Title : Chapter 13 Epilog: by Dennis Cimino from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
link : Chapter 13 Epilog: by Dennis Cimino from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
Chapter 13 Epilog: by Dennis Cimino from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
Dennis Cimino
The key begins in Tucson where the acting Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, and
his auxiliaries, staged the elaborate hoax that a federal judge and a Congress
woman named “Gabby Giffords” were shot, the judge fatally. While Gabby
may have been seriously seriously wounded, 1 have found multiple indications
that suggest this, too, may have been a hoax. Evidence of purely FEMA-
staged acting was apparent in the fact that, when you do careful analysis of
the photos of the scene, you can find many significant clues.
One is a FEMA coach, kneeling by a stretcher, cue-card in his non-
gloved hands , reading that, with a small plastic cup of fake blood there, at a
site where allegedly real human beings were shot by an orange hair whacko
named ‘Flolmes’ that is so psychologically goofy looking you can barely
stand to look at him, let alone realize he is like the rest, another Greenberg
Zionist actor, participating in one of a series of hoaxes. Here we have one
of these FEMA crisis actors reading a cue card, no gloves, at the side of an
allegedly wounded person at the scene:
What is particularly
telling in the photo
of Giffords with an
allegedly grave head
wound, nobody seems
concerned. All backs are
turned. In real life if you
had a potentially mortally
wounded person being
taken by an ambulance
to a hospital, every one
of those people would
have been focused on her.
Look at them. Nobody cares. Nobody is concerned. Not one person seems in
a hurry to move her to the ambulance either. You know this is a drill, because
of the lack of concern and urgency in these people around this simulated
victim or “VicSIM”.
Closer examination
of the stretcher that
Giffords is on, is that
no blood is present, and
her aide who stated he
had “used his own hands
to pressure point stop
a head wound bleed”
oddly has no blood on
The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
his gloved hands at all. Neither do any of the EMT personnel transporting
her to the ambulance. As many of you might know, head wounds bleed
profusely yet Giffords has no blood on her except a small red patch on a
rag wrapped around her skull. If the lightbulb hasn’t gone on for you yet, it
should when you see photos of two of Dupnik’s elderly Sheriff’s Auxiliary,
pretending to be victim relatives at the alleged but simulated crime scene.
They appear to be accomplices to an act of treason by Clarence W. Dupnik,
the Pima County Sheriff.
In the case of the Aurora, CO, hoax staged fraud, we have an FBI agent
standing behind the Chief of Police of Aurora, watching the Chief read his
cue card in his head, while Special Agent Jim Yacone smirks in satisfaction
when the Chief says he is not prepared to comment about how the shooter
may have gotten into the theatre. In the immediate aftermath of this shooting
hoax, we have a number of witnesses talk about at least two individuals being
involved and flash-bang grenades being thrown into the theatre from different
directions by two individuals.
Clearly, on a day like this, no FBI agent has the right to ‘smirk’ about
anything the Chief of
Police might divulge,
nor would there be
any reason for many
witnesses to talk about
the fact that clearly the
assault on the theatre,
all staged and a hoax,
came from both sides of
Dennis Cimino
the theatre and was carried out by more than one person. So, here again, if
Holmes was the man, who were his accomplices? We know someone came
in from both sides and threw flash bang grenades into the small theatre. One
man could not do that. (Search YouTube for “FBI Agent, Chief Oates answer
questions about Aurora shooting")
In the Newtown, CT, shooting, where we have been told 20 children and
6 adults were slaughtered, many very big and inexplicable similarities were
evident, looking rather like a repetition from Tucson and Aurora, least with
the use of Greenberg’s actor cadre, the crisis actors from FEMA. We have
Dawn Hochsprung, who was allegedly killed shielding children from the lone
gunman, giving an interview to The Newtown BEE newspaper that morning.
Clearly this is not merely a misunderstanding here: no reporter would
give an interview and not clarify who that was they were talking to. Yet
Hochsprung was alive enough to give that interview in the aftermath of a
shooting in which she died trying to shield children from bullets. Not possible.
We have CNN video
of SWAT team members
running to the school
door through a column
of previously arranged
orange traffic cones.
