Title : Chapter 16 Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline by James F Tracy, Ph. D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
link : Chapter 16 Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline by James F Tracy, Ph. D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
Chapter 16 Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline by James F Tracy, Ph. D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
Sandy Hook School
Massacre Timeline
by James F Tracy, Ph. D.
The following
timeline of the
December 14, 2012
mass killing of
20 children and 8
adults in Newtown
Connecticut attempts
to demonstrate
how the event was
presented to the
public by corporate
news media.
The chronological assemblage of coverage is not comprehensive of all
reports published on the incident but rather seeks to verify how the storyline
was to a substantial degree constructed by federal and state law enforcement
authorities and major media around the theory that 20-year-old Adam Lanza
was the sole agent in the massacre.
This scenario became an established reality through the news media’s
pronounced repetition of the lone gunman narrative and meme. This
proposed scenario significantly obscured the fact that police encountered and
apprehended two additional shooting suspects on the school’s grounds within
minutes of the crime. These suspects remain unaccounted for by authorities
but the roles they may have played arguably correlate with the shifting
information presented by authorities and major news media on injuries and
weapons vis-a-vis the mass carnage meted out in the school.
James F. Tracy
While the certain detainment of additional suspects was pointed to by
alternative news media, including Natural News, Infowars, Veterans Today
and Global Research in the days following the tragedy, the untenable lone
gunman narrative has become firmly established in the public psyche via an
overwhelming chorus of corporate media reports and interpretations.
Note: Times of occurrences referenced are Eastern Standard Time and
in some instances signify time of publication rather than the specific incident
cited. Time of publication does not always correlate with exact time of
incident, “n.t.” denotes “no time” of publication referenced.
May 17
First Selectman A. Fenn Dickinson ofNewtown, a 42 -year-old Democrat
serving his third term as Newtown’s foremost public servant, is killed when
a truck backs over him at a road project in Sandy Flook. Dickinson Drive,
the road leading to Sandy Flook Elementary, is named after the local leader.
“Do You RememberT , Newstimes.com, May 22, 2005.
June 26
President George W. Bush signs Executive Order 13407 to establish
a Public Alert and Warning System for national emergencies potentially
involving the public at large. “It is the policy of the United States,” the EO’s
policy summary reads,
to have an effective, reliable, integrated, flexible, and comprehensive
system to alert and warn the American people in situations of war, terrorist
attack, natural disaster, or other hazards to public safety and well-being
(public alert and warning system), taking appropriate account of the
functions, capabilities, and needs of the private sector and of all levels of
government in our Federal system, and to ensure that under all conditions
the President can communicate with the American people.
The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the government
entity for establishment of the integrated mass communication system.
“Executive Order 13407 (PDF),” Government Printing Office, June 2006.
December 4
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, New York State Police (NYSP)
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Superintendent Wayne E. Bennett, and Connecticut Department of
Public Safety (DPS) Commissioner Leonard C. Boyle release a 207-page
report chronicling shortcomings in the Connecticut State Police (CSP) internal
affairs system and recommending reforms thereof. The investigation was
requested by state troopers tiling whistleblower complaints with Blumenthal’s
office on the DPS internal affairs process.
Commissioner Boyle also asked the NY SP to investigate those complaints
and others received from state troopers about the internal affairs system. The
report caps a 13-month joint investigation by Blumenthal’s office and NYSP
involving 262 interviews, 207 of them with current or former sworn DPS
employees, thousands of pages of documents, and 112 formal requests for
information. ‘‘Attorney General-NY State Police Report Finds Shortcomings
in CT State Police Internal Affairs System, Calls for Reforms,” State of
Connecticut Attorney General’s Office, December 4, 2006.
September 22
US Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management
Agency and State of Connecticut Division of Emergency Services and Public
Protection conduct Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
(HSEEP) Training Course at Sandy Hook Fire Department. The training
consists of “instructor-led course presentations” in addition to “small group
activities, videos, and group discussions.” According to the description,
“the course also provides overviews of HSEEP-related initiatives such as
technology (e.g., the HSEEP Toolkit) and capabilities-based planning (e.g.,
Target Capabilities List [TCL]).
This blended approach will give participants hands-on experience that
readily translates to real-world exercise skills. Activities include creating
exercise documentation, conducting exercise planning conferences and
briefings, and practicing exercise evaluation.” “September 22: The HSEEP
Training Course,” Connecticut Division of Emergency Services and Public
Protection, n.d.
February 23
Connecticut State Senators Steven T. Mikutel, Leonard A. Fasano,
Michael A. McLachlan, and Len Suzio introduce SB 1054, a bill “to allow the
James F. Tracy
parents of a child who was a homicide victim to request that the autopsy report
not be publicly disclosed.” SB 1054: An Act Concerning the Disclosure of
Autopsy Reports, Sunlight Foundation/Open States, retrieved March 1, 2013.
February 25
In a memorandum to the state legislature’s judiciary committee
Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II questions the
necessity of SB 1054. “The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner as an
institution and I are very concerned about the privacy rights of individuals
who are examined through our office and particularly with respect to homicide
victims whose family find their privacy and grieving invaded by a curious
I believe that the proposed legislation is redundant of current statute,
regulations, and practices. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner does
not now and has never released autopsy reports to the general public, let alone
autopsy reports of a pediatric homicide victim.” Dr. H. Wayne Carver II to
Chairman Coleman, Fox and Members of the Connecticut State Judiciary
Committee, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, February 25.
March 9
State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance, a regional celebrity, announces
on WPLR radio that he will try out for the next season of the Survivor
television series. Tryouts are next Wednesday at Foxwoods. Vance tells the
Connecticut Post that he will "do the interview (with Survivor) and explore
the process.”
Vance’s son, J. Paul Vance Jr. called WPLR’s “Chaz and A.J.” show
earlier to nominate his father as a candidate, and Vance Sr. subsequently
called in to say he was up to the “tall order,” of trying out for the show. The
show’s hosts said that wardrobe will be important. “Wear your shirt, with
the police hat and a grass skirt,” said show co-host Chaz. “State Police Lt.
J. Paul Vance to Try Out for ‘Survivor’,” Connecticut Post, March 9, 2011.
August 16
Connecticut Governor Dannell P. Malloy appoints J. Paul Vance Jr. as the
state’s new claims commissioner. The Republican politician was appointed
to the job with a $114,000 salary, where he will more or less decide who
can sue the state. Penelope Overton, “Vance Appointed State’s Claims
Commissioner,” August 16, 2011.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
October 1
Existing law preventing disclosure of autopsies to the press or public is
bolstered through passage and enactment of recommendations encompassed
in SB 1054 by Connecticut State Senate and General Assembly.
Section 1. Subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of section 1 -2 1 0 of the general
statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof Effective
October 1, 2011
(3) Records of law enforcement agencies not otherwise available to the
public which records were compiled in connection with the detection or
investigation of crime, if the disclosure of said records would not be in
the public interest because it would result in the disclosure of ... “the
records of an investigation and examination by the Office of the Chief
Medical Examiner of the death of a person under eighteen years of
age caused by an apparent homicide, including the autopsy report and
other scientific findings. ”
SB 1054 An Act Concerning the Disclosure of Autopsy Reports, Sunlight
Foundation/Open States, retrieved March 1, 2013.
At the start of the 2012-13 academic year Sandy Hook Elementary
School Principal Dawn Hochsprung announces in a public letter to families
the Newtown School District’s new security protocol “in all elementary
schools.” Under the newly-announced security regimen, “exterior doors will
be locked during the day. Every visitor will be required to ring the doorbell
at the front entrance and the office staff will use a visual monitoring system
to allow entry.
Visitors will still be required to report directly to the office and sign
in. If our office staff does not recognize you, you will be required to show
identification with a picture id. Please understand that with nearly 700
students and over 1,000 parents representing 500 SHS families, most parents
will be asked to show identification. Doors will be locked at approximately
9:30 a.m.” “Principal Outlined New Security Procedures at Sandy Hook
Elementary,” Hartford Courant, December 14, 2012, 8:25PM EST.
James F. Tracy
October 17
Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung Tweets photo of emergency
drill held at Sandy Hook fire station with Sandy Hook Elementary faculty
and students participating. Esther Zuckerman, “The Sandy Hook Principal’s
Twitter Feed is Haunting,” The Atlantic Wire, December 14, 2012.
November 7
Following Obama’s reelection Senator Diane Feinstein is believed to
be meeting with relevant federal agencies to lay groundwork for reenacting
assault weapons ban. “Senator Diane Feinstein Moves to Ban All Assault
Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips,” Market Daily News,
November 7, 2012.
November 27
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Dan
Malloy announce Project Longevity, a joint venture by the Justice Department
and State of Connecticut, at a news conference in New Haven, Connecticut.
The endeavor is described by one law enforcement officials as “a statewide
approach that targets repeat criminals, creates alternatives for potential gang
members and rallies neighborhoods against violence.” Federal money is
being directed to engage Connecticut-based agents, academics and social
workers who will work for or with the FBI and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Dave Ingram, “Project Longevity: Justice
Department, Connecticut State Officials Target Gun Violence,” Reuters/
Huffington Post, November 27, 20 12. See also, Erin Logan, “Attorney General
Eric Holder Discussing Gun Violence,” WTNH.com, November, 27, 2012.
December 10
Newtown Schools superintendent Janet Robinson speaks before the
Newtown Board of Finance discusses closing one of the town’s schools
given the area’s 25-year-low in elementary school enrollment. “When
asked about space needs,” the 12-10 meeting minutes read, “school closing
declining enrollment Dr. Robinson said that the Ad Hoc Facilities group
vetted every option. Their recommendation was when elementary enrollment
is projected to be 1500 a study should be commissioned to begin looking at
closing a school.” Robinson proposes embarking on a study to determine the
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
feasibility of closure. “Our problem is [that] our parents really cherish their
neighborhood schools,” Robinson notes, “even though these are not small
neighborhoods. So, we have to prepare the parents for this in advance.” Janet
Robinson, “State of Schools Presentation,” in Town of Newtown Board of
Finance Meeting Minutes, and 2012-12-10 Board of Finance, wmv (electronic
record at 1:18:13) Town ofNewtown, Newtown, CT, December 10, 2012.
December 11
Adam Lanza reportedly visits a sporting goods store in Danbury
and attempts to purchase an assault rifle but was denied NBC reports.
Julia Terruso, “Reports: Gunman Had Altercation at School Day Before
Shooting,” Star Ledger, December 15, 2012.
December 13
Connecticut State Representative John Frey Tweets his presence at the
Sandy Hook Elem. Holiday concert, 4: 1 3pm. “At the Sandy Hook Elementary
School concert cheering nieces Joan and Bridget.” http://twitter.com/johnfrey/
status/2 793 78604469657601
The alleged gunman at Adam Lanza has an argument with four staff
members at Sandy Hook Elementary School, officials tell NBC. NBC reports
that Lanza went to the school on December 13 and was in an altercation with
four staff members, three of whom are killed in the December 14 shooting.
The fourth person will not be at the school the day of the shooting, NBC
says. Julia Terruso, “Reports: Gunman Had Altercation at School Day Before
Shooting,” Star Ledger, December 15, 2012.
December 14
9:00 AM
“Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters” emergency exercise
conducted jointly by FEMA and the Connecticut Department of Emergency
Services and Public Protection commences 14 miles from Newport in
Bridgeport Connecticut. “The goal of the course,” the description reads,
is to enable participants to improve their community’s mitigation and
emergency operations plan specifically regarding the needs of children.
The course will provide them with the information needed to address the
James F. Tracy
unique needs of children prior to, during and following disasters. It will
also provide them guidance and direction on how to form coalitions and
how to become advocates for the unique needs of children in all aspects
of emergency management.
Shepherd Ambellas and Alex Thomas, “Sandy Hook Shooting: Active
Shooter Drill Confirmed By Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of False Flag
Operation, [News Analysis]” theintellhub.com, January 12, 2013.
9:00AM [estimate]
“Active shooter drill” exercise commences by Putnam County Emergency
Response Team in Carmel Connecticut, 45 miles away from Newtown. “By
grim coincidence, even as the terrible events were unfolding in Newtown on
Friday morning,” the Southeast Brewster-Patch reports,
the Putnam County Emergency Response Team (“ERT”) happened to
be assembled for regular training in Carmel, and team members were
at that very’ moment engaged in a mock scenario of an active-shooter
in a school. The ERT is comprised of specially trained and heavily
armed officers from the Sheriff’s Office and the Carmel and Kent Police
Departments. When news broke of the Newtown shooting, the Putnam
County ERT commander called Newtown Police and offered to have the
ERT respond to the Sandy Hook school, but that response was not needed
because Connecticut police had already secured the scene.
Ashley Tarr, “Sheriff: Putnam Officials to Talk School Safety This
Afternoon, ” Southeast Brewster-Patch, December 18, 2012.
9:30AM [estimate]
Only 35 minutes away from Newtown an active shooter drill is taking
place at a school in Carmel, Putnam County. The operation is conducted
by the Putnam County Emergency Response Team (“ERT). “The ERT is
comprised of specially trained and heavily armed officers from the Sheriff’s
Office and the Carmel and Kent Police Departments,” the Southeast Brewster
Patch newspaper reports. “When news broke of the Newtown shooting,
the Putnam County ERT commander called Newtown Police and offered to
have the ERT respond to the Sandy Hook school, but that response was not
needed because Connecticut police had already secured the scene.” “Sheriff:
Putnam Officials to Talk School Safety This Afternoon,” Southeast Brewster
Patch, December 18, 2012.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
(9:30AM [see below])
CNN reports local authorities take the first 911 calls from Sandy Hook
Elementary School. ‘“Sandy Hook school. Caller is indicating she thinks
someone is shooting in the building,’” a dispatcher told fire and medical
personnel, according to 91 1 tapes. “Sandy Hook Shooting: What Happened?”
CNN, December 14, 2012. ( Recording of fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch [below] indicates CNN’s 9:30AM time and account of events is
9:30AM [estimate]
Attorney Joel T. Faxon of Newtown, who serves on the town’s five-member
police commission and is a strong advocate of strengthened gun control
measures, claims he is taking one of his three children to the local middle
school. As he approaches the school’s front doors, he receives a text message
that all the town’s schools are on lockdown. This precaution takes place
on occasion because of the school’s proximity to a state prison. “I told my
son, ‘Okay, something’s going on. Let’s get out of here.” Returning to his
vehicle, Faxon sees
the chief of police in his official car, headed to the Sandy Hook school, and
I looked at my son and I said, ” ‘Oh my God, there must have been a shooting. ”
The chief doesn ’t respond to anything other than a very serious incident.
Within a minute of that time, I got a news report text from the Hartford
Courant, that said police were responding to incident on Dickenson Drive,
and I thought, “There s only one thing on that street. And that s the school. ”
Faxon pulls over to the side of the road. “At that point, literally 50 state
police and Newtown police cars went by us, and they all went to Sandy Hook
Elementary School. 1 knew there had been some kind of a catastrophe there,”
Faxon recalls. Faxon texts Bridgeport police captain James Viadero, who he
works on a the police commission with. “He was filling me in on what was
happening, in real time.” As the story took shape in the news only a single
death was reported. Yet Faxon said the numbers the Viadero relayed “were
just shocking.” Faxon’s other son goes to another elementary school and was
at the the doctor’s office for a checkup.
His daughter, a student at the high school, also in lockdown, was
texting her father, “‘Daddy, what’s going on?’ I knew she was safe.” Faxon
observes ambulances heading to the scene. “There were ambulances going
down there [to the school], but there were no ambulances coming back to
go to the hospital” with survivors, Faxon said. “Just like in 9/11, when the
hospitals were all racing to be prepared for the wounded, who never arrived.”
James F. Tracy
Thomas B. Scheffy, “Joel Faxon Has Been Part of the Gun Debate in His
Hometown,” Connecticut Law Tribune, December 21, 2013.
9:34AM [estimate]
Sandy Hook Elementary School reading consultant Becky Virgalla said
she was in a meeting with Principal Dawn Hochsprung, school psychologist
Mary Sherlach and other colleagues when the shooter broke into the building.
When they heard the commotion Hochsprung, Sherlach and lead teacher
Natalie Hammond proceeded into the hall “to check out the noise that we
didn’t know [were] gunshots at first,” Virgalla told Reuters Television at a
December 23 Newtown memorial. “The three of them were shot and they
yelled back ‘shooter, stay put.’ And they saved my life and the life of four
others who were at that meeting,” Virgalla said. “Becky Virgalla, Newtown
Shooting Survivor, Says Principal, Others Saved Her in Sandy Hook
Rampage,” Reuters JHuffington Post , December 23, 2012.
9:34AM [estimate]
Fourth grate teacher Ted Varga arrives for work at Sandy Hook. Moments
later, according an the account Varga related to the New York Daily News,
he and four colleagues narrowly escaped a hail of bullets. “You hear screams
and gunshots, but it is still surreal,” Varga said. “This is an elementary school.
... 1 heard someone say, ‘Oh my God.’ And then you hear shot after shot
after shot.” Undaunted, Varga ran down a hallway “filled with smoke and
the smell of gunpowder,” according to the press account, “to escape through
an emergency exit and then returned to help three colleagues flee through
a window.
An unidentified teacher hid underneath a mound of donated Christmas
gifts for the needy, hoping the killer jiggling the door to the conference
room would move on. “She heard heavy breathing,” Varga says. “She knew
it was him. . . . It’s a miracle we’re alive, but it’s still such a tragedy. You’re
exposed to a myriad of emotions that even now I can’t really understand.”
Henrick Karoliszyn, “Five Teachers Escape Death as Massacre Rages in
Newtown,” New York Daily News, December 19, 2012.
9:35AM [Estimate]
In the Sandy Hook library three faculty members hear noises and move
15 or so students to a storage closet in the library filled with computer
servers. “Hold hands. Be quiet,” one teacher tells the children. One child
questions “whether there are pots and pans were clanging. Another thought
he heard firecrackers. Another worried an animal was coming to the door,”
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
the Washington Post reports. ‘‘They were children in a place built for children,
and the teachers didn’t know how to answer them ... ‘It’s a drill,’ said a
library clerk named Mary Anne Jacobs.” Eli Saslow, “Sandy Hook Massacre:
Teachers Sought to Soothe Children in Moments of Terror,” Washington Post,
December 15, 2012.
Recording of Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law
enforcement radio dispatch indicates potential of active shooter situation at
Sandy Hook Elementary School. “6-7. Sandy Hook School. Caller indicates
she thinks there’s someone shooting in the building.” RadioMan911TV,
“Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT
State Police,” Youtube, December 14, 2012.
9:36:20AM [estimate]
Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks is among the first on the
scene at Sandy Hook Elementary. Hicks says she was at the Bee‘s offices about
one and one quarter miles from the school when she heard about a possible
shooting on the police scanner. A volunteer firefighter, Hicks is “behind the
first dozen police officers,” according to John Voket, also associate editor at
the weekly. This is because the Sandy Hook firehouse where Hicks is stationed
shares a driveway with the school.
When Hicks proceeds down the driveway she begins frantically taking
photos of the scene “through the windshield of her car, with one hand on the
steering wheel and one holding her camera, Voket says. One well-knonw photo
featured in news coverage may have been of the first cluster of evacuating
students, Voket further notes. Julie Moos, “How the Newtown Bee is Covering
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting,” Poynter.org, December 15, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch suggests arrival of law enforcement at scene; “front glass has been
broken [unintelligible]. They’re unsure why.” RadioMan91 1TV, “Sandy Hook
Elementary School Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,”
Youtube, December 14, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch indicates continuance of gunfire at Sandy Hook school. “All units:
James F. Tracy
The individual that 1 have on the phone is continuing to hear what she believes
to be gunfire.” RadioMan911TV, “Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,” Youtube, December 14, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch indicates law enforcement units and backup continual arrival at
Sandy Hook Elementary. RadioMan911TV, “Sandy Hook Elementary School
Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,” Youtube, December
14, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch indicates “the shooting appears to have stopped. It is silent at this
time. The school is in lockdown.” RadioMan9 1 1 TV, “Sandy Hook Elementary
School Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,” Youtube,
December 14, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch indicates citing of shooter suspects fleeing crime scene. “Reports
that a teacher saw two shadows running past the building-past the gym, which
would be rear [inaudible] the shooting.” RadioMan911TV, “Sandy Hook
Elementary School Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,”
Youtube, December 14, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio dispatch
indicates officers’ encounter with and apprehension of additional shooter
suspects fleeing scene. “Yeah, we got ’em. He’s cornin’ at me down Crestwood
Way! Coming [inaudible] up the left side.” RadioMan911TV, “Sandy Hook
Elementary School Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,”
Youtube, December 14, 2012.
9:40 AM
Chris Manfredonia, alleged father of a 6-year-old Sandy Hook Elementary
student, claims he is on his way to the school “to help make gingerbread
houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur.”
Manfredonia runs around the facility in attempt “to reach his daughter and
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
was briefly handcuffed by police. He later found his child, who had been
locked in a small room with a teacher. ‘The whole reason we moved here a
year ago is because when you drive down the subdivision, it’s a happy place,’
said his wife, Georgeann Manfredonia.
‘“There’s a ton of children here and the families are very kind and
supportive.’” Richard A. Serrano, Allen Semuals, Tina Susman, “Gunman
Kills 20, 6 Adults at Connecticut Elementary School,” Los Angeles Times,
December 14, 2012.
9:40AM [estimate]
First responders initially believe there may be two gunmen and are unaware
of the carnage in the school until they find 18 children and a teacher in a
classroom closet, a recording of the police dispatch authenticated by police
indicates. Tracy Connor, “Call For Everything: Police Scanner Recording
Reveals Early Moments of Newtown Tragedy,” NBC News, December 19,
2012 .
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio
dispatch indicates “one now in room one who [unintelligible] injury to the
foot, [unintelligible] call for an ambulance [unintelligible]. RadioMan91 1TV,
“Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT
State Police,” Youtube, December 14, 2012.
Newtown and Connecticut emergency fire and law enforcement radio dispatch
indicates officers’ discovery of “bodies here” and requests for ambulatory/
first responders’ backup. RadioMan911TV, “Sandy Hook Elementary School
Shooting Newtown Police/Fire and CT State Police,” Youtube, December
(9:50AM [see below])
CNN reports police and first responders arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Police did not discharge their weapons. The gunman took his own life with
a handgun. “Sandy Hook Shooting: What Happened?” CNN, December 14,
2012. ( Recording of fire and law enforcement radio dispatch [above] suggests
CNN’s 9:50AM time and account of events is incorrect.)
James F. Tracy
Hartford Courant publishes online Google map of Sandy Hook
Elementary School. “Map of Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Hartford
Courant, December 14, 2012.
10:15AM |estimate]
Emergency medical technician Peter Houlahan and other EMTs are told their
expertise is not needed inside the school or elsewhere on school grounds.
“A person who experiences tragic events will inevitably look back and try
to identify that last moment where there was still hope,” Houlahan recalls,
“that instant before all was lost and their life changed forever.
For the EMS teams staged in front of Sandy Hook Elementary School
on Dec. 14, that moment came when the Newtown EMS captain ordered us
to stand down, that there was no one left to help, no one left alive.” Peter
Houlahan, “Sandy Hook EMT and Former Whittier Resident Reflects on
Massacre,” Daily News, December 23, 2012.
[Late Morning]
In a December 14 Newtown Bee article unidentified school personnel are
commended for their courage. Among them are school principal Dawn
Hochsprung, who recounted to Bee Editor John Voket[5] how “a masked
man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots - more
than she could count - that went ‘on and on. ’” The problem with the account
was that it conflicted with a subsequent storyline where Hochsprung was the
first to be killed by the gunmen.
Original December 14 Newtown Bee story with interview of deceased
Sandy Hook Elementary Principal Dawn Hochsprung. Captured by
Bing web spider on 12/13/12.
From Bingj.com: “Below is a snapshot of the Web page as it appeared
on 12/1 3/2012 (the last time our crawler visited it). This is the version of
the page that was used for ranking your search results. The page may
have changed since we last cached it. To see what might have changed
(without the highlights), go to the current page. ”
Three days later the paper issued a retraction and revised the story further.
No additional explanation was provided concerning what party Volkert
interviewed and quoted at the crime scene, suggesting a conflicted attempt
to establish the storyline.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
10:30AM [Estimate]
“Two unidentified nuns” are photographed by journalist Don Emmert,
apparently departing the crime scene at Sandy Hook Elementary. One of the
individuals has what appears to be official identification around her/his neck.
The photo is carried by the Chicago Tribune with the title, “Elementary School
Shooting.” “Elementary School Shooting,” Chicago Tribune, December 14,
2012 .
Connecticut State Police report assisting Newtown police in a shooting
at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. “The Hartford
Courant [<-hyperlink is to a different story] reports there are multiple injures
[sic] and unconfirmed reports that one of the shooters is dead while the other
is still at large. The school superintendent’s office says the district has locked
down schools to ensure the safety of students and staff. Crimeside Staff,
“Connecticut School Shooting: Police Investigating Reports of a Shooting
at Elementary School,” CBS News, December 14, 2012.
[Famous photo taken
by Newtown Bee editor
Shannon Hicks is
distributed via CBS and
other national media.]
Connecticut School
Shooting: Police
Investigating Reports of
a Shooting at Elementary
School,” CBS News, December 14, 2012, 1047AM EST.
Reuters’ Deputy Social Media Editor Matthew Keys reports that police
are questioning a handcuffed suspect in relation to the Sandy Hook School
shooting. Matthew Keys Twitter Feed, December 14, 2012.
Reuters’ Deputy Social Media Editor Matthew Keys reports that according
to the Hartford Courant’s Dave Altamari there are multiple victims in the
James F. Tracy
school shooting, including children. Parents are now at the scene. Matthew
Keys Twitter Feed, December 14, 2012.
11:15, 11:18AM
Reuters’ Deputy Social Media Editor Matthew Keys notes WABC TV
live aerial coverage shows “law enforcement at on roof of school at center
of shooting. ’’Matthew Keys Twitter Feed, December 14, 2012.
11:23 AM
Reuters’ Deputy Social Media Editor Matthew Keys reports police have
told ABC News that two gunman are involved in the elementary school
shooting. Matthew Keys Twitter Feed, December 14, 2012.
A Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps dispatcher says a Sandy Flook
Elementary School teacher was taken to hospital after being shot in the foot.
“There are reports of multiple injuries,” CBS notes. The Newton Bee reports
a student with apparently serious wounds was carried out of the facility by
a police officer. The school superintendent’s office says all schools in the
district remain in lockdown. Crimesider Staff, “Connecticut School Shooting
Update: One Gunman Dead, One Teacher Injured at Elementary School,” CBS
News, December 14, 2012.
Police say the shooter is dead and two weapons were recovered from
him. “The source says one weapon recovered is a Glock and the other is a
Sig Sauer.” Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN,
December 14, 2012.
Hartford Courant mysteriously publishes online Googlemap of
neighborhood where Nancy and Adam Lanza reside, which is 36 Yogananda
St. “Map of 46 Yogananda St. Sandy Flook, CT Hartford Courant, December
Anonymous witness and parent of student says that while attending a
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
meeting with faculty regarding her child she heard “at least 100 rounds”
being fired when the shooting began about 9:30 to 9:35AM. “There was
a ‘pop pop pop’ in the hall outside the room. Three people went out of the
room into the hall where the sounds had come from. ‘Only one person came
back.’” The same witness says “she then called 911. She said she never saw
the shooter but she later was escorted outside the room past two bodies lying
in blood.” “Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN,
December 14, 2012.
Peter Lanza drives up to his home to encounter Stamford Advocate reporter
Maggie Gordon in his driveway. Lanza rolls his window down after stopping
his blue Mini Cooper in his driveway. “Is there something I can do for you?”
he asks. Gordon tells him she is a reporter for the Stamford Advocate, and
explains that she was informed that someone at his address had been linked to
the shootings in Newtown. “His expression twisted from patient, to surprise
to horror,” Gordon writes. “[I]t was obvious that this moment, shortly after
1:30 p.m. Friday, was the first time he had considered his family could have
been involved. He quickly declined to comment, rolled up the window,
parked in the right side of the two-car garage and closed the door.” Maggie
Gordon, “Reporter Broke News to Father of Suspect,” Stamford Advocate,
December 14, 2012.
An anonymous federal law enforcement source informs news media the
death toll is closer to 30 than 20, with most of those killed being children.
The source, who says he is in contact with authorities on the scene, says
the suspected gunman had a connection to the school but would not
elaborate. Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN,
December 14, 2012.
CNN is “told that 1 8 to 20 of the dead are children.” Children and Adults
Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012.
An anonymous law enforcement official tells CNN that the suspect’s
name is Ryan Lanza and he is in his 20s. Children and Adults Gunned Down
in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012.
James F. Tracy
Anonymous federal law enforcement authorities say “the shooting
happened quickly and happened in a concentrated area.” Children and Adults
Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012.
Father of Sandy Hook Elementary School third grade student Stephen
Delgiudice describes to CBS News what his daughter heard over the
loudspeaker from the principal’s office. This prompted the teacher to lock the
classroom door. “We have a pretty good program in Newtown,” Delgiudice
says, “where basically a code red reverse 911 type of a call, and a, came
through. [It said] there’s a shooting at the school and naturally I obeyed the
speed limit and drove immediately to the school. And ah, y’know it was just
mass-mass chaos. I finally got to my daughter — a friend of mine led me to
my daughter. I wanted to see her face and hold her, which I did, and once I
did that there was a sense of relief, but, uhm, it was just chaos.” Crimesider
Staff, “Connecticut School Shooting: Father Says Student Heard Commotion
Over Loudspeaker,” CBS News, December 14, 2012.
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy explains to the nation that he
and his administration had been advised in advance that an event of Sandy
Hook’s magnitude may soon take place in their state. “Earlier today a
tragedy of unspeakable terms played itself out in this community. Lieutenant
Governor and I have been spoken to in an attempt that we might be prepared
for something like this playing itself out in our state.” The remark may be
in reference to “Project Longevity,” a joint effort of the US Department of
Justice and Connecticut announced on November 27 “to reduce gun violence
in Connecticut’s major cities ... To accomplish this, law enforcement,
social service providers and community members are recruited, assembled
and trained to engage in a sustained relationship with violent groups.”
“Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy: ‘You Can Never Be Prepared,” ABC
News, December 14, 2012.
President Obama addresses nation. “As a country, we have been through
this too many times. Whether it’s an elementary school in Newtown, or
a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater
in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago - these neighborhoods are our
neighborhoods, and these children are our children. And we’re going to have
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like
this, regardless of the politics.” Children and Adults Gunned Down in School
Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012.
There were a total of 27 people dead at the school, Lt. Paul Vance of
the Connecticut State Police tells assembled reporters. “Eighteen students
were pronounced dead at the scene, and two others died at the hospital.” In
addition, six adults were pronounced dead at the scene. Children and Adults
Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012.
A federal law enforcement official informs CNN that “shooter arrived
and headed directly toward and to his mother’s classroom. That and the
other information now emerging - another family member killed, police
interviews - lead them to believe his mother was the primary target. But
they note he also came armed with clear intention of mass killing.” Children
and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012.
CNN now reports “three guns found at the scene . . . the third weapon
found on the scene was a .223 Bushmaster. The other weapons, previously
reported, are a Glock, and a Sig-Sauer. No word on the models of Glock or
Sig-Sauer.” Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN,
December 14, 2012.
WUSA 9 News correspondent Andrea McCarren reports of her encounter
with Sandy Hook Elementary School nurse’s encounter with the gunman as
he walked into her office. According to the nurse the two make eye contact
before the gunman exited the office to begin his murderous rampage. “And
as I walked down the streets of Newtown to get to this location not far from
Sandy Hook Elementary,” McCarren reports, “1 happened to run across a
woman who had tears in her eyes and she was being led by two younger
women and I asked if she was OK. It turns out she was the school nurse at
Sandy Hook Elementary and was for fifteen years. She describes the gunman
coming into her office. They met eyes [sic]. She jumped under her desk, and
he inexplicably just walked out.” Andrea McCarren, “Aftermath of School
Shooting,” WUSA 9 News, December 14, 2012.
James F. Tracy
Witnesses attest to seeing bloodied children, hearing as many as 100
shots, and “loud booms.” “It was horrendous,” parent Brenda Lebinski
said, who rushed to the school where her daughter is a third grade student.
“Everyone was in hysterics - parents, students. There were kids coming
out of the school bloodied. I don’t know if they were shot, but they were
bloodied.” Lebinski said another parent in the school “during the shooting
told her a ‘masked man’ entered the principal’s office and may have shot the
principal. Lebinski, who is friends with the mother who was at the school,
said the principal was “’severely injured.’”
Lebinski’s daughter’s teacher “immediately locked the door to the
classroom and put all the kids in the corner of the room.” Nearby resident
Melissa Murphy listened to events unfold on a police scanner. “’I kept hearing
them call for the mass casualty kit and scream, “Send everybody! Send
everybody!” Murphy said. ‘It doesn’t seem like it can be really happening.
1 feel like I’m in shock.’”
An unidentified girl interviewed by an NBC Connecticut affiliate says
she heard seven loud “booms” while in gym class. “A police officer came in
and told us to run outside and so we did.” Dan Burns and Chris Kaufman,
“Connecticut Gun Rampage: 28 Dead, Including 20 Children,” Reuters,
December 14, 2012.
Photo slide show of Sandy Hook massacre aftermath posted by Reuters
includes shots taken by Reuters-commissioned photographer Michelle L.
McLoughlin. This includes an especially famous photo by McLoughlin,
“Young children wait outside Sandy Hook Elementary School after a shooting
in Newtown, Connecticut, December 14, 2012.” McLoughlin is located in
New Haven, 49 minutes away from Newtown. Dan Burns and Chris Kaufman,
“Connecticut Gun Rampage: 28 Dead, Including 20 Children: Slideshow,”
Reuters, December 14, 2012.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg calls for greater gun control
measures. “We need immediate action. We have heard all the rhetoric before.
What we have not seen is leadership - not from the White House and not from
Congress,” Bloomberg said. “That must end today.” Dan Burns and Chris
Kaufman, “Connecticut Gun Rampage: 28 Dead, Including 20 Children,”
Reuters, December 14, 2012.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
US officials representing three different lettered agencies separately
identify the suspected shooter as Adam Lanza, in contrast to what investigators
said earlier in the day. No explanation is given regarding what prompted
confusion among investigators. Lanza’s older brother, Ryan, was taken into
custody for general questioning in Hoboken, New Jersey but was not labeled
a suspect. “Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN,
December 14, 2012.
Fox News presents “newly released police dispatch audio” of exchange
between 911 dispatcher and Newtown Police and Connecticut State Police
encountering two shooting suspects on school grounds. “1 have reports that
the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym which
would be rear [inaudible].” “Yeah, we got him. He’s coming at me, down
[inaudible].” “911 Call Dispatch Audio Reveals Police Response to Sandy
Hook School Shooting,” Fox News, December 14, 2012, http://www.youtube.
com/watch?v= 1 6 AfZXH3 3 eQ
CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° reports on the Sandy Hook tragedy using
video footage from an apparently unrelated event. “At 0:06 in and at 1 :02 into
the following video on CNN’s website,” the alternative news outlet Intellhub
observes, “[y]ou will notice the police running through a cross walk area that
simply does not exist at Sandy Hook Elementary. Take note of the rounded
curb area that leads into a grassy area of some sort with a tree present in the
center of the grassy area. This area does not exist on Sandy Hook Elementary
Schools property.” CNN, “Tragedy Strikes at Sandy Hook Elementary
School,” Anderson Cooper 360°, December 14, 2012.
Police recover long gun from automobile in Sandy Hook parking lot.
“Police Find Long Gun in Trunk of Car in Sandy Hook Parking Lot, Newtown
Connecticut, ”A®C News, December 14, 2012.
Unexpurgated NBC News video coverage of Connecticut State Police
press conference reveals (at 2:32) forensics team recovering two long guns
from vehicle Adam Lanza’s allegedly drove to Sandy Hook Elementary
James F. Tracy
School. NBC News, “Connecticut School Massacre Briefing from Local
Police,” Youtube, December 14, 2012.
Sandy Hook students and staff relate their experiences of gunman Adam
Lanza’s rampage to journalists. The New York Post reports Lanza arrived
on December 14th “with high-powered handguns shortly after 9:30AM.” A
student tells WCBS-TV, “I saw some of the bullets [sic] going down the hall,
and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom.” Newtown resident Brad
Tefft says very young children sped past horrific bloodshed to safety. “My
neighbor’s daughter is in kindergarten at the school,” Tefft tells The Post. “She
was in the classroom when the shooter came in and shot the teacher. She ran
out past a couple of bleeding bodies.” The Post claims “roughly 100 shots
rang out.” “It was horrendous,” parent Brenda Leb inski, whose daughter is in
the third grade, says to NBC. “Everyone was in hysterics, parents, students.
There were kids coming out of the school bloodied. I don’t know if they were
shot, but they were bloodied.”
Lebinski informs The Post a classmate of her daughter, Sofia, could
hear a man in the hallway yelling “f-k you” while her and her classmates
huddled closely in a locked classroom. Someone gained control of the
school’s intercom system and Gunfire could be heard in the background of
an announcement. “It really started when she heard gunshots and screams on
the intercoms,” a relative of a Sandy Hook student tells MSNBC.
A female student says she was in the gym when the attack began, telling
WVIT-TV: “The gym teachers told us to go into the corner. I kept hearing
these booming noises. We all started crying, so all the gym teachers told us
to go into the office where no one could find us.” Music teacher Maryrose
Kristopik shelters 15 children by barricading the music classroom door
as Lanza pounded on it in a fury. “The shooter kept banging on the door
screaming, ‘Let me in! Let me in!’ But he didn’t get in,” a parent informs
the Daily Mail. First-grade teacher Kaitlin Roig speaks to ABC, claiming she
hid her 14 students in the class lavatory, placing some on the toilet so they
all could fit, and moving a storage unit to block the door.
The 29-year-old Roig says she locked the door and told the kids, ages 6
and 7, “to be absolutely quiet. If they started crying, I would take their face
and tell them, ‘It’s going to be OK,’ ” she said. “I wanted that to be the last
thing they heard, not the gunfire in the hall.” The sizable law enforcement
response from law enforcement arrives on the scene in minutes and officers
begin leading children out, holding hands. Officers tried to shield them from
the tragedy by telling them to close their eyes.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
A 9-year-old boy says to ABC News Radio that a cop entered his
classroom asking: “Is he in here? Then he ran out and then our teacher,
somebody, yelled, ‘Get to a safe place.’ So we went to the closet in the gym,”
the boy recalls. “The police were like knocking on the door and they’re like,
‘We’re evacuating people, we’re evacuating people,’ so we ran out.” Alexis
Wasik, a third-grader at the school, claims she saw her former nursery school
teacher taken out on a stretcher. “We had to walk with a partner,’ the 8-year-
old tells media. Natalie O’Neill, Mel Gray, and Todd Venezia, “A Scene of
Blood, Horror, and Heroism at Tragic Sandy Hook School,” New York Post,
December 15, 2013.
CBS correspondent notes how police have a second shooting suspect
in custody who they are interrogating. “Well, they have an individual in
custody, who they’re talking to. I am told they’re looking into the person as
possibly a second shooter. Now that changes the dynamics here a little bit
which goes from — if in fact this turns out to be confirmed — it goes from a
lone gunman scenario where somebody has this argument with society and
wants to take revenge with the most defenseless people in society to a team
of individuals who’ve gotten together and conspired to do something like
this.” “School Shooting: Possible Second Gunman in Custody,” CBS News
Online, December 14, 2012.
The Associated Press interviews an unidentified Sandy Hook Elementary
student who describes seeing a shooting suspect prone on the ground in the
school’s parking lot. Unidentified student: “And then the police like were
knocking on the door, and they’re like, ‘We’re evacuating people! We’re
evacuating people! ’ So we ran out. There’s police about at every door. They’re
leading us, ‘Down this way. Down this way. Quick! Quick! Come on! ’ Then
we ran down to the firehouse. There’s a man pinned down to the ground with
handcuffs on. And we thought that was the victim [sic]. We really didn’t
get a good glance at him because there was a car blocking it. Plus we were
running really quick.” “Raw: Student Describes Scene at School Shooting,”
Associated Press, December 14, 2012.
Newtown residents who knew the Lanzas and relatives speak
to Hartford Courant reporters. Andrew Lapple was in homeroom with
Lanza, describing the boy as a skinny, somewhat timid kid “who never really
talked at all.” “Lapple said he played Little League baseball with Lanza,”
James F. Tracy
the Courant reports, “and remembers he wasn’t very good. Instead, Lanza
was more of a ‘tech-geek,’ he said. ‘He was always carrying around his laptop
holding onto it real tight,’’ Lapple said. ‘He walked down the halls against the
wall almost like he was afraid of people. He was definitely kind of strange
but you’d never think he’d do something like this.’”
Another classmate recalled Lanza as being especially reserved. Kateleen
Soy said she was in Lanza’s seventh-grade class at St. Rose of Lima School
in Newtown. She recalled Lanza entered the class after the school year was
underway and departed before the spring term ended. “He was really shy,
really painfully shy,” Soy said.”He was a little hard to talk to.” Soy then
recalled seeing him in the hallway when they were both students at Newtown
High School. “I wanted people to know he wasn’t always a monster,” Soy
said. “He became one, but he wasn’t always that way.” Former bus driver
Marsha Moskowitz recalled the Lanza brothers. “You know the trouble kids,
and you figure, ‘Pfft, that one’s going to be trouble.’ But I never would have
thought that about them,” she said.
Moskowitz encountered Nancy Lanza a few weeks prior and “exchanged
pleasantries,” the report says. Adam Lanza’s grandmother, Dorothy Hanson,
78, told The Associated Press she was too distraught to speak when reached
by phone at her home in Brooksville, Fla. “I just don’t know, and I can’t
make a comment right now,” Hanson said in a shaky voice as she started
to cry. She declined to comment further and hung up. Matthew Kauffman,
“Gunman Kills 26 at Sandy Hook School in Newtown,” Hartford Courant,
December 14, 2012.
Neighbors and friends of 52-year old Nancy Lanza interviewed
by Hartford Courant staff say
she was a kind woman with a sense of humor. Slender, with short hair,
Lanza was a fixture at neighborhood events such as the Labor Day
parade, and had a special interest in Christmas lights. ” Lanza’s friend
and neighbor Rhonda Cullens fought back tears Friday afternoon in the
doorway of her home on Founders Lane, just around the corner from the
Lanza residence. She said she met Nancy Lanza playing bunco, a popular
dice game, with a group of women in the neighborhood, but she hadn 't
seen her for years since she stopped playing with the group. “ She was
just a sweet, caring person, ” Cullens said.
Matthew Kauffman, “Gunman Kills 26 at Sandy Hook School in
Newtown f Hartford Courant, December 14, 2012.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Larry Barton, a professor at The American College in Pennsylvania who
has researched violence in workplaces, public spaces and schools for 30 years
says the Sandy Hook massacre may be the largest elementary school shooting
in world history. This is because most incidents of this nature involve high
school or college students. “This is among the most diabolical crimes, to kill
kindergarten-age children,” Barton said. “It’s very rare.” Matthew Kauffman,
“Gunman Kills 26 at Sandy Hook School in Newtown,” Hartford Courant,
December 14, 2012.
December 15
New York City CBS affiliate reports 2 handguns found inside Sandy
Hook Elementary School “near Lanza’s body” and “a rifle in the car in the
parking lot. It’s not known how many rounds he fired,” the reporter notes,
“but both guns are capable of carrying high capacity extended clips which
can hold up to thirty rounds.” An eight year old boy. Bear Nikitchyuk, says
he was attempting to deliver attendance reports to the principal’s office when
he “saw some of the bullets going past the hall that I was right next to, and
then a teacher pulled me in to her classroom.”
Another child says his teacher told the class a wild animal was in the
building. “We had to lock our doors so the animal couldn’t get in,” the
boy says. Newtown resident Janice Markey claims that at sunset she was
searching “for her friend’s missing child and relayed the awftd news. ‘They
just told us that everybody that’s missing-that’s presumed missing-is in the
school and are dead [sic]. The two that they transported to the hospital are
now dead as well.” Tony Aiello, “Elementary School Tragedy,” cbsnewyork.
com, December 15, 2012.
State Police Lt. J. Paul Vance on ABC’s Good Morning America
with George Stephanopoulos. Vance: This is something that’s going to take
a significant amount of time. From the onset we’ve had teams looking into
the background of [Adam Lanza], peeling back the layers of the onion, so
to speak. We have many, many questions that we need to ask — that we need
to explore. Stephanopoulos: Three guns found on site? Vance: We haven’t
discussed that as of yet, but, uh, in excess of three guns. Stephanopoulos:
More than three guns. And we know also that the guns match those of his
mother may have had. Have you been able to put that together yet?” Vance:
We’re — we’re — I don’t have that information specifically- Stephanopoulos:
James F. Tracy
Do you know if they were obtained legally? Vance: Again, that’s something
we would also have to explore during the investigation. ABC News, “Tragedy
at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Good Morning America, December 15,
2012 .
8:00 AM
Federal and state officials confirm to NBC News that there were four
handguns recovered in Sandy Hook Elementary School. Previous reports
indicated that two handguns were recovered. Officials also confirm that Adam
Lanza left the AR15 military style rifle in his automobile. “They say now that
there were actually /twrhandguns inside the school,” Pete Williams reports
from Newtown, “not just two as we were initially told. Four handguns and
apparently only handguns that were taken into the school. We knew that Adam
Lanza, the man said to be the gunman here, also had an ‘assault-style’ AR-
15 -style rifle that he had had taken to the school, it was in the car he drove
there, his mother’s car, but we have been told by several officials that he had
left that in the car.” Pete Williams, Today Show, NBC News, December 15,
2012. Kyle Becker, “NBC Admitted: No ‘Assault Rifle’ Used in Newtown
Shooting,” Independent Journal Review, January 15, 2013.
8:40 AM
Sandy Hook resident Gene Rosen comes forth with story that he
encountered six first grade children from Sandy Hook Elementary in his front
lawn while feeding his cats. “1 thought they were practicing for a play or Cub
Scouts, and I went and approached them and it became clear that they were
so distressed,” Rosen told CBS News. “And 1 took them into my house, and
they were crying and talking, and I got them into my house, and they were
crying and talking [sic], and I got them some stuffed animals.” “Neighbor
Found Terrified Children on Front Lawn after School Massacre,” CBS New
York, December 15, 2012.
Ridgefield state Rep. John Frey tells the NewsTimes that his sister, Tricia
Gogliettino was driving to Sandy Hook Elementary School on the morning
of December 15 to drop off a gingerbread house she and her first-grade child
had completed as a school project. According to Frey, Gogliettino was on
Riverside Road about one mile from the school when she claims to encounter
five young children running up the road. Gogliettino stops her car to inquire
what is wrong. The children reply, “Someone is trying to kill us. We were
told to run.”
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Gogliettino put the children in her car and attempted to contact the school
but got no answer. She then calls Newtown police, who requested she bring
the children to the police station. Gogliettino remarks that while at the station
she was allowed to sing to the five children while calling their parents. She
then receives a text that her own three children who attend Sandy Hook
Elementary are safe, Frey said. “Someone Is Trying to Kill Us,” Newstimes.
com, December 15, 2012.
MSNBC: “Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver
provides an update to the media after he and his team examined the victims’
bodies at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown following Friday’s
shootings.” In this exchange Carver and State Police drastically change
the story on what weapons were used in the shooting, contending that the
Bushmaster 223 was the sole weapon Lanza wielded.
Carver exhibits an amazing degree of deferral to law enforcement and
overall lack of knowledge about the postmortem operation he has just presided
over. For example, a reporter asks, “Were [the students] sitting at their desks
or were they running away when this happened?” Carver responds, “I’ll let
the guys who — the scene guys talk — address that issue. I, uh, obviously
I was at the scene. Obviously I’m very experienced in that. But there are
people who are, uh, the number one professionals in that. I’ll let them — let
that [voice trails off].”
Shortly thereafter another reporter asks, “How many boys and how many
girls [were killed]?” Carver shakes his head slowly, “I don’t know.” “Medical
Examiner: Rifle Primary Weapon Used in Shootings,” MSNBC, December
List of Sandy Hook Elementary victims is released. “Police Release
Names of Newtown School Shooting Victims,” Hartford Courant, December
Robbie Parker, father of slain Sandy Hook first-grader Emilie Parker,
makes emotional public statement televised on CNN’s Situation Room with
WolfBlitzer. “I can’t imagine how hard this experience must be for you, and
I want you to know that our family and our love and our support goes out to
you as well,” CNN recounts Parker saying, as it chronicles its news event.
James F. Tracy
“Fighting back tears with his voice cracking,” CNN reports, “Parker asked
Saturday night that the tragedy ‘not turn into something that defines us, but
something that inspires us to be better, to be more compassionate and more
humble people.’” Chelsea Carter, “Shooting Victim’s Dad: ‘The World is a
better place because she’s been in it,”’ CNN, December 17, 2012.
Federal authorities confirm there is no record of Adam Lanza using
local Newtown shooting range. Michael Isikoff and Flannah Rappleye,
“Mom of Suspected Shooter-First to Die — Was Avid Gun Enthusiast, Friend
Says,” NBC News, December 15, 2012.
Federal officials claim Lanza took three weapons to Sandy Hook
Elementary, a Clock and Sig Sauer, and a Bushmaster .223 -caliber
semiautomatic assault-style rifle. Authorities remain unclear on whether
all guns were used in the attack. Michael Isikoff and Hannah Rappleye,
“Mom of Suspected Shooter-First to Die — Was Avid Gun Enthusiast, Friend
Says,” NBC News, December 15, 2012.
“An official with knowledge of the investigation” informs the Associated
Press that three weapons were found inside Sandy Hook Elementary on or near
Adam Lanza’s body — a Bushmaster .223 -caliber rifle, a Glock 10mm pistol,
and a Sig Sauer 9mm pistol. “Three other guns have also been recovered, but it
was not clear where they were found, the official told AP. They were a Henry
repeating rifle, an Enfield rifle and a shotgun.” Matt Appuzo and Pete Yost,
“Connecticut Shooter Adam Lanza’s Guns Were Registered to Mother Nancy
Lanza: Official,” Associated Press/Huffington Post, December 15, 2012.
Adam Lanza’s aunt Marsha Lanza describes Nancy Lanza as “meticulous”
and “self-reliant,” pointing out that she kept three guns in the home “for self-
defense.” “She would never leave the guns out,” Marsha Lanza asserts. Josh
Kovner and Edmund H. Mahoney, “Adam Lanza: A ‘Quiet, Odd’ Loner Living
on the Fringes "Hartford Courant, December 15, 2012.
Law enforcement officials state the murder weapon was one of three guns
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
owned by Nancy Lanza: a semiautomatic rifle or two semiautomatic pistols.
Josh Kovner and Edmund H. Mahoney, “Adam Lanza: A ‘Quiet, Odd’ Loner
Living on the Fringes,” Hartford Courant, December 15, 2012.
Investigators believe Adam Lanza’s behavior was consistent with
Asperger’s syndrome, a disorder within “the autism spectrum . . . marked by
difficulty with social interaction. Many with Asperger’s are otherwise high-
functioning people. There is no pre-disposition toward violence, experts said.”
Josh Kovner and Edmund H. Mahoney, “Adam Lanza: A ‘Quiet, Odd’ Loner
Living on the Fringes f Hartford Courant, December 15, 2012.
Law enforcement authorities provide press with detailed information on
event which becomes bedrock “official” storyline that Adam Lanza murdered
20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. After shooting
his mother twice in the head while she lie in bed Lanza proceeded to Sandy
Hook Elementary where he “fired a half-dozen thunderous rounds from a
semiautomatic rifle to open a hole big enough to step through in one of the
school’s glass doors.” He entered the school and shot Principal Hochsprung
and school psychologist Mary Scherlach who after hearing the “sounds of
gunfire and shattering glass, bolted into a corridor from a conference room
across the hall from the classrooms . . .
