Internet of Things - formula for a global trance
By Jon Rappoport
I'm following up on my previous article about the Internet of Things (IoT). Here is the psychology in a nutshell:
IoT is the absurd plan---now rolling out---to connect every conceivable device to the Internet. Worldwide. This means life will become automatic for a large chunk of the population in due time.
Your car will drive you. Your fridge will order new food items. Your heat and air conditioning will operate beyond your control. Your toaster will decide how brown the bread will be. Your whole home will run on prescribed algorithms, deciding how much energy you can use and when.
You will become a spectator.
Passivity IS hypnosis.
Why would you care about what's happening beyond your bubble? As long as "functions are functioning," all is well.
Of course, as you enter a decline in health, owing to the introduction of wireless 5G, the harmful technology necessary to implement IoT, and as your home devices spy on you and register your "symptoms," there will be mandatory doctors' visits. But don't worry, you won't have to leave your house. The diagnosis will occur on a screen in your hand, and the toxic medicine will arrive at your door. These drugs will make you more passive.
No, all this won't happen tomorrow, but up the line, that is the plan and the picture. Brave New World.
Ambition? Achievement? The will to succeed?
These former qualities will fade into extinction. No longer required. They existed merely to bring us to the point where technology would take over.
And if you think the present education system is grossly inadequate, imagine what it will look like when "IoT homes" proliferate. If you can sit back and let your life run on automatic, why would you need to learn...anything?
"At one time, my cardinal skill was flipping a switch that would automate all devices in my apartment. But now I don't have to do that. The apartment is always ON. I can't turn it off. Who cares?"
Huge numbers of people won't have IoT homes. The promise will go unfulfilled. This fact will set up a new class system. But with enhanced (automatic) security systems, and the backing of State force, the fortunate ones will be protected in formidable fashion.
Hypnosis works by "freeing" a person from making choices. He sits there. When he is suitably passive, he receives suggestions. In the case of IoT, those suggestions will be provided by his AI environment: "I'm here. I serve you. I give you what you need. I decide what you need. I'm your guide to happiness. By doing less and less, you get more and more..."
If you say, "Well, this is already happening," you're right. But with IoT, the difference will be extraordinary.
On a broad scale, the basics of hypnosis---trance plus suggestions---will revolutionize human relationships. Interactions will occur at much lower levels of energy. The content of future communication will make today's Facebook posts seem like conversations among university scholars.
But it's all good.
If you want your children and grandchildren to float in a passive electronic dead sea.
If not, you'd better reinstate the "old virtues." Ambition. Achievement. Will power. Independence. Self-reliance. Self-sufficiency.
The trance-breakers.
Finally, for now, as the IoT moves forward, people who accept it are going to start believing that the objects around them are seeing and perceiving and thinking. People are going to develop a strange metaphysics, in which objects are conscious and alive and "all-knowing." People are going to hold fast to this premise. They are going to take the trance to a whole new level, in which the hypnotic suggestions are "coming from gods."
That will increase the power of the suggestions by many degrees.
It always works this way. The source of the trance is elevated, until it becomes, for the faithful, a Vatican of ultimate truth...
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