Expecting someone
important that day,
were they? Especially
since this was footage
intentionally shown by
CNN of a drill that had
actually been staged
at the school months
A bigger clue is that
the crack sealant used
to seal the driveway in
some of the shots was nice and shiny and fresh, but not long thereafter, it’s dull
and dirty and aged. That cannot happen in one day. So we now know that the
earlier drill was used by CNN (actually shot at St. Rose of Lima Elementary
School, approximately 14 miles southwest of the closed Sandy Hook school,
based upon information we now have that has matched up the helicopter vs.
The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
Google Earth view and beyond a reasonable doubt shows CNN effectively
had to be in on the scam!) in more than one non-live shot of what allegedly
took place on December 14th, but clearly did not. It was obviously a hoax.
All of it. Purposely staged to deceive the American public to grab our guns.
In the helicopter
footage which is now
disappearing from
YouTube, you see at
around 7 AM a helicopter
hovering over the scene
with a DETROIT fire
truck in the footage.
EMS is staged far back
at the Fire Station and
almost nobody is closer than 100 yards or so from the school, and with
this video being about two hours before shooting happened, it elicits many
questions again about ‘how’ and ‘why’ we are able to see it on a day when
we were told that a kid got the drop on a security door and nobody was
forewarned that he was attempting to gain entry.
Crisis Actors and the Coroner’s Press Conference
Now it has been firmly established that many crisis actors were used
in Newtown, the most notable one is Robbie Parker, who is told ‘just
read the card’ and has
to get into character to
act ‘distraught’ when
moments before he
is seen smirking and
laughing, very much like
FBI agent Yacone had in
Aurora at the Chief of
Police press conference.
I don’t know about
you, but nobody can
explain away his very
poor acting here, and
nobody can explain
the “just read the card”
scenario, either. In
virtually all of the follow
up interviews of parents,
TN* video M no longer avodsbie oecouse the YouTube eccount
associated wits this video haa been terminated
Dennis Cimino
they are all dry eyed and not puffy faced, although they are said to have lost
their children. This is acting. By crisis actors. By Greenberg crisis actors.
Later that day we have the coroner, Wayne Carver, who is oddly out of
character, telling us that all of the vicSIMS were shot using the long rifle, the
.223 caliber one and that some vicSIMS had been shot more than ten times.
Nobody bothered to ask Wayne why nobody was airlifted to Danbury General
for possible salvation as it is not possible that nobody would survive any
shooting involving 27 people, under any remote stretch of the imagination.
Someone would have been found clinging to life, yet no triage existed that
day to ascertain this, and someone mysteriously, not this flakey-acting coroner,
had decreed that all were ‘dead’ on the scene.
This again is not possible. That is not proper code BLUE protocol. You
triage. You air lift. You try to save people. Not at Newtown, where they all
died instantaneously and were declared DEAD by someone other than the
medical examiner that day. By whom? By what authority?
Search YouTube for
“Medical Examiner
FULL Press Conference
- Sandy Hook School
Mass Shooting”
James Tracy has
a brilliant critique of
Carver’s performance
here, where, if ABC/
NCB/CBS are correct in their reporting (that the body was found with only
handguns and the rifle had been left in the car), then what precisely are we
to make of Carver’s contention that they were all shot with the Bushmaster?
What is more likely: that ABC/NBC/CBS, who confirmed their report
with federal and state officials, are wrong about the body having been found
with only handguns in the vicinity? or that Carver— who did not even know
how many of the dead were boys and how many were girls-is wrong about
them all having been shot with the Bushmaster?
Bear in mind, if multiple shooters had been involved, then both reports
could be true, where Adam Lanza’s body was places with hand guns in the
vicinity and other shooters slaughtered the children, if, indeed, any children
were actually murdered at all. There is even a report that Carver himself has
admitted that it was “a hoax”.
The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
More Fraud and Fakery
United Way forgot to check the schedule before they had set up the
fraudulent “fleece America” site to get money from bleeding hearts who
wanted to donate to the HOAX fund to pay these crisis actors. Yep, on
1 1 December this donation site was set up by United Way. That’s mighty
clairvoyant thinking there to be so prepped. And the brochure for telling
families how to talk to their kids just happened to be released that day,
when anyone in the brochure printing business knows that the laying up
of a brochure and the production takes days not just an hour or two. Yet
it was done on December 14th. And there is evidence it was produced on
12 December, two days before the shooting, meaning again that this was a
hoax— and an act of treason.