The first classroom Lanza reached was teacher Kaitlin Roig’s. Alarmed
by the gunfire, Roig hid her students in a bathroom and closed her classroom
door. Lanza passed by Roig’s classroom in lieu of substitute teacher Lauren
Rousseau’s, shooting all 14 children who investigators believe were huddled
and clutching one another in fear, in addition to Rousseau and a special
education teacher who happened to be in the room. Lanza next arrived at
teacher Victoria Soto’s classroom, who is believed to have hidden her 6- and
7-year old students in a closet. When Lanza demanded to know where the
children were, Soto tried to divert him to the other end of the school by saying
that her students were in the auditorium.
As six of Soto’s students attempted to flee Lanza shot them, Soto
and another teacher in the room. Searching for survivors police found the
remaining seven of Soto’s students still hiding in the closet. They told the
police what had happened. The two teacher’s aides who were killed were
Mary Anne Murphy and Rachel Davino. It was unclear which aide was in
which room when they were killed. The first officer arriving at the school
found Lanza’s body near the door of Soto’s classroom. The intense violence
James F. Tracy
lasted about 10 minutes. Lanza fired at least three, 30-round magazines with
deadly accuracy. Two of the people he shot survived. All of the victims were
shot multiple times. ‘I did seven (autopsies) myself with three to 1 1 wounds
apiece,’ Chief State Medical Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver III said Saturday.
‘Only two were shot at close range. I believe everybody was hit (by bullets)
more than once.’” Edward H. Mahoney and Dave Altimari, “A Methodical
Massacre, Horror and Heroics "Hartford Courant, December 15, 2012.
ABC News interviews Sandy Hook Elementary student Ella Seaver who
experienced the December 14 event.
Reporter: “What do you remember? What happened?”
Seaver: “We got to school, did everything we needed to and then we heard
all this racket at, uhm, our classroom. And we were, like, all scared. Then
we heard them say, ‘Go in your cubbies.’”
Reporter: “Everybody went to their cubbies?”
Seaver: “Mm-hmm.”Reporter: “Did you hear any more bad noises?”
Seaver: “Yes.”
Reporter: “And while it was going on your teacher was reading you books
and keeping you calm?”
Seaver: “Yeah.”
Reporter: “You have a good teacher, don’t you?”
Seaver: “Mm-hmm.”
Reporter: “D’you love your teacher?”
Seaver: “Yes.”
Reporter: “Did she-your teacher-seem nervous?”
Seaver: “No.” [Shakes head.]
Reporter: “She just kept her calm and read you a story?”
Seaver: “Mm-hmm.” Reporter: “Do you remember which one?”
Seaver: “Uhm, she read us The Nutcracker and another book that was
about Christmas.”
ABC News, “Connecticut Shooting Parents Seek Information About
Loved Ones At Sandy Hook,” December 15, 2012.
Students at Sandy Hook describe the aftermath of the shooting to reporters.
“[A]s reporters converged on the school,” the Hartford Courant reports, “the
children generally seemed more composed than their parents.” While news
of the incident circulated through Newtown students’ parents are said to
have filled streets as they converged on the school area. “Police evacuated
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
the children to a nearby firehouse,” the Courant reports, “and tearful parents
were led into the same building. Most came out relieved, clutching and
caressing their children. A few came out empty-handed and grief-stricken.
“I saw policemen — lots of policemen in the hallway with guns,” 9-year
old fourth grader Vanessa Bajraliu, recalls. ‘“The police took us out of the
school. We were told to hold each others’ hands and to close our eyes. We
opened our eyes when we were outside.”
Bajraliu’s brother, Mergim Bajraliu, 17, “a senior at Newtown High
School, was at his nearby home when he heard shots, he said. He went to a
neighbor’s house. ‘Then we heard sirens,”’ he says. Barjraliu says he ran to
the school and saw a young girl being carried out that looked badly injured.
Bajraliu says another girl had blood on her face. Bajraliu claims he found
his sister and whisked her away.
Richard Wilford said his son Richie, a second-grader, heard what he says
sounded like “pans falling” when gunshots allegedly rang out. “He said that
his son told him that his teacher went to check on the noise, then returned to
the classroom, locked the door and told the students to stand in the corner.
‘What does a parent think about coming to a school where there’s a shooting?’
Wilford said. ‘It’s the most terrifying moment of a parent’s life. . . . You have
no idea.’ Third Grader Alexis Wasik, 8, tells reporters police accounted for
every occupant of the school before students were escorted to the nearby
firehouse. “We had to walk with a partner,” Wasik says.
One child departing from the school claims there is broken glass
everywhere. A police officer ran into her classroom, she remembers, and
told students to run outside and don’t stop until they get to the firehouse.
Parent Audra Barth, who was leaving the school with her first-grade son and
third-grade daughter, tells how a teacher put first-graders into the restroom
when bullets came through the window. A 9-year-old fourth-grader, Brendan
Murray, says he was in his gym class when he heard “Tots of banging. >”
Teachers then hustled students into a nearby closet where they remained
for about 1 5 minutes before police officers appeared and directed them to
leave the building. The boy says the students then ran down a hallway and
police could be seen at every door. “‘Lots of people were crying, >” he recalls.
“N ewtown F amilies Grieve As Medical Examiner Works to Identify Victims
in Sandy Hook Shooting,” Hartford Courant, December 15, 2012.
December 16
“We too are asking why. We have cooperated fully with law enforcement
and will continue to do so. Like so many of you, we are saddened, but
James F. Tracy
struggling to make sense of what has transpired.” — Adam Lanza’s father Peter
Lanza said in a statement. Jonathan Dienst, “Conn. Shooting Suspect Adam
Lanza’s Father: ‘We Too Are Asking Why,”’ NBC News, December 16,2012.
On CB S ’s Face the Nation Bob Orr remarked that at least two computers
at the Lanza residence were “smashed to smithereens.” CBS correspondent
and former FBI agent John Miller noted “that subpoenas have been issued
for all of the shooter’s email accounts and his mother’s accounts, including
all of the ‘sent’ mail and ‘received’ mail over a long period of time.
Miller said that Lanza’s mother, Nancy, had battled with the school
system and eventually took her son out of the schools and home-schooled
him.” Christopher Keating, “Newtown Update: CBS Says Two Computers
‘Smashed to Smithereens’ In Lanza Home in Newtown; Subpoenas for All
Emails of Mother and Shooter,” Capitol Watch, Courantblogs, December 16,
20 12, n.t. [Such programs are typically taped the preceding Friday afternoon. -
Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance states Adam Lanza possessed
“an extraordinary amount of weaponry ... In addition to an assault-style
rifle and at least two handguns, he also had a shotgun in reserve in the car
he drove to the school.”
Lance claims that when Lanza’s body was found he “still had ‘hundreds
of rounds’ of ammunition in multiple magazines, after having already fired
hundreds of rounds inside the school.” M. Alex Johnson, “Very Heavily
Armed Gunman Shot Mother Multiple Times Before Killing 26 at Connecticut
School, Police Say ,” NBC News, December 16, 2012.
Details emerge on Adam Lanza enrolling at Western Connecticut State
University in 2008 at age 16. Lanza successfully completed six courses
“including website production, data modeling, Philosophy 101 and ethical
theory — and compiled a solid 3.26 grade-point average.”
University officials claim Lanza presented no disciplinary concerns. M.
Alex Johnson, “Very Heavily Armed Gunman Shot Mother Multiple Times
Before Killing 26 at Connecticut School, Police Say,” NBC News, December
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
President Obama travels to Newtown to address grieving community and
repeatedly allude to gun control legislation in an 18 minute speech. “We’re
not doing enough. And we will have to change. Since I’ve been president, this
is the fourth time we have come together to comfort a grieving community
torn apart by mass shootings, [the] fourth time we’ve hugged survivors, the
fourth time we’ve consoled the families of victims . . . Are we really prepared
to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are
too hard? Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children
year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?” Daniela
Altimari, “We Must Change, President Tells Nation,” Hartford Courant,
December 16, 2012, 11:16PM EST.
Alex Israel was in the same class at Newtown High School with Adam
Lanza, who lived a few houses down from her. “You could definitely tell he
was a genius,” Israel says. “He was really quiet, he kept to himself.” Lanza’s
former bus driver regarded Lanza as “’a nice kid, very polite’ like his brother.”
Another former classmate remarked that Lanza “was just a kid” — not a
troublemaker, not antisocial, not suggesting in any way that he could erupt
like this.” Michael Martinez and David Ariosto, “Adam Lanza’s Family:
Mom Liked Parlor Games, Guns; Dad, a Tax Exec, Remarried,” CNN.com,
December 16, 2012.
Connecticut State Police Lieutenant J. Paul Vance tells the Huffington
Post that Adam Lanza specifically used the Bushmaster .223 rifle to carry
out all of the Sandy Hook murders. “Adam Lanza used a semiautomatic
Bushmaster .223 rifle during his rampage through Sandy Hook Elementary
School on Friday,” the Huffington Post reports, “firing dozens of high-velocity
rounds as he killed 20 children and six adults ... Lanza, 20, carried ‘many
high-capacity clips’ for the lightweight military-style rifle, Lt. Paul Vance, a
spokesman for the Connecticut State Police, told The Huffington Post in an
email. Two handguns and a shotgun were also recovered at the scene. John
Rudolf and Janet Ross, “School Shooter Adam Lanza Used Military-Style
Bushmaster Rifle,” Huffington Post, December 16, 2012.
Senator Dianne Feinstein announces that she intends to introduce
legislation reauthorizing a federal assault weapons ban originally passed in
James F. Tracy
the early 1990s during the Clinton administration that was allowed to lapse
in 2004. John Rudolf and Janet Ross, “School Shooter Adam Lanza Used
Military-Style Bushmaster Rifle,” Huffington Post, December 16, 2012.
Several dozen Newtown residents found “Newtown United,” later named
“Sandy Hook Promise.” The group appears devoted to using the Sandy Hook
Elementary massacre to campaign for gun control and raise awareness of the
potentially negative effects of violent video games. Amazingly, less than one
week after its inception a select number of founding members — including
one 16-year-old who formerly attended Sandy Hook School-travel to
Washington, D.C. to meet with federal legislators. Michael Dinan, “Newtown
United: Grassroots Group Seeks to Curb Gun Violence,” Newtown Patch,
December 22, 2012.
Health science and investigative writer Mike Adams observes that much
like the Tucson Arizona, Aurora Colorado, and Wisconsin Sikh temple
shootings, mass media are scrubbing their coverage and doctoring the
storyline to obscure the fact that there were additional suspects and probable
shooters at the crime scene. Mike Adams, “Newtown School Shooting Already
Being Changed by the Media to Eliminate Eyewitness Reports of a Second
Shooter,” Natural News, December 16, 2012.
As news of Newtown massacre spreads popular music stars and actors
use social networking sites to state their opinions on the tragedy, with many
attacking the National Rifle Association (NRA) and calling for gun laws to
be revamped. “How many times do we have 2 (sic) hear ‘gunman kills’.
FK (f**k) The NRA!” Pop superstar Cher Tweets to her followers. “We
cant cure gun violence completely, but we can bring it down to the LEAST
Murders by GUN in a Civilized Country! 1 know people kill people, but
He couldn’t have done this kind of damage without 3 guns, multiple clips
&tons of ammunition no matter how crazy he was.” Actor Zach Braff writes,
“No one is saying you can’t have your gun, crazy angry gun guy. But
most of the country is tired of how easy it is to get a gun. Sane people, we
mustn’t let up on our politicians when this tragedy fades front the top story.
This time lets not get silenced by the NRA.” Singer Cyndi Lauper opines,
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
“Really so sad today in CT. Why does it have to be so easy to carry guns?
Just so sad all the way around.” Actress Sophia Bush writes, “We need to
reform our laws AND our way of thinking. It shouldn’t be easier to get a gun
than to get mental health care.” Actor Sean Astin Tweets, “The last minutes
of this awful day pass. . . My anger about gun violence & failures regarding
related mental illness challenges rages in my soul”. “Cher and Cyndi Lauper
Join in Calls for Tighter Gun Control,” Daily Express, December 16, 2012.
Rabbi Shaul Praver of Adath Israel in Newtown, Conn, accompanies a
grieving Veronica Pozner, mother of slain six-year-old Sandy Hook victim
Noah Pozner into the funeral home where her son rested. A sheet covers
Noah’s corpse up to his neck, and a social worker counsels Pozner not to
remove it. Pozner grieves as Rabbi Praver consoles her. Praver tells the press
he did not know Noah or his twin sister, Arielle, another Sandy Hook student
present during the shooting, yet Praver bar mitzvahed the family’s oldest
son and taught the oldest daughter. “Remembering Noah Pozner, Newtown’s
Jewish Victim,” Chicago Jewish News, December 21, 2013.
December 17
Connecticut State Police announce they have taken over all crimes scenes
connected to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting for an indefinite
time as their investigation proceeds. “[We have] seized the crime scenes
under search warrant [and are] holding on to them indefinitely,” Connecticut
State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance told reporters at a morning press
conference. David Lohr, “Sandy Hook Crime Scene: Police ‘Indefinitely’
Seize All Sites Connected to Shooting,” Huffington Post, December 17, 2012.
Divorce records reveal the parents of Adam Lanza had joint custody
of their son and that Lanza’s father paid yearly alimony totaling $240,000
in 2010, $265,000 in 2011 and $289,800 in 2012. Nancy and Peter Lanza’s
divorce cited irreconcilable and was made final in September 2009. The
divorce decree designated Adam Lanza’s primary residence with his mother
in the Yogananda Street address which Peter Lanza quitclaimed to Nancy.
Peter was designated as solely responsible for the cost of college for Adam
and brother Ryan and for buying Adam a car. N ancy Lanza seldom discussed
domestic affairs with friends. She was otherwise regarded as very open and
generous. Allaine Griffith, “After Divorce, Lanzas Had Joint Custody of
Adam,” Hartford Courant, December 17, 2012.
James F. Tracy
A spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives is uncertain whether Nancy Lanza brought her son to the range
or whether he ever fired a weapon there. Allaine Griffith, “After Divorce,
Lanzas Had Joint Custody of Adam "Hartford Courant, December 17, 2012.
Sandy Hook Elementary nurse Sally Cox tells ABC of her encounter
with gunman on the morning of December 14 as she crouched underneath
her desk. “I could see him from the knees down, 20 feet away, his boots were
facing my desk,” Cox said in an interview on Good Morning America. “It was
seconds. . . and then he turned and walked out and I heard the door close.”
The 60-year-old staff member then heard “loud popping noises” outside
the infirmary. Cox was joined by a school secretary and together they dialed
911 before hiding in a supply closet. Lauren Effron, “Sandy Hook School
Nurse Hid From Shooter, ‘His Boots Were Facing My Desk,’” ABC News,
December 17, 2012.
Funerals for massacre victims begin in Newtown, with first being for
6 year old Sandy Hook first-grader Jack Pinto. “There are many ways to
measure what was lost Friday morning at Sandy Hook,” the Washington
Post observes, “a school shooting that has spurred a national debate about
public safety and a speech by the president. But no accounting of the damage
was as searing as the one that began Monday, when parents stepped behind
lecterns and spoke about the children they would miss.” Eli Saslow and Steve
Vogel, “Funerals for Newtown Massacre Victims Begin,” Washington Post,
December 17, 2012.
Two witnesses in Sandy Hook school shooting are unidentified adults.
“There are two adults that were injured in the facility — in the school — and
suffered gunshot wounds and are recovering,” Connecticut State Police
Lieutenant J. Paul Vance stated. “Our investigators will in fact speak with
them when it’s medically appropriate, and certainly they will shed a great deal
of light on the facts and circumstances of this tragic investigation that we’re
undertaking.” [Vance’s emphasis] “Key Witnesses in Connecticut School
Shooting are Survivors "Hartford Courant, December 17, 2012.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
A special broadcast of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s syndicated television program is
devoted to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Oz asks ‘■‘Louie,”
a Sandy Hook 3rd grader, “what you remember from that day.” “I remember
that a lot-a lot of policemen were in the, uhm, school,” Louie responds. “Uhm,
well, a lot-I was like [pause] hiding under-when we were having a drill we
were hiding under, like . . . ” As Louie hesitates and takes several deep breaths,
his mother nudges him while Oz taps the boy on the shoulder and changes
the subject. “Take your time. There’s no hurry. Let me ask you. What would
you like to say to your teachers?” Semuj l,Hurry-D/L Dr. Oz Interview,
Sandy Hook Third Grader Louis ‘Having a Drill 1 - National TV,” Youtube,
February 4, 2013; See also The Dr. Oz Show, “Dr. Oz Visits Newtown,” n.d.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg unveils “Demand a Plan”
campaign, sponsored by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns bipartisan coalition
that requests Congress and President Obama move immediately on gun
control measures. Bloomberg calls Washington’s inability to act a “stain on
our nation’s commitment to protect our children.” Carlo Delaverson, “NYC
Mayor Launches Campaign Against Gun Violence,” NBC News, December
Truckloads bearing more than 60,000 toys and stuffed animals begin
arriving in Newtown, filling up the gymnasium at Edmond Town Hall in the
center of the township. “When 1 realized that it was getting so large, 1 thought
that we should get this to the children before the holidays,” Newtown Social
Services caseworker Ann Benore says. Benore organized the toy giveaway for
all Newtown children and families. A special collection of toys are reserved
for student survivors of Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Toys are
first examined by a group of local police officers in the gym. “Children ooh
and ahh as they enter,” the report notes, “and are handed bags. They walk
through and choose cuddly bears or games, or both.” Volunteers on hand,
some of whom have traveled from out of state to offer their services, instruct
children on how to make Christmas ornaments. In one area, teacher Christina
Morse Scala helps residents draw and create sculpture with recently donated
art supplies. “It allows them to express without having to use words. It gives
them an opportunity to reflect, bring them to a safe place,” Scala observes.
Diane Orson, “Toy Donations Pour Into Newtown,” National Public Radio,
December 24, 2012.
James F. Tracy
ABC correspondent Katie Couric interviews Sandy Hook residents Rob
and Barbara Sibley whose son Daniel was a Sandy Hook Elementary. Barbara
Sibley claims to have arrived at the school after the assailant(s) forced his
way in yet before shooting commenced.
When I got out of [my] car and started walking toward the building I
noticed a car in the, uh, drop-off area in front of the entrance-like a black
hatchback, had all the doors open and black sweatshirts strewn around
it. And again I thought, “ That’s really odd. You don ’t usually see that,
uhm, at the school. ” And then I walked to the doorway and there was
another mom standing there. And all the while I’m thinking to myself,
“The building is so quite, and why is it so quiet” [sic]. And, uh, I said to
her, “Is something going on? ” And she said, “I don ’t know, but look. ”
And she pointed and I looked, and, uhm, next to the door where there s a
buzzer— you have to buzz into the building— the whole plate glass window
to the right of the door was shattered, and there s glass everywhere. And
we looked at that and we said, “Well, this is really strange. ’’And as soon
as, uhm, those words kind of came out of our mouth [sic] uhm, we started
hearing gunshots. I knew that it was gunfire but y ’know I didn ’t—I just
ran y ’know? I just ran.
Barbara Sibley then explains how shortly thereafter she witnessed the
orderly evacuation of students from the school, was reunited with her son,
and was invited by him to walk down to the fire house. “One Family’s Story
of Survival, ’’CatieCouric.com, December 17, 2012.
n.t. [Date is estimated]
Facebook establishes a special liaison between itself and Newtown
families and affiliated organizations seeking to memorialize the victims
on its platform. According to the Hartford Courant, “shortly after” the
December 1 4 shooting, the popular social media site “set up a special process
for them where they have a direct line to someone at Facebook,” Facebook
spokeswoman Jodi Seth says. “That is unique for Newtown. Every piece of
content that has been escalated to us through the families and foundations has
been reviewed, every email has been responded to, and action is taken in line
with our terms of service,” Seth says. The Facebook representative further
notes that Facebook is in daily contact with Tom Bittman, chairman of Sandy
Hook Promise, a local group established as a response to the incident. Jenny
Wilson, “Facebook Will Scrub Newtown Victims’ Memorial Pages [’Hartford
Courant, February 25, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
December 18
The parents of Sandy Hook Elementary substitute teacher Lauren
Rousseau are informed they cannot view their daughter’s body. “They told
me, ‘You can’t see (the body),”’ Rousseau’s Canadian father Gilles Rousseau
informed listeners of Radio-Canada, the French-language CBC. “Because
most people he shot, it was two or three shots in the face, point-blank.”
Mr. Rousseau further said the bullets used were powerful enough to tear
through the school’s walls and leave numerous holes in his daughter’s car
parked outside. Lise Millette, “Lauren Rousseau, Teacher killed in Newtown
Shooting, Mourned by Canadian Family,” Canadian Press VmHuffington
Post, December 18, 2012.
Infowars reporter Rob Dew utilizes overlooked excerpts from CBS
and Associated Press coverage of the massacre to explain how there were
additional shooter suspects apprehended by law enforcement on the morning
of December 14 that have been left unaccounted for and since dropped from
public view. Rob Dew, “Sandy Hook 2 nd Shooter Coverup,” Infowars Nightly
News, December 18, 2012.
Teresa Rousseau, mother of slain Sandy Hook teacher Lauren Rousseau,
states that her daughter’s 2004 Honda Civic was “riddled with bullet holes”
when law enforcement authorities removed it from the school’s parking
lot. Henrick Karolizyn and Larry McShane, “Mother of Substitute Teacher,
Lauren Rousseau, Killed in Newtown Massacre Stunned: ‘We Survive War,
She Dies Teaching,”’ New York Daily News. Also, excerpt of newscast,
“Lauren Rousseau’s Car is Riddled with Bullet Holes in Sandy Hook Parking
Lot,” n.t. or date.
December 19
Law enforcement authorities claim Adam Lanza was equipped with three
weapons as he entered Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14: a
Bushmaster AR-15 rifle and two handguns — aGlock 10 mm and a Sig Sauer
9 mm. A shotgun was left in his car. Authorities say Lanza used one of the
handguns to take his own life but have not disclosed whether it was the Glock
or the Sig Sauer. “In fact,” CNN observes, “many details remain unknown
James F. Tracy
about the weapons Lanza used that day to kill 20 children, his own mother,
six other adults and then himself.” Steve Almasy, “Newtown Shooter’s Guns:
What We Know,” CNN, December 19, 2012.
Connecticut Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II says he will work
with a University of Connecticut geneticist to determine what prompted Adam
Lanza to act. “I’m exploring with the department of genetics what might be
possible, if anything is possible [sic],” Carver says. “Is there any identifiable
disease associated with this behavior?” David Owens, “Obama Calls for
New Proposals for Gun Control in Wake of Newtown Massacre,” Hartford
Courant, December 19, 2012.
Hundreds attend wake of Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung,
including U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, US Senator Richard
Blumenthal and US Senator-elect Chris Murphy. Matthew Kauffman,
“Communities Say Farewell to Four More Victims of Newtown
Shootings,” Hartford Courant , December 19, 2012.
December 20
US Attorney General Eric Holder makes unannounced visit to Newtown
to meet with Sandy Hook first responders following a meeting in Washington
with Vice President Joe Biden, presumably to discuss forthcoming gun control
legislation. “Holder to Meet with First Responders in Newtown,” Frederic J.
Frommer, Associated Press /Hartford Courant , December 20, 2012.
Fox News Radio reports that investigators speaking with the Hartford
Courantsay 20-year-old Adam Lanza’s electronics may not offer much
in terms of evidence or motive. They say his cellphone “had little-to-
no phone calls or text messaging communications history on it. He also
destroyed his computer in such a way as to prevent a forensic investigation
of it.” “Investigation Continues Into Newtown Shooting,” Fox New Radio,
December 20, 2012.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Further analysis by alternative news media points to additional Sandy
Hook shooting suspects overlooked by corporate media. Mali Bradley,
“Sandy Hook Massacre: Official Story Spins Out of Control,’’ Veterans Today,
December 20, 2012; James F. Tracy, “The Newtown School Tragedy: More
Than One Gunman T' Global Research, December 20, 2012.
December 22
The fourth meeting of the new community group Newtown United is
attended by US Senator Richard Blumenthal and Senator-elect Chris Murphy,
presently a congressman representing Connecticut’s 5th district that includes
Newtown. Blumenthal and Murphy encourage Newtown United to develop
its support network nationally and to fight for strengthening gun control
measures. “1 think this horrific tragedy has changed America in a way that it’s
ready to stop the spread of gun violence,” Blumenthal says. “There has been a
seismic change in public consciousness and the political landscape.” Murphy
similarly remarks, “We have to talk about the celebration of violence in this
country.” Newtown resident and energy consultant David Stout emphasizes
that guns are not at issue as much as responsible use of them.
Some in attendance want the group to be more aggressive. “Now is the
time to push,” Jason Petrelli says. “We can’t sit back. We can’t get trapped
in this room. It’s time to push right now.” Before departing Blumenthal
congratulates Newtown United, saying: “Here you have been hit with the most
horrific tragedy within recent memory except maybe 9/11, and its impact on
the town could have been divisive and destructive, but instead it has brought
people together in a way that has been incredibly impressive.” The major point
that both Blumenthal and Murphy continually emphasize is that Newtown
United must find a way to capture and sustain interest in overhauling gun
legislation in the face of one major enemy: time. “The other side is waiting
for time to pass,” Murphy reminds those in attendance, referring to the gun
lobby. Michael Dinan, “Newtown United: Grassroots Group Seeks to Curb
Gun Violence,” Newtown Patch, December 22, 2012.
Money, toys, food and other gifts continue to stream in to Newtown
from around the world. Some parcels are delivered with decorations made
by schoolchildren. The United Way of Western Connecticut reports the
official fund for donations had $2.6 million as of Saturday, December 15. In
addition, other private funds are set up. Former Sandy Hook student Ryan
Kraft, who once babysat Lanza, sets up a fund with other alumni that has
collects almost $150,000 and is designated for the Sandy Hook PTA. Area
James F. Tracy
officials are uncertain what they will do with all of the funds collected.
Pat Eaton-Robb, “Toys, Money, Food Pour In From Around the World as
Connecticut Town Mourns Shooting Victims,” Yahoo News/Associated Press,
December 22, 2013.
December 23
Spiritual and psychological leaders in the Newtown community come
forward to make public pronouncements and assist in the mourning process.
