Title : Chapter 15 Appedix A and B The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
link : Chapter 15 Appedix A and B The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
Chapter 15 Appedix A and B The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
The FEMA Manual
for Sandy Hook
row official vse only
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exoiaae Plan Bmatgaicy Response Poi
Mata CoauaMy Oril Matt CaauUbca frying Cfrildtcn
Federal Emergency
Management Agency
Site Activation Call-down Drill
Exercise Plan
[Mass Casualty drill]
Cxercise Dale: 12/14/12 Publishing Date: 10/08/12
Cxercise Plan
Mm Casualty Drill
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Response For
Mass Casualties involving Children
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
National Preparedness is sponsored by FEMA and the Department ofllomcland Security. This
Exercise Plan was produced with input, advice, and assistance from the National Incident
Management System (NIMS) exercise planning team, which followed the guidance set lorth in
the federal Emergency Management Agency (FKM A). Homeland Sccuntv Exercise and
I valuation Program (I IS EE. P)
The Plan gives officials, observers, media personnel, and p lasers from participating
organizations the information necessary to observe or participate in an all hazards preparedness
exercise focusing on participants' emergency response plans, policies, and procedures as they
pertain to specific scenarios. '11k information in this document is current ;ls of the date of
publication. 10 OK 2012. and is subject to change as dictated by the National Incident
Management System exercise planning leant
The Preparation for Muss Casualty is a ctaviified eiereiw The control of information is hosed
more oil public sensitivity regarding the nature of the exercise than on tbc actual exercise
content Souk exercise material is intended for the rxclusivc use of exercise planners,
controllers, and evaluators, hut play ers may view other materials deemed necessary to their
performance. The Exercise may he viewed by all exercise participants, Inn the ('ontrtdler amt
f'vatiuilor <( .YE) Handbook is a restricted document in tented for controllers and evahmior* only.
All exercise participants should use appropriate guidelines to ensure the proper control of
information within llwir areas of expertise and to protect this material in accordance with
current jurisdictional directives Public release of exercise materials to third parlies is at the
discretion of 11 k federal Emergency Management Agency and the Preparation for Mass
Casualty exercise planning team.
Sensitive Document
Cxercise Plan
Mm Casualty Drill
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Response Foe
Mass Casualties involving Children
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Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
Handling Instructions
I I1k title of this document is Mass < usually Prill Involving Children Exercise firm (Exflani
2. The information gathered in this FvPIan is For Official I 'sc Only (FOUO) and should he
handled as sensitive informal ion not to he disclosed. This document should be safeguarded,
handled, transmitted, and stotvd in accordance with appropriate security directives.
Reproduction of this document, in whole or in pari, without pnor approval from The
Department of Homeland Security is prohibited.
3. At a minimum, the attached materials will be disseminated only on a necd-to-know basis and
when unattended, will be stored in a locked container or area ottering sutlicient protection
against tliell. compromise, inadvertent access, and unauthorized disclosure.
4. For more information, please consult the follow ing points of contact ( PCX's):
Agency POC :
Tom Romano
Federal Emergency Management Agency
X60.236-0R44 (office)
thomas lomaiHvact.gove
Fxereise Director:
Not Available
Handling Instructions
Sensitive Document
Cxercise Plan
Mm Casualty Drill
Handling Instructions
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Response For
Mass Casualties Involving Children
Tim page is intentionally left blank.
Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
Preface ...........................................................................................................I
Handling Instructions Hi
Chapter 1 : General Information ... 1-1
Introduction 1-1
Confidentiality 1-1
Purpose 1-1
Target Capabilities 1-1
Exercise Objectives 1-2
Chapter 2: Exercise Logistics 2-1
Exercise Summary 2-1
Exercise Tools 2-3
Exercise Implementation 2-3
Accident Reporting and Real Emergencies 2-4
Communications Plan 2-4
Chapter 3: Player Guidelines 3-1
Player Instructions 3-1
Chapter 4: Evaluation and Post-Exercise Activities 4-1
Exercise Documentation 4-1
After Action Report 4-1
After Action Conference and Improvement Plan 4-1
Appendix A: Participating Agencies A-1
Appendix B: Standard Script for Calls B-1
Contents v Sensitive Document
Cxercise Plan
Mm Casualty Drill
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Response Foe
Mass Casualties involving Children
This page is intentionally left blank.
Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
Chapter 1 : General Information
'Che Preparation for Mnvc Casualty i\ a drill declined to establish a learning environment fur
p lasers to exorcise emergency response plans, policies, and procedures as they pertain to a mass
casualty incident involving children. A drill is used to validate a single specific operations or
function of a single agcncx organization and can be used to practice maintain skills
This Exercise Plan (ExPlan) was produced at the direction of the Department of Homeland
Security with the input, advice, and ;tvtixlance of the Preparation for Mass Casually planners
The Preparation for Mass Casualty is a classified exercise . The control of information is bused
more on public sensitivity regarding the nature of the exercise than on the actual exercise
content Some exercise material is intended for the exclusive use of exercise planners,
controller;, and evaluators, but players may view other materials deemed necessary to tlieir
performance. Ibis ExPlan may be viewed by all exercise participants, but the ( ontroder and
Evaluator (C/E) Handbook is a restricted document intended for controllers and euduators only.
All exercise participants should use appropriate guidelines to ensure the proper control of
information within their areas of expertise and protect this material in accordance with current
Department of Homeland Security directives. Public release of exercise materials to tliinl parlies
is at the discretion of the Impairment of Homeland Security and the federal Emergency
Management Agency and the Preparation for Mass Casualty Planning Team.
The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate plaver actions against current response plans and
capabilities lor a mass casualty incident response.
Target Capabilities
The National Planning Scenarios and the establishment of the National Preparedness Priorities
have steered the focus of homeland security tow ard a capabilities -based planning approach
Capabilities -based planning focuses on planning imder uncertainty, since the next danger or
disaster can never be forecast w ith complete accuracy Therefore, capabilities -based planning
takes an all -hazards approach to planning and preparation which builds capabilities that can be
applied to a w ide variety of incidents States and l ’rban .\rcas use capabilities -based planning to
idcnlily a baseline assessment of their homeland security efforts by comparing their current
capabilities against the Target Capabilities last (TCI.) iukI the critical tasks of the I mvcrsal I ask
l.bt (l TE). This approach identifies gaps in current capabilities and focuses efforts on
identifying and developing priority capabilities and tasks for the jurisdiction. These priority
capabilities are articulated in the jurisdiction's homeland security strategy and Multi-Year
Training and Exercise Plan, of w hich this exercise is a component of.
Chapter 1: General Information 1*1
Sensitive Document
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response Foe
Mas* Casualty Drill Mass Casualties involving Children
1 he capabilities listed below haw been selected by the Preparation tor Mass Casualty planning
team from the priority capabilities identified in the federal Emergency Management Agency s
Multi-Year framing and Exercise Plan. These capabilities provide the foundation for
development of the exercise objectives and scenario, as the purpose of this exercise is to measure
and validate performance of these capabilities and their associated critical tasks
I he IJJS.gov team striven to provide useful and pertinent information to the whole community.
In order to deliver relevant lessons learned and innovative practices to our users,
the LLlSgov team is focusing its research on Core Capabilities, as defined in the National
Preparedness (ioal Ihe IJJS.gux team uwn the results of Stale Preparedness Reports (SPRs) to
identify the capabilities slates have selfancned as both high-priority and low -proficiency
Ihe LUSgov team lias already conducted research on Mass Care Serv ices. Cvbcreceurity.
and Community Resilience , and will soon begin research on Housing Ihe goal of this research
is In gather lessons learned, innovative practices, and resources from subject matter experts at all
levels of gov eminent. NTKX and the private sector and share them w ith the whole community.
Click on the pages below to view tlie gallicrcd resources, and please consider contributing your
I.M flic Target Capabilities To He Kxcrckerfc
• Mass Prophylaxis
• Mass Death of Children at a School by Fircanm
• Suicide or Apprehension of I n known Shooter
• t Tse of Media for FAalual ion
• Use of Media for Information Distribution
Exercise Objectives
Ihe lYepantfion for Mass Casualty exercise planning team selected objectives that focus on
evaluating emergency response procedures, identifying areas for improvement, and achieving a
collaborative attitude This exercise will focus on the following objectives:
This k a Ikt of S4mplr objectives that ap|>ty to this r\mhc. Drills traditionally have I to 3
specific objectives.