Google sandy hook united way
We have
photoshopped photos
by FEMA presumably
or the FBI, showing
Robbie Parker’s fake
family all sitting in a
Christmas card scene
that do not make
sense (Chapter 5).
Ironically, the same
dress is worn by the
vicSIM girl-although
some maintain that
she is actually her sister-when being photographed with President Obama,
but we are told that dresses can be used by any child. By the way, all of
them are smiling, possibly because that photo was taken during the DRILL
months before not on the day alleged. This, in turn, raises serious questions
as to whether President Obama himself is complicit.
MM by .«««.• AH, Mum- O.X
Sand y HQffk School Sa wlEad - UnfelWHY 2l Western ...
1 1 Dec 2012 - United Way extends our most sincere comtoences prayers to all
these tardies affected by the devastating events in Newtown Sandy Hook Connecticut
United Way of Norman 1 E
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11 Dec 2012 • The application deadine has been extended ter the United Way 4REAL
program a leadership and volunteer group for high school freshmen This program
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1 1 Dec 2012 - in response to the homfi: acts of woence at Sandy Hook E ementary
School m Newtown Connecticut United Way of Western Connecticut m partnership
Thfa rdeo % no longer nvaHaCle becaus* tht YouTub* account
associated with this video has been temlneJed
Add to the fact that
two weeks before this,
Eric Holder, the U.S.
Attorney General, met
with the Lt. Governor
and Governor of the
State of Connecticut
and during a press
conference held by the
Governor with his Lt.
Governor there, they admit this freely, implicating themselves in this hoax
Dennis Cimino
and lie perpetrated on the American Public on not just this occasion, but
in Tucson and Aurora. What we have is a series of hoaxes staged by the
dept of JUST US here, which were interspersed across various parts of the
Continental U.S. to do two things: (a) grab guns and end the 2nd amendment,
(b) demonize all independent 9/11 investigators and others who would so
decry these as staged events.
A Multiplicity of Hoax Shootings
The evidence bears this out that not only was the government involved,
but by virtue of CNN airing the drill video months before as live video they
too are implicated, as is Anderson Cooper and many others in MSM, including
a british scumball gun grabber named Piers Morgan who demands we disarm.
We have proven these evemts were purposely staged and that no people were
truly harmed or killed in any of these events.
We know that Gabriel Giffords and a Federal Judge were not shot in
Tucson without blood being everywhere, yet not one EMS person on the
scene there had any blood. You can pretty much rest assured that nobody
died in Aurora either, that crisis actors were again used and, per the smirking
FBI agent and perpetrator named James Yacone, behind the Chief of Police,
this too was a deception.
We can prove the long rifle alleged by Wayne ‘fake coroner’ Carver in
Newtown was found in the trunk of a black Honda that evening, and we can
prove that rifle rounds not shotgun shells were ejected onto the pavement
behind that car by someone not in law enforcement, by the manhandling
and grandstanding of the weapon that night on the helicopter video we all
have. We can prove that per their own admission the authorities have now
morphed this weapon into an exotic and odd foreign made shotgun when it
clearly was not.
It’s not relevant any longer whether it was a shotgun, a zip gun, or a
b.b. gun, because the likes of Lt. Paul Vance of the CT. State Police, has
now said that both long guns that were taken to the crime scene had been
locked in a vehicle and
outside of the reach of a
shooter who died the day
before, and could not
have used them because
they were found in the
vehicle long after any
rational person could so
justify this cordoned off
The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
with crime scene tape, search hours and hours later in darkness. That was not
by accident. (Search YouTube for “Connecticut police threaten to prosecute
anyone who challenges Sandy Hook narrative ”)
It was on purpose, filmed from the roof of the school using just enough
flood lighting to make positive identification of the weapon almost impossible
other than it was not a pistol. Regarding the weapons in the car, they could
not have been used by any shooter that day, so they are now excluded forever!
Add to this the incredible threat by the CT State Police to charge and
incarcerate anyone debunking the hoax and a President without tears declaring
our need to give up our 2nd Amendment rights.
CT State Emergency System Hijacked
We can now prove that the entire CT State emergency communications
system was ‘hijacked’ and ‘unplugged’ on December 14th., 2012, per an
elaborate frequency change plan implemented merely 5 hours in advance on
that morning, effectively supplanting and replacing normal police and EMS
with FEMA/DHS ‘shadow’ command center personnel, where it turns out
that they (the perpetrators from FEMA) made one critical mistake that they
hoped nobody would catch. But last night, I caught it.