“This will never leave you and should never leave you. Your tears are proof
of your love. The trick is, you’ve got to find a new form for your love,”
observes Dr. John Woodall, a psychiatrist and Newtown resident. Woodall is
founder of The Unity Project, an organization that has collaborated with the
US State Department to assist in recoveries from tragedies including 9/11,
Hurricane Katrina, the war in the former Yugoslavia and conflicts in Uganda
involving child soldiers.
The Unity Project, according to Woodall’s blog, “develops essential core
skills for personal, community and organizational transformation in order
to prepare young people for a well-rounded, happy and productive life as
members of a global community.”
Dr. Woodall says it’s not possible to answer the question of why the
Dec. 14 tragedy happened. “The only helpful question to ask is what next?”
Woodall says. Jesse Washington, “After Newtown, Connecticut, School
Shooting, Healers Say: Decide for Change, For Good,” Cleveland Plain
Dealer/ Associated Press, December 23, 2012.
December 25
Scarlett Lewis, mother of 6-year old Jessie McCord Lewis who was
slain at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, returns to the grade
school classroom where her son perished after a grief counselor told Lewis
that “Native Americans consider the place where the dead are slain to be
sacred ground,”
“I went because Jesse lived that. He was there. I wanted to honor him
and be at the place where he lost his life. ... It was devastating, the
destruction and damage. I’ve been going to that school for 12 years.
The front doors and the side glass were completely blown out and gone
and covered with plywood, but you knew what was under it. ... And then,
the first two classrooms were completely gone. The windows were all
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
blown out. The only other family who had been there was Miss Soto s
family. [Victoria Soto was Jesse’s teacher], ... So we took a piece of glass
because there was glass scattered all over and we had a little ceremony.
We said we ’re going to carry’ around a piece of glass and we ’re going to
remember Jesse s bravery’. Whenever we feel like we can ’t do something,
we ’re going to think about our piece of glass and think about what Jesse
did running into harm s way. ”
Tina Burgess, “How One Sandy Hook Mother Lives on After Her Son’s
Death fExaminer.com, January 6, 2013.
December 26
Connecticut State Attorney General Stephen Sedensky files court
plea to postpone release of contents yielded through five search warrants.
Sedensky argues that unsealing such findings might “seriously jeopardize” the
investigation by divulging evidence heretofore known only to other “potential
suspects.” Pointing to “information in the search warrant affidavits that is
not known to the general public,” Sedensky also contends that opening the
warrants would “identify persons cooperating with the investigation, thus
possibly jeopardizing their personal safety and well-being.” Ralph Lopez,
“Sandy Hook DA Cites ‘Potential Suspects,’ Fears Witness Safety,” Digital
Journal, February 5, 2013.
Witness to shooting Becky Virgalla interviewed by Connecticut news
media. [Video of interview at Hartford Courant website has since been taken
down.] “Witness to the Sandy Hook Massacre,” Hartford Courant, December
26, 2012. See Deborah Lutterbeck, “Witness to the Sandy Hook Massacre,”
Reuters, December 23, 2012.
December 27
2:00PM [est.j
The University of Connecticut men’s basketball team visits Newtown to
visit with kids, hang out, play some ball, etc. Head coach Kevin Ollie recently
said that he wanted the team to be able to “do something for the kids.” At
the request of Newtown officials there is no media being permitted for the
basketball team’s visit. The team’s enthusiasts anticipate the team will remark
on the visit at a subsequent news conference. David Borges, “UConn Visiting
Newtown This Afternoon,” New Haven Register, December 27, 2012.
James F. Tracy
The Newtown Bee reports a “reliable local law enforcement source”
asserts the “man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on
the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer.” Adam
Gorosko, “Police Union Seeks Funding for Trauma Treatment,” December
27, 2012.
December 28
Attorney Irv Pinsky asks State of Connecticut Claims Commissioner J.
Paul Vance Jr. for permission to file $100 million dollar lawsuit on behalf of
unnamed 6-year-old Sandy Hook student for negligence and trauma suffered
after hearing screaming, cursing, and gunfire over school’s intercom system.
As a result, the “child has sustained emotional and psychological trauma and
injury, the nature and extent of which are yet to be determined,” the proposed
claim asserts. Pinsky’s claim also alleges “that the state Board of Education,
Department of Education and Education Commissioner had failed to take
appropriate steps to protect children from ‘foreseeable harm.’” Mary Ellen
Godin, “Claim Seeks $ 1 00 Million for Child Survivor of Connecticut School
Shooting,” Reuters, December 28, 2012.
December 23-30
Adam Lanza’s body reportedly turned over by Connecticut Medical
Examiner to father Peter Lanza “sometime last week.” “Father Claims Adam
Lanza’s Body ,” Hartford Courant, December 31, 2012, 3:38PM.
December 29
As part of their investigation Connecticut State Police will not recreate
what took place in Sand Hook Elementary on December 14 or interview
any of the surviving students. Instead, police consider recreating the Sandy
Hook School massacre parking lot scene to determine if the bullets fired into
the lot were strays the gunman fired in teacher Victoria Soto’s first grade
classroom, or if he was firing directly at arriving officers. Investigators have
completed trajectory work in the classroom but wish to line up the police
cars and see if some of the bullets were potentially aimed at them. No police
cruisers were hit and no officers. The partial re-creation will in all probability
be the last analysis state police conduct on school grounds before concluding
that portion of the investigation. Dave Altimari, Jon Lender, and Edmund H.
Mahoney, “Police to Re-Create Scene Outside Sandy Hook School,” Hartford
Courant, December 29, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
December 31
Connecticut Attorney General says $100 million claim against state on
behalf of 6 year old Sandy Hook student is “misguided,” and maintains that
“a public policy response by the U.S. Congress and the Connecticut state
legislature would be ‘more appropriate’ than legal action.” Edith Honan,
“Connecticut Attorney General Says Newtown Legal Claim Misguided,”
Reuters /Hartford Courant, December 31, 2012.
January 1
State Attorney General George Jepsen says lawsuit brought against
state lacks a “valid basis.” According to a report Jepsen said “the claims
commissioner’s office was not the appropriate venue for a discussion about
the shooting.” Amanda Falcone, Request to Sue State for Newtown Shooting
Has No Basis, Attorney General Says,” Hartford Courant, January 1, 2013.
The Washington Post reports that the Lanza family has retained a public
relations firm to deal with the press. “When the New York Post reported as
fact a comment on a fake Facebook page seeming to belong to Adam’s older
brother,” the Posts Bonnie Goldstein notes, “the Lanza family “spokesperson”
Errol Cockfield refuted the story.” Cockfield works for Edelman, purported to
be the “world’s largest PR firm.” He previously worked as communications
director for Eliot Spitzer when Spitzer was New York’s governor. Until
spring of 2013 Edelman was chief of stafffor a New York state legislative
leader. Bonnie Goldstein, “Massacre Message Management is New PR
Task,” Washington Post, January 1, 2013.
New Haven attorney Irving Pinsky withdraws claim on behalf of
traumatized Sandy Hook student after receiving new evidence. “If the
state were liable in this instance, where would the state’s liability ever
end?” State Attorney General George Jepsen said. Brian Dowling and
Hilda Munoz, “Attorney Withdrawing Request to Sue State in Sandy Hook
Shootings,” Hartford Courant, January 1, 2013.
James F. Tracy
January 2
Jean Henry, a processing technician for the Connecticut Office of the
Chief Medical Examiner is placed on a paid leave pending an investigation of
an incident on December 1 6 where she permitted her husband, an unauthorized
employee, to view the body of alleged mass killer Adam Lanza. Jon Lender
and Dave Altimari, “State Worker Placed on Leave After Showing Husband
Adam Lanza’s Body "Hartford Courant, January 2, 2013.
January 3
Sandy Hook students return to classes 7 miles south ofNewtown at Chalk
Hill School in Monroe Connecticut. The school was closed about two years
ago and recently cleaned and painted to accommodate students. Amanda
Falcone, “Sandy Hook Students Back in Class,” Hartford Courant, 5:18PM
EST, January 3, 2013.
Connecticut State Attorney’s Office and State Police refuse to give
timeline for Sandy Hook shooting investigation. “It cannot be stated too often
how invaluable and necessary the work of the United States Attorney’s Office,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Marshals Service,
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and other federal
agencies was and is to this investigation,” State Attorney General Stephen J.
Sedensky III said. Christine Dempsey, “No Timeline for Newtown Shooting
Probe,” Hartford Courant, January 3, 2013.
Governor Dannel P. Malloy announces intensified gun control measures
and mental health protocols and intervention through establishment of the
Sandy Hook Advisory Commission. The “expert panel that will review
current policy and make specific recommendations in the areas of public
safety, with particular attention paid to school safety, mental health, and
gun violence prevention.” “We don’t yet know the underlying cause behind
this tragedy, and we probably never will,” Malloy said. “But that can’t be an
excuse for inaction. I want the commission to have the ability to study every
detail, so they can help craft meaningful legislative and policy changes.” The
committee’s initial report is due to the Governor by March 15. Governor
Daniel P. Malloy, “Gov. Malloy Creates Sandy Hook Advisory Commission
to Address Key Areas in Violence Prevention” (press release), State of
Connecticut Governor’s Office, January 3, 2013, n.t.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg meets privately in his office
with former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was almost
fatally shot at a constituent meeting in Tucson in January 2011. The sit-down
was not listed on Bloomberg’s public schedule and a Bloomberg aide refused
to state what was discussed. Holly Bailey, “Bloomberg Meets with Gabrielle
Giffords on Gun Control,’’ Yahoo News, January 3, 2013, n.t.
January 4
Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords visits Newtown
families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shooting. John Christoffersen,
“Wounded ex-Rep Giffords Meets with Conn. Families,” Associated Press/
Yahoo News, January 5.
January 6
Police say Adam Lanza used a pair of earplugs during his alleged
December 14 shooting spree. Investigators surmise Lanza may have
developed the habit while frequenting gun ranges “or to muffle children’s
screams during his shooting rampage.” ‘“It’s just weird [that he popped in
earplugs] given what he was about to go do,’ a source said. ‘It’s not like he
had to worry about long-term protection of his hearing because he had to
know he wasn’t coming back out of the building.’
Police say Lanza was wearing an olive green utility vest packed with
30-round magazines for the Bushmaster .223 rifle. Lanza left a 20 round
capacity shotgun in the trunk of the car he drove to the school. Authorities
say each gun was “registered to his mother, Nancy Lanza, and appear to have
been bought legally between 2010 and 2012 ... Police also found bullets
outside the school in the parking lot, including some in at least three cars
belonging to school personnel, including Rousseau’s car.” David Altimarti
and Jon Lender, “Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Wore Earplugs,” Hartford
Courant, January 6, 2013.
January 7
Corporate media begins broad defense of official Sandy Hook narrative
against widespread and varied skepticism in alternative media with
prominent South Florida Sun-Sentinel article centering on Florida Atlantic
University communications professor James Tracy. In a series of essays on
James F. Tracy
his personal blog, Tracy questions conflicting and unusual information on
the incident’s coverage in mainstream media. Mike Clary, “FAU Prof Stirs
Controversy by Disputing Newtown Massacre,” South Florida Sun Sentinel,
January 7, 2013.
The Sandy Hook Shooting: Fully Exposed, a 30-minute video distributed
via YouTube debuts and will garner 8.5 million views within the first week
of its release. Max Read, “Behind the Sandy Hook Truther Conspiracy
Video that Eight Million People Have Watched in One Week,” Gawker.com,
January 15, 2013.
January 9
Salon.com political reporter Alex Seitz- Wald begins series of articles
profiling and critiquing Sandy Hook “truth movement.” Alex Seitz-Wald
“Meet the Sandy Hook Truthers,” Salon.com, January 8, 2013.
January 11
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper launches blistering attack on Florida
Atlantic University Professor James F. Tracy for “spinning conspiracy
theories” and declining to appear on his cable news program, Anderson
Cooper 360 Degrees. “His name is James Tracy. This is a picture of him,”
Cooper fumed a la Geraldo Rivera, as a photo of Tracy appeared on screen.
“This is what he looks like. James Tracy is his name. Now, he claims the
shooting did not happen as reported and may not have happened at all.”
Earlier that day, CNN and Cooper sent their regional reporter John
Zarrella to Tracy’s place of employment, where he accosted the dean of his
college to ascertain Tracy’s location, eventually interviewing the university
president. Zarrella and his crew then proceeded to Tracy’s residence where
they taped and aired video footage while telephoning for an on-camera
interview. Tracy spoke to Zarrella via telephone and issued this statement, a
portion of which was read on-air, informing Zarrella that his family preferred
Tracy retreat from the limelight.
Throughout the segment Cooper appeared indignant that he and CNN’s
journalistic efforts in the wake of the December 14 tragedy would be
questioned. “To suggest that reporters on the ground didn’t work to find
out what happened there on the ground is beyond crazy,” Cooper opined.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
“Everybody asked questions. That’s what we do.” According to Cooper, an
invitation to appear on the program remains open. Anderson Cooper and John
Zarrella, “KTH: Exposing Newtown Conspiracy Theory,” Anderson Cooper
360 Degrees, January 11, 2013.
January 13
Newtown city officials convene community to float proposal of
demolishing Sandy Hook Elementary School. “Newtown First Selectwoman
E. Patricia Llodra said that in addition to the community meetings, the town
is planning private gatherings with the victims’ families to talk about the
school’s future. She said the aim is to finalize a plan by March.” “Newtown
Weighs F ate of Sandy Hook Elementary School Building,” Associated Press/
New York Post, January 13, 2013.
Attorney Alexis Haller, Noah Pozner’s uncle, authors and submits a
detailed memorandum to the Obama Administration’s White House Task
Force on Gun Violence on behalf of the Pozner family. ” The eight-page
document “proposes a range of [state, federal and local] legislative reforms
to help prevent another targeted school shooting . . . The proposals ... are
based upon conversations within the family, consultations with school security
experts, independent research related to prior school shootings, and discussion
with legal professionals to focus on criminal law.”
The statement urges linking gun control measures to mental health
diagnoses, federal grants for school security system upgrades, and mandatory
lockdown drills at public schools. Alexis Haller, “Memorandum from The
Maternal Family of Noah Pozner to The White House Task Force on Gun
Violence,” January 13, 2013.
January 14
Probate records are filed for Nancy Lanza, the mother of Sandy Hook
school shooter Adam Lanza. The estate’s value is not reflected in the probate.
No will is recorded. Ryan Lanza asks for an attorney to be appointed as
temporary administrator in order to track assets and determine whether
Nancy Lanza had a will. Dave Altimari, “Nancy Lanza’s Probate Record
Filed,” Hartford Courant, January 14, 2013.
James F. Tracy
January 16
Anderson Cooper AC 3 60 producer Devna Shukla contacts Professor
James Tracy via email and invites him on Cooper’s program. “Our offer still
stands to have you on AC360,” Shukla ’s email reads. ” We can send a truck
to any location of your choice. We can pretape or have you on live at 8pET.”
“AC360’s 180, "memo ryh oleblog.com, January 31, 2013.
James Tracy responds via email to AC360 producer Devna Shukla, “Does
this Friday at 8PM work?” Shukla does not respond. Tracy forwards the
email to Shukla twice over the next forty eight hours. Apparently Cooper’s
“open invitation” for Tracy to appear on AC360 has been revoked. “AC360’s
180,” memoryholeblog.com, January 31, 2013.
January 18
“To eliminate any confusion or misinformation” Connecticut State
Police reiterate the weapons found at the Sandy Hook Elementary School
crime scene. “#1. Bushmaster .223 caliber- modelXM15-E2S rifle with high
capacity 30 round magazine; #2. dock 10 mm handgun; #3. Sig-Sauer P226
9mm handgun; #4. Izhmash Canta-12 12 gauge Shotgun (seized from car
in parking lot).” Lt. J. Paul Vance, “Update: State Police Identify Weapons
Used in Sandy Hook lnvestigation[sic]; Investigation Continues,” State
of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection,
January 18, 2013.
January 24
The 16-member Sandy Hook Advisory Commission established by Gov.
Dannel P. Malloy to study the Newtown massacre and make recommendations
for legislative and public policy changes begins work forty days after
the event. Taking its lead from President Obama’s January 16 Executive
Orders ostensibly intended to “curb gun violence,” the study group appears
poised to link firearms ownership with “public safety” and mental health.
“Gov. Malloy tells the commission that its tasks were both critically
important and extremely difficult — to balance Second Amendment rights
with public safety, to improve school safety, and even to help find ways to
‘reduce the stigma of mental illness. I believe that responsible, law-abiding
citizens of our state have a right to bear arms — but that right cannot come
at the expense of public safety,’ Malloy said. ‘We need to develop a common
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
sense way to regulate access to guns. Connecticut is presently among states
with the strongest gun laws and law enforcement authorities maintain that
Adam Lanza’s mother legally obtained the weapons used in the massacre.
Jon Lender, ‘‘Sandy Hook Commission Begins Work,” Hartford Courant,
January 24, 2013.
January 28
Parents of three children killed in the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary
School massacre testily through the day and into the night on proposed tougher
gun laws. They appeared before state legislators serving on the Bipartisan
Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety. An estimated
2,100 people attended the public hearing at the state Capitol complex. “Noah
was our 6-year-old force of nature,” Veronique Pozner said of her son who
was slain in the shooting. “He lies forever motionless in the earth. He will
never get to attend middle school or high school, kiss a girl, attend college,
pick a career path, fall in love, marry, have children or travel the world. This
is not about the right to bear arms,” Pozner said. “It is about the right to bear
weapons with the capacity of mass destruction. . . . The time is now. Let the
state of Connecticut become an agent for change. Assault weapons should
be comprehensively banned. ... The equation is terrifyingly simple: Faster
weapons equal more fatalities.”
Although the parents shared their grief and a desire for a specific
government intervention, they were divided between the two camps: gun
owners and firearms industry representatives, and proponents of stronger
gun restrictions. Mark Mattioli, father of James, another child killed, said
new gun controls are not right response to the massacre. “I believe in simple
[and] few gun laws,” he said. “1 think we have more than enough on the
books. We should hold people individually accountable for their actions and
we should enforce laws appropriately. And I would say we’re not currently
enforcing them appropriately.” Jon Lender and Christopher Keating, “Parents
of Massacre Victims United in Grief, Divided on Gun Control,” Hartford
Courant, January 28, 2013.
The New York Times publishes an emotional piece featuring the accounts
of several Newtown police officers who were first to arrive on the scene at
Sandy Hook Elementary on the morning of December 14, claiming that the
officers reached the school in three minutes. “The gunfire ended; it was so
quiet they could hear the broken glass and bullet casings scraping under their
boots,” the story reads.
James F. Tracy
The smell of gunpowder filled the air. The officers turned down their
radios; they did not want to give away their positions if there was still a
gunman present. They found the two women first, their bodies lying on
the lobby floor. Now they knew it was real. But nothing, no amount of
training, could prepare them for what they found next, inside those two
classrooms. “ One look, and your life was absolutely changed, ” said
Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook
Elementary School on Dec. 14, as a gunman, in the space of minutes,
killed 20 first graders and 6 adults. It is an account filled with ghastly
moments and details, and a few faint instances of hope ...
The stories also reveal the deep stress that lingers for officers who, until
Dec. 14, had focused their energies on maintaining order in a low-crime
corner of suburbia. Some can barely sleep. Little things can set off tears:
a television show, a child’s laughter, even the piles of gifts the Police
Department received from across the country’.
According to the article, the officers proceeded “from room to room,
urgently hunting for the killer before he could do more harm.” This partially
contradicts theofficial story that Lanza fatally shot himself in the head
in teacher Victoria Soto’s classroom “when authorities were closing in”
[Hartford Courant, 3-13-13].
Ray Rivera, “Reliving Horror and Faint Hope at Massacre Site,” New
York Times, January 28, 2013.
January 30
Witnesses of the December 14 massacre, including parents, educators
and first responders, testify at Newtown High School before state legislators
serving on the Bipartisan Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention and
Children’s Safety. Redding CT Police Chief Douglas Fuchs states: “By
9:45 that morning I found myself with two other Redding police officers
and Redding EMF standing in the parking lot of Sandy Hook School.” First
reports of shots being fired at Sandy Hook was at 9:35AM.
The distance from the Redding Police Department to Sandy Hook
Elementary is 11.9 miles and takes 26 minutes to travel at legal speed.
Assuming Fuchs and his cohorts were traveling at twice the legal speed
(120MPH) to the school it would take them 13 minutes to arrive at
9:45AM. This is assuming there were in fact calls for backup to surrounding
communities. Mark Follman and Brett Brownell, “WATCH: Newtown Parents
Speak Out,” Mother Jones, February 8, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Marshall K. Robinson, forensic scientist for the Bridgeport, Conn.
Police Department condemned proposed assault weapon and high-capacity
magazine bans and pointed out the small number of crimes committed by
high-capacity weapons. Robinson makes his remarks at the Connecticut State
Capitol before theGun Violence Prevention Working Group convened at the
Connecticut State Capitol in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School
shooting. Robinson also spoke in opposition to statements from many of the
other 1,300 speakers in attendance advocating for banning high-capacity
AR-15 and AK-47 firearms.
The forensics expert pointed out that less than two percent of the
firearms he has examined since 1996 that have been linked to violent crime
in Bridgeport have been the caliber of AR-15 or AK-47 weapons. Patrick
Howley, “Forensic Scientist at Newtown Hearing Slams Assault Weapons
Ban,” Daily Caller, February 4, 2013.
CBS News broadcasts interview of Nicole Hockley, mother of Sandy
Hook shooting victim Dylan Hockley, who was also a neighbor of Nancy and
Adam Lanza. “That house was kind of a black spot in the neighborhood,”
Hockley recalls.
No one spoke about them. I’ve never heard a neighbor speak of them.
Perhaps if there was more engagement within a community with neighbors
looking out for each other, supporting each other, then maybe they would
have gotten help in a different sort of way. But to everyone on your street
except for one house, and that happens to be a house with people that— or
a person who does this— that s kind of hard to swallow. So there is some
regret there.
Michelle Miller, “Lanza Home a ‘Blackspot’ in Neighborhood,” CBS
News, January 30, 2013.
February 18
Public Broadcasting Service begins a week-long series of programs on
the Sandy Hook Tragedy intended to bolster the official version of events
that Adam Lanza was the sole assailant in the school shooting, thereby
prompting a national discussion on the relationship between mental health,
school safety, and gun control. “In the wake of the Newtown tragedy,”
the taxpayer-supported entity announces, “PBS continues its coverage
with a series of specials from PBS NewsHour, FRONTLINE, Washington
James F. Tracy
Week, NOVA, Need to Know and more, looking at gun laws, mental illness and
school security.” PBS.org/WNET, “After Newtown Special Programming,”
February 18, 2013.
February 19
Lieutenant J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police, the principal
agency investigating the Newtown mass shooting doesn’t think that alleged
shooter Adam Lanza was attempting to mimic Norwegian killer Anders
Breivik or other mass murderers. “It’s someone’s theory, but not ours,” Vance
told ABC News. “It’s not anything official that we’ve garnered.” Vance
continued, “I can’t substantiate that at all and, quite frankly, that did not
come from us. It’s nothing that came from us and we are the official agency
investigating.” Shushanna Walshie, “CT Police: Reports Lanza Emulating
Other Shooters Unsubstantiated,” ABC News, February 19, 2013..
Newtown officials move to restrict public access to all death and burial
records of Sandy Flook massacre victims. Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia and
her staff vow to “do something about” requests for evidence of the tragedy,
particularly from the press. Aurelia turns to State Representatives Dan
Carter and Mitch Bolinsky and the leadership of the state association of
town clerks to develop a bill prohibiting release of actual death and marriage
certificates except by “legally entitled immediate family members or their
representatives.” Aurelia and her staff support such legislation with in-
person or written testimony on February 20 at a hearing of the Public Flealth
Committee at the Capital’s Legislative Office Building.
In her solicitation Aurelia writes, “From the horrific tragedy in Newtown,
awareness has come that we need to protect the personal information
of all residents in our towns. Over the past seven weeks the media has
repeatedly contacted my office requesting copies of all the death records.
They want to know where the victims are buried and how they died. These
records contain home addresses, who identified the deceased and their
address, burial location and mother’s maiden name.” Aurelia expresses
frustration at receiving requests for death certificates and other proprietary
information from the New York Post , the Connecticut Post , the Associated
Press, the Hartford Courant, and other news outlets. “Some are also requesting
all my e-mail correspondence and text messages related to 12/14,” she said.
John Voket, “Town Clerk, Staff Supporting Access Restrictions to Vital
Records,” Newtown Bee, February 19, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
February 21
Abill is introduced to the Connecticut State Legislature to restrict access
to death certificates of decedents younger than 18 years of age by State
Rep. Mitch Bolinsky, a freshman Republican lawmaker from Newtown.
“I was shocked, dismayed and deeply disturbed when, on Dec. 17, I got a
call from the town clerk about the prospect of having a reporter standing
beside her during one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the United
States in Newtown looking for death certificates of children,” Bolinsky said.
Christopher Keating and William Weir, “Lawmakers Seek to Restrict Access
to Death Certificates,” Hartford Courant, February 21, 2013.
Week of February 25
Newtown School Superintendent Janet Robinson steps down forposition
as superintendent in Stratford, Connecticut. School board chairwoman
Debbie Leidlein disagreed with Robinson over various policy issues. In the
summer of 2012, by a 4-3 vote, the panel declined to extend Robinson’s
three-year contract. This tension apparently subsided after the December 14
mass shooting because of Robinson’s steadfast leadership in the wake of the
tragedy. “Superintendent’s Move to Stratford Best Resolution to Months of
Acrimony [Editorial]” Newstimes.com, February 28, 2013.
February 27
Neil Fleslin, the father of a boy murdered at Sandy Flook Elementary
School is overcome with grief in front of a US Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing on a proposed assault weapons ban. “Jesse was the love of my life.
Fie was the only family 1 had left. It’s hard for me to be here today to talk
about my deceased son. 1 have to. I’m his voice,” Heslin says. Heslin’s
son, Jesse Lewis, 6, was among the 20 children and six teachers and school
administrators murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.,
last December.