Site Call-Dow n. Ability to contact arid ensure facilities are available for emergency response
I . Measure the time needed for the jurisdislion to contact owners or managers of Emergency
Dispensing Sites dining a mass casually or incident involving children, in occordanoc with
Chapter 1 : General Ini ormal ion 1 -2
Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
E x ere me Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casually OrMI Maas Casualties Involving Children
2. Measure the lime needed For the jurisdiction to receive access confirmation from owners or
managers of Emergency Dispersing Sites during a mass casualty incident involving children,
in accordance with NIOl s
3. Measure the percentage of sites that are available foe use during a mass casually incident
involving children, in accordance with MOl 's.
Chapter 1 : General Information 1-3
Sensitive Document
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response Foe
Mtu Casually Drill Man Casualties Involving Children
Chapter 2: Exercise Logistics
Exercise Summary
The Preparation lor Mass Casuah> is desired to establish a learning environment lor player* to
exercise their plans and procedures for responding to an incident involving children as casualties.
The Preparation tor Mass Casually will he conducted on 12 13 1 2. beginning at 8:00 am.
Exercise play is scheduled until the Kxeretsc Director Controller determines that the exercise
objectives have been met. Everyone must Mgn ui w ith controller upon arrival.
Assumptions and Site Call-Down Instructions
This s4>« linn contains the basic instructions on how to oiikIimI this drill using both a
manual and automated call-clow n system. These Msumptiom and instructions arc derived
from spec ilk' CDC guidance and should result in the necessary «*ut|Hit lor data collection.
For more details, please see: Chan. Edvard, el al. Working Piper: Operational Assessments for
SSS Readiness. Santa Monica: R.WD Health, 2006.
Assumptions constitute the implied factual Inundation for the exercise and. hence, are assumed
to be present before the start of the exercise. The following general assumptions apply to the
Preparation for Maw Casually
• Site call -down list to be tested. Jurisdictions have dilTcrcnl lists of sites that w ould be
called in an emergency. Example site call-down lists include I.DSs and warehouse
locations. Site call-down lists should he kept up-to-date, readily accessible, and usable.
Jurisdictions should select one of more of these lists for use during this site call-down
• So-nouce' no availability drill. To collect the best possible perf ormance metrics, site call-
down drills should not involve prior notice to those being calk'd, however, the drills need
not require actually making the site available for use by the health department
• So-notiee. Given that the purpose ol the assessment is to estimate the percentage of
live sites on the calling list Hut ore reachable and available on a given day, we
recoiiunend live drill be conducted on a no-noliee birds. At most, only the players who
are required to initiate the site call-down procedure should he notified of the drill, but
even they need not he warned beforehand. If using an automated calling system, only
players who must activate the automated syxlcm need to be notified.
• So site activation required. To reduce the burden associated with gathering
performance metrics, sites on the call-down list are not required to actually make
their site available for use by the health department.
• It is critical that this mesvage is conveyed to lire contacts rcceiv ing the site activation
Chapter 2: Exercise Logistic* 2-1
Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
• Calling vi/wpnwni. Players should have access lo all calling equipment and any call
revptrme mniulnring technology that would he used during a real emergency in order to
track the call responses received
• Automated calling system Jurisdictions using automated calling systems should
collaborate with the provider of their calling lyrtcm to perform the site call-down
• Manual railing system. Junvdiclions using nuimul calling systems should run the drill
using the same equipment and facilities that would he used during a real emergency.
If this is not practical, the dnll should be conducted using equipment and facilities
that arc as similar as possible.
• Response method. Jurisdictions should determine the method by which site* on the call*
down list will acknow ledge receipt of the call-down message and report their ability to
make Uicir site available.
Automated calling system
• I/an attlomaled response function is available. Sites on Ibc c .ill -down list should
follow the instructions of the automated calling system lo acknowledge receipt of
like call-down message and report whether or not they are able to make their cite
available. Typically, persona called can enter a number on their phone after a
• If an automated response function is not mailable. Upon being called, sites on the
call-down list should acknowledge receipt of the call-dosvn message and report
their ability to make their site available. The response can be in the form of an e-
mail. phone call, or tcM message to a phone number specially designated for this
purpose. Another option is to set up a call center to receive responses Only
responses received w ithin a predetermined amount of time should be recorded for
use in the performance metrics.
Manual calline svslcin
• During successful phone calls, the caller can manually record receipt of the call-
down message and the ability of each site on the call-dow n list to make their site
• Protocol for non-respondent follow up. For the purposes of this drill, the following non-
responses indicate Hut the site on the call-down list has not acknowledged receipt ol'lltc
call-down message.
