases for which they were vaccinated: https://ift.tt/1T8QFyH
- Vaccine ingredients for each vaccine: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf
- Papers regarding the toxic, neurotoxic, and teratogenic effects of aluminum: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep31578 and http://ispub.com/IJTO/3/1/10966 and http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/vaccine_papers_brochure_8.5x11.pdf
- 3 historical accounts of thimerosal: http://www.aapsonline.org/vaccines/mercinmed.pdf, http://adventuresinautism.blogspot.com/2005/08/beginning-at-beginning.html, and http://traceamounts.com/ten-lies-told-about-mercury-in-vaccines/
- FDA document which attempts to justify vaccine ingredients, and which admits that vaccines include ingredients have not been clinically approved: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/SafetyAvailability/VaccineSafety/ucm187810.htm
- Wyeth Internal Correspondence regarding separating vaccine lots: https://ift.tt/YeLOGn
- Merck Whistleblowers: https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2016/05/06/two-more-mmr-vaccine-whistleblowers-theyre-suing/
- CDC Whistleblower: https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Whistleblower-Exposing-Autism-Research/dp/1634509951 and https://ift.tt/2ca79L9
- Transcript of the Simpsonwood meeting in June, 2000, at which thimerosal in vaccines was discussed: http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/chapter2.html
- Three weeks before Simpsonwood, another secret meeting was held at which aluminum in vaccines was discussed: http://www.thinktwice.com/aluminum.pdf
- Glyphosate: suspected carcinogen, causes tumors in rats, and present in vaccines: http://www.ecowatch.com/glyphosate-vaccines-1999343362.html
- Legal definitions of assault and battery: https://ift.tt/2AG2BWt
- Vaccine Package Inserts here: http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
- HRSA’s VICP Vaccine Injury Table (http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/vaccineinjurytable.pdf) lists “encephalopathy” as an outcome for the MMR (or any of the individual vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella) and for the DTaP (or any pertussis-containing vaccines). The symptoms of this encephalopathy in a child who is 18 months or older include a “significantly decreased level of consciousness” which HRSA describes as follows: 1. Decreased or absent response to environment (responds, if at all, only to loud voice or painful stimuli); 2. Decreased or absent eye contact (does not fix gaze upon family members or other individuals); or 3. Inconsistent or absent responses to external stimuli (does not recognize familiar people or things). How many children diagnosed with “autism” should have been correctly diagnosed with “vaccine-induced encephalopathy”? In addition, one of the signs of encephalopathy is seizure activity. Estimates suggest that 1/4 - 1/3 of those diagnosed with “autism” also suffer from seizures. (Taken from Ginger Taylor’s chapter in the excellent book Vaccine Epidemic).
- CDC recommended vaccine schedule for children, adults, and pregnant women can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent-compliant.html (for children 0-18); http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/adult.html (adults); http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pregnancy/hcp/guidelines.html (for pregnant women)
- Vaccines: Elimination Mandatory! by Laura Hayes can be found at http://www.ageofautism.com/2016/09/vaccines-elimination-mandatory.html#more. Other articles, speeches, and interviews by Laura Hayes can be found at ageofautism.com under “Special Reports” at the top of Age of Autism’s home page.
Thus Article Vaccines: What is there to be "Pro" About? Laura Hayes to Weston A. Price Foundation Conference
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