During the listening to the plethora of radio scanner audio recordings, I
finally had a chance to hear the infamous plate run of the black Plonda. 1 had
for weeks taken for granted that others who heard it would have validated
it as either fakery or reality but nobody caught the fact it is in it’s entirely,
Police and Dispatch, nation wide, use a very time honored ALPF1A
PFIONETIC System to enunciate alpha numeric data between the officers and
the dispatchers. It is different from what military use, and it is so ingrained and
dyed into the wool of real law enforcement and dispatchers for a good reason.
Any error can cost not only the officer his life, but potentially cost others
their lives either by sending people to the wrong address or by implicating
the wrong person in a crime, or missing a criminal during a CODE TEN run
on the person through the system.
During the course of the running of the black Plonda, this ALPF1A
PFIONETIC police and dispatch protocol was totally out the window and not
used at all. I listened to that audio last night in utter disbelief. Between the
alleged officers running the plate through dispatch, and the dispatcher herself,
the data was read to and fro like any normal citizen would read data on a
radio. They did not use the ALPHA PHONETIC protocol that is ingrained in
Dennis Cimino
both the officer and the
dispatcher. While other
questions have been
raised about these
communications, this
one is decisive:
Search YouTube for
“Sandy Hook Police
Audio Timeline ‘Actual
Scanner Recording
Suppose for the record that had the officer deviated and read data to
dispatch improperly, the dispatcher would have read it back with PROPER
PHONETIC enunciation to the officer under any and all circumstances, not
as a correction of the officer but to make it clear that to all on the circuit who
are listening that they pay attention to the data readback, as many backup
units in the vicinity may need that data to properly B.O.L.O. find a car they
need to intercept. (B.O.L.O. is “Be On Look Out’, by the way.) So on 14
December 2012, we know that 5 hours earlier, a comprehensive frequency
change plan for emergency communications in Connecticut, State Wide, was
implemented. It wasn’t just a coincidence.
As it would now appear, a ‘shadow’ dispatch center went into operation
on December 14th., presumably run entirely by FEMA and DHS or Mossad
possibly, because they used non trained, non familiar with the ALPHA
PHONETIC protocols police use, to do radio transmissions that day, which
now clearly must have all been staged for us like the rest of this hoax was.
This is a strong allegation to make, but I make it now based on the way
this information was transferred by clearly non law enforcement personnel,
intentionally in a way that was interceptable and recorded by someone, if not
wholly fed to us via calibrated feed or leak by the perpetrators of the hoax.
It is pretty clear that the entire emergency radio apparatus of C onnecticut
was unplugged altogether on December 14th., with possibly a back channel
to allow non-hoax or non-drill emergency information to be handled by real
law enforcers and real dispatchers. As is now certified by this analysis, clearly
there is evidence of circumvention just as NEADS was circumvented and
not allowed to have live radar feeds from radar facilities on 9/11, but had
data that was 26 seconds OLD, for good reason: that being to cull out and
remove real targets that the perpetrators needed never to be intercepted, while
loading the system up with pre recorded exercise radar tracks and artificial
targets to confuse not just military but CIVILIAN ATC personnel on 9/11.
The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
So back to this hoax in Newtown CT, for example, when a police officer
calls in ‘AB C D’ to dispatch, he or she phonetically enunciates it as; “ADAM
BAKER CHARLES DAVID” over the radio, and the dispatcher will read
back the same PHONETIC information for clarification. On December 14th.,
the plate data was not read to and from dispatch like this at all. The way the
officer and dispatcher read this data was; ‘A B C D’ AYE BEE CEE DEE’
and that is clearly not correct and never ever done because it is too easy to
mistakenly misunderstand transmissions coded thusly.
This is now a record, not conjecture, not speculation, but stuff everyone
has in their possession that was disseminated and not challenged by Lt.
Vance of the CT State Police or other law enforcers now for several weeks,
had it been not their transmissions. Why is this such an important issue?