« Rusy signal
• No answer
• Voicemail
• Wrong person answering but correct person is unavailable
• Wrong number.
Jurisdictions should determine the protocol for how callers or automated calling systems
should handle non-responses.
Chapter 2: Exercise Logistics 2-2
Sensitive Document
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response Foe
Mm« Casually Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
Exercise Participants
The following are I lie categories of participants involved in tins exercise, for purjx*o. of this
call-down drill, participant* include the following:
• Players. Players are the personnel who Jo lie calling during the exercise lie players in
ihe exercise should he (he people who would do (lie calling in a real emergency
• Hxerciie DircetorlConirotteri li valuator. Iliis position has the overall responsibility for
planning, coordinating, and overseeing all exercise functions, lie she monitors the status
of play and the achievement of the exercise design objectives.
They declare when the drill starts and ends and manage the flow of Ihe drill. This is the
only participant who will provide information or direction to the player*. However,
because the drill focuses on the collection of time-based metrics, they should not
intervene in timed activities while the drill is in progress.
He she is responsible for liming the overall drill, gathering individual call data collection
sheets, computing metric*, and taking notes to identify areas for improvement.
F or an automated calling system. He she should remain unobtrusive and not
intervene with player action.
l or a manual c ailing m stent He she should not intervene with player action
Ideally, the evaluator should be able lo listen in on the calls that the players make
Exercise Tools
Controller and Evaluator Handbook
I tic Preparation for Mass Casualty Cl Handbook is designed to help exercise controllers and
e valuators conduct and evaluate an effective exercise. This handbook also enables controllers
and evaiuators to understand their roles and responsibilities in exercise execution and evaluation
Should a player, observ er, or media representative find an unattended handbook, it should be
provided to the nearest controller or evaluator.
Master Scenario Events List
Ihe MM. I outlines benchmarks, as well » tniects that drive exercise pl.lV h also details
realistic input lo tlw exercise players as well as information expected to emanate from simulated
organizations (i.c . those nonpartieipating organizations. agencies, and individuals oho would
usually respond to the situation 1 Kir the purpose of this drill, the MSIT . will not contain injects,
but will instead only contain anticipated actions of the players.
Exercise Implementation
Exercise Play
Exercise play w ill begin at 8:00 ain on December 13" 2012. Play will proceed according to the
events outlined in the MSF.l. in accordance with established plans and procedures Ihe exercise
Chapter 2z Exercise Logistics 2-3
Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mess Casually Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
will conclude upon the completion of operations and attainment of the exercise objectives, as
determined by the Exercise Director Controller. Ihe exercise is expected to end at 1 1 :59 pm on
12 13' 12 and be evaluated on 12 14 12 as a real-time event
Exercise Rules
The following are the general rules that govern exercise play
• Real-world emergency actions take priority over exercise actions.
• Exercise participants will comply with real-world response procedures, unless otherwise
directed by control stall.
• All communications (written, radio, telephone, etc.) made during Ihe exercise will begin
and end with the phrase. "This it a drill, ~
Accident Reporting and Real Emergencies
Hue lo Ihe nature of this drill, it is not anticipated that any accidents will occur, however, if an
accident or real world emergency does occur. Ihe participant is lo immediately stop exercise play
and altcnd to Ihe accident or real-world emergency as necessary and notify tlic Exercise
Directrix Controller as soon as possible If a real emergency occurs that affects the enure
exercise, tlic exercise may be suspended or temrinalcd al lire discretion of ihe Exercise
Director Controller.
Communications Plan
Exercise Start, Suspension, and Termination Instructions
The exercise is scheduled lo run until the Exercise Diwdor Controller dctcnniiws that the
exercise objectives have been met-
All apoken and written communication will start and end with the
statement, “This is a Drill.”
Player Communication
(layers will use routine. tmplace agency communication systems Additional communication
assets may he made available as the exercise progresses. The need to maitilain capability for a
real -world response may preclude the use of certain communication channels or systems that
would usually be available for an actual emergency incident. In no instance will exercise
communication interfere with real-world emergency communications.
See Appendix H: Standard Script for (alh for an outline of the recommended script for
Chapter 2: Exercise Logistics 2-4
Sensitive Document
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response Foe
Mum Casually Drill Maas Casual! lea Involving Children
Chapter 3: Player Guidelines
Player Instructions
Before the Exercise
• Participants should he familiar with the appropriate emergency plans, procedures, and
exercise support documents
During the Exercise
• Respond to the exercise events and information as if the emergency were real, unless
otherw ise directed hy an exercise controller
• All exercise communication will begin and end with the phrase “t his is a drill" Urn is
a precaution taken so anyone overhearing the conversation will not mistake the exercise
play for a real-world emergency.
