Title : 1187-1189: About Hartford Van Dyke from Lincoln County Watch
link : 1187-1189: About Hartford Van Dyke from Lincoln County Watch
1187-1189: About Hartford Van Dyke from Lincoln County Watch
Friday, August 10, 2018
1187-1189: About Hartford Van Dyke from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Hartford Van Dyke is well-intentioned and very, very knowledgeable about the Federal System.
However, he is ignorant about the actual American System.
We are not Federales. We are not naturally subject to Federal Code. We are not subject to State Statutes.
So 90% of what he teaches, or more, is only applicable to them, not to us.
And while it is certainly handy to know and be able to remind them what their own Codes and Statutes say, the whole point is that we are not part of their system and not subject to any of it, so why belabor the point and waste a lot of time learning about how they are supposed to act and how they are supposed to conduct their business?
We need to take care of our own business and obey the Public Law without worrying about the rules of defunct and bankrupt Federal corporations.
I know Hartford. He's a good man. But he has suffered under the delusion that he can, as a Federal Citizen, access our credit and issue "Notes" and "Bonds". This is not true and never has been.
If he keeps going with this, he will get in trouble again --- and not for the first time, and those following after him will get in trouble, too.
You are very wise to step back and not believe the promises of ready money and not just go charging after whatever sounds good and easy.
Good things in life are seldom easy.
I don't know why a guy as bright as Hartford would keep stepping in the same cow pie, but cow pie it is, and anyone who tells you that you don't need to correct your political status records is not up to speed.
See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
How to Deal with a Dysfunctional Media and Press Corps
By Anna Von Reitz
Recent attempts to let corporations --- Facebook, Twitter, etc. -- censor free speech have sparked much controversy.
As corporations they can set their company policies and ban things like "hate speech" --- however, as corporations receiving the benefits of bankruptcy protection and the "corporate veil" under our delegated authority (now returned to us) and as businesses making use of our public airwaves to deliver and sell their products --- not so much.
In fact, all segments and franchises of the Federal Government including Territorial and Municipal franchises --- are required to obey our Public Law -- which guarantees the right of Free Speech to all Americans.
Now all you have to do is stand up and reclaim your political status as an American and not a "US Citizen" ---- and tell President Trump that these yahoos are attempting to censor your Free Speech.
That's offense enough to justify liquidation of any corporation. Plus fines.
Remember that corporations can be organized and incorporated for any "lawful" purpose --- "lawful" not merely "legal". They have to honor our Public Law or get smashed flat as pancakes.
All President Trump has to do, is do it. In our behalf. Thank you, very much.
This comes on the heels of general discontent and disbelief with regard to the Mainstream Media. Everyone above the age of 14 knows that it is for-entertainment-purposes- only and that it is mostly anti-American screed, but few people know why.
(1) The Press has been under gag orders since WWII so they can't print any news that might in some way affect "national security".
That accounts for why all we hear about are car wrecks in Duluth and Kim Kardashian's latest nail polish.
The US Army in its utter brilliance has been defining us, their employers, as "the Enemy" and protecting us from ourselves by censoring everything down to cotton candy on one hand and running unlawful surveillance schemes against us through their agency contracts on the other.
If it weren't so stupid and at such cross-purposes, it would be funny, but as it is, we prefer to regard it as a stellar example of grotesque mis-management of manpower and resources.
(2) The Press organs are largely owned by six multi-national conglomerates that have no loyalty to this country and are run by foreigners.
We are about to start charging them for the use of our air waves and mandating standards that respect our right to free speech and open communications. And if they don't like it, they can sell out their interests in our communications industry to an American Company that will respect our rights and pay what they should for jamming our ears 24/7.
We could also bring anti-monopoly charges against the Six Little Piggies and bust them up like Ma Bell, forcing them to sell out and sell down so as to promote (and allow) competition and varied market sources.
The Army can establish its own standards for its own employees and keep their pert noses focused on their actual business, which is not promoting domestic political agendas here in this country or anywhere else. Our Constitution provides for them to "defend" us --- not dabble in big business, censorship, and fake Radio Free America crappola.
Please share this information with President Trump. He seems to be having difficulty with "The Press" --- without realizing that the American Press got sick in the 1930's, was finally murdered during World War II, and is still awaiting resurrection.
Most likely he doesn't realize that the U.S. Army has such a strangle-hold on the Press --- and that it is not entirely the fault of the Press that things are the way they are.
After all, it doesn't make much sense for us to blame the Press for failure to do its job, when it is being prevented from doing its job by an Army that isn't doing its job.
We give President Trump our free and full permission to begin anti-monopoly action against the Six Little Piggies --- the foreign multi-national media conglomerates clogging our airwaves with vacuous nonsense and sales ads and inappropriately slanted political screeds.
We give him our free and full permission to get the U.S. Army out of the censorship business and stop pretending that James Comey's personal welfare is a National Security issue. Instead, they can start protecting our right to Free Speech and clearing our airwaves. That is, after all, part of why we pay them.
We give him our free and full permission to lock down foreign media outlets and/or charge them high tariffs to operate in this country and to use our Executive Power to do so, without need for any reference to the Washington DC Municipal Charter and no permission from the Territorial "Congress" is required.
