Twice the Christmas? Twice as Nice!

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Title : Twice the Christmas? Twice as Nice!
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Twice the Christmas? Twice as Nice!

Brain cancer is... open to new traditions!

You know our holiday is Christmas.  This is the Christmas for MORE!  Twice as much! We started down a dangerous path when we chose two designs for our holiday card, for the first time ever:

As we sat enjoying our recent annual Christmas date, Darrell announced that it was so much fun that he wanted two Christmas dates.  Sure, Darrell, let's do.  You pick.

But in the meantime, all these negotiations led to Andi's favorite:  Two Christmas trees!  Hurrah!  In Andi's childhood there were Christmas forests (thanks to potted trees).  And thanks to Gordon and Beverly for telling Darrell, during Andi's and Darrell's first married Christmas:  "If your wife wants a live tree, give her a tree!"

Today it all came together.  Drum roll...
Two trees!

Inside tree:

Sculptural tree. Slim profile.  High contrast.
...And outside tree!

Fat.  Outside.
Twice the Christmas:  Twice as nice!

Here are some of the pictures that show the build up to two trees:

Son and Father, in the shade.
Hello?  The 1960s called.  They want their pink tree back.  "No can do," responded Sue and Andi.

It's really not 85 degrees.  Ask Summer and her magical camera.

 Twice the Christmas? Twice as nice!

Thus Article Twice the Christmas? Twice as Nice!

That's an article Twice the Christmas? Twice as Nice! This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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