Data Collection
Data collection responsibilities depend on the calling system used l or an Automated Culling
System the drill evaluator is responsible for all data collection and analysis. Most Automated
Calling Systems have the capacity to generate reports detailing the results of the call -down. The
drill evaluator is responsible for extrapolating the following information from the report:
1 . Recording I he drill information, including date and location of drill, number of players,
etc. (sec Excel-based data collection spreadsheet I.
2. Recording the following process time stamps t to the hour and minute):
a. When the automated system begins contacting sites on the call-down list
b. When the automated system completes contacting sites on the call-down list
c. When all sites have acknowledged receipt of the call-down message and
reported their ability to make their site available by a pre-detemuned target lime,
or a predetermined amount of time has passed.
3. ( ompuling the performance metrics after the drill.
For jurisdictions using a Manual Calling System, the players will record data that must be
collected by the evaluators in the post-cxcrvise period Ihc players (callers) are responsible for
1 . Recording the following time stamps (to the lumr and minute):
a. When the player begins contacting sites un the call-down list
b When the player completes contacting sites on Die call -down list
2. Recording for each site on the call down hit:
a. Whether the site acknow ledged receipt of the call-down message
h. Whether the site reported being able to make their site available hy the target
Ihc drill evaluator is responsible for
1 . Recording the drill information, including date and location of drill, number of players,
etc. (sec Fxccl-hascd data collection spreadsheet X
2. (lathering the dttut collection .s/rreadxheels from each player.
Chapter 3: Player Guidelines 3-1
Sensitive Document
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response For
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties Involving Children
3. Computing the performance metrics after the drill .
Chapter 3: Player Guidelines 3-2
Sensitive Document
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response Foe
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties involving Children
Chapter 4: Evaluation and Post-Exercise Activities
Exercise Documentation
'Die goal of the drill is to comprehensively exercise and evaluate the Department of Homeland
Security and the l-cdcrul Emergency Management Agency's plans and capabilities as they
pertain to a potential mass casualty incident involving children Alter the exercise, data collected
by controllers evaluators, and platers will he used to identify slrenglhs and areas for
iinprovctnenl in Hie context of the exercise design objectives
Exercise Evaluation Guides
1)1 IS lias developed Extras* Evaluation Guides (EKGs) that identity expected activities for
evaluation, provide consistency across exercises, and link individual tasks to disciplines and
expected outcomes. 'Die l. 1C is selected by the Preparation for Mam Casiahy trusted agents are
eonlaiiK'd in the esalualor materials packet along with the C F Handbook. Supplemental
evaluation material designed for the drill may also be used.
Data Collection Spreadsheet and Scoring Metrics
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the RAND Corporation have
developed a data collection spreadsheet and scoring metrics compulation spreadsheet, for
axxcwing site call-down capability.
After Action Report
I he .L\K is the culmination ol' the Preparation lor Mara Casually II is a wnticn report outlining
the strengths and areas lor improvement identified during the exercise. The AAR will include the
timeline, executive summary scenario description, missiim outcomes. ant capability analysis
The AAR will Ik drafted by a core group of individuals from the exercise planning learn
After Action Conference and Improvement Plan
The improvement proex'ss represents the comprehensive, continuing preparedness effort of which
the drill is a part the lessons teamed and recommendations from the AAR will Isc incorporated
into an Improvement Plan (IP). The After Action Conference is a forum for jurisdiction officials
to hear the results of the evaluation analysis, validate the findings and recommendations in the
draft AAR. and begin development of the IP. The IP identifies how recommendations w ill be
addressed, including what actions will he taken, who is responsible, and the timeline for
completion. It is created by key stakeholders from the Preparation for Mass Casualty
participating agency officials during the Alter Action Conference.
