- Strange how every "terrorist" event in the past ten or fifteen years benefited the various imperial governments of Britain, Israel, Australia and the USA. These false flag terror operations help cement power, by spreading terror throughout the victim nation. By spreading the effects of terror--pictures of damage and film interviews of mass hysteria and confusion--the mainstream media of the traumatized country served as an unquestioning, ultra-effective propaganda vehicle. The national media acts as a brilliant, second phase of the false flag operation, by further spreading the terror while muddying the waters to any conflicting evidence or subsequent investigation.
- Let me list a few suspicious events that helped cement power in the four countries. There are dozens, and I;m sertain you can think of many more, but I've only listed six. Each event intended to (A) scapegoat a group or individual, while (B) removing power from the unsuspecting people, while (C ) giving more power to the government, while (D) directing hostility toward the intended group, or individual, while (E) muddying the facts of the story for future reference. If you control the events and control the story than you control the people, for your own purposes.
- 1. The Oklahoma City Bombing. Meant to look like an act of terrorism but closer inspection reveals numerous suspicious indicators of a false flag operation. Multiple bombs reported that day. Multiple persons involved. Experts like USAF General Partin (Google), who saw the site, dismissed the notion that a home-made fertilizer bomb could have demolished a concrete reinforced building.
- Fortunately, for those who created the false flag terror operation, the US media kept a lid on doubters after the critical first day---and has ever since---labeling them 'Conspiracy theorists.'
- OKC screamed false flag, then and now. The intended target? The US militia groups, millions of law-abiding patriots and Constitutionalists that had grown significantly after the Waco Massacre by the Clinton/ Reno crime cult. Predictably, a pre-programmed patsy, Timothy McVeigh, was tied to a militia group and blamed for the entire massacre.
- 2. The 911 Attack. The most successful false flag attack in America, but assuredly not the last. Probably engineered by more than one country to BENEFIT MORE THAN ONE COUNTRY. Probably a testing ground for several, secretive types of demolition-weaponry within the tower core. Mission: terrorize and confuse Americans while directing the US population's anger toward the Middle East.
- Successful? You bet (thus far). To scapegoat an Islamic group, a group revealed and then reviled within hours and days. To target an ever-widening group to be attacked in the years to come. To contain or control all conflicting evidence. To contain or control all conflicting witnesses. To marginalize, or demonize, all skeptics and whistleblowers (Somewhat successful thus far, but growing less so until the internet can be marginalized). And to allow the corporate-owned, complicit US media free rein to keep a lid on doubts. After the critical first day, the US media has acted as a government bureau by spreading and cementing the official story.
- 911: A False Flag Exemplar.
- The purpose of 911 was manifold. To spread fear. To distract the public about critical missing Pentagon trillions. To create a new power elite in as few hands as possible. To create a wider swath of powerful new "enemies," shadowy groups able to attack us here in America. To then create a powerful pretense to attack them and gain possession of their resources; and to destroy as much of the US Constitution as possible and thus cement more power.
- 3. The Bali Bombing. Meant to look like an Islamic attack. Purpose: to sow terror and cement hatred of Muslims by terror-striken Australians and get them on board the planned, upcoming, joint attack on Middle East countries. Also, as alleged by some observers, to test new weaponry, perhaps an innovative micro-nuke (see photograph) and to gauge their effects for use against future enemies--foreign or domestic--in future false flag events.
- 4. The Port Arthur Massacre. Meantto look like the work of a lone gunman in a tiny village but vastly too successful. Far too much expertise for the patsy, far too many suspicious anomalies to list. Purpose: to sow terror among peaceful, law-abiding but individualistic Australian gun owners and thus force restrictive laws allowing nationwide gun confiscation.
- And the Port Arthur Massacre worked perfectly. The clueless Aussie media, headed by future Fox mogul, Rupert Murdoch, served almost as a propaganda ministry for the brand new John Howard administration, and brushed all doubts and conflicting evidence away.
- Where it remains hidden today, forever it seems. Reportedly, access to the Port Arthur case is forbidden to investigators for the next 30 years. No CSI for the Port Arthur coverup Aussies, meanwhile, remain virtually weaponless under "benevolent" Big Brother and John Howard.
- 5. London Bombing 7-7. Meant to scapegoat Islamic people, of course. (Are we seeing a pattern here?). Served to terrorize Londoners and allow draconian, new power measures while bolstering lagging support of the war in Iraq. Perhaps even served as a punitive strike, to punish Londoners for their lack of war support.
- 6. Lebanon-Israel Attack. The wily Israelis, to their credit and everlasting shame, borrowed a play from Hitler and the Nazis. Create a false flag incident at the border and retaliate in the confusion. The Nazis started a war with the weaker country of Poland in 1939. The Israelis attempted to do the same.
- By accusing neighboring Lebanon of capturing two IDF soldiers, Israel claimed a pretext for war. They attacked and invaded Lebanon and the war went badly for the Israelis and Olmert. Thousands of deaths and dismemberments on both sides and the false flag backfired.
- ALL TERROR EVENTS, most importantly, allow beleaguered, often inept leaders (Blair, Bush, Olmert, Howard) to go before the public and pretend to be strong, pretend to be "leaderly," to the terrorized masses. Allegedly under attack, victimized by their own propagandized news organizations, the people seek the solace and protection of their fearless leader, and their government, and embrace them both readily. Helped along by continual doses of hysterical propaganda from the media.
- IT IS ALL AN ACT, however, scripted from the very beginning, from the first explosion to the close up on the fearless leader by the TV news camera, focusing on the resolute expression with the flags or the national seal in the background.
- Whatever weakness the bumbling leader displayed in the weeks, months or years beforehand, can be brushed aside with a few, well-prepared, scripted speeches. Weakness and incompetence can even be overturned, trumped even, by ordering restrictive (fascistic) new measures. See V for Vendetta, as an excellent film example of this fascistic, false leadership.
- False flag events, most importantly of all, serve as a fake, hostile action by some sinister yet vague enemy, requiring some bold, new reaction by the protective government, naturally headed by the leader. Usually the actions--whether laws, restrictions, warnings or declarations (of war)--have already been pre-written. Another clue indicating an obvious false flag operation. One which screams, or should scream, a warning against approaching totalitarianism.
- I am inclined to include the recent shooting at VA-Tech as a possible false flag operation. Same type of Manchurian Candidate, lone gunman as the one at Port Arthur. Same super skilled, remorseless gunman possessing killing power that baffles combat-trained specialists. VA Tech, like Port Arthur, appears to be a black operation for the exact same reasons. Oddly, both massacres occurred in late April, and lawmen either could not or would not intervene.
- But sometimes what is intended to take freedoms away---Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms---can backfire if enough people see through it. If the US government hopes to use Cho as the poster boy for gun restrictions, and believe me they do, they had better restrict the Internet first.
- Oh, wait--They are trying to do that. Another false flag event being prepared as I write this. perhaps some nuke blast to terrify the citizenry, since each event must surpass the former in scope and scale. Vigilance, vigilance, forever the price of liberty.
- Douglas Herman contributes to Rense frequently.
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