Dispatchers and Law Enforcement personnel are trained and trained and
trained and trained. Even in high stress environments which they train
in simulations, by the way, they are ingrained to not deviate from these
So it is important to point out here that the people on the radio in
Connecticut that day clearly were not law enforcement or dispatcher
personnel. They could not have been. They so grossly deviated in the data
reads over the radio that no law enforcer or dispatcher would so deviate like
that. Absolutely never. Much of these recordings clearly are indicative of
non law enforcement personnel on radios. Persons without intensive training
as to how to report information to dispatchers and other officers. Other parties
familiar with the normal POLICE alpha phonetic system also concur with my
evaluation that these are not police nor are they trained dispatch personnel
on these recordings.
FEMA or DHS Personnel in Charge
They are FEMA personnel most likely or DHS personnel, or maybe even
Mossad agents, given the dynamic of how much control they have here in
the U.S., in direct collusion with this government. They provide intelligence
to the acting director of DHS, Janet Napoletano, and they are integral to
most of the fusion centers in the U.S., effectively legitimizing a foreign
secret police force on U.S. soil who’s sole purpose is to spy on and harass
American Citizens, who, for many reasons, do not like what is going on in
this hijacked by Israeli spies, nation. The 33 frequency change modification
to the communications plan for Connecticut that went into effect 5 hours
before the staged hoax went down, happened for a reason.
lt entirely circumvented all normal radio and police functions in
Connecticut on this day. The screen shots of these 33 frequency changes,
Dennis Cimino
k RadioReference.catTi
which were made just hours before the event, and of the ‘dummy’ non-named
frequency allocation to one “phantom” that would not normally be blanked
out like this in any normal frequency allocation chart, are published here.
To whom does it belong? DHS? FEMA? FBI? This is the de-facto
smoking gnn that virtually all scanner radio traffic heard on police scanners
or whomever provided these to us, are STAGED. And here is a scan of the
Connecticut Statewide Emergency Radio Network at the time:
The Nexus of Tyranny: Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
Him Omrnmtm m C* » w— 9 Su i m *<*-»•
Connecticut Statewide Emergency Radio Network (CSERN)
For comparison, here’s a parallel scan for the Fairview County Simulcast,
which under normal conditions it would resemble:
Plus there was an addition that day of one more communications site
for which the data is mysteriously absence altogether, please see next page.
It would not be unreasonable to conclude that Site 1-22 was the DHS
or FEMA master control site, which was monitoring every communication
related to Sandy Hook that day and make sure that no information that would
blow its cover got out.
Dennis Cimino
k RadioReference.com
System Site Location Data Raport for: Connecticut Statewide Em#f gency Radio Network (CSERN) System
. ..n U#lp . -rs
crrm^ nASTtii QhumI
n ■lie ~
A Series of Escalating-in-Violence Staged Events
We now have more proof that virtually all of this was a staged, canned,
very treasonous hoax run by the highest levels of Connecticut State Police,
FEMA and DHS who had oversight over all of this on 14 December 2012.
Now these sweeping frequency allocations changes make perfect sense. Not
unlike on September 11th, where all of the ATC to AA-11 radio broadcasts
were found to be fraudulent, scripted and non-reality. This was no different.
And now we have one more proof positive that this was a huge massive
deception perpetrated on everyone on December 14th, just like Sept 11th
was, and Tucson was, and Aurora was, and perhaps even the Sikh Temple
shooting in Wisconsin and the Clackamas Mall shooting were. Probably all
run by this corrupt illegitimacy known as the Federal Government and their
eager for the money (as Project Longevity bribe recipients).
Search YouTube
for “Parents and children
smiling and waiting to be
interviewed about Sandy
Hook mass school shooting”
Something is desperately
wrong when so many
Americans cannot distinguish
between reality and crisis actor fantasies.
Now is the time for every single American to come to grip with the hard
reality, which is that our Federal Government has become an internal enemy,
which has been hijacked by powerful interests who will cover up any degree
of mass murder, treason, and looting that is committed here, especially by
Zionists who are promoting the interests of Israel and not those of the United
States. Each and every one of us has a choice, which is simple: RESIST!
Anologies with the London 7/7 Subway Bombings
Thus Article Chapter 13 Epilog: by Dennis Cimino from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
That's an article Chapter 13 Epilog: by Dennis Cimino from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article Chapter 13 Epilog: by Dennis Cimino from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook with the link address https://polennews.blogspot.com/2017/12/chapter-13-epilog-by-dennis-cimino-from.html
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