Chapter 4: Evaluation and Sensitive Document
Po si -Exercise Activities 4.1
The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook
Exercise Plan
Mm> Casualty Drill
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Response For
Mass Casualties Involving Children
Appendix A: Participating Agencies
Table A.1 Participating Agencies
Participating Agencies
Federal (it applicable)
State (rf applicable)
[Jurisdiction A)
[Jurisdiction B) (If applicable)
Appendix A: Participating Agencies A-1
Sensitive Document
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Exercise Plan Emergency Response Foe
Mass Casualty Drill Mass Casualties involving Children
Appendix B: Standard Script for Calls
Callers and automated calling systems should use a standard script to ensure accuracy and
consistency of messages and to ensure that time estimates taken from the drill rvlkct the pace of
activity in a true emergency
I he script should: I ) clearly state that tins is a drill; 2> assess ability to make their site available
(by a hypothetical time I : and 3) in the ease of a calling tree, provide instruction* for further
I he 'hi poilirlicnl linn ' should rrflt'ti a rralKlii approximation of the lime needed to
|**c pare a host fat ility for thr rveript of response \talT ami supplies.
Sample Call- Down Script
• This is a site call-down drill being conducted by the Department of Homeland Security
and the Federal Emergency Management Agency Your site is on tlie Department of
Homeland Security's list of facilities th.il may be used in an emergency If this were a
real emergency, you would be asked to make your site available for use by lie
I Xpartniciit of Homeland Sec unis \ health department.
• Again, this is tmly n drill. There is no need for you to make sour site available as a result
of this call.
Appendix B: Standard Script for Cafla Sensitive Document
Downloadable from "FEMA/DHS 12/14/12 Plan for "Mass Death of Children
at a School by Firearms", memoryholeblog.com (8 October 20 14) or by using
this link: 201 4/ 10/drill-site-activation-call-down-exercise-plan _a.pdf
The 20 Children and their Homes
The 20 Children
and their Homes
by Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D.
Twenty families had children allegedly killed at the Sandy Hook event
of 14 December, 2012. Each of these families owned their own home in
Newtown. Most of them had acquired it relatively recently before the event,
a couple of years before.
We here examine patterns in that property acquisition. Seven out of the
twenty families were Jewish and the data suggests that they seem to have
played some key role.
The FBI’s year-summary of crimes had no murders registered in
Newtown over that period. Nor have any birth certificates, death certificates
or coroner’s inquests been to-date produced for the twenty alleged children
who died [Editor ’s note: apart from the fake death certificate discussed in
Chapter 11.] Therefore their status, as to whether they really lived, remains
unclear. Without wishing to prejudge the issue, we shall here allude to them
as “SHUC”, Sandy Hook Undead Children.
The SSDI Social Security Death Index is closely linked to the database
of ancestry.com, and is widely regarded as a reliable guide to who really
lived and died in America.
It based upon a unique account number owned by each US citizen; plus in
addition, parents may apply for their child’s SSDI for tax-deduction purposes,
so that young children may also have them. All twenty of the SHUC had been
given SSDIs, and these recorded their deaths on 14 December, 2012, whereas
that for Adam Lanza, their alleged killer, was for 13 December 2012. Did
the killer die the day before his victims? This suggests that somebody has,
to say the least, tampered with the data.
Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D.
Where Nightmares Take Form
Newtown came into existence in the 1930's, centered on the construction
and staffing of a Psychiatric Hospital (aka Fairfield Halls Military
Programming Facility) during WW2. It seems to be a place where storied
and mundane history somehow overlap. In the year 2000, a film, ’The Sandy
Hook Lingerie Party Massacre ’, had a deranged killer strike in the aftermath
of a hurricane.
Then, the ritual sacrifice of 22 children was portrayed in the global
bestseller, ‘The Hunger Games’ { 2008) by Suzanne Collins, who was and
is a resident of Newtown: she lives just two streets from where Nancy
Lanza (mother of the alleged killer Adam Lanza) is supposed to have lived.
{Editor s note'. On that claim, see Chapter 7). That story had 22 children die,
while the ‘Sandy Hook Massacre’ allegedly had 21 (including Adam Lanza).
It premiered as a film in March 2012.
The Hollywood blockbuster, The Dark Knight Rises had an area on the
Gotham City Map (used in the viral marketing campaign, and in the movie)
changed to Sandy Hook. A Mr. Scott Getzinger was the prop master who did
this, and he lived in the Sandy Hook school district; his widowed wife still
does. He was killed in April 2012 in a car accident in which first responders
noted his injuries were “not life threatening”. He died in the hospital later
that night. His widow is public in her belief that he was murdered.