If the FCC doesn't like it, fire the whole lot of them. If the Territorial "Congress" complains, who cares?
If they want to sit around and be snarky and make fun of everyone but the in-crowd they need to pay through the nose until they bleed. If they want to push anti-American crap on our airwaves they need to be charged so much it puts them out of business. Period.
These are our airwaves. We can determine who gets the use of them or not and at what price. With or without the blessings of the Territorial Congress, and without the need for any special agency Nabobs. Again, thank you, very much.
And as for the National Press Club, the Journalism Schools at all the Public Universities, and the "American Press Corps" --- we encourage them to remember what their job is supposed to be, that editorials belong on the editorial page, not commingled with the news, that journalism is supposed to be a "noble calling" and not an excuse for political grandstanding, pandering, and payola-mongering.
If you are an American Journalist you owe it to yourself to resurrect The Fourth Estate in this country and reclaim your self-respect. And if you are not an American Journalist, what are you doing on our airwaves?
See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
By Operation of Law
By Anna Von Reitz
I highly recommend that those who are just encountering this information read our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" as a starting place. It gives the overall basics in an easy-to-read illustrated format and provides very handy information in the Appendix. This book gives references and citations as it goes through its narrative. It is available on Amazon.com as are all the other books.
If you are a more hard-charging "Just the Facts Ma'am" executive type, the same basic information is covered in a sound-bite format in our book "America: Some Assembly Required". If you need to get up to speed fast and can take in information in 30-second or less increments and build the picture as you go, this book will summarize the situation and the history for you in about an hour and a half. This book doesn't give a references and citations that have been provided elsewhere so includes only one or two new citations covering additional topics.
Behind, before, and underlying these two books is the first book, "Disclosure 101", which is the history of how I got involved, how I addressed the problem, and ultimately where it all led. This book includes publication of basic documents I or others issued in pursuit of remedy and gives eleven pages of underlying citations and references.
President Trump has, since the publication of these books, sicced teams of lawyers on the information and combed the National Archives. As a result, it has all been newly confirmed. At the highest levels of international government there has never been any disagreement about the facts, there has only been a divide between those who knew and those who didn't know. President Trump now knows and has the proof of the facts we have brought forward.
Despite what is apparent in the external world, many people think that our country functions under one government. It doesn't and except for five years early on, it never has.
Examine what happened between 1776 to 1781. During those years The United States of America [Unincorporated] was the sole face of our country to the external world. It was and is an unincorporated Federation of States, which are also unincorporated entities. The members of The United States of America Federation are known simply as: Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, Virginia, and so on.
Five years after the States and the original Federation were formed, a
Confederation of States of States was formed under The Articles of Confederation.
The members of the Confederation were all doing-business-as entities belonging to the Federation States. These "States of States" did business as "The State of Florida", "The State of Wisconsin" and so on. They were all members of the "States of America" and were called "Confederate States" long before the Civil War.
It was these original States of States that were party to The Constitution for the united States of America and they, together, were intended to exercise the nineteen Powers delegated to them by the sovereign States and The United States of America.
And then came the Civil War. The Confederation of States of America was torn apart. After the mercenary conflict (never a true war) ended, the original States of States needed to be "Reconstructed" --- hence the "Reconstruction Era".
Britain saw its chance to usurp --- again --- against our lawful government, and via fraudulent means substituted Territorial "States of States" to replace the actual Federal States of States, and used that as a means to commandeer our Federal Government and exercise our Delegated Powers for its own benefit. The Territorial "States of States" have operated under names styled like this: "the State of Vermont", "the State of Florida" and so on ever since.
Millions of innocent Americans assumed that the "State of Florida" was the same as "The State of Florida" but in fact a terrible change had taken place.
The actual Federal States of States were moth-balled and converted into State Land Trusts doing business as, for example, the Florida State, the Ohio States, and the Michigan State.
And every year the renegade Territorial United States Congress votes to "set aside" the actual Constitution owed to our General Government and pretends that our Federal Government --- which never exercised anything but Delegated Powers in the first place --- is "in abeyance" and that their Territorial Government therefore takes its place.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, by Operation of Law, when an agent exercising delegated authority becomes incompetent to exercise that authority, it does not evaporate or bump down the railroad tracks to the next lower level of government. It reverts to the government that delegated the power in the first place ---- The United States of America and its member States.
The problem is that we were never notified of all these changes purportedly being made "for" us and were in fact purposefully deceived by international Trustees acting in Gross Breach of Trust against us and against our interests.
As a result, the "Reconstruction" of our Federal States of States has remained incomplete since 1868. We were purposefully misled into thinking that the Reconstruction was over and done, but in fact, nothing but a fraudulent substitution had taken place.
In the last two years both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States have been bankrupted and also become incompetent to function under their own power, albeit for different reasons.
So all three levels of the Federal Government created to exercise the Delegated Powers and manage the Territorial Possessions and provide a government for Washington, DC, have been rendered incompetent.
By Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers have reverted to The United States of America, it's member States, and their People. To us, in other words. We have stepped forward in a timely fashion and acknowledged and accepted the return of our Delegated Powers. We have arranged for President Trump to enter the legitimate though long-vacant Office of the President of The United States of America and extended a month-by-month service contract in support of the American military and basic services as outlined by our original Constitution.
Everything else that you are seeing go on -- all the fire and nonsense of the political parties, all the investigations into this and that, all the fear-mongering and posturing and arguments ongoing in Washington, DC --- are the stuff that dreams and illusions are made of --- the corporate politics of legal fiction entities.
And all of it is completely foreign to us. It has nothing whatsoever to do with our actual government. It's the Kitchen Staff amusing itself and beginning to sober up after a long debauch and improper occupation of the actual Landlord's estate.
Our Government is not and has never been a "democracy". Our people don't "vote" --- they elect. We don't convene Congresses of "States of States". We convene Congresses of States. Likewise, our Congressional Delegates are "Deputies" of our State Legislatures --- that is, Fiduciary Officers owing their allegiance to us and our States, not "Representatives" owing allegiance to political parties and corporate bottom lines.
It is this last point that deserves special Notice and mention. A Fiduciary Deputy
working for our actual State of the Union is accountable for the way they spend your money and can be "recalled" by the State Legislature if they fail to meet the Prudent Man Standard.
A mere "Representative" claiming to "represent" your State of the Union in an agency capacity has no such accountability or office, and as a result these Territorial Congressional Delegations have been spending like drunken sailors and racking up Odious Debt against you and your State --- and getting away with it for 150 years --- simply because you didn't wake up and object. Instead, you were misled and duped into participating in their fraud and thereby seeming to support their insubordination.
And now we come to a New Day, not a New Deal.
The Delegated Powers have returned to us and to our States by Operation of Law.
You have been informed of the situation and are called upon to correct your political status records which have been conveniently falsified "for" you, and to return to reclaim your birthright and operate your actual State.
The means to convey your Trade Name back to the land and soil of your birth state and to seize control of your affairs and to assert your "reversionary trust interest" has been provided for you. Go to Article 928 on my website: www.annavonreitz.com and record your claim to your Good Name and Estate.
Recording your claim to your own Name and re-conveying it back to the land and soil jurisdiction of your state is Step One. Seizing control of all the Derivative NAMES and expatriating them back to the land and soil jurisdiction is Step Two.
Denying all Powers of Attorney and assigning your Trade Name as the only Attorney in Fact is Step Three. Rebooting your lawful County Jural Assembly is Step Four. And Reconstituting your State Jural Assembly is Step Five.
This is a lot to take in and a lot of work to do.
But Americans have done more with less.
All of you who have ancestors who were living in this country prior to the Civil War are automatically "grandfathered in" to the guarantees of the original Constitutions and the National Trust --- you merely have to accept and claim your birthright and heritage and record a "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty".
We took the pre-caution of locating a cadre of men qualified to claim each and every State over two years ago, so that under the Last Man Standing Rule, we have effectively claimed back the entire country from the verge of loss to foreign bank creditors. That does not relieve anyone of their responsibility as Americans to assemble and operate their lawful government.
That this situation even exists should be eloquent enough warning to all of you to (1) take action to preserve your own protections and exemptions and property rights and (2) pay attention and get involved in assembling your local county and state units of government.
Those things operating "as" counties and "as" States of States aren't your government. You are your government. That is what "self-governance" means.
So get your records straight and get busy, or a bunch of European sharpies will be more than willing to claim everything you think of as yours as payment for debts you don't owe.
And now one final plug. The research that led to these conclusions and actions and which have served to protect you and your family and bring forward the actions that have been taken to preserve your country and your property rights and your State of the Union --- has all been done by people like me, working away for free for years at a time, not all those people on your payroll.
We get nothing ---- no pay from the renegade "government" and in fact, many of us have suffered and died and been attacked by these criminals and prosecuted under deliberately constructed false legal presumptions. Many of us have spent time in jail --- not for our "political beliefs" --- but because we had the temerity to assert our birthright and claim our property and our exemptions.
In doing this, we protected all of you and even protected those persecuting us, because without this, all our land, all our rights, all our freedoms would have been lost.
The international bankers actually thought they were going to pull it off, and claim that our entire continent was "abandoned" assets, up for grabs.
If you have any sense of just how close this entire country and the rest of the world has come to disaster --- get going. Reclaim your Good Name and your rightful political status and then, boot up your local assemblies.
And if you can, send a donation our way. Because our accounts were commandeered along with everything else and bungled up and commingled as part of these infernal bankruptcies --- we still have no money to operate on.
Everything is being boot-strapped. Everything is being done by volunteers. Our researchers and our lawyers are making huge sacrifices. The least we can do as a nation is to pay their out of pocket costs --- materials, court fees, postage, travel, electricity.
Our PayPal is the same as my email address: avannavon@gmail.com. Snail mail for donations is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Thus Article 1187-1189: About Hartford Van Dyke from Lincoln County Watch
That's an article 1187-1189: About Hartford Van Dyke from Lincoln County Watch This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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