Heslin tells of the last moments he spent with Jesse before dropping him
off at school on December 14th. “It was 9:04 when I dropped Jesse off. Jesse
gave me a hug and a kiss and at that time said goodbye and love you. He
stopped and said, I loved mom too.” Heslin and his wife are separated. Another
witness at the hearing was Dr. William Begg, a physician present in the
emergency room the day of the massacre. “People say that the overall number
of assault weapon deaths is small, but you know what? Please don’t tell that
to the people of Tucson or Aurora or Columbine or Virginia Tech, and don’t
tell that to the people in Newtown,” Begg said as his noticeable grief elicited
James F. Tracy
a round of applause from hearing attendees. “Don’t tell that to the people in
Newtown. This is a tipping point. This is a tipping point and this is a public
health issue. Please make the right decision.” Arlette Saenz, “Newtown Parent
Sobs at Senate Gun Hearing,” ABC News, February 27, 2013.
March 4
In its March 4 issue The New Yorker magazine publishes a fawning
profile of the Newtown Bee‘s staff and the weekly newspaper’s coverage of
the Sandy Hook massacre. The article references “conspiracy theorist” Scott
DeLarm’s photographic essay, “An Inquisitive Couple’s Visit to Newtown,
Connecticut,” published here and at GlobalResearch.ca in late January. “A
man from Ottawa, who contributes to a Web [sic] site called Global Research,”
the piece reads,
showed up at the Bee office, and interrogated [Bee editor Curtiss] Clark
about a sentence in an article that referred to a second suspect who was
later released. Clark directed him to the police department. When the man
continued to demand information, Clark said, 7 don ’t intend to discuss
this any further, ’ turned his back, and shut the door to the newsroom,
a rare occurrence at the Bee ... Clark tries to be gentle with “ local
crackpots, ” but he wasn ’t willing to extend the courtesy to people from
out of town. He and John Voket hoped to find a psychologist who could
explain to readers why people insisted that covert forces were at work
in the massacre. Clark had a feeling that the conspiracy theorists were
troubled by the same mystery > as the journalists who lingered in town.
There was almost no information about the months that led to the shooting.
Lanza appeared to have no friends and had smashed his computer s hard
drive, and in recent years his mother had invited few people inside their
home. It was still a crime without a story’. “ They need some architecture
to make sense o f this randomness, ” Clark Said.
Rachel Aviv, “Local Story: How a Local Newspaper Covers a National
Tragedy, ”77ie New Yorker, March 4, 2013.
March 5
Sheila Matthews, co-founder of the national parents’ rights organization
AbleChild, and Newtown resident Patricia Sabato collect hundreds of
signatures from Newtown area residents calling for the release of the complete
autopsy/toxicology results and medical/psychiatric records of alleged shooter
Sandy Hook School shooter Adam Lanza. The appeal to Newtown and Sandy
Hook community members is enthusiastically received. The activists send
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
the petition to lawmakers and hand-deliver a letter to the State’s Medical
Examiner, H. Wayne Carver II, M.D., requesting that Lanza’s autopsy/
toxicology and medical/psychiatric history be made public. The petition
is accompanied by two full pages of federal and state law supporting the
release. Kelly Patricia O’Meara, “Was Connecticut Shooter, Adam Lanza, On
Psychiatric Drugs? Medical Examiner Snubs Official Request for Toxicology
Report,” Citizens Commission on Human Rights, March 15, 2013.
Major media outlets criticize what they deem undue secrecy surrouning
the Sandy Hook School shooting investigation. Representatives of news
media including the Associated Press assert such records as those obtained
through search warrants of the Lanzas’ house and cars should be unsealed,
saying the public has the right to see such records. It is only necessary to
withhold such records when an investigation might be compromised through
disclosure. “There seems to be absolutely no reason that they would need
to. It’s not going to jeopardize the case in any way,” says Linda Petersen,
chairwoman of the Freedom of Information Committee of the Society of
Professional Journalists.
Attorney William Fish, who represented news media in high-profile cases
in Connecticut where evidence was sealed in Connecticut, also argues the
sealing is likely unjustified as no prosecution is likely. He conceded, however,
that “it’s not a surprise to me that a court has in fact sealed the records just
because it’s so horrible.” John Christoffersen, “Connecticut Massacre Records
Secret, Media Seek Access,” Associated Press / Yahoo News, March 5,2013.
March 13
Filmmaker Michael Moore makes an appeal on his blog for the release
of crime scene photos of the Sandy Hook shooting. Moore believes that the
shock effect of such imagery will bring about the end of the National Rifle
Association and cause a wave of support for bolstering nationwide gun control
measures. “And when the American people see what bullets from an assault
rifle fired at close range do to a little child’s body,” Moore argues, “that’s
the day the jig will be up for the NRA. It will be the day the debate on gun
control will come to an end. There will be nothing left to argue over. It will
just be over. And every sane American will demand action.”
The famous director invokes photos of Emmett Till’s corpse and the
victims of My Lai to link Sandy Hook and pro-Second Amendment groups to
racism, the civil rights struggle, and American imperialism. Dorrie Carolan,
James F. Tracy
co-president of the Newtown Parent Connection, remarks that carrying
through with Moore’s idea would be a “horrendous offense” to families of
the Sandy Hook victims. “Sandy Hook Families Rip Michael Moore’s Call
to Release Crime Scene Photos, ”FoxNews.com, March 15, 2013.
Before carrying out the Sandy Hook massacre Adam Lanza conducted
research on numerous mass murders, sources close to investigation inform
the Hartford Courant newspaper. The Courant earlier reported investigators
finding news articles concerning Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring
Breivik at the Lanzas’ Newtown home. Sources now say investigators
recovered articles and related documents on other mass murders in one of
two bedrooms he occupied in the house.
Dave Altamari, Edmund H. Mahoney, and Jon Lender, “But two sources
said that law enforcement computer forensic specialists are continuing efforts
to obtain information from the damaged hard drive. Investigators are also
using all means to obtain information from Internet service providers and
any other relevant entities to obtain records showing how Lanza used his
computer, including what sites he visited, what research he conducted and
with whom he corresponded. Dave Altamari, Edmund H. Mahoney and Jon
Lender, Adam Lanza Researched Mass Murderers, Sources Say,” Hartford
Courant, March 13, 2013.
Sources reveal that law enforcement computer forensic specialists are
proceeding with efforts to recover information from Adam Lanza’s damaged
hard drive. Investigators are also pursuing all avenues to gain information
from Internet service providers and other pertinent entities to find out
Lanza used his computer, including the websites he visited, the research he
conducted and who he communicated with online. Dave Altamari, Edmund
H. Mahoney and Jon Lender, Adam Lanza Researched Mass Murderers,
Sources Say,” Hartford Courant, March 13, 2013.
March 14
Thomson Reuters deputy social media editor Matthew Keys, who
provided minute-by-minute account of the Sandy Hook shooting aftermath
via his Twitter, is indicted for purportedly conspiring with hacking group
“Anonymous” to break into Tribune website in December 2010 shortly after
his termination from the company. Keys, 26, is being charged with three
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
hacking-related counts and could up to 10 years in prison for the alleged
incident. Victoria Kim, “Thomson Reuters Editor Matthew Keys Faces
Hacking Charges,” Los Angeles Times, March 14, 2013.
March 17
Unnamed law enforcement officials say to have uncovered a painstakingly
thorough 7-foot-long, 4-foot-wide spreadsheet with names, body counts and
weapons from previous mass murders at the Lanzas’ Newtown residence. ‘It
sounded like a doctoral thesis, that was the quality of the research,’ claims an
experienced law enforcement officer who wants to remain anonymous. “He
didn’t snap that day, he wasn’t one of those guys who was mad as hell and
wasn’t going to take it anymore,” the source said. “He had been planning
this thing forever. In the end, it was just a perfect storm: These guns, one
of them an AR-15, in the hands of a violent, insane gamer. It was like porn
to a rapist. They feed on it until they go out and say, enough of the video
screen. Now I’m actually going to be a hunter.” Mike Lupica, “Morbid Find
Suggests Murder-Obsessed Gunman Adam Lanza Plotted Newtown Conn’s
Sandy Hook Massacre for Years,” New York Daily News, March 17, 2013.
March 19
Newtown residents want to legally acquire firearms at twice the rate
as usual in the three months following December 14, Newtown police say.
Officials received 79 permit applications from the population of 27,000 in the
three month period following the Dec. 14 massacre. “A good percentage of
people are making it clear they think their rights are going to be taken away,”
Robert Berkins, records manager for Newtown police. In the past applicants
have been hunters, target shooters and business owners. Now, however,
police see a broader variety of applicants. John Christoffersen, “Newtown
Gun Applications Jump After Sandy Hook Shooting,” Huffingtonpost.com,
March 19,2013.
March 20
A 28-member task force assembled to decide the fate of Sandy Hook
Elementary School will decide on the fate of the school structure within the
span of several weeks. The task force “will review a set of options assembled
by a team of construction specialists, engineers, architects and land use agents
assembled by Newtown Land Use director George Benson.” The committee
intends to make a recommendation to the Board of Education by mid-May,
a GE Capital report from Selectman Pat Llodra states.
James F. Tracy
In a prelude to the decision public task force meetings will take place
“4 or 5 times” from early April to mid-May. “I received a great deal of
information on guiding principles from many conversations with various
constituent groups and recently asked several additional groups to provide
their feedback on the guiding principles,” said Llodra. “I reached out to
parents of the victims, parents of the survivors, Sandy Hook School faculty
and staff, and Sandy Hook School parents.”
Following the December 14 shooting local leaders say they are engaging
residents and specialists in an ongoing conversation about the questionable
future of the building. In January leaders initiated a series of public town
hall meetings to solicit opinions from the community. The same officials
say they also met privately with Sandy Hook Elementary staff and family.
Davis Dunavin, “Task Force to Talk Future of Sandy Hook School
Building,” Newtown Patch, March 20, 2013.
March 21
Alissa and Robbie Parker, parents of 6-year-old Emilie Parker who died
in the December 14 massacre, tell CBS This Morning they met with Adam
Lanza’s father Peter Lanza for over, inquiring on his son’s medical and mental
health history, as well as other concerns. “I felt strongly that I needed to tell
him something, and I needed to get that out of my system,” Alissa Parker
said. “I felt very motivated to do it and then 1 felt really good about it and
prayed about it. And it was something that I needed to do.”
Otherwise no information is presented on what was discussed or at what
time the meeting took place. The Associated Press reports no answer at the
Parkers’ home phone on the morning of March 21. A message from AP for
comment from Peter Lanza is given to a spokesman for the Lanza family.
“Parents of Newtown Victim Met with Killer’s Father,” CBS/Associated
Press, March 21, 2013.
March 23
President Barack Obama uses his weekly radio address to call on
Congress to pass a ban on military-style assault weapons and restrictions
on ammunition sales. “These ideas shouldn’t be controversial - they’re
common sense. They’re supported by a majority of the American people. And
1 urge the Senate and the House to give each of them a vote,” the president
declares. Obama has campaigned for a national program of stricter gun control
measures since the December 14 Newtown massacre last year claiming the
public wants strengthened laws to curb mass shootings.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Senate majority leader Harry Reid introduced firearms legislation
earlier in the week that excluded the assault weapons ban, saying there were
insufficient votes to pass such a bill. The National Rifle Association and its
congressional Democratic and Republic allies oppose such measures. Paul
Harris, “Obama Urges Assault Weapons Vote Despite Senate Decision to
Drop Ban,” UK Guardian, March 23, 2013.
March 24
Since the December 14 massacre over 40 organizations raise about
$15 million, $10.2 million of which is given to the United Way of Western
Connecticut. The money is purportedly collected to assist victim’s families,
traumatized students and first responders, establish memorials and potentially
help rebuild the school. The money collected is now given to a local
foundation that announces it will be in charge of who receives money and
what other concerns funds will be directed toward.
At the weekend a group of 50 parents and family members directly
affected by tragedies at Aurora, Columbine, the World Trade Center or
Virginia Tech publicly declare that following past events such charities failed
to provide aid to the neediest, requesting that funds be sent directly to victims
and victims’ families. “From this point on, virtually every substantive decision
is guaranteed to displease someone,” says William Rodgers, Newtown’s
second selectman and a nonvoting director of the newly-formed Newtown-
Sandy Hook Community Foundation. Peter Applebome, “Tragedies of the
Past Offer a Guide as Newtown Aid Goes Unspent,”, Vevv York Times, March
March 25
Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks responds to query from
memoryholeblog on whether the multiple photographs she took at Sandy
Hook Elementary as the shooting transpired have been shared with law
enforcement or will at any time be made publicly available.
“The photos 1 took on 12/14 have not been shared with anyone,” Hicks
said in an email. “We have no plans to do so, either. I would appreciate it if
you consider this our final contact,” she continued. “I have enough work to do
without getting involved in the kind of ‘research’ that continues to hurt those
who live in Newtown.” Shannon Hicks to James Tracy /Memory’holeblog.
com [email in possession of author], March 25, 2013.
James F. Tracy
March 26
News media and Connecticut state political representatives anticipate
release of crime scene evidence by the state attorney’s office on March 28.
Whether or not this new information will bring the General Assembly closer
to voting on a package of gun control bills is still not clear. Chief State’s
Attorney Kevin Kane is anticipated to release portions of the Sandy Hook
investigation on Thursday morning. Kane and Danbury State’s Attorney say
they have briefed lawmakers but will not take questions from the press.
“There may or may not, his words not mine, be things within that information
that would be helpful to us,” observes Rep. Larry Cafero. Mark Davis, “Sandy
Hook Details to be Released,” News8 WTNH.com, March 26, 2013.
March 27
Fire destroys the Newtown house of a family whose children survived the
Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, rendering them homeless.
Friends organize to help the family of Hans and Audra Barth. Two of the
three Barth children attended the school, the 7-year-old being in first-grade
teacher Kaitlin Roig’s classroom. Roig allegedly saved her 15 students by
locking the classroom door and barricading them in a bathroom. “They lost
everything,” a friend helping to collect donations for the family says. “The
house is going to have to come down, the fire department told them.” The
Barths’ daughter is a third-grader Sandy Hook third-grader. Their youngest is
2. Fire Chief Bill Halstead said no one was home when firefighters responded
to the blaze shortly after 3:20 p.m. The fire originated in the basement near
a washing machine, yet a precise cause is not known, officials say. John
Pirro, “Fire Destroys Home of Sandy Hook Survivors,” Stamford Advocate,
March 28, 2013.
Superior Court Judge John Blawie approves Danbury State Attorney
Stephen Sedensky’s request to redact for an additional 90 days details from
search warrant applications related to the investigation of the December
14 massacre. With several motions Blawie removes the name of a “citizen
witness” referenced in various parts of the search warrant applications for
Nancy Lanza’s house and car. Apress report cites a lack of clarity on whether
Sedensky is referring to more than one witness.
The State Attorney also asked for omission of serial numbers of several
items retrieved by investigators from Lanza’s 36 Yogananda Street home in
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Newtown, in addition to phone numbers and credit card numbers related to
the case. John Pirro and Libor Jany, “Judge Approves Redaction of Details
in Lanza Search Warrants PNewtimes.com, March 27. 2013.
The National Day to Demand Action on Gun Control is to be marked by
President Barack Obama holding an event in the White House East Room
with mothers, victims of violence and law enforcement officials who support
gun control. Over 140 events are scheduled in 29 states and are intended to
target lawmakers on spring break. Vice President Joe Biden says on March
27 how an anticipated Senate April vote on background checks and more
draconian penalties for gun trafficking are only the start of the White House’s
campaign. Limits on “military-style-assault weapons” and high-capacity
magazines will not be a part of the Senate bill.
“That doesn’t mean this is the end of the process. This is the beginning
of the process,” Biden remarks during a conference call organized by Mayors
Against Illegal Guns with thousands of gun control advocates listening
in. “The American people are way ahead of their political leaders,” Biden
contends. “And we, the president and I and the mayors, intend to stay current
with the American people.” Nedra Pickier, “Joe Biden: Gun Control Votes
‘Only the Beginning "’’Huffington Post, March 27, 2013.
March 28
In a speech at the White
House President Barack
Obama tells parents of
gun victims that the US
needs to be ashamed if the
Newtown massacre had
been forgotten. The speech
is part of National Day to
Demand Action, organized
by the New York City mayor
Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns campaign. Gun control
activists complain that Obama failed to take advantage of the Newtown
victims’ deaths as an opportunity to speed such legislation through Congress.
Obama dismisses the criticism. “Less than 100 days ago that happened.
And the entire country was shocked, and the entire country pledged we
would do something and this time would be different. Shame on us if we
James F. Tracy
have forgotten. 1 have not forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we have
forgotten,” the President says. Obama wants the Senate to vote on gun control
measures upon its return from its Easter break on April 8. Ewen MacAskill,
“Gun Control: Obama Invokes Memory of Newtown in Emotional Plea,” UK
Guardian, March 29, 2013.
Search warrants held under wraps for 114 days reveal that authorities
found a large cache of guns, more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Samurai
swords and knives in Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza’s
home. The extensive list of weapons and related artifacts were recovered in
a search of the residence on December 14. Still, areas of the warrants were
blacked out, including the name of a witness who told police that Sandy Hook
Elementary was Adam’s “life.” The following is a list of the astounding array
of weapons and ephemera law enforcement authorities claim they recovered
from the Lanza residence:
• A copy of Adam Lanza’s Sandy Hook report card
• Two rifles, including the .22 rifle allegedly used to kill Nancy Lanza
• One BB gun
• Several thousand dollars worth of computer equipment and video
gaming consoles
• A receipt to a gun range in Weatherford, Oklahoma
• One gun safe in Adam Lanza’s bedroom
• Ammunition inventory that fills nearly two pages, including full
boxes of shotgun shells with buckshot, hundreds of rounds .22 rifle
ammo, and numerous boxes of handgun ammunition
• One instruction manual for the Bushmaster used in the shooting
• 12 knives
• Three Samurai swords
• One bayonet
• Eye protection, ear muffs for a gun range (unspecified number)
• One pair Simmons binoculars
• Paper targets (unspecified number)
• Adam Lanza’s National Rifle Association membership certificate
• Unidentified medical records
• Printed email conversations (unspecified number)
• Books about living with Asperger syndrome (unspecified number)
• Three photographs of a dead person covered in plastic and blood
• One bank check to Adam Lanza from his mother for “the purchase
of a Cl 83 (firearm)” [A Cl 83 is in fact a digitalcamera.-JT]
• One military-style uniform in Adam Lanza’s bedroom
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Families of the victims briefed March 27th about details of the search
warrants expressed their hope for more stringent gun control measures “It
was obvious his intention was to do a lot of damage and he was certainly
capable of doing that... considering the amount of ammunition he had,”
says Mark Barden, father of slain first-grader Daniel Barden. “As a parent, I
would think that [Nancy Lanza] probably could have made different choices
with how she came to spend her time with her son. Fishing comes to mind,”
Bardan remarks. Barden says he hopes the release reminds the public of the
grotesque and horrific nature of the tragedy. “When people forget about it
they do nothing,” Barden observes.
Commenting on the snapshot they’ve gotten into Lanza’s life, Barden
remembered his own son’s kindness and said Daniel used to sit with the
lonely kids in class. “I think if there were a Daniel Barden in Adam Lanza’s
class this may not have happened,” he says.
Nicole Hockley, the mother of slain first-grader Dylan Hockley, was
among family members who were briefed. “1 haven’t spent a great deal of time
pouring through them,” she notes. “Everything I learn about the investigation
is painful because it reminds me of the pain of that day and that Dylan and the
others aren’t ever going to come back. I’m much more focused on the need for
change,” says Hockley. “The search warrants contents aren’t as important.”
Dave Altimari, “Lanza Had Arsenal of Guns, Ammunition, Swords, Knives,”
Hartford Courant, March 28, 2013. See Reuters original story, Mary Ellen
Clark, “Connecticut Gunman Had Large Weapons Cache,” New Hampshire
Union Leader, published at 10:33AM, March 28, 2013.
The National Rifle Association contests any association with Adam and
Nancy Lanza. Itemized findings from search warrants posted online from
search of Lanza home references a “Adam Lanza National Rifle Association
Certificate” discovered in a blue and white duffel bag that also contained a
“‘Blazer’ .22 cal long rifle (50 rounds),” as well as eye and ear protection,
cartridges and “numerous paper targets.” “There is no record of a member
relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy
Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association,” the NRA
responded “Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory.”
A review by Politico of the NRA’s website indicates the organization
offers many “education and training programs,” in addition to “online
templates for certificates. Organizations around the country also offer what
they bill as NRA certificates upon completion of certain classes,” Politico
James F. Tracy
reports. “A spokeswoman for the NRA confirmed to POLITICO that it is
possible to possess a certificate from the NRA without being a full-fledged
member of the organization.” Katie Glueck, “AdamLanza, Mom Had NRA
Certificates "Politico. com, March 28, 2013.
Iran, Syria and North Korea prevent adoption of the first international
small arms treaty to regulate the $70 billion global market, arguing that it the
agreement is flawed and fails to ban weapons sales to rebel groups. British
UN Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant immediately sought to bypass the move
by sending the draft treaty to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to put it to a
hasty vote in the General Assembly.
UN diplomats say the 193 -nation General Assembly can put the draft
treaty to a vote as early as Tuesday. “A good, strong treaty has been blocked,”
Britain’s chief delegate Joanne Adamson observes. “Most people in the world
want regulation and those are the voices that need to be heard. This is success
deferred,” she says.
US delegation head Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Countryman
tells reporters, “We look forward to this treaty being adopted very soon by
the United Nations General Assembly,” believing there will be a “substantial
majority” in favor. Louis Charbonneau, “Iran, North Korea, Syria Block UN
Arms Trade Treaty,” Reuters, March 29, 2013.
March 30
Msgr. Robert Weiss of St. Rose’s Catholic Church in Newtown has served
eight funeral Masses for Sandy Hook Elementary victims. “This tragedy
has brought more people to our church,” Weiss says. “And where once a
mom would bring her daughter to Sunday Mass while dad took his son to
a ballgame, whole families come together now. There’s an amazing unity.
The mantra in town, with green and white signs — the school’s colors — in
store windows and bumper stickers is now, ‘Newtown Chooses Love.’ The
common decency is overwhelming.”
Weiss looks at a poster of the children and educators slain on Dec. 14
behind him and brushes away a tear, the Daily News reports. “Even a priest
who dispatches eight children to their eternal reward sometimes needs a
priest himself.” Denis Hamil, “Newtown Reborn: A Season of Renewal for
a Town in Pain,” New York Daily News, March 30, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
April 1
CBS News claims to have obtained college transcripts from Western
Connecticut State University and a photo of Adam Lanza taken for his college
identification card. “CBS News Obtains Adam Lanza’s College Records,”
CBS News, April 1,2013.
April 2
Mark Mattioli, whose six-year-old son was killed in the December
shooting, lauds the National Rifle Association for a “comprehensive program”
the organization proposed to confront gun violence in schools. “I wanted to
take a minute and applaud . . . the NRA for coming up and spending the time
and resources on putting a program like this together,” Mattioli says. “If you
look what took place in Sandy Hook, mental health is a huge component of
that. We need to focus research attention, research. We need the kids to be
safe.” Molly Reilly, “Mark Mattioli, Father of Sandy Hook Victim, Praises
NRA School Safety Plan,” Huffington Post, April 2, 2013.
Through a large majority the UN General Assembly adopts an agreement
to control the conventional weapons trade. Member states vote 154 to three
(Syria, Iran and North Korea), with 23 abstentions, to control the $64bn annual
market. The US forced a vote on the proposal after the three upstart nations
stood in the way. Russia and China abstain from the vote at UN headquarters
in New York. Loud cheers are heard in the chamber as votes are counted.
The treaty is the first legally binding international agreement regulating the
conventional weapons trade. Yet it allegedly provides for states to recognise
“the legitimate political, security, economic and commercial interests ...
in the international trade in conventional arms” Amnesty International
and the International Red Cross laud the agreement for its contribution to
“humanitarian concerns.” Ian Black, “UN General Assembly Passes First
Global Arms Treaty,” UK Guardian, April 2, 2013.
April 3
President Barack Obama travels to Connecticut Monday to intensify
pressure on Congress for passage of a wide-ranging package of gun control
laws. Obama speaks at the University of Hartford with Sandy Hook
James F. Tracy
Elementary victims’ invited to attend. This is the president’s second trip in
one week to Connecticut before traveling to Colorado shortly thereafter.
Nendra Peckler, “Obama Plans to Promote Gun Control in Connecticut,”
Associated Press/Yahoo News, April 2, 2013.
April 4
Governor Dannel P. Malloy signs into law far-reaching 139-page bill
restricting firearms and ammunition magazines similar to the ones allegedly
used by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary. The law adds over 100
firearms to the state’s assault weapons ban and establishes what lawmakers
call “the nation’s first dangerous weapon offender registry,” in addition to
eligibility rules for buying ammunition.
Accompanied by family members of Sandy Hook victims, Malloy
signs the bill shortly after the General Assembly spent 1 3 hours deliberating
legislation that will give the state some of the most stringent gun laws in the
country next to California, Colorado and New York. “This is a profoundly
emotional day for everyone in this room,” Malloy announces. “We have
come together in a way that few places in the nation have demonstrated the
ability to do.”
House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz: “I pray today’s bill — the
most far-reaching gun safety legislation in the country — will prevent other
families from ever experiencing the dreadful loss that the 26 Sandy Hook
families have felt.” Susan Haigh, “Connecticut Governor Signs Sweeping
Gun Limits Into Law,” Associated Press/Yahoo News, April 4, 2013.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives revokes the
federal firearms license of East Windsor, Connecticut gun store owner
David LaGuercia. Mr. LaGuercia’s shop allegedly sold guns used in the
Newtown school massacre and another mass shooting in Connecticut.
ATF spokeswoman Deb Seifert says she cannot be more specific on why
LaGuercia’s license, originally suspended December 20 and 60-days with
opportunity to appeal, was permanently revoked. “It’s been revoked,” Seifert
said. “It’s final at this point.”