In July 2012, the Batman film, ’ The Dark Knight Rises’, premiered,
alluding to the ‘Sandy Hook’ region of Gotham City as a portion of the
city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds. Early
promotions of the film the year before did not (as Alex Jones discovered)
contain that Sandy Hook reference. Then, in 2013, the ‘Sandy Hook Lingerie
Party Massacre ’ was re-released under a new title, ‘Jersey Shore Lingerie
Party Massacre’ .
Singing at the Superbowl
Fifty days after the event at Sandy Hook, ten of the SHUC were observed
singing happily in the Sandy Hook Choir at a Superbowl conference-with
Beyonce! They are identifiable-but curiously they were some years older.
From this students have inferred that the images of the ten six to seven-
year-old children put out as having died at Sandy Hook, had actually been
taken some years earlier. The table below gives data on these ten SHUC
families: the official birthdates are given, but these would seem to be
impossible in view of their more mature appearance at the Superbowl.
The 20 Children and their Homes
'jack Pinto
I Hubbard
Dylan Hockley
Catherine Hubbard
Ana Marquez vn 'f
James Mattiofi
(actually Ion ndfcut
We will come on later to the property prices, shown on the right-hand
side of the table.
Important research on this topic has been done by Dr. Eowyn, who
traced each of the twenty SSDI records and these include the states in which
they were issued as ‘State of Issue.’ Only four out of the ten SHUC who
sang ‘after-death’ at the Superbowl had their SSDls issued by the State of
Connecticut (of which Newtown is a part). SSDls are issued by the state in
which the individual was born, not where he or she died.
Date of
Rel. cost $
Charlotte Helen
Joel 0
J 387.500
Avlelle Rkhman
Jennifer & Jeremy
Josephine Gay
Bub & Michele Gay
Ben Wheeler
David & Francis Wheeler
fcmilie Parker
Robert & Alissa Parker
Caroline Previdi
Hden J & tuRenc Prov
25 12 09
Grace McDonnell
lynn McDonnell
Olivia Rose Engel
18 7 Ob
Brian Engel
Daniel Barden
Murk Barden
Jessica A. Rekos
Richard & Krista Rekos
The children s names are on the left, their parents in the centre.
Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D.
There is evidence of false identity. Sandy Hook appears to have been a
virtual-reality event, which set up huge revenue streams of income for certain
Newtown residents. Thus ‘Avielle Rose Richman’, for example, seems to
have been Lenie Urbina, whose parents Curtis and Richmond Urbina are
both directly associated with the Newtown area synagogue. They seem to
have loaned their daughter — or at least a picture of her — for this event: the
alleged-parents Jeremy Richman and Jennifer Hensel were thereby able to
establish the ‘Avielle Foundation’ and its smart website on 14 December
2012, the very day of the ‘shooting.’ This aimed to raise $5m in the first year.
As for ‘Ben Wheeler’, his purported parents, Ben and Francine Lobis-
Wheeler, appear to have had only one child, Nate Wheeler. ‘Owen Wright’
seems to have been the child whose photos were used, where his mother,
Jennifer Wright, was rewarded by his appearance at the Superbowl concert.
The next table shows the ten SHUC not observed singing at the Superbowl:
Par fills
Cost S
Isought on
Dylan C. Hockley
Nicole A Ian
Madeleine F. Ilsu;
John &. Donna
Catherine V.
Matthew & Jennifer
25. 12.00
t luse M. Kowalski.
Stephen & Rchcvta
Jesse M. Lewis:
Scarlett L.
James Mattioli:
Mark & Cynthia M
Jack A. Pinto:
Dean & Tricia P
Nobody is likely to tell us what differences there are between these
two groups; all one can say is that all in this second table have SSDIs from
Connecticut. Dr. Eowyn was startled to discover that
the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a database of death records
created from the federal government Social Security Administration’s
‘Death Master File’ and the latter does not have SSDIs for any of the
twenty SHUC.
Notice that Dr. Eowyn ascertained that exactly one of the children had
not been issued a SSDI, as shown here. [. Editor’s note: See Chapter 9.]
Homes Purchased on Christmas Day
Another mystery of the Sandy Hook story — which has a tendency to
be ignored because it is so strange — is that most of these families acquired
their properties on Christmas Day 2009, apparently for free (i.e., the recorded
price for these transactions was zero dollars). Was this just some computer
glitch on the part of local estate agents, as has been claimed? If so, it seems
The 20 Children and their Homes
odd that those $0 sale prices were never corrected: how can a city make their
budget work with such sloppy documentation?