The ATF will not say whether there is any criminal investigation into
Riverview Gun Sales. ATF agents raided the outlet in December, just days
afterthe Dec. 14 massacre. Lee Higgins, “Newtown Massacre: Gun Dealer’s
License Yanked,” April 4, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
April 7
Members from seven families of Sandy Hook Elementary victims
representing “Sandy Hook Promise” appear on national television to offer
remembrances of their loved ones and discuss avenging their deaths through
the pursuit of more rigorous gun control legislation. Connecticut legislators
“have passed almost everything we were hoping they would,” David Wheeler,
father of 6-year-old Ben Wheeler says. “And they have done it in a bipartisan
way which is a great message to send out to the other states and to the federal
government as they begin this process.” Scott Pelley, “Newtown Families on
Gun Control,” CBS News, April 7, 2013.
April 8
President Obama appears before supportive audience of 3,100 at
University of Hartford in Connecticut to invoke memory of Sandy Hook
School massacre victims and promote gun-control. “If you’re an American
who wants to do something to prevent more families from knowing the
immeasurable anguish that these families here have known, then we have
to act,” Obama intones. “Now’s the time to get engaged. Now’s the time
to get involved. Now’s the time to push back on fear and frustration and
misinformation. Now’s the time for everybody to make their voices heard,
from every statehouse to the corridors of Congress.” Republican Senator
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says that he will unite with at least 13 other
Republicans opposed to the gun control legislation recently passed by the
Senate Judiciary Committee. Peter Applebome and Jonathan Weisman,
“Invoking Newtown Dead, Obama Presses Gun Laws,” New York Times,
April 9, 2013.
A literary agent for New York Daily News reporter Matt Lysiak proffers
a book proposal by the reporter on the Sandy Hook School massacre. Lysiak
aided in breaking a story that collected alleged emails written by Adam
Lanza’s motherprior to Lanza’s shooting spree. “Far from being the random
act of insanity most have portrayed,” the book’s synopsis reads, “the shooting
that shocked our nation was a meticulously well-thought out premeditated
attack years in the making by a violent video-gamer so obsessed with ‘kills’
that he was willing to go to any length to achieve the top score . . .
Drawing on hundreds of interviews, thousands of pages of police files,
psychologists, and going over a decade’s worth of emails from his mother
to close friends that chronicled Lanza’s slow slide into mental illness, this
James F. Tracy
book will be the first comprehensive account of the tragedy.” Jason Boog,
“Daily News Reporter Shopping Book About Newtown Tragedy,” New York
Daily News, April 8, 2013.
April 11
The Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms releases records
indicating that Nancy Lanza purchased the Bushmaster XM15 rifle on
March 29, 2010, and SIG Sauer 9 mm pistol on March 16, 2011, indicating
on the federally-mandated ATF paperwork that she was buying the guns for
herself. Lee Higgins, “ATF Records Show Nancy Lanza Gun Purchases,”
April 11,2013.
April 12
The New York Times reports broad bipartisan Congressional support for
legislation linking increased funding of mental health care measures with
emerging gun control legislation.
The US Senate proposes financing the establishment of more community
mental health centers, grants that will go to training teachers to detect early
signals of mental illness and direct more Medicaid dollars for mental health
care. In addition, resources will go toward suicide prevention initiatives and
mental health counseling for children who have experienced trauma. The
proponents of one bill say an additional 1 .5 million people with mental illness
would be brought into the system each year.
Supporters of such measures argue increased mental health care will
preclude more killers like Adam Lanza from going undetected. “This is
a place where people can come together,” Michigan Democratic Senator
Debbie Stabenow says. “As we’ve listened to people on all sides of the gun
debate, they’ve all talked about the fact that we need to address mental health
treatment. And that’s what this does.”
Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas agrees. “This is actually
something we can and should do something about. We need to make sure
that the mentally ill are getting the help they need.” “This is our moment,”
says Linda Rosenberg, president of the National Council for Community
Behavioral Healthcare. “I hate the connection between gun violence and
the need for better mental health care, but sometimes you have to take what
you can get.” Jeremy W. Peters, “In Gun Debate, No Rift on Better Care for
Mentally 111,” New York Times, April 13, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
April 15
Two makeshift explosive devices detonate at the finish line of the famed
Boston Marathon. The 2013 run is designed in honor of the 26 Sandy Hook
Elementary School victims with its 26 mile course. It is also attended by
several parents from Newtown participating in the event. Yet the six Sandy
Hook families present are caught in a milieu of emergency vehicles and
carnage. “It was all those same things, the police and fire and all of that. It’s
severely traumatic,” says Lauren Nowacki, one of the Newtown parents in
town for the April 15 marathon. “We thought things were finally getting to
a good place from the first go-around, and now this.”
Nowacki ’s daughter was at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14 but
was not injured. Nowacki says all of the Newtown marathoners completed
the run before the bombs detonated that purportedly injure 170 people and
kill three. “Boston really reached out to us,” Nowacki notes. “Even after the
bombing, the communications director from the race called to make sure all
the kids were all right.” The Newtown group will now attempt to reciprocate
by honoring the victims of the Boston bombings with their own annual race,
the Sandy Hook 5k Run. Colleen Curry, “Sandy Hook Families at Boston
Marathon Traumatized Again,” ABC News, April 16, 2013.
April 16
Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen and Consumer Protection
Commissioner William M. Rubenstein release information they have collected
on dozens of charities established to collect funds as a result of the Sandy
Hook Elementary School massacre. The 43 charities reporting have collected
close to $20.4 million and distributed nearly $2.9 million. Charitable purposes
include: providing direct financial support or other assistance to the 26
families; creating scholarships and one endowment for Newtown children
and youth; memorial trees; a physical memorial; and “to recognize, support
and inspire acts of kindness.”
The information was collected following issuance of a voluntary request
for information by the Attorney General and Commissioner sent March 28
to 69 charities either registered with the state Department of Consumer
Protection, or publically identified as receiving donations related to Sandy
Hook Elementary. An April 12 response was suggested. “This request was
an initial step to provide information to the public, Newtown community
and other charitable organizations trying to meet the needs of those affected
by this tragedy,” Attorney General George Jepsen says. “My office will be
James F. Tracy
following up with the charities that did not respond.” State of Connecticut
Department of Consumer Protection and Office of the Attorney General,
‘■‘Attorney General, Consumer Protection Post Information Received From
Sandy Hook-Related Charities,” State of Connecticut, April 16, 2013.
April 17
In a major defeat for the Obama administration the US Senate votes
against several proposed laws that would have greatly expanded government
control over private firearms ownership. The bipartisan compromise to expand
background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity gun magazines
did not receive the 60 votes necessary and agreed to by both parties. Senators
also refuse Republican proposals to increase access to concealed-carry
permits. Family members who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook Elementary
massacre sit in the Senate gallery alongside survivors of the Virginia Tech
and Tuscon shootings, and yell at Senators, “Shame on you,” after the votes.
In a dour tone President Obama reinforces this sentiment at the White House.
Surrounded by Sandy Hook parents, he says it was “a pretty shameful day
for Washington.”
Republican and Democratic Second Amendment advocates assert that
their votes are based on logic rather than passion. “Criminals do not submit
to background checks now,” Republican Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa.
“They will not submit to expanded background checks.” Incensed at the
Senate’s action, Obama claims the gun rights lobby “willfully lied” about the
proposed laws, and both parties had “caved to the pressure. But this effort is
not over.” Jonathan Weisman, “Senate Blocks Drive for Gun Control,” New
York Times, April 17, 2013.
April 24
Newtown Action Alliance puts together Sandy Hook Team 26 to walk
in the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 5K fundraiser, scheduled
for Saturday, May 18, in Hartford Connecticut. The Sandy Hook Ride on
Washington cyclists, who rode on bicycles from Newtown to Washington
DC, share their logo and name with the walkers. “We were very inspired by
the cyclists taking physical action to make a change,” Sandy Hook Team
26 Captain Erin Nikitchyuk says. Each walker has a minimum personal
goal of $100, “but our overall team goal is to be among the leading teams,”
Ms Nikitchyuk remarks. “We feel like it would be very powerful to have
a Newtown team showing the world with our team efforts that we support
finding solutions to the many complex contributing factors that resulted in our
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
tragedy [at Sandy Hook School],” she says. The team is raising the money it
will then give to NAMI in assisting families touched by mental illness, and
to educate and advocate on mental health issues. “We saw the worst case
scenario [at Sandy Hook Elementary] of what happens when we don’t support
people who need it,” Ms Nikitchyuk notes. “[Adam Lanza] obviously needed
more support than society gave him.” Nancy Crevier, “Sandy Hook Team 26
Will Walk for Mental Health,” Newtown Bee, April 24, 2013.
April 27
Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra and Schools Superintendent Janet
Robinson are selected to deliver the keynote address at Western Connecticut
State University’s undergraduate commencement ceremonies on May 12.
Llodra and Robinson have been celebrated for their leadership following
the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14. Llodra
is said to have been “a steadfast force for the community as it has wrestled
with everything from the international outpouring of donations to advocacy
for new gun laws and decisions on the fate of the existing Sandy Hook
Elementary School building.
Llodra has been to Washington on several occasions to address issues
that have emerged from the tragedy, while she continued to direct the town
in its everyday business and preparation of a budget for the 2013-14 fiscal
year. Robinson was recently recognized by the University of Connecticut as
Outstanding Superintendent of the Year. She is also a veteran educator and
school psychologist who has received national acclaim for her management
of the Newtown school system following December 14, 2012. Alongside
Llodra, Robinson has been a national advocate for addressing gun violence,
mental health issues, and school safety concerns. Nanci G. Hutson, “Llodra
and Robinson to Address WCSU Graduates,” news times, com, April 27, 2013.
May 7
Parents of several children slain in the Sandy Hook School massacre
travel to Delaware to tout stricter gun control measures. Delaware Governor
Jack Marked exhibits photos of Daniel Barden. Anna Marquez-Greene and
Dylan Hockley-three of those killed in the shooting. Parents coax Marked
and Delaware legislators to pass laws banning high capacity magazines.
“There were 1 1 other children in that classroom that escaped and are at
school today because that shooter had an issue with reloading and gave them
enough time to run for their lives,” Dylan Hockley’s mother, Nicole tells the
press. Marked intends to sign legislation expanding background checks to
James F. Tracy
almost all private sales in Delaware. “Parents of Newtown Victims Come to
Delaware,” ABC 6 Philadelphia Action News, May 7, 2013.
May 10
A task for of 28 Newtown elected officials voted unanimously to tear
down Sandy Hook Elementary School and rebuild another structure on
the site. The proposal will go to the local school board, then face a voter
referendum. A study concludes that erecting a new school will cost $57
million. A total 430 Sandy Hook students now attend a revamped school
renamed Sandy Hook Elementary School in the nearby town of Monroe.
Officials say groundbreaking can begin in spring and a new building might
reopen in January 2016. Dave Collins, “Newtown Panel: Tear Down Sandy
Hook Elementary School, Rebuild,” Huffington Post, May 10, 2013.
May 11
CBS anchor Scott Pelley says in a speech at Quinnipiac University that
journalists “are getting big stories wrong, over and over again.” The CBS
presenter did not hesitate in absorbing part of the blame. “Let me take the
first arrow: During our coverage of Newtown, I sat on my set and I reported
that Nancy Lanza was a teacher at the school. And that her son had attacked
her classroom. It’s a hell of a story, but it was dead wrong. Now, I was the
managing editor, I made the decision to go ahead with that and I did, and
that’s what 1 said, and I was absolutely wrong. So let me just take the first
arrow here.” Daniel Halper, “Our House is on Fire,” The Weekly Standard,
May 11,2013.
May 12
Huffington Post publishes Mothers Day-themed piece by Sandy Hook
Elementary shooting mothers Jackie Barden, Nicole Hockley, Nelba Marquez-
Greene, and Francine Wheeler. When Dylan, Daniel, Ana and Ben came into
this world,” the women write,
each of ns, in our own way, promised to prepare them for life as best we
could. Every’ day, approximately 11,000 new American moms will make
that same loving promise as they meet their babies for the first time. Within
a blink of an eye, these women will become intimately familiar with things
like bath time, sunscreen, chocolate chip pancakes, and the healing power
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
of multi-colored band-aids. And with each new moment shared, something
magical will happen. These new moms will get to experience life when it
is lived for others. They will learn more about themselves than they ever
imagined. The sacrifices are immeasurable. But so is the joy. Hearts melt
with every "Mommy, will you please read me another story? ” "Mommy,
will you give me another kiss good-night? ” "Mommy, I love you. ”
Jackie Barden, Nicole Hockley, Nelba Marquez-Greene, and Francine
Wheeler, “AMother’s Promise,” Huffington Post, May 12, 2013.
May 13
Toxicology tests conducted as part of the autopsy on Adam Lanza by
Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver II show Lanza
had no alcohol or dings in his body when he allegedly shot and killed 20
children and six women at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14. Such
an exam looks for traces of most every legal and illegal drug. Lanza had no
traces of alcohol or any illegal drugs such as cocaine or marijuana in his body.
Nor were there indications of antidepressants or anti-psychotic medications.
The tests were conducted as part of the autopsy by state Chief Medical
Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver II. Sources said his final report has been
turned over to state prosecutors and investigators. David Altimari, “Sandy
Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Had No Drags, Alcohol in System f Hartford
Courant, December 14, 2013.
May 14
Newtown Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia is refusing to release death
certificates for the 26 victims of the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School
shootings, stating that such information on death certificates might be used by
identity thieves. Passage of two bills on the topic are before the Connecticut
Legislature pursued ostensibly by the Aurelia are uncertain because the
legislative session runs out on June 5 and thus the proposed legislation may
not get a vote.
This is the view of Rep. Ed Jutila, D-East Lyme, co-chairman of the
General Assembly’s Government Administration and Elections Committee.
“We’re down to three-and-a-half weeks, and there are lots of bills trying to
make it through that funnel,” he said. “This may or may not be one of those.”
Jutila has not recently heard from the legislation’s proponents and notes there
is vigorous opposition to the idea of limits on information available to the
public for centuries. One bill would impose a six-month waiting period and
the second creates new “short” death certificates with limited information.
James F. Tracy
including the person’s name, gender, cause of death, and date and place of
death, for issuance to to the public. There are exemptions for next of kin,
funeral directors and others. Susan Haigh, “Fate of Newtown Death Certificate
Bills in Doubt, ’Wewsafqy/Associated Press, May 14, 2013.
May 21
Connecticut’s chief prosecutor and the state’s governor’s working behind
closed doors with legislative leaders on a law to withhold records on the police
investigation of the massacre at Sandy Flook Elementary School massacre.
Such records would include victims’ photos, tapes of 91 1 calls, and more. The
secret move was discovered when The Hartford Courant received a copy of an
email by assistant state’s attorney Timothy J. Sugrue, a top assistant to Chief
State’s Attorney Kevin Kane. In the communication Sugrue discussed options
assessed thus far, which involve possibly blocking release of statements
“made by a minor.” Jon Lender, Edmund H. Mahoney, and Dave Altimari,
“Bill Drafted in Secret Would Block Release of Some Newtown Massacre
Records,” Hartford Courant, May 21, 2013.
June 1
A change.org petition addressed to Connecticut state legislators
requests the swift passage of HB 6424 that will seal from public view police
investigation records pertaining to the Sandy Hook massacre under seal. As
of June 3 the petition reaches 40,000 signatures. The petition is ostensibly
established by shooting victim parents Nicole and lan Hockley, Mark and
Jackie Barden, and Jimmy Greene and Nelba Marquez-Greene. “We are
parents and family members who lost children in the terrible tragedy at Sandy
Hook elementary school in December 2012,” the petition’s prefatory message
reads. “We’re coming together to urge the Connecticut legislature to pass a
law that would keep sensitive information, including photos and audio, about
this tragic day private and out of the hands of people who’d like to misuse it
for political gain.” Keep Sandy Hook crime scene information private: Urge
the CT Legislature to Pass HB 6424,” change.org, June 1, 2013.
June 5
The Connecticut Senate and House vote overwhelmingly to approve
legislation preventing public disclosure of photos and videos of homicide
victims and other records in reaction to the Newtown school massacre. The
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
law had been vigorously advocated by parents of Sandy Hook massacre
victims. The Senate passes the bill 33-2 after seventeen minutes of debate.
At 2:00AM the House approves the bill with a vote of 130-2. The legislation
proceeds to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who is expected to sign it, and will take
effect immediately. The law applies to all homicide cases — not just to the
Newtown investigation.
A previous version of the proposal applied specifically to Newtown.
The new measure will prevent release of photos, videos, or digital video
images “depicting the victim of a homicide, to the extent that such record
could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of the
personal privacy” of the victim or surviving family members. Audio records
of 911 emergency calls would still be released as public records under the
state Freedom of Information Law according to the new version of the law
achieving passage. Jon Lender, “Senate, House Overwhelmingly Approve
Bill to Withhold Homicide Photos, Other Records, After N ewtown,” Hartford
Courant, June 5, 2013.
June 12
Parents of the children allegedly killed at Sandy Hook Elementary travel
to Washington DC to lobby Congress for tightening laws on gun ownership,
including expansion of background checks. In particular, the families meet
with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., a co-creator of the unsuccessful background
check bill. House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric
Cantor. The Newtown families were in Washington one month earlier when
the gun bill failed to pass the Senate. Shortly after the Senate voted against
the plan, several parents whose children were killed at Sandy Hook appeared
alongside President Obama at the White House as he vowed to continue
the fight to enact stricter gun laws. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden
vow to intensify their campaign for stricter gun control measures. Arlette
Saenz, “Newtown Families Return to Capitol Hill as Six Month Anniversary
Approaches,” ABC News, June 12, 2013.
June 14
Newtown residents and others congregate at Edmond Town Hall to
commemorate the six month anniversary of the Sandy Hook School massacre.
Later that day Cristina Hassinger, daughter of Sandy Hook principal Dawn
Hochsprung, is escorted by Newtown police on a tour of the school’s interior,
wanted to see the school where her mother was murdered. Hassinger says
she wants to put the pieces together of what happened on December 14th.
“We went inside,” Hassinger recalls.
James F. Tracy
We went through the doors into the lobby ... The police officer (who was
also with ns) turned the lights on as we went through. He was ahead
of us, like he’d done this before ... It did smell weird, not strong but it
smelled. It was closed off. It smelled really musty. There was no fresh air.
It smelled stale. That definitely made it more difficult ... We went down
the hall and she (the detective) showed me the conference room where the
meeting was that Mom, Natalie (Hammond) and Mary (Sherlach) were
in. We didn ’t go inside. It was empty. Not even the furniture was in it ...
We went into the classrooms. There is nothing in the classrooms. They
are all completely stripped. No desks. They had ripped out the floors. A
lot of the ceiling tiles were missing and the windows were all boarded up
... They still don ’t know which classroom was attacked first. They aren ’t
sure which. If they do (know), they didn ’t tell us. She (the detective) was
telling us what they’ think happened. The only witnesses are little kids,
and what s trauma and what s real, it s all very muddy.
Dirk Perrefort, “A Daughter’s Pilgrimage to Where Mother
Was Slain, ’’Newstimes.com, June 15, 2013.10:00AM [Estimate]
“No More Names: The National Drive to Reduce Gun Violence,” a nationwide
bus tour promoting stricter gun control and observing victims of gun violence,
touches off in Newtown Connecticut, the site of the December 14, 2012
Sandy Hook Elementary massacre. The tour is scheduled for 100 days, will
traverse 25 states, and is being sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns,
a non-profit founded in 2006 by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.
Before Newtown’s Town Hall a ticker counts the number ofpeople killed
by gun violence since the Sandy Hook shootings. “Over 6,000 have been
killed by guns in six months alone,” declares Steve Barton, a survivor of the
July 2012 shootings in Aurora, Colo., and a speaker at Friday’s ceremony.
“More than 3,000 will be killed while this bus is on the road if we don’t do
anything.” William Holt, “Bus Tour Commemorating Sandy Hook Takes
Gun Control on the Road,” Yahoo! News, June 14, 2013.
Hartford Courant publishes an article promoting “a special report” that
is to appear in the paper’s June 16 Sunday edition. The piece is accompanied
by a video, ‘“The Ducks of Sandy Hook Elementary 1 Help Newtown
Children Cope,” featuring Monroe Connecticut police officer Todd Keeping
being interviewed on the significance of toy rubber ducks to recovery from
trauma. The teaser calls attention to six month anniversary of shooting and
the Newtown community’s attempt to deal with the tragedy. “Healing is a
slow process with erratic progress,” the article observes.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
For some, the memories remain jarringly fresh — the acrid smell of gun
smoke, the sharp echo of gunshots over the public-address system, the
crunch of broken glass underfoot as crying children fled — and far worse
for others, particularly students and staff at the school office and near the
first-grade classrooms where 26 classmates and educators died. For some
students, little sounds can be terrifying — the slam of a dropped book, a
car door closing or a raised angry’ voice. Little things can be reassuring,
too. Decorated plastic ducks were among the boxes of teddy bears, toys
and school supplies that flooded Newtown in the weeks after the Dec. 14
shooting, filling public spaces and garages and, eventually, warehouses.
Sent by Kiwanis members in Colorado, the ducks were plucked from the
other donations by Monroe police Officers Todd Keeping and Michael
Panza, who provided security’ at the new school. They put the ducks on
windowsills and desks, and in classroom nooks, hoping to ease tension
and brighten dark days. “Adults like them. Kids like them, ” Keeping
said. “It just got to the point where I’d hear, ‘My kid is riding the bus
and looking forward to coming to school again.
Matthew Sturdevant, “Inside Sandy Hook School: Six Months
Later,” Hartford Courant, June 14, 2013.
June 18
Death certificates for the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims are
released as a result of mounting pressure from news media and a FOIA request
after the Newtown Town Clerk’s office refused to turn them over to the press.
The one page documents indicate that 24 of the 26 victims died from “multiple
gunshot wounds,” but little more. Bill Hutchinson, “Sandy Hook Elementary
School Death Certificates Released,” New York Daily News, June 18, 2013.
June 30
The Hartford
Courant reports that an
internet user believed by
law enforcement authorities
to be Sandy Hook gunman
Adam Lanza frequently
posted anonymously on
internet message boards
and gaming chat rooms.
The messages exhibit what
Saitdy Hook Hoax- Blatant Lies and Sland* Q
James F. Tracy
Courant reporters describe as “atechnical prowess about weapons and
computers, a ‘fetish’ for a certain bullet and a near-fixation with correcting
Wikipedia articles about mass killers.”
The suspected poster further questioned “Connecticut’s assault-gun
ban, offers a blueprint for his laptop computer and provides YouTube links
to a commercial for a laughing doll from the 1970s and for The Rock-afire
Explosion, an animatronics band that played in ShowBiz Pizza locations in
the 1980s.” The Courant further reports that the posts in question “reveal an
intense and well-developed interest in high-capacity weaponry and an almost
obsessive attention to details both in the user’s own writing and his editing of
articles about mass murder.” Alaine Griffin and Josh Kovner, “Mass Murders
Captivated Online User Believed to be Adam Lanza,” Hartford Courant,
June 30, 2013.
July 7
An unnamed source close to the State Police investigation of the Sandy
Hook School massacre says video and audio from cruiser cameras of
Newtown police who responded to the Dec. 14 incident show officers failed
to enter the building as about 10 shots were fired by gunman Adam Lanza.
“There is no doubt there was some delay,” the source says. “The question is
whether it was significant or justified.” Some Newtown officers have been
repeatedly interviewed by investigators seeking to establish a firm timeline
for the events. The source claims such interviews have touched a nerve
among Newtown officers dealing with what witnessed at the school. John
Pirro, “Newtown Police Response to Shooting Under Review,” Stamford
Advocate, July 7, 2013.
July 19
Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an organization founded by New York
City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, cosponsors a public vigil featuring mass
shooting survivors and relatives of victims from Aurora Colorado and
Newtown Connecticut who gather with dozens of supporters in suburban
Denver almost a year after the Aurora attack.
Vigil participants advocate for strict federal gun control laws. “Why wait
any longer?” asks Carlee Soto, sister of slain Sandy Hook Elementary School
teacher Victoria Soto. “The time for change is now.”Dan Elliott, “Aurora,
Newtown Survivors Honor Theater Victims,” Huffington Post, July 19, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
July 24
Newtown Chief of Police addresses government officials and law
enforcement agencies personnel on the Sandy Hook Elementary School
massacre and its aftermath at the Police Executives Conference. Before
the presentation Kehoe tells a reporter, “The shooting itself lasted an hour
and half to two hours. The officers did very well during the event- but the
aftermath is what we weren’t prepared for.”
The police chief adds that a community such as Newtown has to be
“cohesive before a crisis event happens” so that such an event can be navigated
through. Lindsay Curtin, “Newtown Police Chief in Wilmington to Talk
Crisis Management,” WECT 6, July 24, 2013.
July 27
The Hartford Courant reports on the contrast between the limited
number of details released by law enforcement on the investigation into the
Sandy Hook School massacre versus the extent of speaking engagements by
Connecticut State Police and Newtown police officers across the country,
that can involve sharing graphic details of what they saw inside the school.
In March, Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and other political leaders
critiqued state police for releasing details of the investigation at out-of-state
conferences. A police report has been delayed for months, and state law
enforcement officials have attempted to push through legislation intended to
keep secret some details of the shooting. Dave Altimari, “While Connecticut
Waits, Police Talk Newtown Shooting Across US "Hartford Courant, July
July 29
Newtown resident Lori Hoagland returns to JFK Airport from a 17-day
trip to Turkey expecting to be greeted in the terminal by her husband, Robert,
only to later find that he has disappeared without a trace.
Robert Hoagland worked for a Bridgeport law firm involved in real
estate-related law. “He was a man doing ordinary life things on a Sunday,
preparing for his wife to come home,” Lori Hoagland says, noting she spoke
to him two days before her return. “And he disappeared. . . . It’s a total, total
mystery.” Nanci G. Hutson, “Missing Man Remains a Mystery,” Connecticut
Post, August 21, 2013.
James F. Tracy
August 1
The New York Times editorializes on the slow pace of the investigation
of the Sandy Hook School massacre. “Connecticut officials continue to
keep the public in the dark about the state’s official investigation into the
shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December,” the
Times editorial staff remarks, “even as state and local police have been
discussing it at forums across the nation, sometimes in graphic detail.
Though the fullest possible report was promised after the tragedy, its release
has been repeatedly postponed, with authorities advising patience while the
public grows increasingly puzzled.” “The Slow Motion Inquiry Into Sandy
Hook,” New York Times, August 1, 2013.
August 4
Peter Lanza, the father of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza’s, puts his
Stamford Connecticut house up for sale with an asking price of $7 1 0,000. The
home is described by realtor Halstead Property as a 2,375-square-foot “ranch
cape” on 1.04 acres, with three bedrooms, two-and-a-half bathrooms and a
pool in the backyard. It’s located on Bartina Lane in the Westover section
of town, one of the city’s more affluent neighborhoods. Maggie Gordon,
“Lanza’s Father Moving Out of Stamford Home,” Stamford Advocate,
August 6, 2013.
August 13
Over 150 take part in an “Active Shooter/Mass Casualty Drill” at Cal
State Long Beach (CSULB). “The blood was just make-up, the screams for
help only feigned, and the gunman at the center of it all nonexistent,” the
online Signal Tribune newspaper reports, “but the more than 150 participants
involved in the [event] were taking their assigned duties very seriously.”
The exercise can be described as “a multi-agency mock response with
participants including the CSULB University Police Department, the Long
Beach Police Department, Long Beach Fire Department, St. Mary Medical
Center, Lifeline EMS, Pacific College and numerous CSULB departments
collaborating to apprehend a non-existent shooter and treat “victims” played
by actors.
The emphasis of the drill centered on the CSULB Student Health Center
and its staff’s ability to perform triage in the field, in addition to university
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
personnel’s capacity to communicate with outside agencies, the media and
the public. Cory Bilicko, “In Wake of School Shootings at Santa Monica and
Sandy Hook, CSULB Conducts Multi-Agency “Mass Casualty Drill,” Signal
Tribune, August 16, 2013.
August 14
Newtown First Selectwoman Pat Llodra writes a letter to the Newtown-
Sandy Hook Community Foundation’s handling $11.5 million collected after
the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook School shooting, suggesting that it to give more
money to the shooting victims, especially the families of the 12 children
who survived.
“Let me state unequivocally that the amount of money provided to the
families of the survivors by the distribution committee is inadequate,” Llodra
writes. “Twenty thousand dollars will be insufficient to address the wide range
of mental health needs for these youngsters and their siblings and parents for
years into the future.” Llodra’s letter is one of many questioning the decision
to distribute $7.7 million of the $11.5 million under the organization’s
control. Dave Altimari, “Newtown Leader Wants More Money Earmarked
For Shooting Victims,” Hartford Courant, August 14, 2013.
State police assigned to investigate the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary
School massacre abruptly cancel speaking engagements in California and
Texas scheduled for this week and are ordered to focus on finishing the
much-anticipated report on the shooting that left 20 first-graders and six
women dead. Two weeks ago, the Hartford Courant reported that state
police and Newtown police were traveling throughout the US to discuss the
shooting response at conferences yet releasing little information publicly in
At that time, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Danbury State’s Attorney
Stephen Sedensky defended the travel, saying that police were not discussing
details of the investigation and traveling was not slowing down the probe.
Since that story appeared, Malloy’s chief of staff met with state police
officials and told them “to be more deliberative” in choosing whether to
attend any of the conferences to discuss the Sandy Hook investigation.
After that meeting, state police officials have stepped up the investigation.
Dave Altimari, “Connecticut State Police Cautioned About Discussing
Newtown,” Hartford Courant, August 14, 2013.
James F. Tracy
August 15
Robbie Parker, the 31 -year-old father of Emilie Parker who was slain
at Sandy Hook Elementary School, donates books to the Hillsboro Public
Library after addressing his alma mater, Pacific University in Oregon a week
earlier. “When a married couple brings their first child into the world, it’s an
amazing change,” Parker says.
“She was that person for us. She made us the best possible version of
ourselves as individuals and as a couple.” Parker notes that Emlie liked to
draw and read. “I can’t tell you how many times she got in trouble,” Parker
says laughing, on the nights he’d see her light was still on as she read past
her bedtime. Andrew Theen, “Father of Sandy Hook Victims Makes Special
Emotional Donation to the Hillsboro Public Library,” The Oregonian! AM
1360 KUIK, August 15,2013.
August 16
The Sandy Hook Commission established by Gov. Daniel Malloy to make
recommendations on gun violence, mental health, and school safety, hears from
During a meeting the task force held a Skype conference with officials from
a group called The Israel Experience in Homeland Security, suggesting how
the Israelis have a very different approach to school security and homeland
security in general. Hugh McQuaid, “Sandy Hook Commission Hears From
Israeli Security Experts , "New Haven Register, August 16, 2013.
Eight detectives for the Connecticut State Police have received $139,000
in overtime pay to investigate the Sandy Hook School massacre since January
1, 2013. Almost half has gone to two investigators operating out of Southbury
barracks, who claim to have put in over 500 hours of work above and beyond
the call of duty in 2013. “There has been absolutely no authorization for
overtime for attending any conferences,” State Police Lieutenant J. Paul Vance
says. “They only get paid overtime when they are called out to investigate any
criminal cases and/or they work past their normal work day. They respond
to call outs and must be available 24/7.”
Dave Altimari, “Overtime for Sandy Hook Investigators Nears $140,000
Since Jan. 1,” Hartford Courant, August 16, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
August 21
James H. Smith, a task force member and the president of the Connecticut
Council on Freedom of Information questions the makeup of a task force
charged with recommending to state lawmakers how to balance victim privacy
with the public’s right to know. Smith is concerned the overall membership of
the 17-person group appears slanted in favor of keeping certain information
from public release. “Sandy Hook Task Force Member Questions Secrecy,”
Associated VvQsslCTPost.com, August 21. 2013.
August 25
9:00 AM
A task force meets that formed after Orange (Florida) County
Mayor Teresa Jacobs approached community leaders to establish a body
focusing on the mental-health needs of children and young adults to avoid
tragedies such as Sandy Hook. “When the Sandy Hook shootings happened, I
wanted to respond immediately by getting deputies into the schools,” Jacobs
says. “But that’s treating the symptoms and not the cause. Hopefully, we’re
coming of age as a society so that we recognize mental illness is not some
kind of character weakness, but a legitimate physical illness that has to be
addressed and treated.” Kate Santich, “Children’s Mental Health Commission
Debuts Today,” Orlando Sentinel, August 25, 2013.
August 29
Attorney General Eric Holder announces the U.S. Justice Department’s
Bureau of Justice Assistance will provide $2.5 million in funds to the
Connecticut State Police, the Newtown Police Department and other agencies
that assisted following the December 14 shooting that killed 20 children and
six educators. The funding provides agencies and jurisdictions for costs of
overtime, forensics and security during and in the aftermath of the crime,
the Justice Department says.
“Providing support to the law enforcement agencies that responded to
the horrific scene that awaited them at Sandy Hook Elementary School is
one small action we can take to bring healing to a community that’s been
devastated,” Holder states in the news release. “Just over eight months after
this senseless tragedy, those who lost their lives, and those who continue
to grieve, remain in our thoughts and prayers.” DOJ press release (PDF).
Cassandra Day, “Newtown Police to Share in $300K for Sandy Hook Shooting
Compensation,” Middletown Patch, August 31, 2013.
James F. Tracy
September 4
An attorney with Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Commission
recommends release of 91 1 recordings from Sandy Hook Elementary School
shooting, coming down on the side of The Associated Press in AP’s dispute
over records withheld by investigators.
The full, nine-member commission will hold a Sept. 25 hearing before
issuing a final decision on whether the recordings should be provided to
the AP. A spokesman for the state’s Division of Criminal Justice, says its
attorneys will argue against the release. “Conn. FOI Officer Urges Relase
of 91 1 Recordings from Sandy Hook School Shooting,” Washington Post t
Associated Press, September 4, 2013.
September 7
Teachers at school districts in southern Orange County California are
instructed that if they can’t hide or get away from a campus gunman, they
should aggressively use chairs, tables, fire extinguishers and even books as
weapons to disable a shooter. The revamped policy comes in response to the
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. “Schools in Orange County Teach
Ways to Combat Gunman,” KSBY News 6 / Associated Press, September
7, 2013.
September 11
Newtown Police Lieutenant George Sinko, a 24-year veteran, receives
a written reprimand from the chief. Sinko ’s colleagues are upset because
they say the lieutenant proceeded to direct traffic at a construction site
instead of immediately rushing to the Sandy Hook School massacre event
with other officers on the morning of December 14. Some Newtown
police officers are displeased with what they see as lenient treatment of
the lieutenant and are discussing a vote of no confidence in Chief Michael
Kehoe. John Pirro, “Newtown Lieutenant Reprimanded for Slow Sandy Hook
Response,” Connecticut Post, September 11, 2013.
September 13
Ground is broken on a playground in Fairfield CT to honor Jessica Rekos,
one of the young children slain in the Sandy Hook tragedy. The playground
is being developed by firefighters and community members who wish to
volunteer. “Building a Playground for Newtown Victim,” WTNH News 8,
September 13, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
September 14
Gun rights activists in assert they will vigorously pursue state lawmakers
advocating strong gun control measures. Connecticut does not have a
provision to recall elected officials, unlike Colorado, where two prominent
gun control proponents were just booted from the legislature. “Our recall
capabilities are at the ballot box next year,” says Scott Wilson, president of
the Connecticut Citizens Defense League. “We hope to get some of them
out of office. . . . The key thing is going to be education [of] the gun-owning
community.” Connecticut’s 200,000 gun-permit holders can be a powerful
political force, according to former Connecticut Republican party Chairman
Chris Healy. Daniela Altimari, “Colorado Recall Energizes Connecticut Gun
Control Foes ” Hartford Courant, September 14, 2013.
September 24
The State of Connecticut refuses a FOIA request to release Sandy Flook
gunman Adam Lanza’s medical records because of fears that divulging
the specific types of antidepressants he was taking would, “cause a lot of
people to stop taking their medications,” Assistant Attorney General Patrick
B. Kwanashie says. The parents organization AbleChild.org is seeking to
secure the release of the information after Connecticut Medical Examiner
H. Wayne Carver, M.D. denied the request. “What plagues this investigation
is that some are simply fixated on having it remain secret in spite of the
urgency of transparency that is clearly needed to protect the public,” said
Patricia Weathers, co-founder of AbleChild. Paul Joseph Watson, “State of
Connecticut Refuses to Release Adam Lanza’s Medical Records "Infowars.
com, September 24, 2013.
Governor Dannel P. Malloy announces September 24 that the State
of Connecticut is pledging support to Newtown to build a replacement of
Sandy Hook Elementary School and is poised to approve the first round of
funding toward its construction at the September 27 meeting of the State Bond
Commission. “The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School is never far
from our minds. Over the last several months, we’ve done our best to move
forward in a way that honors the memory of those we lost and meets the
needs of residents and the surrounding community,” Gov Malloy remarks.
“Healing from an enormous tragedy like this is never easy. There are
no simple answers, and the challenges are many. With strong resolve and a
determination to move forward, we can do our best to support the people of
Newtown.” John Voket, “Saturday Referendum Calls Voters to Appropriate
$50 Million for Sandy Hook School,” Newtown Bee, October 4, 2013.
James F. Tracy
First Selectman Pat Llodra and Interim School Superintendent John
Reed partake in a video interview September 24 organized by the Newtown
Bee to help residents understand the implications of an forthcoming October
5 referendum. “As far as the $50 million [is concerned], it comes without
strings, it does not have to be repaid, it has no impact on the tax rate,” Dr
Reed says. “It is an attempt on the part of the state to make Newtown whole.
That means we had seven schools when we started the school year last
year, and I think it’s the state’s judgment that we have seven schools now.”
Dr Reed says the offer as a “win-win situation for Newtown.” John Voket,
“Saturday Referendum Calls Voters to Appropriate $50 Million for Sandy
Hook School,” Newtown Bee, October 4, 2013.
September 27
At a meeting of the State Bond Commission, the body approves a $50
million appropriation to the Town of Newtown to demolish and rebuild
Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. Newtown voters
are to vote on the proposal October 5. John Voket, “Saturday Referendum
Calls Voters to Appropriate $50 Million for Sandy Hook School,” Newtown
Bee, October 4, 2013.
September 29
Many of children that survived the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary
suffer from witnessing the horrors of that day. “Nightmares are persistent,”
the Associated Press reports, “and any reminder of the attack — a fire alarm,
a clap of thunder, even the sound of an intercom — can stir feelings of panic.
At the building in a neighboring town where the survivors recently began a
new school year, signs ask people to close doors softly and not to drag objects
across the floor. “The worst part is the helplessness,” says Hugo Rojas, whose
son witnessed the shooting. “You want to take that pain away. You want to
be able to take those nightmares away, but you can’t.” John Christo ffersen,
“Fear Permeates Young Lives of Newtown Witnesses,” Associated Press /
ABC News, September 29, 2013.
October 4
The North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Health
holds its 29th annual conference where Nelba Marquez Greene, a mother of
one of the slain Sandy Hook students, gives an address to recommend what
can be done to prevent such tragedies from happening again. “NC’s Mental
Health Advocates Focus on Lessons from Sandy Hook,” The Progressive
Pulse, October 4, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
October 5
6:00 AM
Referendum polls open for all registered and qualified voters open at
Newtown Middle School to appropriate $50 million in state funding to rebuild
Sandy Hook School. Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia-Halstead says mailed in
absentee ballots for the referendum will be counted if received by Saturday,
October 5. John Voket, “Saturday Referendum Calls Voters to Appropriate
$50 Million for Sandy Hook School,” Newtown Bee , October 4, 2013.
October 7
Crews from the Bestech construction contractor begin work at the Sandy
Hook Elementary School site, just two days after residents voted to accept
a state grant of almost $50 million to demolish the 57-year-old structure
and rebuild a new school. The Bestech construction company has not been
formally approved by Newtown officials or the State of Connecticut for such
duties. John Voket, “State Action Gets Sandy Hook School Project Off to a
Fast Start,” Newtown Bee, October 14, 2013.
October 11
Newtown receives notice from the State of Connecticut that the town
can use remediation vendor Bestech for both remediation and demolition
under a “professional services” designation. This means town officials will
not have to go out to bid for a separate demolition contractor. According to
First Selectman Pat Llodra, the town will now be able to obtain a two-to-
three-week jump on work at the site. She says this wholly ensures that both
the structure and post demolition debris will be removed by December 1 4, the
first anniversary of the shooting. Mrs Llodra remarks the use of Bestech will
minimize the number of workers on the site. Further, a single vendor allows
for easier security credentialing, and with fewer workers all under the same
vendor, controls to assure no debris or images from the demolition process
leave the site will be able to be enforced more effectively. John Voket, “State
Action Gets Sandy Hook School Project Off to a Fast Start,” Newtown Bee,
October 14, 2013.
October 12
Nouel Alba, a New York City woman who posed as the aunt of a child
killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, faces sentencing on October 1 5 in federal
court in Hartford. She pleaded guilty in June to wire fraud and making false
statements. Alba is seeking probation, stating that she’s already been punished
by the media. Prosecutors are pursuing at least a year in prison sentence.
James F. Tracy
Authorities claim she made up details about the aftermath of the shooting to
solicit donations for a “funeral fund” on behalf of the child’s family and the
families of other victims of the shooting. “Sandy Hook Shooting Fraudster
Seeks Probation,” Associated Press / Boston Globe, October 12, 2013.
October 14
Newtown officials are requiring contractors who will carry out demolition
of the Sandy Hook Elementary School to sign detailed confidentiality
agreements that prevent them from publicly discussing the site, taking
photographs or otherwise revealing information about the school. “It’s
a very sensitive topic,” Selectman Will Rodgers says. “We want it (the
site) to be handled in a respectful way.”Demolition of the existing Sandy
Hook Elementary School is slated to begin the week of October 21, and be
finished before the Dec. 14 anniversary of the incident. Nanci G. Hutson,
“Non-Disclosure Required for Sandy Hook School Crew ”Newstimes.com,
October 14, 2013.
October 18
Officials and family members of persons killed during the Sandy Hook
School massacre question the slow drip of information versus a full police
investigation report as sources now claim that six-year-old Jesse Lewis in
fact acted heroically on December 14.
When Jesse, a student in Victoria Soto’s classroom, noticed that Adam
Lanza ran out of ammunition, he yelled for his terrified classmates to escape.
“Jesse did yell 'Run!” and four did run, and two others ran into the bathroom,”
according to Neil Heslin, explaining what investigators who accompanied
him on a tour through the murder scene described to him. “1 knew that Soto
was the first one shot, and then a little girl, and Jesse was the last one shot.
He was clearly looking at Adam Lanza directly in the face. He was only shot
once, the only one of the victims who wasn’t shot multiple times. His wound,
as I’ve stated before in testimony, was in the forehead above the nose, right at
the hairline,” Heslin asserts. Ken Dixon, Nanci Hutson, and Eileen FitzGerald,
“New Details in Sandy Hook Shooting,” Newstimes.com, October 18, 2013.
October 25
Demolition of the Sandy Hook Elementary school is scheduled begins
today. As asbestos is removed, each wing of the nearly 60 year old building
will come down. Bestech, a company specializing in removing asbestos,
will continue in its demolition of the school through the weekend. The entire
process is expected to take five to six weeks. Fulltime security at the gated
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
entrance insures that no curiosity seekers or media can get to the site. Mark
Davis, “Sandy Hook Demolition to Begin Friday,” WTNH News 8, October
October 25
NewsCopter 7 over Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut as
the school was demolished following last year’s deadly shooting in which 26 students
and teachers were murdered. (WABC Photo/ NewsCopter 7)
More photos at WABC News 7
Workers begin demolishing the Sandy Hook Elementary School building.
Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra says the small-scale demolition is
underway and the project will take several weeks. “The process of demolition
is incremental, staged precisely and executed carefully,” she notes. “There
is no wrecking ball action; it is rather a piece-by-piece, section-by-section
removal.” “Demolition Begins on Sandy Hook Elementary School Building,”
Associated Press / WABC News 7, October 25, 2013.
October 29
The State of Connecticut releases the full toxicology report on Sandy
Hook school shooter Adam Lanza, confirming that no drugs or alcohol were in
his system on December 14, 2012. The report notes that Lanza tested negative
for marijuana and had part of his brain taken for genetic testing. “There is
no chemical reason or apparent medical reason to explain [Lanza’s] actions,”
former chief state’s medical examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver II says. Carver
previously sent a piece of Lanza’s brain to geneticists at the University of
Connecticut Health Center to study for genetic markers. Carver said he hasn’t
received a final report, but he doesn’t anticipate having to alter Adam Lanza’s
James F. Tracy
death certificate. “If 1 thought there was something through the DNA testing
that could have been listed as a contributing factor, I would have added it
to his death certificate,” Carver remarks. Adam Lanza’s death was ruled a
suicide. Dave Altimari, “Full Report Confirms No Drags, Alcohol in Lanza’s
System,” Hartford Courant, October 29, 2013.
November 6
Representatives of Svigals + Partners, Consigli Construction, and
Diversified Project Management report to Newtown Board of Education on
progress at the new Sandy Hook School. “So far it is going very well,” says
Aaron Krueger, project manager for Consigli Construction, says the project
is proceeding according to schedule.
Julie McFadden, project manager for Svigals + Partners for its architect
and engineering team, gives an update on everything that has been happening
with the project since September. “Our first order of business was to assemble
the abatement documentation and the demolition documentation and get
that up to the office of school facilities up at the state for their review and
approval so that work could get under way,” Ms McFadden remarks. Eliza
Hallaback, “Project on Schedule-School Board Gets SHS Update,” Newtown
Bee, November 7, 2013.
November 8
Aerial photographs indicate that workers have demolished the wing of
Sandy Hook Elementary School where Adam Lanza allegedly killed 20 first
graders and six staffers with an assault rifle, new aerial photographs show. The
concrete foundation is all that remains, and that will soon be destroyed. The
demolition proceeds behind high fences with security guards posted to keep
onlookers away. Corky Seimaszko, “Newtown Massacre Scene Demolished
as Prosecutor Tries to Block Release of 911 Calls,” New York Daily News,
November 8, 2013.
State Attorney Stephen Sedensky pleas to a judge to block the release of
the desperate 911 calls from Sandy Hook Elementary made on the morning
of December 14, 2012. The state’s Freedom of Information Commission
ruled in September that the tapes should be released following a request by
the Associated Press. Sedensky argues that a stay of the FOI decision would
protect both the families of the victims and the surviving witnesses from
unwanted press attention. Corky Seimaszko, “Newtown Massacre Scene
Demolished as Prosecutor Tries to Block Release of 911 Calls,” New York
Daily News, November 8, 2013.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
November 11
A Newtown, Conn., police officer Thomas Bean and Sandy Hook
Elementary massacre first responder says he is unable to return to work
because of post-traumatic stress disorder and is in danger ofbeing fired. Bean
says he has been suffering PTSD since the Dec. 14 shooting. Bean appears
on the NBC TODAY show November 11 with the Newtown Police Union
President Scott Ruszczyk and union attorney Eric Brown of Waterbury,
Conn. “I can’t describe the overwhelming senses of emotions that 1 had,”
Bean claims, describing the massacre’s aftermath. “That night 1 drank a lot.
The next day I wanted to cut myself. 1 just felt so numb.” Laurie Petersen,
“Newtown Officer With Sandy Hook- Related PTSD Claim Faces Dismissal,”
AOL Jobs, November 11,2013.
November 16
Danbury State ’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky says a summary of the long
anticipated state police report on the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School
shooting is scheduled for release on Nov. 25. Sources say the original report
will be thousands of pages and the date for that document’s release is yet
to be determined.
Sedensky and state police detectives met with some of the victims’
families on November 14. Another group had a conference call with him on
November 15 so he could go over the report. Sources say that report probably
will be heavily redacted. David Altimari, “Summary of Sandy Hook Report
to Be Released November 25, Families Told,” Hartford Courant, November
November 25
A 48-page report is released on Monday by Connecticut state attorney,
Stephen J. Sedensky III that provides a graphic profile of Adam Lanza but no
reason for his crime. “The long-awaited report does not suggest a motive for
Mr. Lanza’s actions,” the New York Times reports, “even as it offers a glimpse
into his strange, troubled life. It comes nearly a year after the shooting set
off a national discussion about gun control, mental health and violence in
American popular culture.”
Although Lanza was treated by mental health professionals, according
to the report, none recognized anything suggestive of his future
behavior.“Tutoring, desensitization and medication were recommended,” the
report says. Joseph Berger and Mark Santora, “Chilling Look at Newtown
Killer, But No ‘Why,’” New York Times, November 25, 2013.
James F. Tracy
November 26
New Britain Superior Court Judge Eliot Prescott denies a motion by
State Attorney Stephen Sedensky III for a stay of release on the 911 tapes
of the Sandy Hook massacre. Yet the tapes are to remain sealed until Dec. 4
to give the Sedensky a chance to appeal. The AP has sought the recordings
in part to examine the police response to the shooting. “Newtown 911 Calls
Ordered to be Released by Judge,” Associated Press / WABC New York,
November 26, 2013.
December 1
Politico reports that at least 37 states have increased spending on
mental health since the Sandy Hook Massacre. In addition, such states are
experimenting with controversial new ways of raising awareness on mental
health issues. These include training public school personnel and students
to spot and report on those allegedly exhibiting mental health symptoms.
Stephanie Simon, “Sandy Hook Spurs States’ Mental Health Push,” Politico,
com, December 1, 2013.
December 3
Gov. Dannel Malloy’s office announces that state employees serving as
first responders to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting are to receive
40 hours of compensatory time as the result of an agreement struck between
the state and six state labor unions. David Dunavin, “12/14 Responders
Will Receive Compensatory Time From State,” Newtown Patch, December
4, 2013.
December 4
Recordings of 911 calls from the Sandy Hook Elementary School
shooting are released. They indicate anguish and tension inside the building,
also suggesting how town dispatchers responded to the calls. The recordings
are released under a court order after a lengthy effort by The Associated Press
to have them released for review. Prosecutors had argued that making the
recordings public would only cause more anguish for the victims’ families.
“Newtown 911 Calls Released,” Associated Press / Newsday, December 4,
December 10
State records indicate that Sandy Hook School massacre-related charities
raise close to $28 million since the Dec. 14, 2012 and possess over $11 million
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
that is yet to be distributed. Sixty-three charities responded to the latest survey
from the state attorney general’s office seeking updates on money raised since
the shooting. The surveys are voluntary and 14 groups had not responded.
Dave Altimari, “$28 Million Raised by Sandy Hook Charities,” Hartford
Courant, December 10, 2013.
December 14
President Obama leads a national day of remembrance for the victims
of the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings while renewing calls for
tighter gun control and heightened mental-health care measures. “We have
to do more to keep dangerous people from getting their hands on a gun so
easily. We have to do more to heal troubled minds,” the president remarks
during his weekly radio address."
Obama Remembers Sandy Hook Victims, C alls For Tougher Gun Laws,”
Associated Press / FoxNews.com, December 14, 2013.
December 22
A1 Jazeera America editorializes on the failure of pro-gun control
legislators in the US to succeed in the passage of sweeping laws. “Little has
been done to close loopholes that might have prevented that gun purchase or
lay down rules for the possible next frontier of weapons,” A1 Jazeera opines.
“While Congress has renewed the ban on plastic guns — the only gun-control
legislation it moved this year — it fell short of requiring that guns have
unremovable pieces of metal to make them more easily detectable.” “The
Year in Guns: In Wake of Tragedy, More Government Inaction,” A1 Jazeera
America, December 22, 2013.
December 23
The New York Times publishes an editorial that scolds the US Congress
for failing to pass substantive gun control legislation in the wake of the
Sandy Hook School massacre. “Despite lawmakers’ copious sympathy for
the 26 victims of the Newtown, Conn., school massacre,” the Times'' editorial
board writes, “all members of Congress were able to manage in the way of
gun safety as they left town was renewal of the ban on the manufacture of
plastic firearms. This is a type of arcane weapon that figured not at all in the
Sandy Hook Elementary School rampage in 20 1 2, nor in the mass shootings
featuring adapted weapons of war that have occurred on average every two
weeks somewhere in America.” “Congress’s Temerity on Gun Safety,” New
York Times, December 23, 2013.