Seven of the children — James Mattioli, Noah S. Pozner, Ana Marquez-
Greene, Charlotte Helen Bacon, Avielle Rose Richman, Ben Andrew
Wheeler and Daniel Barden — came from Jewish families and had Jewish
funerals. These families did not (bar one or two) get their properties free,
but paid around half a million dollars for them. In the far-right column of
both Tables, dates of purchase of most of the parents ’ homes appear as being
within two years of the event. Only non-Jewish families obtained their homes
on Christmas Day 2009 (or at least were registered as doing so.) and these
largely got their homes free.
It may help to depict these facts with a simple 2x2 table of binary (i.e.,
yes or no) logic:
House purchases registered In Newtown, of the twenty familes
Purchased on
12.25.09 /or not
Paid for / Free
Jewish (7)
Non-Jewish (13)
If we divide the families between those registered as acquiring their
property prior to Christmas Day 2009, and those who acquired it on or after
that date, then most of the Jewish families acquired theirs before that date
(5 out of 7), while conversely only 3 out of 13 non-Jewish families acquired
theirs before that date. Four of the Jewish families reportedly acquired their
homes in the year 2007.
Two of the Jewish families are recorded as having acquired their
Newtown home for free, while all but one of the thirteen non-Jewish families
did so. Nearly all of the non-Jewish families had this mysterious transaction
recorded as happening on Christmas Day 2009 — a day when no business is
normally conducted — whereas not one Jewish family did this.
The town records show that several of the “$0 sales” were preceded by a
sale to the same person a few years before for what appears to be a “market
price” — as if the Sandy Hook victim had bought the house previously, then
sold it to themselves for $0.00 a few years later — suggesting that the loan
was paid off by someone else and the deed remained in the original buyer’s
name. Some of these homes appear to have been re-sold shortly after the
“massacre”, where it would be worth investigating to what extent the families
moved in a while before the shootings and left not long after.
Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D.
Did that day have any special significance? If we accept that the Sandy
Hook episode was an act of state-fabricated terror, then there is another such
episode, namely, the ‘crotch bomber’ scam, which happened on Christmas
Day 2009. This was on a passenger flight from Amsterdam to Detroit and we
were supposed to believe that he threatened to blow up the plane.
Do the ‘Illuminati’ — or whoever else one takes to be perpetrating
these state-fabricated terror events — intend to link them up in this way?
For comparison, the Madrid railway station bombing happened 911 days
after 9/11; and then, before the Boston Marathon race began, there was 26
minutes of silence one for each of the Sandy Hook victims — also for a race
over 26 miles. Thus the Marathon was themed to link with the Sandy Hook
massacres, where the two events had in retrospect quite a bit in common. So
that 2009 Christmas Day could appear as being somehow significant, linking
one fictional terror event with another.
The central issue in state-fabricated terror of the 21 st century is usually
false or fabricated identity. Who really were the people involved? Did the
twenty families ever really have these little children running around in their
back gardens, or not? Vast charity revenues have accrued through these
fictional deaths. It is hoped that the schematic approach here taken may
assist citizens of America in resolving the complicated levels of deception
involved. I suggest that a panel ought to be established for a ‘Real Identity
of the Sandy Hook Children’ study, to examine the photographs and families
involved, find their real dates of birth, etc. We need the truth.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline
Sandy Hook School
Massacre Timeline
by James F Tracy, Ph. D.
The following
timeline of the
December 14, 2012
mass killing of
20 children and 8
adults in Newtown
Connecticut attempts
to demonstrate
how the event was
presented to the
public by corporate
news media.
The chronological assemblage of coverage is not comprehensive of all
reports published on the incident but rather seeks to verify how the storyline
was to a substantial degree constructed by federal and state law enforcement
authorities and major media around the theory that 20-year-old Adam Lanza
was the sole agent in the massacre.
This scenario became an established reality through the news media’s
pronounced repetition of the lone gunman narrative and meme. This
proposed scenario significantly obscured the fact that police encountered and
apprehended two additional shooting suspects on the school’s grounds within
minutes of the crime. These suspects remain unaccounted for by authorities
but the roles they may have played arguably correlate with the shifting
information presented by authorities and major news media on injuries and
weapons vis-a-vis the mass carnage meted out in the school.
Thus Article Chapter 15 Appedix A and B The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
That's an article Chapter 15 Appedix A and B The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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