James F. Tracy
December 27
The Connecticut State Police release their final report on the December
14,2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre. The report is “only made
available at this website: http://www.ct.gov/statepolicenewtownreport. “The
report runs several thousand pages and is heavily redacted “according to
law.” The report also contains some text, photos and 911 calls received by the
State Police on the day of the shootings. The State Police further announce
that release “of this document is indicative that this State Police criminal
investigation is concluded.” “Sandy Hook School Shooting Investigation
Completed; Report to Be Released,” State of Connecticut Department of
Emergency Services and Public Protection, December 26, 2013.
The Obama administration’s Justice and Health and Human Services
departments propose allowing the federal gun background check database
access to some mental health records by giving it an exemption from existing
privacy law and “clarify” that people involuntarily committed to both inpatient
and outpatient institutions could be prohibited from purchasing guns. The
proposed rules are the most recent executive actions following the December
2012 Sandy Hook School massacre. Reid J. Epstein, “White House: New
Gun Rules for Mentally 111 ” Politico.com, January 3, 2014.
January 6
The U.S. Department of Education announces an award of $1.9 million
to Newtown Public School District “to help with ongoing recovery efforts
following the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December
2012.” This is the second of two grants totaling $3.2 million, the first being
made in May 2013. The grant is through the Department’s Project School
Emergency Response to Violence (SERV) program. According to the DOE,
Project SERVE “awards Immediate Services and Extended Services grants to
school districts, colleges and universities that have experienced a significant
traumatic event and need resources to respond, recover, and re-establish
safe environments for students.” “US Department of Education Awards
$1.9 Million Grants to Newtown, Connecticut, to Further Support Recovery
Efforts,” US Department of Education, January 6. 2014.
January 7
Brookfield Board of Education member Gregory Beck steps down
following a public outcry after a Facebook post Beck made in November. In
the remark Beck said his “26 Acts of Kindness” for the Sandy Hook victims
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
would be to deliver boxes of ammunition to his gun-enthusiast friends.
Many people considered the post to be inappropriate and offensive, since
the “26 Acts” movement had been dedicated to the victims of the Dec. 14,
2012, shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. Nanci G.
Hutson, “Embattled Brookfield BOE Member Resigns, ’’Newstimes.com,
January 7, 2014.
January 17
Peter Lanza assures the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission that he will
disclose at least some of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza’s mental health
treatment records, and heard from two of the foremost autism experts that the
disorder doesn’t lead to violent behavior. Peter Lanza “called me during the
last presentation,” Sandy Hook panel Chairman Scott J ackson said before the
commission broke for lunch Friday afternoon. “I’m going to sit down with
him in short order” to work out the parameters of a records release. Kathleen
Megan, “Adam Lanza’s Father Willing to Release Medical Records to Sandy
Hook Commission,” Hartford Courant, January 18, 2014.
January 21
Mark Barden and Nicole Hockley two family members of children lost
during the Sandy Hook school shooting and representatives of Sandy Hook
Promise appear in Concord New Hampshire to testily before a committee
promoting criminal background checks in New Hampshire. HB 1 559 requires
every gun sale go through a licensed dealer and then, a background check
process through the National Crime Information Center, closing a loophole
that proponents say put illegal guns onto the streets. Tony Schinella, “Parents
of Sandy Hook Victims Promote Background Checks Bill,” Salem NH Patch,
January 21, 2014.
January 25
An email by former law enforcement officer and school safety expert
Wolfgang Halbig addressed to Connecticut State Police Lieutenant J.
Paul Vance and Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe is published
on memoiyholeblog.com. The post initiates an important series of appearances
throughout major alternative media outlets where Halbig explains his
misgivings on the official version of the Sandy Hook School massacre.
Wolfgang Halbig, “Retired Cop and Educator Threatened for Questioning
Sandy Hook Investigation,” memoryholeblog.com, January 25, 2014.
The Berkeley Unified School District in Northern California is spending
$2 million on an elaborate school safety plan. The school district hired two
James F. Tracy
security consultants, Edu-Safe Associates and Dimensions Unlimited, at the
cost of $70,000 to audit the district’s 20 schools. The school board voted two to
one to spend money on armed-intruder training, increased video surveillance,
campus address systems and the installation of new door locks engineered
to prevent people from being locked inside classrooms. “I substitute in the
school district as well, so I’m happy to see that they’re phasing in new locks
on the classroom doors,” said Tracy Hollander, president of the Berkeley
Parent Teacher Association. Jane Nho, “Berkeley Unified School Spends $2
Million on Safety Plan,” Daily Californian, January 25, 2014.
January 29
The Town of New Canaan waives reimbursement of $7,623 in costs
in responding to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The funds
are designated from the $2.5 million Obama Department of Justice payoff
to Connecticut and Newtown-area law enforcement agencies that took part
in the event response and are intended for training personnel in emergency
response to violent offenders. Police Chief Leon Krolikowski says New
Canaan sent officers to Newtown every day from Dec. 14 through Dec.
25. The nearby Town of Darien was eligible for about $17,000 and chose to
be reimbursed. Nelson Oliveira, “Town Waives Reimbursement for Sandy
Hook Response,” New Canaan News, February 6, 2014.
February 1
Connecticut Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner
Reuben Bradford steps down from his post and is replaced by Dora B. Schriro,
commissioner of the New York City Department of Correction since 2009.
Ms. Schriro is a long time acquaintance of Janet Napolitano when both served
in Arizona. “After learning of an anomaly with my retirement and much
soul searching,” Bradford wrote in a resignation to Gov. Dannell Malloy in
December 2013, “I reluctantly tender my resignation effective February 1,
2014. When I accepted your gracious offer to serve as Commissioner almost
three years ago, I did so knowing there was a shelf life to the position.”
Hugh McQuaid, “Bradford Retires Citing ‘Anomaly,’” CT News Junkie,
December 26, 2013.
February 6
Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee announces a new safety and security
plan for the state’s schools, a 320-page document assembled by educators,
emergency management officials and law enforcement. The redesign was
prompted by the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown,
Connecticut. The guide is intended to serve as a tool for local schools
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
when creating their own security plans. “RI Releases New Security Plan,”
Associated Press / San Francisco Chronicle, February 6, 2014.
February 11
Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords announces that she is writing a book
about gun control based on an essay she wrote that appeared in The New
York Times in April 2013. The article was her response to the fatal shootings
of 20 children and six educators in Newtown, Conn., in December 2012. In
the piece Giffords chided senators who blocked gun legislation that included
expanded background checks and a ban on assault weapons. “As Second
Amendment supporters and gun owners ourselves,” Giffords husband Mark
Kelly told the Associated Press, “we hope our book rouses the long-overdue
conversation our country needs to make responsible changes to our gun laws
so that no more precious lives are lost.” “Gabrielle Giffords Plans Book on
Gun Control,” Associated Press / Boston Herald , February 11, 2014.
Florida State Rep. Lori Berman proposes a bill that will provide for mental
health first aid training for school teachers and staff from Florida Department
of Children and Families. Berman hopes the legislation will make spotting
problem signs routine. “The genesis of this bill was actually the Sandy Flook
massacre,” said Rep. Lori Berman. “1 think it’s important for us to invest the
dollars and try to address mental health and substance abuse problems when
they’re in their incipient stages,” Berman remarks. The bill has already made
it through committees in both chambers. The Florida Education Association
says that they’d be open to the training. Matt Galka, “Stopping the Shooter,”
Capitol News Service, February 11, 2014.
February 12
A new study conducted by Moms Demand Action, a citizens group
formed after Newtown, and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, cites at least 44
school and college shootings since Newtown in December 2012. The total
death toll from the events over the 14 months since then is 28, surpassing that
of Newtown itself. The joint report was released in Washington on Wednesday
in an attempt to restart the debate on gun control. “We are a developed
country, and we have to ask ourselves what is wrong with our culture and
laws that’s creating an environment where not only do we have 44 school
shootings in the past 14 months - but we are doing nothing about it,” says
twenty-year public relations veteran and present Huffington Post columnist
Shannon Watts, also the founder of Moms Demand Action. Ed Pilkington,
“Twenty-Eight Killed in 44 US School Shootings Since Newtown, Study
Finds,” UK Guardian, February 12, 2014.
James F. Tracy
February 14
NBC News carries a graphic report on the 13th staged mass shooter drill
taking place at Missouri’s Lincoln County school district over the past year.
The Missouri state legislature voted to make live shooter drills mandatory
following the Sandy Hook massacre. “All but 69 students have gone home
for the day on early dismissal,” NBC reports. “These volunteer victims,
mostly culled from the school’s drama class, are outfitted in fake -bloody
bullet wounds, still wet and dripping down their foreheads, necks and chests.”
A campus police officer tells participants what to expect: “They’ll see ‘bad
guys with AR- 15s’ shooting blanks during a simulated ‘passing period’ — the
moments when one class ends and the other begins.” In addition, “PVC pipes
will be dropped on the floor to approximate [Improvised Explosive Devices].”
Freshman Crystal Lanham is delighted to be chosen as one of the gunmen’s
hostages. “’I just really wanna get shot,’ she jokes. ‘Is that weird?”’ Nona
Willis Aronowitz, “Fake Blood and Blanks: School Stage Active Shooter
Drills,” NBC News, February 14, 2014.
Connecticut State Police announce they will hold a ceremony the week
of February 17 to honor more than 200 officers who responded to the Sandy
Hook Elementary School shooting. State police officials also intend to honor
several trauma psychologists who worked with officers following the shooting
at the school. No members of the public will be allowed at the ceremony.
Dave Altimari, “More Than 200 To Get State Police Awards For Sandy Hook
Shooting Response,” Hartford Courant, February 14, 2014.
March 4
The Second Annual Sandy Hook Ride on Washington (SHROW) is
announced. On March 8that 8:00 am ET, Team 26, a group of cyclists, will
embark on a 400 mile journey from Newtown, CT to Washington DC to
call for “sensible gun violence prevention.” The four-day “rolling rally”
includes events in Ridgefield, Ct, Greenwich, Ct., Harlem, NY, Doylestown,
Pa., Baltimore, Md., College Park, Md., the Washington National
Cathedral, Washington, DC and end at the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building.
“From Suburbs to Inner Cities,” PR Newswire / Digital Journal, March 4,
March 10
The New Yorker magazine publishes a 7,600 essay by New York-based
writer Andrew Solomon based on an alleged series of interviews with Peter
Lanza. “Since the shootings, Peter has avoided the press,” Solomon writes,
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
“but in September, as the first anniversary of his son’s rampage approached,
he contacted me to say that he was ready to tell his story. We met six times, for
interviews lasting as long as seven hours. Shelley, a librarian at the University
of Connecticut, usually joined us and made soup or chili or salads for lunch.
Sometimes we played with their German shepherd.” Andrew Solomon, “The
Reckoning: The F ather of the Sandy Hook Killer Searches for Answers,” New
Yorker, March 17, 2014.
March 26
Missouri Senator Roy Blunt applauds the House of Representatives
for passing a demonstration project of the “Excellence in Mental Health
Act,” bipartisan legislation introduced in 2013 following the Sandy Hook
massacre by Blunt and Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow in the Senate.
The amendment expands access to community mental health services and
strengthens the quality of care provided for those living with mental illness.
“Blunt Praises Action on Mental Health Bill,” KSPR 33 ABC, March 27,
April 2
The Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation received more than
1,600 responses to a survey of Newtown residents released on March 31.
Most respondents called for mental health counseling and assistance services;
a small portion suggested that the house where Adam Lanza resided be torn
down. The foundation has been deciding how to distribute more than $11
million in donations made in response to the shootings. “Newtown Residents
Want Gunman’s House Torn Down,” Associated Press / WPVI, April 2,2014.
See also, “Newtown Group Sees Long Term Mental Health Needs,” CBS
New York, April 2, 2014.
April 5
CNN reports that Spc. Ivan Lopez ranted on Facebook on a variety of
topics prior to his shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Texas. Remarks included
his outrage at Adam Lanza’s mass school shooting in Connecticut. He also
expressed tremendous fear after experiencing an insurgent attack in Iraq.
Ray Sanchez, “Fort Hood Gunman Vented on Facebook About Sandy Hook
Shooter, Iraq,” CNN, April 5. 2014.
Enrollment in the Newtown Public School District dropped by almost
250 students in 2013. At Sandy Hook elementary alone, 55 fewer students
enrolled that year. School officials commission an enrollment study to find if
decreased enrollment is aligned with a larger demographic shift experienced
James F. Tracy
in many suburban school districts or if it is yet another lingering effect of the
school shooting. Nanci G. Hutson, “Newtown School Enrollment Declines
Post Sandy Wook"Newstimes.com, Apri I 5, 2014.
April 10
A half-dozen parents of the 20 first-graders killed in the Sandy Hook
massacre attend the meeting of the Permanent Memorial Commission. The
12-member group has been meeting for the past six months to come up with
a fitting tribute to the victims and others impacted by the tragedy. “You are
the first group we are reaching out to,” Chairman Kyle Lyddy says. “We want
to find out what you want and what you don’t want.” John Pirro, “Memorial
Commission Meets with Families, ’Wemstimes.com, Apri I 10, 2014.
April 15
Former New York City mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announces he
will spend $50 million in 2014 building a nationwide grass-roots network
to influence voting outcomes where gun control is an issue. The multi-
billionaire wants to develop an organization he hopes can eventually surpass
the National Rifle Association in political influence. Bloomberg thinks gun
control advocates need to learn from the N.R.A. and punish politicians who
fail to challenge the constitutionally-protected right to bear arms. Jeremy
W. Peters, “Bloomberg Plans a $50 Million Challenge to the N.R.A.,” New
York Times, April 15, 2014.
April 22
Certain Republican congressional candidates vying for nomination take
issue with President Obama’s call to involve the Centers for Disease Control in
gun control research. When gun violence peaked in the early 1990s, the CDC
increased its funding of firearms violence research. Yet in 1996 it backed off
under pressure from Congress and the National Rifle Association. Funding
for “firearms injury prevention activities” decreased from more than $2.7
million in 1995 to barely $100,000 by 2012, according to the CDC.
After the Sandy Hook shootings, Obama issued a memorandum “directing
the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun
violence.” The influential Institute of Medicine lept into action, assembling
a report on priorities for research on reducing gun violence. Among the
questions that need answers, according to the report: Do background checks —
the most popular and prominent gun control policy proposal — actually reduce
gun violence? How often do Americans successfully use guns to protect
themselves each year? And what is the relationship between violence in video
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
games and other media and “real-life” violence? The Obama administration
is now asking that the CDC receive $10 million for gun violence research.
CDC’s current funding for gun violence prevention research remains at
$0. Lois Beckett, “Republicans Say No to CDC Gun Violence Research,”
ProPublica, April 21, 2014.
April 24
The FBI has releases roughly 175 pages of heavily blacked-out documents
from its Sandy Flook Elementary School massacre investigation. Of the
175 pages released in response to a Freedom of Information request by
the Hartford Courant , 64 were completely redacted and most of the other 111
pages were heavily redacted. Th eCourant submitted the request in January
after state police released a report on the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting. The names
of all witnesses interviewed by federal agents have been removed and there
are no references to attempts by federal authorities to recover information
from a computer disk that shooter Adam Lanza destroyed. Dave Altimari,
“FBI Releases Heavily Blacked Out Sandy Hook Records,” Hartford Courant,
April 24,2014.
The Newtown Health District participates in a statewide drill simulating
a mass casualty outbreak to gauge how emergency response medications can
be distributed. District Director Donna Culbert states she has been working
with state and regional officials for several weeks to prepare for the drill.
“The state created a scenario for us and plan to drive pallets of (supplies) to
our distribution center - which is the high school - and we will be there to
receive it,” she says. “We will be among dozens of drop off sites - all the 32
hospitals and more than 75 dispensing sites will be receiving pallets during
the drill.” John Voket, “Newtown Participating in Emergency Medication
Distribution Drill Thursday,” Newtown Bee, April 24, 2014.
May 2
The FBI’s active shooter training program for local and state law
enforcement officials following the Sandy Hook killings has already saved
lives, FBI Director James Comey tells reporters. Comey says the chief of
police in Murrysville, Pennsylvania “wanted to make sure that 1 knew that
the FBI’s training had saved children” when a student stabbed 25 people at
Franklin Regional High School last month. “One of the pieces of training
we’ve been pushing out is tell responders to be sure to keep a path clear
for ambulances,” Comey remarks. “One of the things we’ve learned from
examining past incidents is the law enforcement responders race up, park
their cars at all sorts of angles and race towards the building, completely
blocking the roads.” Comey also notes how the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis
James F. Tracy
Unit is regularly working with state and local law enforcement to address
concerns about individuals who might plot a violent attack. Ryan J. Reilly,
“Post Sandy Hook Active Shooter Training Has Already Saved Lives, Says
FBI Director James Comey,” Huffington Post, May 2, 2014.
May 6
Sandy Hook School Truth activists and researchers descend on Newtown
to look for answers concerning the event. The group includes school safety
consultant Wolfgang Halbig and retired university professor James Fetzer.
During an afternoon visit to the Western Connecticut United Way to demand
financial records related to the fundraising activities embarked on following
the event. The group is turned away by a bevy of police officers. That evening
Halbig, Fetzer, and several other activists and researchers attend the Newtown
Board of Education’s meeting and address the body’s members during a public
comments section. Nanci G. Hutson, “Newtown School Greets Sandy Hook
Skeptics with Silence,” Connecticut Post, May 7, 2014. See also Jim Fetzer,
“The Newtown School Board Meeting and the Meaning of Silence,” Veterans
Today, May 9, 2014.
A 50-pound vinyl peace sign is reportedly stolen from a Mystic
Connecticut playground built in memory of slain Sandy Hook Elementary
student Grace McDonnell. William Lavin, of “Where Angels Play
Foundation,” claims McDonnell’s mother Lynn found out about the theft
when the man who apparently took the sign called her. The thief allegedly
tells McDonnell he stole the sign because he believes the shooting at the
school was a hoax.
The incident comes less than a week after graffiti was found on another
victim’s memorial playground. The message found spray-painted Sunday at
the Ana Marquez Greene Memorial playground in Hartford read, “Peace to
Sandy Hook,” using a peace sign and the numeral “2.” It was later removed.
Ana’s mother, Nelba Marquez Greene says she was not upset with the graffiti
and plans to raise money for a graffiti board to allow similar condolence
messages. “Peace Sign Stolen From Connecticut Playground honoring Sandy
Hook Victim Grace McDonnell,” Associated Press / CBS New York, May
May 26
Following an apparent May 23 mass murder at UC Santa Barbara, victim
Christopher Martinez’s father, Richard Martinez, comes out and blames
Congress for not pursuing stricter gun control following the Sandy Hook
Elementary School massacre in a highly emotional interview with CNN.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Chris Tognotti, “Congress Should Have Acted After Sandy Hook to Prevent
UCSB Shootings, Father Tells CNN,” Bustle.com, May 27, 2014.
Following the May 23 shooting rampage by an apparent lone gunman the
Associated Press circulates a story that according to experts “mass murderers
tend to have a history of pent-up frustration and failures, are socially isolated
and vengeful, blaming others for their unhappiness . . . ‘They all display
deluded thinking and a lot of rage about feeling so marginalized,’ James
Garbarino, a professor of psychology at Loyola University Chicago, said in
an email.” Because mass killings are uncommon, “scholars say there’s no
way to predict who has deadly intentions, let alone who will reach a breaking
point and take action.” Christopher Weber and Alicia Chang, “Experts” Mass
Murderers Are Hard to Predict,” Seattle Times / Associated Press, May 27,
June 4
CNN’s Anderson Cooper discusses gun control on The Late Show host
David Letterman. The television news anchor remarks that America “isn’t
ready” or “isn’t willing” to tackle the “gun control problem,” adding that if
Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to spur action, then nothing will. Letterman says
he’s not “anti-gun,” but wanted to know “for the love of Christ, when are we
going to do something about this nonsense?” “David Letterman, Anderson
Cooper Discuss Gun Control "Guns.com, June 6, 2014.
June 5
In the midst of divorce proceedings filmmaker Michael Moore’s spouse
Glynn notes that just days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre,
Moore was offered financing for an anti-gun film. In an e-mail sent three days
after the December 2012 shooting, producer Michael Donovan wrote that he
was“personally prepared to finance a film” by Moore about the Newtown,
Connecticut killings. Donovan and Moore won the 2002 Academy Award
for best documentary feature for “Bowling for Columbine.” While Moore
acknowledged receiving Donovan’s e-mail, court records do not include the
director’s response to the offer. “Michael Moore, Wife Tangle Over Divorce
Dollars,” The Smoking Gun, June 5, 2014.
June 12
ProTecht, an Oklahoma company, reports that it has seen business grow
partly due to the “Body Guard” blanket it markets to keep children safe from
high-speed debris flying through the air from the tornadoes. Some parents
also see the device as protection against gunfire in the apparent rash of school
James F. Tracy
shootings following the Sandy Hook massacre. “The government is not
going to do anything in law about guns, and there is nothing else out there
to protect the children,” says Stan Schone, who helped develop the blanket.
Heide Brandes, “Some Turn to Bullet-Resistant Blankets After US School
Shootings,” Reuters / Yahoo News, June 12, 2014.
June 15
James Tracy sends a letter to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, challenging the
recognized cable news anchor to travel with him to Newtown and partake in
a genuinely thorough journalistic investigation of the Sandy Hook massacre
and its aftermath. In the weeks following the event Cooper sent reporters to
Tracy’s workplace and residence to question Tracy on his initial criticism
of the event’s media coverage. Evidence accumulating since December 14,
2012 underlines Tracy’s initial skepticism concerning the event’s authenticity.
In the letter, Tracy reminds Cooper that it could be the story that defines
journalistic greatness. “It will call for — indeed require — the public service
of news professionals like you to find out what really happened and bring the
culprits to justice!” Tracy intones. “Anderson, at the end of the day it’s just like
you say each evening: we truly need to ‘keep them honest.’” James F. Tracy,
“An Open Letter to Anderson Cooper,” Memory Hole Blog, June 23, 2014.
June 17
Connecticut State Police Major William Podgorski dies Monday at
Yale-New Haven Hospital after a brief illness. Podgorski was commander
of the state police western district, which includes the barracks in Canaan,
Litchfield, Southbury and Bridgeport. He was directly involved in the Sandy
Hook investigation and redactions in the official report. Dave Owens, “State
Police Chief Dies After Brief Illness,” Hartford Courant, June 17, 2014.
June 21
Cardenas Hoffman, 30, of Venezuela is arrested in a Miami airport for
making threatening phone calls to the residents of Newtown, Connecticut, two
days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Cardenas purportedly
made 96 calls to Newtown claiming to be Adam Lanza and threatening call
recipients, according to a U.S. Department of Justice statement. He was
charged with a criminal complaint in May 2013 for “threats in interstate or
foreign commerce to injure the person of another,” the statement said. “Man
Arrested for Threatening Phone Calls After Sandy Hook,” NBC News, June
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
The North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness
hopes to elevate the discussion this week at its annual conference.
NAMI-NC executive director Deby Dihoff says the time is right to
discuss mental health, school safety, gun violence, and community solutions
post-Sandy Hook.
The 29th annual conference brings together school system leaders,
social workers, mental health professionals, judicial and court system
representatives, law enforcement, as well as individuals living with mental
illness and family members.
Nelba Marquez-Greene, the mother of one of the children killed in the
Newtown school shooting, will also discuss what can be done to prevent
tragedies like this from happening again.
- See more at: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2013/10/Q4/ncs-mental-
the North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness hopes
to elevate the discussion this week at its annual conference.
NAMI-NC executive director Deby Dihoff says the time is right to
discuss mental health, school safety, gun violence, and community solutions
post-Sandy Hook.
The 29th annual conference brings together school system leaders,
social workers, mental health professionals, judicial and court system
representatives, law enforcement, as well as individuals living with mental
illness and family members.
Nelba Marquez-Greene, the mother of one of the children killed in the
Newtown school shooting, will also discuss what can be done to prevent
tragedies like this from happening again.
- See more at: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2013/10/04/ncs-mental-
the North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness hopes
to elevate the discussion this week at its annual conference.
NAMI-NC executive director Deby Dihoff says the time is right to
discuss mental health, school safety, gun violence, and community solutions
post-Sandy Hook.
The 29th annual conference brings together school system leaders,
James F. Tracy
social workers, mental health professionals, judicial and court system
representatives, law enforcement, as well as individuals living with mental
illness and family members.
Nelba Marquez-Greene, the mother of one of the children killed in the
Newtown school shooting, will also discuss what can be done to prevent
tragedies like this from happening again.
- See more at: http://pidse.ncpolicywatch.org/2013/10/04/ncs-mental-
the North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness hopes
to elevate the discussion this week at its annual conference.
NAMI-NC executive director Deby Dihoff says the time is right to
discuss mental health, school safety, gun violence, and community solutions
post-Sandy Hook.
The 29th annual conference brings together school system leaders,
social workers, mental health professionals, judicial and court system
representatives, law enforcement, as well as individuals living with mental
illness and family members.
Nelba Marquez-Greene, the mother of one of the children killed in the
Newtown school shooting, will also discuss what can be done to prevent
tragedies like this from happening again.
- See more at: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/20l3/10/04/ncs-mental-
the North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness hopes
to elevate the discussion this week at its annual conference.
NAMI-NC executive director Deby Dihoff says the time is right to
discuss mental health, school safety, gun violence, and community solutions
post-Sandy Hook.
The 29th annual conference brings together school system leaders,
social workers, mental health professionals, judicial and court system
representatives, law enforcement, as well as individuals living with mental
illness and family members.
Nelba Marquez-Greene, the mother of one of the children killed in the
Newtown school shooting, will also discuss what can be done to prevent
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
tragedies like this from happening again.
- See more at: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2013/10/04/ncs-mental-
Originally published as “Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline ” (6 January
2013), memory’holeblog.com
James F. Tracy
Murder and Homocide rates before and after gun bans
Thus Article Chapter 16 Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline by James F Tracy, Ph. D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
That's an article Chapter 16 Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline by James F Tracy, Ph. D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article Chapter 16 Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline by James F Tracy, Ph. D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook with the link address https://polennews.blogspot.com/2018/02/chapter-16-sandy-hook-school-massacre.html
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